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Grade 9
First Quarter

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________________

Section: ___________________________________________ Score: __________________________
Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is the ability of your heart to pump effectively to meet the metabolic demands during
A. Health Composition C. Flexibility
B. Cardiovascular Fitness D. Muscular Strength
2. Which of the following is NOT a component of physical fitness?
A. Flexibility C. Body Mass Index
B. Muscular Strength D. Cardiovascular Endurance
3. What is the difference between health and skill related components of fitness?
A. Health related has something to do with muscles.
B. Skill related is only to do with sport.
C. Health related is to do with movement and skill related is sport.
D. Health related is the efficiency of the body and skills related is the performance in physical
activities relating to skills.
4. Which of the following terms describe the ability of the muscle to produce an amount of force in a single
A. Muscular Strength C. Balance
B. Muscular Endurance D. Flexibility
5. Which activity would be considered a muscular endurance activity?
A. Curl-Ups B. Push-Ups C. Stick Drop Test D. Standing Long Jump
6. Which of the following is the comparative body fat percentage?
A. Speed C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Body Composition
7. Which one refers to the range of movements of the joints?
A. Balance B. Speed C. Power D. Flexibility
8. Which is the best way to describe power?
A. It is the ability to transfer a certain amount of force at a rapid pace.
B. It is the ability of a person to respond quickly to stimulus.
C. It is the ability of the body to shift direction from one place to another.
D. All of the above
9. Which of the following is the capacity of the body to maintain upright posture even when moving?
A. Body Composition C. Flexibility
B. Muscular Endurance D. Balance
10. Standing Long Jump: _____________Balance: Timer.
A. Crumpled B. Tape Measure C. Armchair D. Flat surface
11. Reaction Time: Stick Drop Test: Coordination: _____________.
A. Paper Juggling C. Stick Drop Test
B. Standing Long Jump D. Hexagon Agility Test
12. Which of the following is the capacity of the muscle group to sustain a prolonged muscle contraction?
A. Muscular Strength C. Muscular Endurance
B. Flexibility D. Body Composition
13. Which one refers to the body parts are harmoniously working together to successfully execute a movement?
A. Speed B. Balance C. Reaction Time D. Coordination
14. Which of the following is the capacity of the body to maintain upright posture even when moving?
A. Reaction Time B. Coordination C. Balance D. Flexibility
15. Muscular Endurance: _______________: Muscular Strength: Push-Up
A. Curl-Up B. Sit and Reach C. Hexagon Agility Test D. Three-Minute- Step Test
16. Stick Drop Test: Armchair: Hexagon Agility Test: ____________.
A. Marker Cones B. Crumpled Paper C. Timer D. Masking Tape

17. Which of the following is the ability of the body to shift direction from one place to another?
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A. Speed B. Power C. Agility D. Flexibility
18. Which one refers to the capacity of the body to move from one point to another following a straight line?
A. Power B. Speed C. Flexibility D. Agility
19. Which one is NOT benefits of physical fitness?
A. Develops a Healthy Mind C. Physical Fitness
B. Manages Stress D. Prevents Lifestyle Diseases
20. Which statement supports the word physical education?
A. It is related to how well the systems of the body work while skill-related fitness forms the foundation
toward athletic performance.
B. Being physically fit is one of the most important factors to enjoy life.
C. It is an integral part of the general education designed to promote the desired level of fitness
through participation in well selected activities.
D. All of the above
21. What do you call a measurement of energy you get from food?
A. Calorie Balance C. Overweight
B. Calorie D. Obesity
22. Which of the following is defined abnormal defined abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may
impair health?
A. Calorie C. Caloric Balance
B. Overweight D. None of these
23. All of the following are Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs EXCEPT ___________.
A. Self- fulfilment Needs C. Basic Needs
B. Psychological Needs D. Physical Needs
24. Safety Needs: Security: Esteem Needs: ___________.
A. Prestige B. Food C. Friends D. Water
25. Belongingness: ___________: Self-actualisation: Achieving one’s full potential.
A. Safety B. Security C. Food D. Friends
26. How many glasses of water do we need to drink in a day?
A. 5-6 B. 6-8 C. 8-9 D. 9-10
27. Which of the following is NOT modifiable?
A. Gender B. Stress C. Smoking D. Alcohol Intake
28. What is the meaning of desport?
A. Contest B. Dance C. Leisure D. Sport
29. Who invented the volley ball game?
A. William G. Morgan C. Aiden Marc
B. James Naismith D. Douglas Harper
30. What is the main objective of playing sports?
A. to improve self-confidence C. to improve physical skills and ability
B. to build self-esteem D. to enjoy and have fun
31. What was the first name of volley ball?
A. Poona B. Sipa c. Pingpong D. Mintonette
32. What is the circumference of the volley ball?
A. 64-66 cm B. 65-67 cm C. 66-68 cm D. 67-69 cm
33. How many players are there in each team in the actual game?
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9
34. What is the height of the volley ball net for men?
A. 2.40 m B. 2.41 m C. 2.42 m D. 2.43 m
35. What is the weight of the ball?
A. 260-280 g B. 261-280 g C. 262-280 g D. 263-280 g
36. What is the height of the volley ball net for women?
A. 2.22 m B. 2.23m C. 2.24 m D. 2.25 m
37. What is the shape of the volley ball court?
A. Triangle B. Rectangle C. Square D. Circle
38. What is the circumference of the ball?
A. 63-67 cm B. 64-67cm C. 65-67 cm D. 66-68 cm
39. Which of the following is also known as front zone?
A. Service Zone B. Back Zone C. Center Line D. Attack Line
40. What is the player who specializes in defense called?
A. Libero B. Freestyle C. Blocker D. Spiker
41. How many sets are in a volleyball game?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
42. In which way do the teams rotate?
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A. Clockwise C. They do not rotate
B. Counter-Clockwise D. A & B
43. What are the names of the two volleyball referees?
A. Forward Referee and Back Referee C. Serve Referee and Volley Referee
B. Up Referee and Down Referee D. None of these
44. How many seconds does a timeout last?
A. 30 B. 45 C. 50 D. 60
45. Which of the following is considered as the easiest kind of service?
A. Overhead Serve C. Underhand Serve
B. Overhand Serve D. None of these
46. Which of the following is also known as reception?
A. Pass B. Serve C. Dig D. Block
47. What do you call a defensive action wherein players bend their knees with weight in front, enabling them to
extend in retrieving the ball?
A. Block B. Attack C. Set D. Dig
48. Which of the following is also known as spike?
A. Set B. Block C. Attack D. Pass
49. Four hits: A team hits the ball four times before returning it: Catch: ________________.
A. A player hits the ball twice in succession or the ball contacts various parts of his/her body in
B. A player takes support from a team-mate or any structure/object in order to hit the ball within the
playing area.
C. The ball is caught and/or thrown; it does not rebound from the hit.
D. All of the above
50. Which of the following is a technique of stopping the opponents attack or strike?
A. Serve B. Set C. Dig D. Block

“Be strong and courageous. Do not

be afraid or terrified because of them,
for the LORD your God goes with you;
he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher

Checked by:

JHS Head Teacher

Approved by:



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“Be strong and courageous. Do not
be afraid or terrified because of them,
for the LORD your God goes with you;
he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Prepared by:


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Subject Teacher

Checked by:

JHS Head Teacher

Approved by:



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