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Thermally induced vibration suppression of laminated plates with piezoelectric sensors and


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1995 Smart Mater. Struct. 4 281


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Smart Mater. Strud. 4 (1995) 281-290. Printed in the UK

Thermally induced vibration

suppression of laminated plates with
piezoelectric sensors and actuators
K Chandrashekharat and R Tennetit
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Engineering
Mechanics, University of Missouri-Rolla, Rolla, MO 65401, USA
Received 10 April 1995, accepted for publication 23 October 1995

Abstract. A finite-elementmodel is developed for the active control of thermally

induced vibration of laminated composite plates with piezoelectric sensors and
actuators. The present model takes into account the mass, stiffnessand thermal
expansion of the piezoelectric patches. A CO continuous nine-noded shear flexible
element is implemented to model the plate. The piezoelectric sensing layer
monitors the structural oscillation due to the direct piezoelectric effect and the
actuator suppresses the oscillation via the converse piezoelectric effect. These two
effects are then coupled with a constant gain feedback control algorithm to actively
control the dynamic response of the plate in a closed loop. Numerical results
indicate that thermally induced deformation of a laminated plate can be suppressed
through the application of electrical potential to the piezoelectric patches.

1. Introduction conversely, they provide mechanical strains when an elec-

tric field is applied across them, known as the converse
The smart structures technology enhances existing struc- piezoelectric effect This capability permits piezoelectric
tural materials, enabling complex functions to be carried materials to be employed both as sensors and actuators in
out within the material itself, opening up opportunities for the development of smart structure.^.
radical change in approaches to structural design. A smart Bailey and Hubbard [I] and Hanagud et al [Z] have
structure can be viewed as a structure or structural com- successfully demonstrated the use of piezoelectric sensors
ponent that contains sensors and actuators with associated and actuators in the vibration control of isotropic cantilever
modem control capabilities that can spontaneously respond beams. Some of the recent developments in the modeling
to external stimuli in proportion to their intensity to com- aspects of structures containing piezoelectric materials have
pensate for undesired effects or to enhance desired effects. been reported in [3-lo]. Crawley and de Luis 1111 have
Many materials, such as optical fibers, electrorheological analyzed beamlike one-dimensional structures with surface
fluids, shape memory alloys and piezoelectric materials, are bonded or embedded piezoelectric actuators. These flexural
available that have a unique ability to respond to stimuli. static models were then integrated into dynamic models
These materials can be bonded or embedded in lightweight for a cantilever beam. Baz and Poh [I21 presented a
composite structures, and can be used as sensors and/or modified independent modal space control approach to
actuators. The applications of smart structures technology control the structural vibration of beams by the use of
are wide, ranging from ground transportation systems and discrete piezoelectric actuators which were fewer than
building structures to the more advanced technology areas the modeled modes. Lee [I31 presented a mathematical
such as aircraft and marine vehicles. Much of the work model that incorporates the piezoelectric effect into the
relating to smart materials and structures is still at the re classical laminated plate theory. The theory developed is
search stage with the aim of demonstrating the concepts capable of modeling the sensing and actuating behavior
and providing the feasibility of workable schemes in real of a laminate. Crawley and Lazarus [I41 developed a
structures. The thermally induced vibration suppression of consistent plate model which considers the actuators to
piezoelectric based composite structures using active feed- be plies of a laminated plate. Wang and Rogers [15]
back control is the focus of the present paper. Piezoelectric applied the classical laminated plate theory to model the
materials generate a charge in response to a mechanical laminated plate with spatially distributed actuator patches
deformation, termed as the direct piezoelectric effect, or, embedded at any location of the laminate. They used
Heaviside functions to represent the size and location of the
t Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. piezoceramic patches. The actuator patches were neglected
t Present address: EGS Inc., Oak Park, MI 48237. USA. in calculating the global properties of the laminate.

