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1)French, German & Spanish. – A Comparison and importance

in global market.

 10 Most Important Business Languages in Global Market:

 #3 Spanish- The Language of the Fastest Growing American Market
 #4 German- The Language of European Industrial Strength
 #7 French- The Former English
#3 Spanish- The Language of the Fastest Growing American Market
Believe it or not, the United States has recently been cited as the second largest Spanish-
speaking country in the world, where an estimated 37.6 million people speak it as their first
language. There is no denying that English is the primary language that comes to mind for the
USA, but its 50 million Spanish speakers and their small and large businesses might remind you
that it’s not the only language spoken in the country.As the US has the world’s largest economy
and the Hispanic population in the US is projected to double by 2050, this makes Spanish
enormously important. If you are willing to start your business in the US, or indeed anywhere in
the Western hemisphere, Spanish needs to be one of your chosen languages.

#4 German- The Language of European Industrial Strength :

With the advancement of technology and networking opportunities, the German economy proves
to be one of the strongest and stable within the European Union, with a GDP of over 2.4 trillion
Euros. In fact, being able to speak German provides a significant advantage to anyone wanting to
pursue international business. The German language is the fourth most used language by nearly
95 million native speakers and a total of 210 million speakers worldwide.Not only is Germany
one of the most populated countries within Europe, but there are also a large number of German-
speaking people within the nearby nations of Belgium, Austria, Holland, Denmark, Switzerland,
Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg. It is also estimated that the ability to speak German could come
with a wage increase of about 4%.

#7 French- The Former English :

French is the official language of over 29 countries throughout the world, and it is the second-
most widely spoken first language in the European Union. The colonial history of France has
helped spread this language throughout the modern world in the same way as English. This has
led to a situation in which there are more non-native French speakers than native speakers.The
French-speaking world also includes Africa, which is proliferating and rich in natural resources.
The top 5 fastest-growing African economies include Tanzania, Rwanda, Mozambique, the
Democratic Republic of Congo, and Cote D’Ivoire, which French is an official language in 3 of
them. While it’s not as prevalent globally as it once was, there’s no question that France will
remain one of the United Kingdom’s most important trade partners. French language skills are
both necessary and essential for businesses here, and it remains one of the top languages to learn.

German or French or Spanish: More useful or


Spanish: If we take the number of people (native and non-native speakers) that are speaking
the language “all over the world”. Then Spanish is one of the three most widely spoken
languages in the world after Mandarin and English. Spanish is the official language of
20 Spanish countries worldwide. Over 500 million Spanish-speaking populations across 44
countries make it one of the most important and useful languages globally. Planning to visit the
US? Then I’d go for Spanish. It is the most spoken language in South and Central America.
Plus, Spanish is advantageous in countries like the USA and Spain. Moreover, Spanish fluency
can go a long way towards helping you learn Portuguese, Catalan, and Filipino due to various
French: Like it or not, French is a global language. It is probably the only language after
English that is taught in all countries. A widespread official tongue of 32 Francophone
countries. With over 300 million French speakers worldwide, it is a force to reckon with in the
economic and political world. French is also the second most spoken tongue by a total number
of countries. If your target countries are France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Québec
(Canada), North and Central Africa, French is the best option.

 German: The German language is spoken by over 100 million native speakers and 185
million speakers worldwide. German is the official language of Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, and Luxembourg. It is also a lingua franca of Central and
Eastern Europe. While German is a distinct third in the category, it is still the most widely
spoken native language in Europe. If you have something to do with Germany, Austria, and
Switzerland – Then German would statistically be more useful. These countries, however, are
not strictly monolingual .A large number of people in these countries do speak English, unlike

Difficulty level (French, Spanish, German) – Easiest to Learn :

Spanish: Spanish probably got its reputation as the “easiest language” among the three. It is
because of being more phonetic and has fewer pronunciation rules than some other languages.
The language is rated very easy to learn. Thanks to the language’s phonetic nature, it is easy to
read words precisely as they are written. Even though grammar is quite vast and lengthy,
Spanish is the most straightforward language to learn between the three.
French: Of all the three languages in this group, French is the most difficult one for Indians or
English speakers. There are several rules for French pronunciation that can drive English
speakers crazy. French pronunciation can seem tricky. It is not a phonetic in the sense that it’s
not pronounced precisely how it’s spelled. Some sounds don’t exist in English.  As an English
speaker, it is not a natural language to master!

