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Engineering Algebra


Lesson 10: Word Problems

Word problems in algebra are questions that need to translate the sentences into a
single variable equation that involves basic arithmetic operations in solving.

Different types of word problems are used in our day-to-day lives, in engineering,
medicines, agriculture and any other field. But the question is

This topic will guide you the step-by-step procedure in solving and how to work
with a word problem.


1. Read and understand the problem, determine the kind of word problem, and
identify what is missing.
2. Look for the question, oftentimes found at the end of the problem. (two or three
3. Always start with “Let x = unknown” and don’t forget to label “x” stands for in
the problem.
4. Identify “x” as your smallest unknown if you have to find more than one
5. Finally, read the problem again and translate the problem from word to symbol.
Notice that in most cases, simple problems have two (2) statements, the first
one helps you set up the unknown and the second one, gives you an equation.

Let’s Find Out:

Statements in algebra are sometimes new to us, so let us familiarize some; (Note:
we generally use “x” as the unknown)
Engineering Algebra

Mathematical Statement Algebraic Language

Thrice as much as the unknown 3(x) or 3x
Five less than the unknown x-5
Nine more than the unknown 9+x
Fifteen more than twice the unknown 2x + 15
Thirteen decrease by a number 13 - x
Thrice the number decrease by four 3x - 4
Sum of a number and seven x+7
Product of a number and eight 8x
Quotient of a number and six x/6
Aj’s age three years from now x + 3 (x is Aj’s present age)
Aimee’s age twenty five years ago x-25(x is Aimee’s present age)
Number of cents in x quarters 0.25x
Two numbers whose sum is 18 x = 1st no., 18 – x = 2nd no.
Distance travelled in 20 minutes at x mph (20 min = 1/3 hrs) ,
Two consecutive integers x & (x+1)
Two consecutive even integers 2x & (2x + 2)
Two consecutive odd integers (2x + 1) & (2x + 3)

Here are common types of word problems in algebra; namely

1. Age 6. Investment
2. Work 7. Number
3. Mixture 8. Speed/Distance
4. Average 9. Time
5. Coin 10. Rate

And many others, each kind involves different cases and instances that requires skills in
evaluating the problem.
Engineering Algebra

1. Jimmy is 5 years older than Lark. 7 years ago, he was twice as old. Find their ages

Solution: (Age Problem)

The problem involves, Present & Past., Identify what is given in the

Let x = be the age of Lark.

Lark = x Lark = x - 7
Jimmy = x + 5 Jimmy = x + 5 – 7 = x - 2

Equation: (stated in the problem)

x – 2 = 2(x – 7)
x – 2 = 2x – 14
14-2 = 2x – x
12 = x (Lark’s age)
x + 5 = 12 + 5
= 17 (Jimmy’s age)

Therefore: Lark is 12 years old and Jimmy is 17 years old. Ans.

2. Lovely invests a total of P8000 in two accounts paying 7% and 9% interest,

respectively. How much was invested in each account if, after one year, the total
interest was P620?

Solution: (Investment Problem)

Let x + y = 8000 eq. 1

0.07x + 0.09y = 620 eq. 2

By Elimination:

[x + y = 8000]-9 -9x – 9y = -72000

[0.07x + 0.09y = 620]100 7x + 9y = 62000
-2x = -10,000
x = 5000
5000 + y = 8000
y = 3000

Therefore: Lovely invested P5000 @ 7% and P3000 @ 9%. Ans.

Engineering Algebra

3. Allan has 25 ounces of a 20% of salt solution, how much salt should he add to
make it a 25% solution?

Solution: (Mixture Problem)

Let x = amount of salt added. The result would be 20 + x.


AMOUNT 25 x 25 + x
MULTIPLY (0.2)(25) (1)(x) 0.25(25+x)
Original + Added = Result
(0.2)(25) + (1)(x) = 0.25(25 + x)
5 + x = 6.25 + 0.25x
0.75x = 1.25
x = 1.67 ounces of salt should be added. Ans.
4. Allan can mow the lawn in 30 minutes and Edwin can mow
the lawn in 50 minutes. How long will it take for them to mow
the lawn together?

Solution: (Work Problem)

For work problem, we have Rate =

Let x = time to mow lawn together

1 1 1
+ 50
= x

x(50 + 30) = 1500

80x = 1500
x = 18.75 minutes – time taken for both of them
to mow the lawn. Ans.

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