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Proceedings of the 26th International Conference "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems"
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June 27-29, 2019, Rzeszów, Poland

A Low Power, Low Chip Area, Two-stage

Current-mode DAC Implemented
in CMOS 130 nm Technology
Jakub Dalecki1 , Rafał Długosz1,2 , Tomasz Talaśka1,2 , Gunter Fischer3
UTP University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Telecommunication, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
ul. Kaliskiego 7, 85-796, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Aptiv Servics Poland
ul. Podgórki Tynieckie 2, 30–399, Kraków, Poland
IHP – Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics
Technologiepark 25, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

Abstract—The paper presents measurement results of a current tation in the form of application specific integrated circuits
mode digital-to-analog converter (DAC), implemented in the IHP (ASICs). Depending on their type and the application, they
CMOS 130 nm technology. The proposed two-stage DAC is may be built of resistors (optional transistors), capacitors,
composed of 10 branches, so theoretically 10 bits of the resolution
may be obtained. The circuit is reconfigurable. This means that if power sources. The configuration (connection to each other)
smaller resolutions are sufficient, the user may select the branches of these elements are controlled by switches.
that are used in data conversion. The measurements were carried- The most popular architectures of the DAC include:
out using a programmable measurement setup, designed for this
purpose, equipped with precise current sources. Five samples of • parallel (string) DACs (based on a Kelvin divider [10],
the prototype chip were tested. The measurements were carried [11]). Circuits of this type require a large number of
out for different values of particular parameters. The circuit has switches, which makes them not attractive in practical
been designed as one of the components of a Successive Ap- usage,
proximation Register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC).
However, it can be used as a separate block also for other • binary weighted converters [12], [13], including the most
purposes. The chip area of the overall ADC does not exceed popular ones that are based on the, so-called, R-2R
0.01 mm2 , with the DAC occupying 60 % of this area. divider. In this approach, the accuracy and the linearity of
Keywords—DAC, current mode, CMOS technology, pro- the converter is determined by ratios between particular
grammable circuit resistances, and not on their absolute values. Difficulties
I. I NTRODUCTION in fabrication of resistors with precise values caused that
only two resistance values (R and 2R) are usually used,
Digital-to-analog converters (DACs) play an important role
• cascaded (segmented DAC) [14] that combine different
in signal processing. They join systems that operate with
types of approaches, e.g. the above-mentioned DAC ar-
digital and analog signals. Their task is to convert the digital
chitectures, to increase the resolution,
input signal into a corresponding current or voltage analog
• interpolative DACs with oversampling [15]. In this case,
signal. Converters of this type are widely used in many
the number of switches compared to the above mentioned
different applications, such as metrology [1], electronics [2],
solutions is smaller and amounts to one. We pay for
[3], [4], control [5], telecommunication [6], [7], etc. DACs are
it with substantial over-sampling of the signal. This
one of the basic blocks of successive approximation register
approach is used for high resolution converters.
(SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADC) [8]. They are also
• multiplying DAC (MDAC), etc.
used in artificial neural networks [9].
Depending on where they are used, different parameters In this work, we present laboratory tests of a two-stage DAC
play a key role. The metrology usually requires high reso- working in the current mode. The converter is based on two
lution and accuracies. On the other hand, in wireless control multi-output current mirrors, with appropriately selected gains
systems, speed and power consumption are the most important of particular branches. This converter was initially designed
parameters. For this reason, there exists various development for the use as a component of a SAR ADC, to provide
approaches of the DACs reported in the literature. They are reference current [8]. However, a similar circuit may also
made both in bipolar and unipolar technologies. be used in artificial CWTA (Conciences Winner Takes All)
The development of DACs and the improvement in their neuron networks to support the conscience mechanism of the
parameters and properties was possible due to their implemen- neurons.