German: Let me admit – German is as tricky as French. The grammar part is quite confusing
and challenging. Some might find the syntax and cases not easily discernible. But one thing is
sure. If you are already an English speaker, then learning Germany shouldn’t be more difficult.
Well, at least in the beginning, since both languages belong to the same family tree. Not to
mention the fact that many Germans speak good English. While French and Spanish are classes
of the Romance languages, German and English relates to the Indo-European language
family’s Germanic branch. How long should it take to learn German? It depends on how much
you study and are dedicated.

The economic and political relevance of the language in a global context


Looking at the above criteria, we can quickly establish that, apart from English, seven
languages meet these criteria: Chinese, Arabic, French, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, and
German. Out of these seven languages, we can select three German Vs.  French Vs.
Spanish to narrow down the choice. Therefore, what languages to learn would become French,
Spanish, or German, and their reasons why you would want to study either of these
language(s). A language becoming a global language has little to do with the number of people
who speak it. It is much more to do with who those speakers are. Without a strong power-base,
of whatever kind, no language can make progress as an international medium of
When countries succeed on the international stage, their language succeeds. When they fail,
their language fails. Take the example of the Russian language. There was a time when it was
one of the most common European languages in India and was taught in several cities and a
host of universities. However, the loss of Russia’s superpower status was accompanied by a
loss of interest. Similarly, the popularity of Japanese despite a small number of the speaker is
more to do with brand “Japanese” and Japan’s success story in the last century. Germany
remains the powerhouse of Europe. On the other hand, some French-speaking countries such as
France, Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Belgium have a strong economy and influence in
various sectors. You can explore a lot of employment that requires French skills. Spanish and
South and Central American economies are doing ok but nowhere like German-speaking
regions or Francophone countries. Argentina and Mexico are two important  Hispanic countries.
However, it does not offer enough career scope involving Spanish for Indians. Spanish is the
second most popular language in the USA, but that does not mean it is mandatory to learn.
Most Americans in the southern part do speak two languages, including English.

Which is most useful in India, French or German, for Business?

Globalisation has brought about major expansion in career opportunities. The world and its
economy are changing rapidly. Therefore more businesses are trying to expand their trade
internationally. Such a company has more opportunities to work with foreign companies, and its
business will gain a favourable reputation in international markets. Not only is it interesting to
learn new languages, but it also benefits an individual's career possibilities, studying abroad,
travelling, etc. Choosing the right language to learn is a subjective matter; it depends on the
needs of the person. Consistency and determination are required from a person to learn a foreign
Countless schools in India teach French as a foreign language. Approximately around 1 lakh
students are studying French in India. French is one of the few languages, which one can learn to
secure a job in an established corporate sector organisation in India. The language French is used
in a wide range of sectors such as banking, fashion, education, finance, export/import, travelling,

Even though German is not as widely spoken as French, Mandarin or Spanish, it is the second
most popular language to learn in India. German is part of the academic curriculum in almost
500 schools and colleges in India, including 250 Kendriya Vidyalayas among others. The
Government of Germany initiated to promote German in India decades ago. The first 'Max
Mueller Bhavan' was inaugurated in Kolkata in 1957. Moreover, learning German plays a vital
role if one is planning to continue their higher studies in Germany or Austria.

Looking at the various aspects, one can say that learning French is better for those who wish to
make a living across the globe and become an international citizen. French has importance in
even those countries where it is not the official language. On the other hand, learning German is
beneficial for those who wish to pursue higher studies or a career in the countries where German
is part of the core setup. While for people with a scientific bent of mind, it is better to learn
German, those who have an artistic flair in their thoughts, French is the language to master.



