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Eloisa Katrina Alagano (G12-ABM KOTLER)


October 20,2021( Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person)

Performance Task # 1

Your answer

1. Define Philosophy. Explain what is unique

about philosophical thought. *

Philosophy is the fundamental nature of

knowledge and existence, and what makes its
important is that you can explain your rational
thoughts about different facts that exist.
2. Do you think philosophy is important in
the age of globalization? Why or Why not? *

Philosophy is the most important in age of

globalization. Since it is a set of ideas about how
to do something or how to live, all people have
their own philosophy. In the age of
globalization,the development of an increasingly
integrated global economy markes especially by
free trade,free flow of capital , and the tapping of
cheaper foreign labor markets are in the hands of
good philosophers or thinker. We are born
philosophers and our ideas will help in out
individual development and much greater
development of the world.

3. As a student, how can you live a life of

abundance? Give examples. *

Balance is the key to all aspects in life. This

applies to being a student as well. 1). Have a
social life. 2). All time to study and minimize
cramming:Give yourself time to learn and
internalize your lessons and learn it slowly. Think
of studying as eating. If you eat too much at once
, you will have a stomach ache. 3). Exercise and
keep your body healthy: health is wealth. Keep
your body in good shape so that you can will have
fun as a student.
4. What is your views about what is "right" or
"wrong". *

Right is something we do goods while wrong is

something we do bad. As an experience I make
other people smile by my jokes and well that’s
goods but I didn’t know that inside of them they’ve
got offended already and that is bad.

5. How do you define "happiness"? Do you

support the view of Socrates; " To become
happy, a person must live a virtuous life?
Explain. *

Yes, I believe in socrates, happiness is a kindness

that came from the bottom of your heart and it
expresses a deep meaning of being happy
because you give and help other people by simply
helping them in a way you can do it and makes
you happy both feeling.

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