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VI. Pre-Test: Answer the following questions below

1. Why did Rizal leave his family and friends for the second time?

2. What impressions
Jose Rizal did Rizal
was forced havethe
to leave of Japan?
country for the second time, due to that he was
pursued by powerful opponents such as the friars. He was 27 years old, a practicing
physician, and a recognized man of letters. Rizal leave the country purposely for his
own safety and the safety of his family and friends, he left the country.

2. What impressions did Rizal have of Japan?

The things which favorably impressed Rizal in Japan were:

The scenic beauty of the country;
The cleanliness, politeness, and industry of the people;
The picturesque dress and simple charm of the Japanese women;
The existence of few thieves in Japan; and
The beggars rarely had seen the streets of the city.

Activity 1.
Could Rizal become a hero if he changed his nationality? Why or Why not?
(Provide your answer on the box below)

Partly no and partly yes. If Rizal changed his nationality to an American, well he
doesn’t deserve to be the Filipino hero because to become a hero in one place you
should be a patriot in your country. I said yes because Rizal could be the hero in
other country due to its possessing intellectual brilliance that could bring honor to
the country.

VIII. Self-Evaluation: Provide your answer on the table below

1. Give the real reason/purpose why Jose Rizal wanted to settle in Borneo.
Rizal wanted to settle in Borneo, aside from Borneo would be an admirable location
from which to pursue the progress of education which believed the Philippines
needed most. Dr. Rizal conceived the establishment of a Filipino colony in Borneo.
He planned to move the landless Filipino families in that virgin wilderness and call
it "New Calamba." Rizal wanted to establish a Filipino community under the free
British flag.

2. Tell if changing one’s citizenship can be considered a betrayal to one’s nationalism. Justify your

It is not considered betrayal from a purely neutral standpoint. People generally want
to move in order to improve their living standards, and to be honest, the vast
majority of people want to do so. There is nothing wrong with migrating in order to
pursue better working opportunities than your home country can provide. There's no
shame in seeking to flee a country where people have little to no human rights and
basic services are lacking. I do believe why settle for the country you cannot find the
real happiness and that happiness includes to other country. Maybe we should be
practical in the situation like this, like for example the graduates choose to work
abroad with the reason of higher salary and have the family to be feed and it’s not
betrayal it called “sacrifice”.

3. Tell if Governor General Despujol was a friend or a traitor to Jose Rizal

Well, at first General Despujol is a friend to Rizal, due to its characteristics by supporting
Rizal in his travel. But I cannot tell also if his a traitor or the General itself is playing safe
to protect his position to the Spaniards. The General refused to answer the letter sent by
Rizal asking his permission to allow the landless Filipinos to establish a colony in Sabah.
Despujol had probably played safe by not entering into an agreement involving him, nor
to give publicity to the aspirations of the would-be-settlers as well as their intention to
renounce their nationality. The consul whom Despujol coursed his reply, informed that the
Governor-General had received his letter but he considered the Sabah project anti-
patriotic as the Philippines was short of labor to cultivate its lands, and that he did not
favor the establishment of Filipino community in Sabah. To conclude, the General
position in Rizal’s life is in the middle.
X. Post-Test:  With your knowledge in this chapter, answer the following questions

1. Create an essay based on this situation. “If you were in the shoes of Rizal which would you prefer your
happiness to your intimate love to sweetheart or to your countrymen sufferings from the maltreatment of
the colonizers?”

“A Desire”

Many people think of life as a pyramid, with those at the bottom helping those higher up. They
enviously look up to those at the top, thinking that being served brings pleasure and satisfaction. As a
result, they aspire. They are fervently seeking the summit of the world's fictitious pyramid. They yearn
desperately for the money, glory, or power that will elevate them in the eyes of the world. Unfortunately,
they also don't know their ambitions are misguided until they've already given up a plethora of good gifts
and simple pleasures.

As a woman who desire to be the happiest in the world, to find a true love and spent my whole
life with. But if my faith takes me in different path that involves to sacrifice my happiness for the sake of
others I will definitely accept the challenge. I was raise with a family that I should not put aside my
happiness for others, but I choose the different path, I discarded the happiness I’m feeling for my family.
Personally, I’ve made a decision few years ago between my family and boyfriend. My parents don’t like
the idea of me being in a relationship since I’m still young and studying. So, I have to choose between
them. I choose my parents verbally but I did not break up with my boyfriend. After a few months they
found out, I witness how my mother broke down in front of me and I cannot contain the pain she’s
feeling. I did not hesitate to break up with my boyfriend for the sake of the relationship towards my
family. It pained me so much at first but the pain is worth it seeing my mother smile genuinely at me, at
that moment I realize I made a decision that brought a smile to others. I know it’s not an ideal experience
like Rizal, but I’m proud to share about my experience being a daughter it’s my duty to honor my parents.
Meanwhile, I made up my mind, I am willing to give up my happiness for my family and to others.

Eventually, after that experience I find out another habit that could fulfill the empty feeling I
have, which is by helping other people. We find great freedom when we support others rather than
pursuing our own benefit. Service to others leads to freedom. We have the potential to reject modern
culture's promotion and authority games. We have less tension, anxiety, and anger in our lives. We begin
to feel more full, fulfilled, and alive.

I believe we could not find happiness in one person, we find happiness in helping people who
will benefited of the sacrificed that brought a satisfaction and bring back the smile they deserve.

2. Who was O-Sei-SAn? What made attracted to her? How did rizal come to know her? What made
O-Sei-San fall in love with Rizal?


Rizal noticed a pretty Japanese girl walking past the legion gate in Tokyo a few days after he had
moved to the Azabu district in 1888. The lady's regal air and charm drew him in, and he set out to find a
way to meet her. Seiko Usui was the girl's name. She shared an apartment with her parents and enjoyed
afternoon walks near the legation. One afternoon, Rizal waited by the gate and introduced himself. Rizal
and O-Sei-San, as he affectionately referred to her, met almost every day. They toured in the sights of the
beautiful city, took in the scenery, and paid a visit to the picturesque shrines. Rizal was a lonely young
physician at the time, disillusioned by his broken relationship with Leonor Rivera and burdened by his
country's dashed expectations for justice. O-Sei-San provided him with the exquisite escape he craved,
and he recognized qualities in her that he desired in a woman. Her first love was him. Rizal was almost
tempted to settle down in Japan because of his intense love for her. At that time, he was also offered a
good position at the Spanish Legation, which he accepted. Rizal, on the other hand, had his eyes set on
something else. He made the decision to leave Japan and forget about his romance, which had caused him
much pain, as shown by a diary entry. His 45-day stay in Japan was one of the most enjoyable times of
his life.

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