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English Exam (S4)

Student: GRINE Mohamed Group: LAMC

Topic one:

In hydrocarbons worker and studying system there is many specialties and majors one of them
like transport, geology and mechanic which are my specialties, so what’s differences between them.
First, mechanical engineer work with different hydraulic machines and their survey and fix them, but
in the other side, the transport one use pipes and pressure machines, often the geologist don’t use
any heavy machines they calculate and search for petrol and gas and verify the safety of
constructions. In the end we have to know that all the specialties have the same important and the
complete each other in the work field.

Topic tow:

The transition from high school to college is striking. Collage life differs in many ways. So now
that i transitioned into collage, I have new responsibilities, and duties. University is a community of
people, academics, administrators and students, dedicated to learning. As one of its students i must
behave in a appropriate manner. I should be self-motivated and self-directed in the management of
my learning. Be attentive and orderly in class and considerate in my behavior towards all other
members of the teaching community. I must fulfil the academic requirements of my program of
study, including preparation for classes and seminars, the submission of work by published deadlines,
and attendance at examinations. I ought to familiarize myself with published information that will
allow the selection, by due deadlines, of the appropriate paths of academic study. I also must attend
all my timetabled classes, such as lectures, seminars, workshops and practical lab. I have to attend all
my exams and register for every class i attend. As well taking good care of school property. Adding to
this, as we are in a pandemic because of covid-19, i must take a good care of my health and be
considerate of other's health by wearing masks, avoiding crowded places and washing my hands
regularly. I know that university is an amazing time in my life, where i try the new and have many
exciting experiences and personal growth, but it gets to be difficult for me sometimes having many
challenges that i must fight. I may have difficult classes, more homework, and i am now responsible
for managing my own time. I sometimes feel anxious, overwhelmed and it effects my mental health.
One of it’s hard challenges is feeling homesick. Even tho i'm meeting lots of new people and trying
new things, it's easy to miss my family and friends and my hometown. Also, one of it's difficulties is
having to deal with Stanger roommates, time management and effective studying. Even though, as a
student i shall work hard to fulfil my duties, and face every potential challenge i come across to have
a great collage life and to finish my studies with great memories.

Topic three:

As a student who's studying to work in the near future, i shall train to benefit from it when time
to get a job becomes real. Training presents a prime opportunity to expand the knowledge base of all
employees. It provides a real-time experience to fresher to understand the structure and work
conditions of an organization. Students who train have the added advantage of constant mentoring
and guidance from experienced employees. Also, the trainees get to understand the pressure and
feel the adrenaline while working, by experiencing many new stuff. In addition to learning practical
procedures and skills for their role, students may also learn general workplace standards in their first
position. This includes professional norms like dress code, company hierarchy, productivity
expectations, industry jargon and professional relationships with coworkers.

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