*QTv`B;?i Ü kyRN #v .2T`iK2Mi Q7 JB+`Q2H2+i`QMB+b  *QKTmi2` a+B2M+2- GQ/x lMBp2`bBiv Q7 h2+?MQHQ;v R8R
The work is a continuation of our previous work [8], where To solve this problem we proposed a technique, in which
the concept of the circuit, as well as the simulation results were the DAC is realized as a cascade connection of two CMs. The
presented. The converter has been implemented in the IHP first of them (1st stage) is a multi-output PMOS mirror. Its
CMOS 130 nm technology and verified by means of Spectre particular n outputs are connected to NMOS CMs (2nd stage),
simulations. in which transistors are not binary weighted. The gains of
The paper is structured as follows. Next Section presents particular resultant 2-stage branches are products of the gains
the structure of the proposed DAC. Described is the idea of of particular CMs. This allows for keeping spreads between
the circuit as well as provided are equations describing the transistor in particular intermediate CMs much smaller than in
concept of the circuit. In the following Section we present a single-stage binary-weighted approach and thus to increase
selected verification (simulation and measurement results). the value of UW.
The obtained results are discussed in this Section a well. An input current Itr allows for scaling an upper range of the
Conclusions are formulated in last Section. reference current Iref . This current is copied to each branch
II. T HE P ROPOSED 2- STAGE DAC AND I TS of the first (PMOS) CM, with the following gains:
The concept of the proposed current-mode 2-stage DAC is k1,n = {1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 16, 16, 16}/G (1)
shown in Fig. 1. It is based on the cascoded current mirrors
where G is a gain between the Itr and the current in the LSB
(CMs), used to increase the circuit precision.
branch of the first CM (25 or 32). Resultant currents I1,n are
A usual phenomenon observed in CMs is its sensitivity to
provided to their counterpart NMOS CMs, with the following
transistor mismatch. One of the possibilities to reduce the
impact of this effect on the circuit precision is to oversize
the transistors. However, in case of a multi-output CM with
binary weighted gains of particular branches, if the number k2,n = {1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 16, 32} (2)
of bits is large, the sizes of particular transistors become very The resultant output currents I2,n are binary weighted, as
large. For example, for 10 bits of the resolution, the width of in a conventional single-stage approach:
the transistors in the branch representing the most significant
bit (MSB) is 512 times larger than the one in the branch kn = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512} (3)
representing the least significant bit (LSB). In this situation,
if we oversize the smallest transistor with a unit width (UW), An appropriate selection of the k1,n and the k2,n coefficients
this in practice limits the resolution of the converter. allows for a substantial reduction of the sum of the widths in


Fig. 1. Structure of the 2-stage current-mode n-bits DAC: (a) general idea, (b) CMOS implementation.

all transistors used in the DAC. For the applied resolution of case, therefore the LSB equals 40 nA (G = 25 in this case).
10 bits, the sum of the widths in a single-stage approach would Fig. 3 illustrate the results for the same Itr and all branches
equal being active. Thus the LSB equals 10 nA in this case.
These results, reported already in [8], are presented here
SUW,1 = (1023 + G) · UW = 1055 · UW (4) as a background for the new measurement results, obtained
recently. The simulations show that the gains of particular
For the comparison, in the proposed implementation of the
branches of the DAC have been selected properly. Both Figures
2-stage DAC, for the coefficients given by 1 and 3, the sum
illustrate the reference current Iref , raising up for following
of the widths equals:
input codes, as well as a total supply current IDD . The resultant
  power dissipation for 7 and 10 bits of the resolution equals
SUW,2 = ( k1,n + k2,n +G+10)·UW = 197·UW (5) 20 μW and 35 μW, respectively.

