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International Resourcing and Talent Planning


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International Resourcing and Talent Planning

Question 1: explain the key contemporary business issues and main external factors

affecting different organizations and the impact on HR

Human Resource Management is one of the most critical departments in every structured

organization. However, if the HR sub-system is used for analysis, it is considered a system due

to its nature. The system environment contains all elements outside the system but affects system

performance. There are two categories of environmental factors in human resource management

which are external and internal. All external aspects of the organization affect the organization's

activities, including personnel management. The STEEPLE analysis is used in indicating shows

the different business issues and external factors affecting organizations.

Economic factors determine the development of the economic activity, including

financial system status, general economic conditions, various economic policies, and various

productive factors, including human resources. Among the factors influencing labour

management processes are the number of people and the number of workers, the labour market

conditions, the national wage and inflationary pressures.

Social and cultural factors are very prevalent and affect many aspects of the business,

including human resource management. From a human resource management perspective, public

attitudes, beliefs, desires, expectations and habits at any time are essential. Social and cultural

factors have a direct impact on business culture. If the organization's culture does not conform to

social and cultural factors, it will not work even if it offers high financial benefits. Performance

management practices are one of the most critical aspects of business culture, so these

approaches should meet the community's expectations. In this context, the role of HR

professionals is crucial. The social and cultural context in which the company operates has a

significant impact on HRM (Stankevičiūtė & Savanevičienė, 2018). The cultural and social

environment consists of work ethic, work attitudes, and employee motivation. For example,

some cultures emphasize financial rewards while others focus on improving the working life

balance. HRM should examine these cultural aspects and adjust their motives accordingly. If

money is king, direct financial compensation in the form of high wages is sufficient.

Political and legal aspects include the political system, the role of government in the

economy, various state-owned enterprises, and laws enacted by governments at intermediate and

provincial levels. Governments sometimes guide personnel management whereby the

organizations must comply with this rule. Technology can also open up new opportunities for

skilled professionals. Re-training or retrenchment may be required if existing skills are no longer

in line with organizational requirements (Aburumman et al., 2020). Something as simple as a

new word processor version and a new digital copy may require HR support training.

Technology can also create new opportunities and challenges for skilled professionals.

New skills may force HR professionals like Mercy to hire new employees who are accustomed

to new technologies. Re-training or reduction may be required if existing skills are no longer in

line with organizational requirements. Newer versions of word processors and simple items may

require staff support training, such as new digital copies.

As older generations retire and new generations join the workforce, HR must find a way

to attract new candidates. They have to apply different methods and offer other reward packages

suitable for this organization's generation. At the same time, they must provide a work

environment that fits the way this generation works. HR management is not limited to hiring and

dismissal, but there are regards to avoiding lawsuits and sanctions by listening to external

influences and complying with related procedures (Forsten-Astikainen et al., 2017). When

working in the field of human resource development, pay close attention to external forces.

External influences can affect the employee's job or the company they work for.

Question 2: explain how organizational and HR strategies and practices are shaped and


The value of the HR strategy should not be underestimated. Their roles as a link between

the employee and the organization are significant, especially in the highly competitive

environment in today's workplace. The organization's strategy is to create, implement, and

evaluate solutions that enable the organization to achieve its long-term and short-term goals.

Travel companies and employees are looking the same way now as human resource strategies

play an essential role in developing, transforming, and transforming businesses and employees

over time (Collins, 2021). It is necessary to get used to organization r strategy. While uncertainty

persists, a solid talent strategy is a key to achieving it beyond 2021.

Aligning business and HR needs

A business plan describes how a company achieves its goals and develops in the short

and long term. The HR strategy involves building an internal infrastructure that can allow people

and processes to accomplish these goals. Finding organizations with the right HR strategy is

impossible. They should rely on the company's comprehensive business strategy and, most

importantly, position its people as a link between Labor and business growth strategies

(Hillmann, 2021). Generally, providing excellent customer service requires a dedicated team to

maintain and grow this relationship. To ensure that nothing is missed, especially in these

turbulent times, adjust its HR strategy to retain staff and reduce and avoid customer service

disruption where possible.

Focus on collaboration

Although taking the necessary steps to comply with HR strategy with broader business

objectives of the organization continues to support and support key stakeholders and other

business partners throughout the organization. It is necessary, after all; HR is an organization an

all-departmental support tool for the organization. How a company ultimately achieves its

strategic goals depends on which departments are fully involved in these efforts. In other words,

the organization works with stakeholders to prioritize, identify what is most essential or

achievable in the coming year, and use it to define clear strategies and means to achieve these

goals. The organization does not need to know the KPIs since it wants nothing but access which

is the goal. Strategic talent management is often seen as a top priority. Still, in reality, HR has no

support from leaders and teams who ultimately are responsible for implementing the strategy

(Harrison & Bazzy, 2017). Everyone in the organization can agree more on the broader

objectives of the HR strategy, but different departments may have different approaches to

achieving those goals. Every department and team needs Apple-to-Apple applications to

implement HR strategies in their businesses, leading to nightmares.