09E41726/95/040281+10$19.50 0 1995 IOP Publishing Ltd 281

K Chandrashekhara and R Tenneti

Hagood et ai [16] developed analytical models for

an electroelastic continuum with piezoelectric materials
using a generalized version of Hamilton's principle with a
Rayleigh-Ritz formulation. These equations were applied
to the case of a cantilevered beam with surface mounted
piezoceramics. Ha et al [ 171 developed a three-dimensional
brick element to study the dynamic as well as the
static response of plates containing distributed piezoelectric
ceramics. However, they adopted some special techniques
to overcome the disadvantages and inaccuracy of modeling
a plate with three-dimensional elements. Hwang and
Park [18] used a four-noded quadrilateral finite element
to study the vibration control of a laminated plate with
piezoelectric sensors and actuators based on a classical
theory. However, classical laminated plate theory neglects
the transverse shear deformation effects. The transverse
shear deformation effects are not negligible as the ratios of
in-plane elastic modulus to transverse shear modulus are
relatively large for fiber reinforced composite laminates.
Recently, Chandrashekhara and Agarwal [19] developed
a nine-noded shear flexible finite-element model for the
vibration control of laminated plates with piezoelectric
sensors and actuators. However, most of the work
reported so far is restricted to vibration suppression of Figure 1. A laminated plate with integrated piezoelectric
structures subjected to mechanical loadings. Due to sensors and actuators.
the increased application of composite materials in high-
temperature environments, the suppression of thermally
induced vibration is important. In the present paper, the
work reported in [19] has been extended to investigate
the thermomechanical response of laminated plates with
integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators. The
formulation is based on a thermoelastic version of the
piezoelectric based laminated plate constitutive equations.
The present model takes into account the mass, stiffness and
thermal expansion of the piezoelectric patches. Numerical
examples are presented that demonstrate the feasibility of
controlling the thermally induced vibration of laminated
plate in a closed loop.

2. Mathematical model of a laminated

piezoelectric plate

A laminated composite plate with integrated piezoelectric

sensors and actuators, as shown in figure 1, is considered.
The direct and converse piezoelectric equations, involving
mechanical, thermal and electrical excitations, with respect
to the x-y-z reference axes, can be written as follows

U = Q(E - a A T ) - eTE (1) Figure 2. A plate with colocated sensor and actuator.
D = eE + PAT +E E (2)
transpose of e. The temperature change has been assumed
where U is the stress vector, Q is the transformed elastic to have the following distribution:
stiffness matrix, 01 is the transformed thermal expansion
coefficient matrix, AT is the temperature change from a A T b , Y , Z , t ) = T I ( x ,Y, 1 ) + ,Z'Z(X, Y. f). (3)
reference state, E is the strain vector, e is the piezoelectric
constant matrix, E is the electric field vector, D is Piezoelectric materials possess anisotropic properties.
the electric displacement vector, p is the pyroelectric Piezoceramics, such as lead zirconate titanates (PZT), are
coefficient matrix, E is the permittivity matrix and er is the excellent candidates for the role as sensors and actuators.

Vibration control of laminated plates

n. 1

1 ti: I . . I . . . , % , , , , I
0 50 IM 1% 0 SO too 132
Time j in milliset 1 Tims(hmiuisec)

0 M iw 1%
Time [ in millisec )

Figure 3. The effect of negative velocity gain on the thermal response.

Piezoceramics polarized in the thickness 'r' dmction The displacement vector based on a first-order shear
exhibit transversely isotropic properties in the xy plane. deformation d\eory for a laminated plate can be expressed
Considering piezoceramic sensors and actuators, while as t211
retaining the anisotropic behavior of the master structure,
(1) and (2) can be written as 6=GQ (6)
a; Qil Q12 e13 0 0 Qi6
Qzz Qn ,O 0 &= (it. U, tu)7
Qiz Q2s (74
= (uo. 7-0. UJO, @z, #y) T

