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Name : Windu Cahya Maharani

NPM : A1B020025
Class : 3A

English Language Educataion

Faculty Of Teacher Training And Education
Bengkulu University 2021


1. Director discussion : Alya Febriani
2. Captivating connector: Windu Cahya Maharani
3. Literary luminaire : Annisa Khairu
4. Charasmatic character : Rizki Putriana
5. Setting Sketcher : Rezita Salma Anjani

Our discussion is start from Rezita as director discussion, so rezita give some questions to us.
There are:
1. Why do Sara's classmates immediately turn their attention to her when she enters their

2. Why does Sara tell Miss Minchin that she has never learned French?

3. In the story, there is a slightly funny thing, that is when Mrs. Minchin told Sara to learn
French, even though she already understood it but, she wasn’t given the opportunity to explain
that she understood French and then Mrs. Minchin was ashamed of herself, if you were in Sara's
position, what would you do?

After that, the discussion director ask me as Captivating Connector to give my opinion
that related with my roles. And I give answer to us:
From the story in chapter 2 i get some interesting and related to our daily life,
here are some things that are related with everyday life, such as most of what happens to
new students in Indonesia, when they first enter the school world is the new world of
school, of course they will get something different from new friends at new school.
Something like this is common in life when we have a new student who transfers to a
new school because things like this are a form of approach or adaptation of students from
old students to new students they have just met, but mostly in Indonesia they are wrong.
the meaning of mostly bullying to their new students.

Like the story in chapter 2, when how to become a new student at their new
school or their old students do an assessment or provide comments to Sara start from
clothes start from Sara's body or body which makes conditions as their And of course
advice becomes a topic of the day. Well, I think from Chapter 2 this is something that is
related to everyday life because we often encounter new students who just move to
school and will definitely get treatment that is like a condition to feel in their new

Next, Alya ask Annisa as literary luminaire about how many words that are important and
interesting to know. So Annisa given As the literary luminaire at this chapter, she found some
words there are interesting, important and maybe unfamiliar to our. I found 9 words.

Page 14

Paragraph 1, 7th row "Glimpse" meaning in Indonesian "Melirik/melihat sekilas"

Paragraph 2, 1st row "Petticoats" which means "Rok bagian dalam"

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Paragraph 2, 1st row "Spitefully" which means "Dengki"

and in row 4 "Queer" which means "Aneh"

Paragraph 4, 2nd row "Abashed" which means "Malu"

Pargraph 6, 1st row "Whimsical" which means "Aneh"

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Paragraph 5, 5th row "Acquaintance" which means "Berkenalan"

Paragraph 6, 1st row "Ceremoniously" which means "Serempak/khidmat"

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5th Paragraph, 1st row "Punctilious" which means "Cermat",

3th row "Severe" which menas "Kejam,sederhana",

4th row "Imposing" which means "Mengagumkan/mengesankan"

Then the discussion director ask to Rizki as Charasmaric characterizer to give some
opinion based on his roles. There are the answer from Rizki:
Well I will analyze some of the characters introduced in chapter two. Lavina and
Jessie. They are friends and they gossip. Mariette is Sara's maid. Mariette is from France.
Lottie is a child and schoolboy. Lavinia and Jessie are called gossiping because they
gossiped when sara entered the seminar room the next morning. they talked about her
extravagant clothes. And Lavinia also whispered to Jessie because she saw Meriette open
a box full of frills. and she also told jessie that she heard Miss Michin say to Miss Amelia
that her clothes were so extravagant that they looked ridiculous for a child. And Meriette
is Sara's maid. Having arrived the night before, she had opened a box full of lace
trimmings on it and was ready to dress it up. While the lottie characters here are a child
and a four-year-old schoolboy. She is one of the Miss Michin shows.
And we were on the final discussion, its time to Rezita shows their sketcher to describe
the story at chapter 1. The sketch made by Rezita fits perfectly with the content of the story. Me
and others members in this group are very impressed. Let me show how beautiful this sketch.


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