German is a West Germanic language related to and classified alongside English and
Dutch. German language is one of the world’s major languages with an estimated 90 – 98
million native speakers, and is the most widely-spoken first language in the European Union.
After English, It is the second language in the European Union that people state they are most
able to speak and it remains one of the most popular foreign languages in Europe. In many
countries including India, German competence worldwide makes it the most popular language. It
is one of the three working languages of the European Commission, along with English and
French and is one of the official languages of the European Union. For quality German language
lessons, enroll today!

Germany passed a law that requires spouses from most foreign nations outside the
European Union, to acquire basic German language skills before entering the country to join
their husband or wife. At school, college and graduation level, many students take up German as
their third known language. Learning the German language will enhance the job opportunities in
the following fields: diplomatic services, International business, tourism and hospitality industry,
international agencies, post offices, teaching (both national and international), translation,
interpreter and several MNC companies in India dealing with German companies in field of
production, trade (import or export of goods or products), BPO, Call centres etc. Our extensive
sources of language professionals pay comprehensive and systematic dedication to each point
confirming proficient and price effective training program. We provide corporate training,
summer training, regular courses and exam preparation courses. We are also providing in
campus trainings for languages to students who wish to fly to Europe for their higher studies and
again we will help the students to reach out to the best colleges there.



Second-language speakers of French are distributed throughout many parts of the

world, the largest numbers of who reside in Africa. French is estimated as having 110 million
native speakers and 190 million second language speakers. It is an official language in 29
countries. French is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world; it is used as a first
language by about 136 million people worldwide. . French speaking communities are present in
57 countries including France, Belgium, Switzerland and Luxembourg in Europe, as well as parts
of Canada and the USA. Large parts of Africa (known as Francophone Africa) use French as a
strong second language additionally, almost 400 million people in various parts of the world use
French either as a second or a foreign language.


In all the United Nations agencies, French is also an official language and a large
number of other international organizations. It is the third most spoken second language in the
European Union, after English and German and popular as a business language too. French is
commonly taught as a third language in secondary schools in most cities of India, as part of the
preparation for secondary school (X-SSC) and higher secondary school (XII-HSC) certificate
examinations. Certain high-profile schools affiliated with the CBSE in the NCR offer French as
an option as early as grade 4 Knowing French language will enhance your job opportunities in
the following fields: International business, international agencies, tourism and hospitality
industry, diplomatic services, post offices, teaching (both nationally and internationally),
translation, interpreter and several MNC companies in India dealing with French companies in
field of production, trade (import or export of goods or products), BPO, Call centers etc. Our
extensive sources of language professionals pay systematic and comprehensive dedication to
each point confirming price effective and proficient training program. We provide corporate
training, summer training, regular courses and exam preparation courses.



On the other hand, Spanish is spoken in the country of Spain in the continent of
Europe. It is spoken in some Latin American countries such as Columbia as well. Spanish is the
most widely spoken Romance language in the world. A reason for that can be the less complex
nature of Spanish compared to French. When it comes to pronunciation, Spanish has fewer rules.
It is a more learner friendly language that pronounces what you write. That is exactly the
opposite of French which pronounces in a completely different way. So, if you know a few
general rules in Spanish such as the first h is silent and double l is pronounce as y, you can
pronounce Spanish easily. A very important characteristic of Spanish is the use of two verbs for
the English verb ‘to be.’ In Spanish, you have two different verbs for ‘to be.’ They are ser and
estar. These two verbs have to be used depending on the situation. Ser is used to express a
quality. Estar is used when you want to express a condition.
What is the difference between French and Spanish?

• Language Family:

• Both French and Spanish belong to the Indo-European language family.

• They also belong to the same sub-category called Italic languages.

• They are also a part of the Romance languages.

• Pronunciation:

• French has a number of rules regarding pronunciation which can be complex for a beginner.

• Compared to French, Spanish only has a few rules regarding pronunciation.

• Accents:

• French uses a number of accents.

• Spanish uses a less number of accents.

• Verb ‘To Be’:

• In French, only one verb is used for to be; Être.

• In Spanish, there are two verbs for to be; ser and estar.

These are some of the differences between the two important languages spoken in the world,

namely, French and Spanish.

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