Cy - ayAT



0 1 0 0 z
G= [: ::,"I
and u, U and w are the displacement components in the
x . y and z directions respectively, uo, 7-0 and W O are the

midplane displacements and # J ~and @y are the bending

Yxy -~ x AT
y The strain-displacement relations are given by
Er = Er0 + zx, E y ==Ey0 + Z K Y Er = 0 (8)
Yzy = Y.).
0 + ZKzy Yyt = Yy,
0 Yxr = Yxz

0 0

p3 k

K Chandrashekhara and R Tenneti

I '_

(Aij, Bij. D i j ) =E/k=l P-l
Qij(1, z, zZ)dz
(i, j = 1, 2, 6) (W)
- - - KiKj Q i j dz (i, j = 4, 5 ) (W
(a) 1E l m " (b) 4 0 "s


where NL is the number of layers. The shear correction

factor, Ki,in (12k) is taken as m.
The electric field intensity (E& in ( l h ) can be
expressed as

where v k is the applied voltage across the kth layer and hk

is the thickness of the kth layer.
Figure 4. A quarter plate mesh with piezoceramic sensors For piezoceramics the piezoelectric constant matrix e
and actuators. (see (2)) is sometimes unavailable and hence they can
be expressed in terms of the more commonly available
piezoelectric constant matrix d as follows:
y:y = - +-
avo K - -+ - wy (9C)
ay ax xy- ay ax e=dQ (14)
aw0 aw0
Y;z = $y +-ay
Y: = @x + - (94

3. Finite-element model

The mathematical statement of Hamilton's principle can be

expressed as

~h(fiK.-SU+SW)dt=O (16)
where K is the kinetic energy, U is the strain energy and
W is the work done by the prescribed surface tractions.
The generalized displacements in any element can be
expressed as


= (uoi v ~ woi
i @xi @ y i ) (W
where n is the number of nodes and N; are the
element shape functions, I is a 5 x 5 identity matrix,
and uoi, uoi, woi, @xi and $?ylare the nodal values of
uo, UO, WO, @x and @y respectively.
(17) can also be Written as
2 = NeAc (19)
Vibration control of Laminated pktes

E ,
$ E

* o - 0
- .'
3 .I


0 M 1GQ 0 50 (00 1 0
Time { in millistx ) Time ( in millisec)


2 ..

E' E t.0
N -$

where and
Ne= [N;][N$]. . .[NE]

Aer = (c, VOI wot $21 &I . . .&). (2W)

The suain energy can be written as
Using (19) in (S), strains can be expressed as
e = B,Ae K = &Ac y =&Ae. (21)
ue = A
S,(<'A. + ~ T B K + K T B ~+KTD<

In the present work, a nine-noded isoparametricelement

'Sy - cTNT - K ~ -M
e T N ~P
is used and, hence, B1 and Bz are of order (3 x 45) while :lTM')dA. (25)
B3 is or order (2 x 45). The work done is given by
The kinetic energy term in (16) at the element level can
be written as W
- fwodA
where f is the mechanical nansverse load per unit area.

Substituting (19) in (26), we get

Integrating (22) over the thickness and using (19), we
obtain We AeTNeTpdA (27)
K C= s, AeTNeTMNe& dA (23)
@={OOfOO]~. (28)
where Substituting (23), (25) and (27) in (16), the element
XI 0 0 22 0 equations can be written as
0 I, 0 0
K ~ +A~~ ~=iPi+' F; + F;
where Kc is the element stiffness matrix, Me is the element
mass maeix, FCis the element applied load vector, F;:is

K Chandrashekhara and R Tenneti

E t E



c! N

.I -


0 59
Time ( i n millisec)
IO0 150
tl'. .
. . I
. . . ,

Time ( i n mjllisec )

. , . .1

Figure 6. The effect of boundaly conditions on the thermal response.

the element thermal load vector and F; is the electric load 4. Sensor mechanics
vector. The load vectors aie given by
As charge is collected only in the thickness direction,
s, NCTpdA (30~) only Ds is of interest. Moreover, in a piezoelectric layer