Factor 10 in 5 is due to the fact that in the second stage of

the DAC, in each branch in addition to the output transistor
with the width k2,n UW, there is also an input transistor with
a width of 1 UW. For the simplicity, in these calculations, we
do not take into account multiple transistors used in cascoded
CMs. A disadvantage of the proposed approach is a larger
number of branches in both stages of the DAC, resulting in a
slightly higher summary current (increased by ca. 5 %).
The circuit has been realized in the IHP CMOS 130 nm
technology and thoroughly verified by means of both the
transistor level simulations performed in Spectre environment
and the laboratory measurements.
The overall prototype chip that includes the proposed DAC
may be programmed. One of the possibilities is to select
the range of branches that are used in a given situation. It
enables selecting the resolution of the DAC, and thus of the
overall ADC, as well as other parameters. The DAC and
the ADC are programmed using a 10 bit, P , signal that
provides an appropriate configuration code. The principle is
as follows, the first ‘0’ in the P parameter turns on a block
of branches used in the conversion process, while the second Fig. 2. Simulations of the DAC for the resolution of 7 bits (P =‘1101111110’,
Itr = 250 nA → LSB ∼ 40 nA).
‘0’ turns off the remaining branches. For example, for P1 =
‘0111111111’ all branches are turned on, so the DAC operates
in 10 bit mode. If for example only 7 bits are required, we
can indicate which branches are used. For example, for P2 =
‘0111111011’ we disable three most significant branches. In
another example, for P3 = ’1101111110’, we disable two least
significant branches and a single most significant one.
The possibility of programming the converter is one of the
advantages of the proposed solution. It allows for scaling the
Iref current and thus the power dissipation and data rate of
the DAC, without the use of additional amplifiers.
A. Transistor level simulations
The DAC was thoroughly verified before the fabrication of
the chip, by means of the Spectre simulations [8]. The tests
that were carried out at this step included a corner analysis,
performed for several transistor models (typical, slow and
fast), and temperatures varying in-between -40 and 100 ◦ C
degrees. Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate selected results for 7 and 10
bits of the resolution, respectively. Fig. 2 presents the results
for branches No. 3, 4, ..., 9 being active. The Itr current was Fig. 3. Simulations of the DAC for the resolution of 10 bits
set to 250 nA. Since two LSB branches are not used in this (P =‘0111111111’, Itr = 320 nA → LSB ∼ 10 nA).

B. Measurements of the proposed DAC The results are presented for one of five tested samples of
the chip. Each sample was tested many time, to avoid random
1) Measurement setup: The designed measurement setup measurement errors. The error is illustrated in Fig. 9. It was
was based on the National Instruments MyRio measuring determined by the comparison of the measurement results with
device. Appropriate current sources providing the Iref and average values obtained over all measurements of a given
a bias currant, as well as the measurement equipment have sample, for a given value. As can be observed, the repeatability
been connected to the device directly through the USB ports, of the measurement results is large. A small error below 2 %
managed by MyRio. The device was also responsible for occurs only for the LSBs.
communication with the prototype chip, through the LVTTL In the presented measurement results, one can observe that
interface. at the moment when the 7 th branch is switched over, a certain
The MyRio device operates under the control of the Lab- systematic error appears in the input-output characteristic.
View environment. A labview vi file is, through the USB A similar effect appeared in all tested samples, however, at
interface, provided to the device and launched. The proto- different branches. For a given sample, the same relative error
type chip is equipped with a set of multiplexers that enable is observed, independently on the value of the configuration
testing particular internal blocks in various configurations (a currents. In our opinion, it indicates that this error appeared
multiphase programmable clock, the DAC and the ADC). during the fabrication process of the chip, as in the simulations
Before starting standard measurements, it is necessary to we did not observe this effect.
configure the multiplexers. We have written a special tool for 3) Discussion of the obtained results: Observing the mea-
generating both the programming and testing signals [16]. The surement results, one can notice some non-linearities in the
tool generates a file with signals for particular inputs of the input-output characteristics. The problem are discrepancies of
chip. The file is placed in the memory of MyRio device. A the gains of selected branches compared to their assumed
general measurement scheme (carried out automatically) was theoretical values. It was surprising that the nonlinearity may
as follows: occurs in the branches corresponding to older bits, and not (as
(a) configuration of the current sources and the measure- expected) for the younger ones, for whom smaller transistors
ment equipment, were used. Based on the analysis of the results and the
(b) configuration and programming the chip, structure of the DAC, we think that the NMOS current mirrors
(c) selection of the resolution of the DAC and the range of used in the second stage of the DAC is a potential problem.
active branches, In these mirrors, the input transistor has sizes comparable to
(d) measurements and readout of data from the measure- those that in the PMOS CM correspond to the youngest bits.
ment devices, In the next prototype, this will be taken into account and the
(e) aggregation and data storage. sizes of these transistors will be increased.
A brief comparison with other state-of-the art DACs de-
Points (c) and (d) are executed in a loop, depending on the scribed earlier is presented in Table I. To facilitate the com-
resolution of the converter. For 10 bits of the resolution, the parison, we defined two Figure-of-Merits (FOM), to assess the
number of iterations equals 1024. The measurement results are performance at the signal processing level, and to compre the
stored into an output csv file. chip ares. The first FOM is defined as the power dissipation
The current sources used in the measurements were Keithley over data rate, normalized to the number of bits (thus the 2n
2400 working in the range of 10 μA (accuracy 0.033 % +/- factor in the denominator):
2 nA). The Tektronix DMM4050 multimeters were used to
measure the output current from the DAC. In order to improve FOMP = P/(2n · fS ) (6)
the measurement accuracy, the “Integration Time” has been
increased. This allowed to record stable and repeatable results The second FOM is defined as the chip area normalized to
with a resolution of 100 pA. the number of bits, as in 6:
The measurement setup – a PC board used to control the
chip and to communicate with it – provides necessary power FOMA = A/(2n ) (7)
supply. It also contains a Xilinx CPLD device, who plays a In Table I in case of the proposed solution we provide two
role of a signal wrapper between the MyRio device and the numbers of the FOM_P. One is for a theoretical resolution
chip. of 10 bits, while the second one is for real resolution of 7
2) Laboratory tests: The measurements were carried out bits, after taking into account the described nonlinearities.
for different DAC resolutions (in-between 5 and 10) and for We suppose that after the redesign of the DAC we will
different values of the Itr current: 80, 160, 320 and 640 nA. achieve higher real resolutions, without worsening remaining
Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 illustrate the input-output characteristic parameters. Even for 7 bits of the resolution, the obtained
of the DAC – the output current Iref as a function of a multi- results are comparable with some of other DACs. Much better
bit digital input signal, for selected values of the Itr current. results have been achieved for the FOM_A factor. It is one of
The presented tests were carried out at the room temperature, the main advantages, as the DAC and the overall ADC were
i.e. about 20 ◦ C degree. designed just to reach as small chip area as possible.

