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Republic of the Philippines


Clarin Campus
Poblacion Norte, Clarin, Bohol

MHE 13

Compiled by:

Part time Instructor



1. Identify the client’s requirements

2. Build credibility with customers/ clients
3. Write a sample written communication

Lesson 1

Maintain a Professional Image

The name says it all really” beauty industry”. Beauty therapist are in the profession of helping people look
good and feel great. We work in in the industry where people genuinely WILL judge the book by its cover.
If you do not look your best for work or college every day you will NOT sell your professional image to the
best of your abilities. Also there are other reasons why the therapist should look her best; not just for
presentation purposes but for hygiene and safety reasons. Here are some hints and tips on how you can
achieve excellent personal appearance whether it be in a salon or spa or for a job interview for a salon or

Clothing/ Uniform

-phone the salon before your interview to ask if they will be expecting you to perform a trade test and if
so would they prefer you to attend the appointment wearing salon uniform

In salon

- Most, if not all, salon and spas provide a uniform for you to wear whilst working. You will be
responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and appearance of that garment.


- Your uniform will represent the salon or spa you are working in so it is of the utmost importance
that you keep it sparkling clean.


- Beware of the perils of using too hot an iron on synthetic fabrics, which many uniforms are made


- Always keep your salon shoes JUST for salon use. Never use them outside of the salon; keep a
spare pair of outdoor shoes in your bag at work. Often your clients are face down on the treatment
couch peering through the head hole and the first thing they will see is a scuffed and muddy pair
of shoes on their therapist’s feet: NOT a good impression to make. For hygiene reasons within a
salon it is imperative that salon shoes are spotlessly clean.


- Traditionally, office dress code has been quite formal. In recent years, however, business casual
attire has become increasingly popular. Regardless of the dress code, it is important to be clean-
cut and dressed appropriately. A myriad of situations may present themselves in the office when
it is important to make a good impression.

Body Language

- While body language may not immediately come to mind when thinking about one’s professional
appearance, it can be increasingly important. Eye contact shows interest, a firm handshake
conveys confidence, and nothing indicates boredom or disinterest like slouching in a chair.

In the office, both casual and professional conversations take place throughout the day and employees
should know how to behave accordingly. While colleagues may become friends, the office is not the place
to have prolonged social conversations. In a interview, speaking professionally is obviously important. This
is not the time to use slang words or be far too conversational. Refrain from discussing personal problems
or issues. If they are inadvertently discussed, steer the conversation in a more positive direction. Also,
avoid those” ums” and “ah’s”, as they are dead giveaways for confusion or doubt.

Writing is required in almost every profession. From an IT executive writing an email to a journalist writing
a headlining article, everyone must be able to write in a professional manner. Poor spelling and grammar
is perhaps, one of the biggest mistakes people can make. Be sure to keep the content of all emails in the
workplace professional to avoid any embarrassing situations. Everything people do, say and wear is part
of their personal brand and contributes to one’s professional image. Superior job performance will greatly
contribute to how one is viewed in the workplace, however appositive attitude and a polished appearance
can also make a lasting impression.

Importance of Personal Grooming Relation between personal appearance and image projection
- It is the process of making yourself looks neat and attractive. The things which you do to make
yourself and your appearance tidy and pleasant.


• Appearance clothes and manners do not make the man; but, when he is made, they greatly
improve his appearance
• Your professionalism, intelligence and trust people from in you is mainly due to your
Perceptions People form
Some of the perceptions people can form solely from your appearance are:

• Your professionalism
• Your level of sophistication
• Your intelligence
• Your credibility

Personal Grooming Habits

• Grooming involves all the aspects of your body:

• Overall cleanliness in hair
• Nails
• Teeth
• Uniform/attire
• Make- up
• Hair as your crowning glory
• Keep it at length and style at which you can maintain it.

Hair styles- Males

• Not fall over the ears, eyebrows or even touch the back of the collar
• Facial hair should be neat
• Trimmed mustache, sideburn beards are not recommended

Hairstyles- Females

• Tie your hair in a neat hairstyle with hair pulled back from face.
• Hair if longer than jaw line should be tied into a bun.
• Should be well groomed with a neat appearance at all times
• Hair holding devices should be plain and of natural colors


• Clip nails short, along their shape

• A healthy body ensures healthy nails
• Brittle or discolored nails show up deficiencies or disease conditions.


• Brush teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal.
• Remember to rinse your mouth after every meal
• For those who smoke, it is important to rinse your mouth after every smoke and use mouth


• Your uniform talks a lot about your organization

• First impressions are made within the first 5 minutes of meeting someone.
• A neat, clean and well ironed uniform is acceptable and appreciated by one and all at all times.

Make up Women

• It should be natural looking.

• Nail polish and lip color should not be too trendy or bright.
• Mild fragrance
• Women: stay away from extremely dark, bright reds and fluorescent colors
• Hair color should not be more than one or two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair
color. Unnatural colors must be avoided.


• Men should limit accessories/ jewelry up to 3 pieces

• A watch should be worn
• Avoid bulky bracelets, necklaces and visible piercing
• Jewelry should be keep minimal and conservative
• Remove all facial piercing except earrings
• The 5 Piece Rule: wear only 5 accessories- earrings count as 2; watch counts as 3, allowing 1
ring, 1 handkerchief



• Choose black, brown or burgundy shoes. Shoe color should match your trousers or be of a
darker color.
• Shoes should be in good condition and polished.
• Socks should match the color of your uniform and should be washed daily.

• Do not wear shoes with open toes, open heel, or ankle straps
• Shoes should be of good quality and condition
• Shoe color should be matched with your uniform
• Heels should be 1-2 inches

Whatever career path you may choose in the beauty industry, you’ll get closer to your goals (and a lot
quicker) if you develop a personal brand and care for it regularly by using your online presence.


Customer Expectations+ Service Performance= Customer Satisfaction

The quality of your customer service is almost wholly determined by your ability to meet your customer
expectations. You can have the greatest service team, but if your customers perceived their needs are
not being met, your service reputation suffers. Service quality is largely determined by customer’s
perception, which is why meeting customer expectation is an essential part of the process


If you want to build trust and credibility with your customers and hold on to them for life, follow tips:

1. Avoid selling a solution that isn’t in the customer’s best interest.

2. Never misinterpret the features, advantages and benefits of a product or service.
3. Do not promise anything you cannot deliver.
4. Accepting or offering bribes or gifts are always unethical.
5. Keep pricing consistent to all departments within the same company.
6. When problems develop after the sale, don’t make excuses and don’t place blame; fix the problem.
7. Do not withhold bad news.
8. If and when you must speak of the competition, be respectful at all times.
9. Always honor the relationships that other sales professionals on your team have with their accounts.
10. Keep promises.

Progress Check
1. Explain the maintain of professional image.
2. Discuss the meet client/ customer requirements.
3. How can you build credibility with customers/clients?
4. How do authenticity and credibility influence the positive outcomes of impression management
5. What are the steps individuals should take to manage their professional image?
6. What is the difference between “desired professional image” and perceived professional image”?
7. How do stereotypes affect perceived professional image?
Write a sample written communication to one of your valued customers in salon regarding on the
updated salon’s limited offer products and services.

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