Ff = s,@: N T + B: M
) dA (306)
performing as a sensor, even E, is zero. Equation (2) can
be written as
0: = d'Qe + p3AT (34)
and the actuator force vector is given by
F; = / (Br
N + E: M') dA. (30c) e = (er cy 0 Y,, Yxz YryYT (354
The assembled form of (29) can be written as a = ( % ay 0 0 0 a z y ) (356)
Now, the closed circuit charge measured through the
K A + M A= F + F~ + F'. (31) electrodes of a sensor patch in the kth layer is [13]
In order to include the effect of damping, (31) is
modified as follows:

KA +,CA M A = F + FT +'F (32) where R is the effective surface electrode of the patch. The
effective surface electrode is the portion of the patch that
where C is a damping matrix. Rayleigh damping is
is covered by electrodes on both sides. The electric charge
assumed, which is of the form
generated due to the external thermomechanical disturbance
C =B i K f &M (33) will be detected only if the charge is collected through the
effective surface electrode. In the present analysis, it is
where 01 and 02 are constants that are determined by the assumed that the entire piezoelectric patch serves as the
procedure outlined in 1221. effective surface electrode.

Vibration control of laminated plates

2 2

[ 45'/ .45'/-450/ 4@]

E l
- 0 -


E 1 0


3 ., -m


0 YI iw 0 50 1w is0
Time ( in millisec J Time( in miilisec)

E '
- 0


3 .,

0 SO 100
Time( in niiliisec)

Figure 7. The effect of symmetric lay-up on the thermal response.

Using (34) in (36). we get algorithm, and can be expressed as

(d'QHG + p3AT) dA (37) V ( t )= Gi-

where where Gi is the gain to provide feedback control.

6. Results and discussion

and H is an operator mahix.
Substituting (19) into (37) gives The response of the plate is computed by solving (32) using
the Newmark direct integration scheme [22] in which the
values of the parameters y and 6 are taken as one-half
(d'QHAe + p 3 A T )dA (39) and onequarter, respectively. The charge generated by the
sensor is then calculated using (39). The input voltage to
' where q is the charge measured through the electrodes of the actuator is calculated using the closed loop feedback
the sensor patch in the kth layer and Ns is the number of algorithm. Results are presented for the actively controlled
elements over which the sensor patch exists. thermal response of laminated plates using a nine-noded
isoparametric element. All computations are carried out in
5. Feedback control law double precision on a HP 9000/700 series computer. The
following types of boundary condition are considered:
To actively suppress the vibration of plates using actuators, (i) simply supported edges (SS)
the amounts of voltage supplied to the actuators are
determined from the sensor output using a control ug = W O = q5y = 0 at x =O. a
algorithm. The problem is to damp the response of the vo = WO = = 0 at y = 0, b
system given by (32) using the input voltage V ( t ) to the
(ii) clamped edges (CC)
actuator as the control variable. The voltage applied to
the actuator is calculated using a constant gain control uo = vo = W O = & = q5y =Oat x = 0 , a and y = 0 , b

0 IO 1w 1%
Time( inmillisec)

Figure 8. The effect of asymmetric lay-up on the thermal response.