Fig. 4. Measurements of the DAC for the resolution of 10 bits Fig. 7. Measurements of the DAC for the resolution of 6 bits
(P =‘0111111111’, for the Itr current equal to 80, 160, 320 and 640 nA. (P =‘0000111111’, for the Itr current equal to 80, 160, 320 and 640 nA.

Fig. 5. Measurements of the DAC for the resolution of 9 bits Fig. 8. Measurements of the DAC for the resolution of 5 bits
(P =‘0111111110’, for the Itr current equal to 80, 160, 320 and 640 nA. (P =‘0000011111’, for the Itr current equal to 80, 160, 320 and 640 nA.

Fig. 6. Measurements of the DAC for the resolution of 8 bits

(P =‘0011111111’, for the Itr current equal to 80, 160, 320 and 640 nA. Fig. 9. Measurement error of the DAC in subsequent measurement sessions
for a single sample, compared to an average value obtained in all measure-

The paper may be viewed a measurement report of a Finally we decided to realize a circuit with higher resolution,
novel 10-bit programmable current-mode, two-stage DAC, to increase the testing abilities of the proposed concept. In
implemented in the IHP CMOS 130 nm technology. The this context, the obtained results may be treated as temporary,
proposed circuit in the current form is a flexible solution, as while the circuit needs to be slightly redesigned. The main
different ranges of the branches may be used (thus different objective was to obtain an ADC with very low chip area, as
parameters), depending on needs. An initial project assumption there are applications in which many such ADCs are required
was to develop a low resolution SAR ADC (up to 7 or 8 in a single chip. The overall ADC in the current form occupies
bits) with the DAC used as a source of the reference signal. only 0.01 mm2 of silicon.


Ref. Supply Res. fS P A FOM (power) FOM (area)

(Techn.) [V] bits [MSmpl./s] [mW] [mm2 ] fJ/conv [μm2 ]/bit
3.3 ND 6.144 7.26 0.61 ND ND
(130 nm)
1.8 10 1000 27 0.2 26.37 195.3
(180 nm)
1.1 6 4000 13 0.09 50.78 1406
(40 nm)
3.3 12 0.0285 0.00792 0.04 67.84 9.765
(0.35 μm)
1.2 10 ND 0.00522 0.16 ND 156.25
(65 nm)
1.2 10 1 0.009 0.006 9.79 (*) / 70 (**) 5.86
(*) for the resolution of 10 bits (chip design – theoretical)
(**) for the resolution of 7 bits (worst case – for which the linearity is achieved)

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