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Countable and Uncountable

1- Sort these foods into groups for countable and uncountable.

apples bananas sweet corn chicken orange cherry milk

wine egg tomato honey beer mushroom peach

mushroom beef cabbage steak cheese butter plum

Countable Uncountable
apple sweet corn

2- When you talk about countable foods you use:

a/an for singular some/a number for plural
e.g. Do you have an apple? Can I have six eggs?
Ask for some of these foods:
Can I have ________ egg? Do you have _____ orange?
Do you have ______ tomatoes? Can I have _______ plums?
Can I have ______ mushrooms? Do you have _____ steak?

3- When you talk about uncountable foods you use ‘some’ or a quantity.
e.g. Can I have a tin of sweet corn? or Do you have some honey?
Match these foods to their quantities:
milk tin
beer slice
butter jar
cheese bottle
sweet corn pint
honey knob

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