Drive engagement through communication

Similar to the above, companies need critical stakeholders throughout the company to

celebrate their HR strategy and need to be their most active supporters. Otherwise, even the best

day-to-day lighting will fail. Not everyone in the company needs to hear directly about the

strategic elevator in the HR department. But at every door, there are always people who can hold

a torch to get organized (Harrison & Bazzy, 2017). These are the needs of those who must reach

out to the organization first and ultimately become ambassadors and advocates for the

organization's strategies, ideas, and characteristics. These are the people who can transfer that

knowledge to a group from a higher level and see that each communication style is slightly

different. Some people better digest this information directly, even if it happens accidentally in a

Group video call, while others need a detailed email to deliver the wheels. In the most extreme

cases, the organization uses multiple channels of communication, including forums and text-

based discussions, to create a "domino effect" that ultimately puts the HR strategy in the minds

of everyone in the organization and what HR expects from all the employees all the year round

and everyone is on the same page.

Question 3: Identify and respond to changes in the business environment

The business environment can constantly change for various reasons, and in most cases,

organizations will get good results. Many of us don't like change. We don't want to get out of this

comfort zone, adapt to change, and experience all the potential traumas that change can bring,

but we don't want to worry or panic about change. Stop, consider their positive factors and adapt

them. Transformation drives businesses out of their comfort zone. Changes can be complex at

first, but when organizations changes, the organization learns a lot, gains experience, and

ultimately has positive results that are appreciated (Malik, 2019). Therefore, in the end, the

changes were implemented. Results and benefits depend mainly on how well organizations can

take a positive step and resist obstacles to countering change.


Take Defensive Action In Advance - Diversify

The main reason for offering various related products and services to any company's customers is

to maximize its income. But there is a second reason where sales of products and services often

drop suddenly due to market changes and competitors' attacks. Even if various other products

and services continue to create business for a company or organization, the impact is not

catastrophic. The same applies to organizational marketing. Organizations use various marketing

techniques, rather than just one or two, to reach more prospects and generate more sales (Oliva &

Kotabe, 2019). However, it also protects the organization from suddenly losing large numbers of

transactions because one of the marketing methods is no longer successful.

Look for opportunities hidden in change

The challenge of change often forces companies to find hidden opportunities that they can use to

do more business. Change is a significant challenge to the success of today's industry.

Organizations should make it a practice to look for early signs of change and deal with them

before losing their business. By differentiating the number of products and services offered by

companies and using different marketing strategies, we will take action against the impact of

change. When companies respond to challenges, they look for hidden opportunities to grow their

business (Cherunilam, 2021). Companies can find additional marketing resources and for-profit

organizations that were previously ignored.

Proceeding with Caution


At a slightly higher level, the tissues do not respond. They are trying to read and analyze the

world around them. They are keenly interested in finding clever ways to adjust to the ever-

changing outdoor environment. So, these companies analyze the impact of expected changes in

business objectives and objectives. People then plan a strategic response and take corrective and

flexible action accordingly. It is a much more complex strategy than a slight resistance to

predicting change. The above strategic response allows the company to move forward

sustainably and robustly (Cherunilam, 2021). Therefore, this strategy contributes to survival and

the company's growth, aiming to reduce threats and exploit opportunities.

Organizational change is not a business-related option that organizations can choose to act,

perform or leave. At some point, an entire organization undergoes significant changes in one

aspect of its business. HR managers can adapt to changes that change quickly business location

by following some of the tips above. Even with the best strategies and plans for a growing

business, HR cannot fully predict the future (Malik, 2019). Economic collapse and development,

new competitors, new technologies, and changes can change the business environment. So that

businesses survive, they need to adapt their strategic plans to change. The nature of the industry

in which the company operates consists of internal and external factors (Oliva & Kotabe, 2019).

External factors are technology, law, politics, competition, media and styles. Environmental

factors include management, organizational assets, economic mobility, business culture, and

knowledge and skills of people within the organization.


Aburumman, O., Salleh, A., Omar, K., & Abadi, M. (2020). The impact of human resource
management practices and career satisfaction on employee's turnover
intention. Management Science Letters, 10(3), 641-652.

Cherunilam, F. (2021). Business environment. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Collins, C. J. (2021). Expanding the resource-based view model of strategic human resource
management. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(2), 331-

Forsten-Astikainen, R., Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, P., Lämsä, T., Heilmann, P., & Hyrkäs, E.
(2017). Dealing with organizational silos with communities of practice and human
resource management. Journal of Workplace Learning.

Harrison, T., & Bazzy, J. D. (2017). Aligning organizational culture and strategic human
resource management. Journal of Management Development.

Hillmann, J. (2021). Disciplines of organizational resilience: contributions, critiques, and future

research avenues. Review of Managerial Science, 15(4), 879-936.

Malik, A. (2019). Creating competitive advantage through source essential capital strategic
humanity in the industrial age 4.0. International Research Journal of Advanced
Engineering and Science, 4(1), 209-215.

Oliva, F. L., & Kotabe, M. (2019). Barriers, practices, methods and knowledge management
tools in startups. Journal of knowledge management.

Stankevičiūtė, Ž, & Savanevičienė, A. (2018). We are designing sustainable HRM: The core
characteristics of an emerging field. Sustainability, 10(12), 4798.

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