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UNCOVER - For your Attendance: In not less than 3 paragraphs (Introduction, Body,

Conclusion), describe the environment we are living in today.

Over the years, the environment that once lively and beautiful has become the humans’
playground. The trees were replaced by infrastructures. The fishes and coral reefs were
replaced by piles of garbage. The fresh air was slowly
becoming thinner and thinner. Humans are too much
focused in modernization and industrialization that we
are now sacrificing our environment. Though the
advancement of our civilization in multiple aspects
have significant benefits to us, it will not be worth of the
benefits if this advancements are taking the life force of
our environment.

I am missing the times when sunny days are not as

scorching as they were today. It seems like the global
warming is still a trend that millions of people are still
supporting it. Improper garbage disposal, wasteful use
of electricity and water, and carbon emissions are
some of the reasons of the worsening global warming. As the temperature is rising, the blocks
of ice in antarctica are melting which will be just considered a bad news if it sinks one of the
countries in the world. Moreover, typhoons are becoming more violent and stronger because of
this rising temperature, and we should not still pay attention to global warming as we still have a
goal to recreate the flood during Noah’s time. We should let the climate change progressed
further. Mining industries should be encouraged. Unnecessary Huge Dams should be built to
lower the sea level and kill sea wildlife. We must focus more in building skyscrapers and
unneeded infrastructures than planting trees and taking care of our environment. We should
continue hunting down endangered animals to make a perfect 100% extinction of numerous
animal species. World leaders should continue in creating technologies for war instead of
technologies that will help revert the climate change and flourishing back of our earth. Following
this list of things that we still continue in doing, and we should be able to face the doom of our
Mother Earth.

On the good side, our environment is not still entirely destined to be doomed in the future. There
is still hope for us humans to stop this to happen to our planet. There are still places that the
nature is still beautiful, and the land and water are still clean. There are still thousands of people
who truly care for the environment. In fact, there are colossal projects that are being
implemented as of this time, and I think that this is the first time that environmental projects will
be this big and well recognized. To mention one of it, the Team Trees campaign. It aims to plant
20 million trees around the world. With the help of Mr. Beast, Mark Rober, Billionaires like Elon
Musk and Bill Gates, and random people who cares for the environment, the campaign has
officially earned $20 Million which is equivalent to 20 million trees to be planted by 2022, and
the donations are still continuing. From this, I think that humans would learn that we could use
our advancements in technologies for uniting and saving our mother earth. To be a more
responsible human being to the environment. I love the earth and we all should to. Instead of
treating the environment as playground, isn’t it more beautiful to be treated like a home?

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