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Medical Terms Medical Prefix Suffix Meaning Meaning of the Term

Terms Meaning
1. Hypothermia Therm - non-SI Hypo = -emia = blood Body loses heat faster than
unit of heat decreased it can produce heat,
causing a dangerously low
body temperature.

With the extreme cold outside, a lot of the elderly might die due to hypothermia.

2. Osteoarthritis Osteo - bone Arthro = joint -itis = inflammation It occurs when the
protective cartilage that
cushions the ends of the
bones wears down over

Older people suffering from osteoarthritis will likely experience depression and sleep

3. Intravenous Ven/o - vein Intra = -ous = pertaining to Existing or taking place

inside/within within, or administered
into, a vein/veins.

The patient still needs to undergo intravenous sedation before the surgery begin.

4. Cardiogram Cardio - heart -gram = record A record of muscle

activity within the heart
made by a cardiograph.

His cardiogram shows that he has arrhythmia.
5. Hepatitis Heap/heap - liver -itis = inflammation Inflammation of the liver.
After eating the food that was served to him during the party, he was suddenly rushed to
the hospital after experiencing vomiting and diarrhea, the doctor diagnosed him of
hepatitis A.

6. Thrombocytes Thrombo - clot -cytes = cell Clotting of an area.

Thrombocytes are helpful in slowing or stopping bleeding to help wounds heal.

7. Hyperhidrosis Hidrosis - Hyper = -osis = Excessive sweating.

sweating increased/above process/condition
Hyperhidrosis is a condition wherein there is an excessive sweating in the armpits,
palms, soles of the feet, face, scalp, and/or torso.
8. Hydrophobia Hydro - water -phobia = fear Fear of water.
When he was young, he suddenly drowned and that lead him to develop hydrophobia
that is present until now.
9. Glycolysis Glyco - sugar -lysis = Breaking-down of
disintegration/rupture glucose.
Cells uses glycolysis, a metabolic pathway to convert glucose into pyruvic acid.

10. Encephalo - -pathy = disease/ Disease of the brain.

Encephalopathy brain suffering
He experienced a neuropsychological deficit that resulted in encephalopathy or chronic
brain disease.

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