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Chapter IV


This chapter presents the result and discussion from the experimental procedure done by
the researchers from making the paper using cotton (Gossypium).
The researchers conducted this research to prove that cotton is also reliable and

can also be a big help in reducing the excessive loss of trees. The cotton (Gossypium)

with cornstarch is a new source and has the potential to become a paper. The researchers

conducted two tests in forming cotton as a paper without cornstarch and cotton as a paper

with using cornstarch.

TEST 1 (Cotton without Starch)

The researchers first test is cotton as a paper without cornstarch. In the researchers

first trial they blender the cotton with water for the particles of the cotton to be cut into

smaller pieces for it to be easily be filtered. After doing so, it was transferred in a wide

basin with water then filtered it using a mesh screen and after filtering the researcher put

it in a square rug. After that, the rug was folded to cover the cotton and prepare it for

compressing, after that we put the rug with the cotton in it between two pieces of

flyboard then after that the researcher put it in vise and compressed it using the vise for it

to make the cotton particles into a more tenacious particle for the researcher to form an

compact and strong paper. After compressing the researcher hang the formed paper made

of cotton for it to get dry, but the result of it the paper is too soft and cannot be written

using a pen. The figure attached below is the result in making the paper using the cotton

without cornstarch.
Figure 1. Result of Making Paper using Cotton without Cornstarch

TEST 2 (Cotton with Starch)

The researchers second test is cotton combined with corn-starch. In the

researchers second trial the researchers did the same procedure in the first test. After the

cotton gets dry, they coated it with the solution of boiled cornstarch using a brush, then

after the both sides of cotton paper were coated with the mixture of boiled cornstarch, the

researchers let it dry. The result of the second test was much better. The cotton paper

became more compact, and hard and is more capable of getting written at using a marker

and a pen. The figure attached below is the result of making the paper using cotton with

the mixture of cornstarch solution.

Figure 2. Result of Making the Paper

using Cotton with a cornstarch

These two tests shows that it is more preferred to use cornstarch as an additive in

making cotton paper.. Because as can be observed in the figure one over figure number

two, it shows more potential to be improved by the future researchers. And with the use

of the right tools in doing cotton paper, future researchers can make it perfectly and make

an improved version of paper made of cotton.

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