Table 1. A comparison of central deflection (YZ= 20.5 x m m-' "C. The results shown in table 1
values for SS antisymmetric angle-ply are found to be in excellent agreement with the closed
square plates with linearly varying form solution reported by Wu and Tauchert [23]. Next,
temperature across the thickness we will present results for the thennomechanical response
( a / h = 100, T = T22/h).
of laminated plates with integrated sensors .and actuators,
hwQ/a2T2a2 which are not presently available in the literature. The
material properties considered are as follows:
-9 p) Source 2 layen 4 layers
(i) 'M00/5208 graphite/epoxy
0 ~231 0.16711 0.16711
Present work 0.16711 0.16771 E11 = 181.0 GPa
15 [23] 0.16792 0.15921
Present work 0.16819 0.15978 E n = 10.3 GPa
30 [23] 0.16221 0.14419 Glz = G13 = 7.17 GPa
Present work 0.16494 0.14512
45 [23] 0.16071 0.13817
Gu = 6.21 GPa
Present work 0.16098 0.13827 ui2 = 0.25
p = 1389.23 kg m-3
(YI = 0.02 x lom6m m-' "c-'
(iii) clamped-supported edges (CS) (YZ = 22.5 x m m-' "C-'
uo = W O = & = 0 at x =0, a (ii) PZT G1195 piemceramic
uo= uo = wo =#+=q5y = O a t y =0, b. E = 63 GPa
Table 1 shows the comparison of the static thermal U = 0.31
response of SS antisymmenic angle-ply [Ff - 6°p'/. ..I p = 7600 kg mm3
square plates. The material properties used for this problem p3 = 4 x c m-' "c-l.
are El1 = 53.8 GPa, E= = 17.9 GPa, G12 = GI, = d3l = d32 = -166 x IO-" mV-'
8.62 GPa, u12 = 0.25, a1 = 6.3 x m m-' "C, (Y =5 x mm-' "C

Vibration control of laminated plates

T , = l W " C , T2=250'C

E 1 i
E E 1
^. -.

. o n o

-m -'
% .I 3

IO 100 0 50 100
Time (in millisec) Time ( in millisec )

I I ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1
Combined loading
T,=lOO"C, T2=250"C
E 2

. o

I 'z

0 M 100 1I O
Time ( in millisec )

Figure 9. The effect of thennomechanical loading on the response.

The plate dimensions considered are a = b = 0.254 m, the number of piezoceramic patches an increase in the initial
h = 2.54 x lo-' m and the thickness of the piezoceramic peak of the response curve is observed. This is because of
patch is taken as 2.0 x W 4m. For simplicity, a plate the pronounced thermal behavior of the piezoceramic with
with surface bonded colocated sensors and actuators is the increase in the patch size. For all the computations
considered for the analysis. The sensor is in contact with performed hereafter, a patch of four piezoceramic elements
the laminated plate. The sensors and actuators are located as shown in figure 4(b) is used.
at the center of the plate as shown in figure 2. Unless Figure 6 shows the effect of boundary conditions on
mentioned otherwise, a four-layer symmetric cross-ply the thermal response of the plate. Of the three boundary
laminate ([O0/9W/9Oo/W]) with SS boundary conditions conditions considered, the time required for damping the
is used. Due to biaxial symmetry, only a quarter of the system is a minimum for the case of a CC plate. Figures 7
plate is analyzed using 4 x 4 mesh. Also, a linearly and 8 show the effect of ply orientation on the thermally
varying temperature field with TI= 0°C and T2 = 250T induced response. Since the quarter plate symmetry exists
is considered. The temperature E is a rectangular pulse only for the cross-ply laminates, a 4 x 4 full mesh with
with respect to time and is applied for a duration of four piezoceramic elements is used. Figure 7 shows the
f l = 1.6 x s. The center deflection is presented as results for symmetric lay-up while the asymmetric lay-up
a function of time for all the example problems considered. results are shown in figure 8. The response of the plate
Figure 3 shows the effect of control gain Gi,which subjected to mechanical, thermal and combined rectangular
corresponds to negative velocity feedback, on the transient pulse loadings are shown in figure 9.
response of a plate with four piezoceramic elements (see
figure 4(b)). It is seen that the thermally induced vibrations
are damped out more quickly when higher gains are used. 7. Conclusions
Unless otherwise specified, a gain of Gi = -2500 V A-'
is used for the problems considered hereafter. Figure 5 A finite-element model is developed to study the thermally
shows the effect of piezoceramic patch size on the thermal induced vibration of a laminated composite plate with
response of a plate. The locations and sizes of the patches integrated piezoelectric sensors and 'actuators. The
are shown in figure 4. It is observed that with an increase in formulation is based on a laminated plate theory accounting

K Chandrashekhara and R Tenneti

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