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F. Convertino et al.

Building and Environment 177 (2020) 106875

Fig. 12. LWIR radiative energy balance at the external surface of the BW and of the CW in summer daytime (a), summer night-time (b), autumn daytime (c), autumn
night-time (d), winter daytime (e) and winter night-time (f).

the worst agreement with the measured data, respectively (Figs. 5, 7 and If looking at the BW surface, its LWIR radiative energy balance was
9). The energy emitted by BW surface was generally higher than the always negative, i.e. it lost LWIR energy. The energy losses increased
absorbed one (Figs. 5(a), 7(a) and 9(a)). Unlike BW surface, at daytime during night-time.
the absorbed energy was higher than the emitted one for the CW surface. The CW surface showed a different behaviour. During daytime, the
This behaviour was recorded in the three periods (Figs. 6, 8 and 10). At energy balance was positive in summer, in autumn and in winter, i.e. it
night-time, the difference between the emitted and the absorbed energy gained energy. During night-time, the CW lost energy, but less than the
increased from summer to winter for the CW surface (Figs. 6, 8 and 10). BW. To summarize, the daily mean values of the energy balance for the
The emitted energy for the external surface of the BW was slightly higher BW and CW in the three seasons were calculated. In summer, the BW lost
than for the GL in the three periods (Figs. 5, 7 and 9), due to the higher daily 1.5 MJm 2, while the CW losses were close to 0.0 MJm 2. In
temperature. autumn, the BW lost 1.6 MJm 2, while the CW gained 0.3 MJm 2. In
Focusing on the energy performance of the BW and of the CW, the winter, the BW lost daily 2.8 MJm 2, while the CW lost 0.6 MJm 2, thus
LWIR radiative energy balance at the external surface of the two walls the CW had a reduction of the losses of 79% compared to the BW. These
was evaluated. findings concern the LWIR radiative energy balance on the wall surface
The balance was calculated as absorbed flux minus emitted flux by and do not include other heat transfer mechanisms, as solar radiation, or
Eq. (7). The balance is plotted in Fig. 11(a) for summer period, in Fig. 11 energy balance at the building scale. However, this is remarkable in the
(b) for autumn period and in Fig. 11(c) for winter period. The amplitude evaluation of the energy performance of GFs realized with evergreen
of the curve oscillations, in the case of the CW, resulted to be less than in species, during the less warm periods of the year. It emerges that the GL
the BW. acts as a thermal barrier, reducing thermal losses and night-time cooling
The CW surface gained less energy than the BW, in the morning of of the wall by LWIR radiation, thus, providing benefits in the cold
the summer days (Fig. 11(a)). The CW surface gained and lost energy in season.
the three seasons (Fig. 11), while the BW surface always lost energy in The different energy behaviour of the BW and the CW was also
winter Fig. 11(c). recorded by the surface temperatures (Fig. 2). The average of the
It is useful to compare the energetic behaviour of the two walls in the measured temperatures calculated over summer, autumn and winter
three analysed periods, both daytime and night-time (Fig. 12). Night- showed differences. During daytime, the BW was 2.6 � C, 4.0 � C and
time was set when solar radiation was equal to 0.0 Wm-2. 3.0 � C warmer than the CW, in summer, in autumn and in winter,


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