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Pritha Das

ID: 20150118010

1. Summary

Flipkart pvt Ltd is an Indian electronic commerce company based in Begalure, India. When the
Flipkart pvt Ltd enhances their company, they face a huge logistical challenge. So they develop
an online logistics application. They take help from Fiberlink MaaS360 mobile data management
in order to taking and managing the flow of information. By using MaaS360’s MDM solution the
company can centralized all the devices. This centralization also helps Flipkaet to save time and
cost. From the benefits of MDM technology Filpkart become a successful electronic commerce

2. Introduction

Flipkart is one of the successful electronic commerce company which was established in 2007, in
india. The company initially focuses on book sales before expanding into other product
categories. Flipkart was founded by sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal. Flipkart made a several
acquiations related to digital distribution. The company also takes help from Fiber link MaaS360
mobile data management in order to taking and managing the flow of information.

3. Problem Identification

When Flipkart enhances their company they face a huge logistical challenge. Their challenge
was delivered their product in time without fail. It was very difficult for them because they needs
information where to deliver, what time for delivering. There has huge customer and it was a
huge challenge for providing product to customer. Flipkart also have many competitors. When
they deliver their product they have to know the accurate address of the customer. If address
become wrong then they loss their reputation and also loss their product. It’s an online business
so that they can’t do their business on offline.
4. Problem Solution

Flipkart need collect correct information for providing their product to the customers So that they
can provide their product to the expected customer and in time. They need run their business not
only online but also offline. They need to open showroom so that they can sel product offline. By
opening showroom people become aware about Flipkart’s product. They need to collect correct
information. They need to provide special facilities to the customer so that they can reduce
competitors. By using mobile data management they can get correct information and right

5. Marketing Implementation

Flipkart can provide promotional facilities to the customer such as they can provide bonus, cash
discount. They also provide another facility, cash on delivery and return facilities. They advertise
their product only online. They have to use banner, open showroom, arrange fair so that people
can know about their product.

6. Recommendation and conclusion

Flipkart is a successful electronic commerce company. This company faces different problems
and they solve their problem effectively. They use right steps for different situation. Thus, from
the case study, the author realize that, Flipkart have been facing several challenges while doing
their business on it market postal, and they solving their challenge in a effective way.

How implement the Flipkart policy for the betterment of their service? is operated by daraz Bangladesh Ltd. online shopping in Bangladesh

with free home delivery. If uses Flipkart they become more successful. If they use
online logistics application and go with the Fiberlink MaaS360 mobile data management (MDM)
they can implement the Flipkart policy for the betterment of their service.

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