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Annotated Lesson Plan 2

Lesson: Interactive Interview

Educational Environment:
 Target Audience: ESL High School Students
 Class Setting: 15 students
 Learner Characteristic: 15-18 years old
 Proficiency Level: Intermediate Level

Course Goals
 The course goal is for the students to be able to gain experience in a social setting to
develop their speaking, reading, and listening skills.

Lesson Objectives
 Terminal Objectives:
o Students will be able to:
 Conduct and be a part of an interview
 Enabling Objectives:
o Students will be able to:
 Practice their listening skills and be able to answer the formulated
 Engage by conversing and listening to their peers being interviewed.
 Understand how an interview is conducted

 Article on Interview Questions:
o Link:
 Journal
 Pen/Pencil

 Warm-Up
o Time and Materials: 5-10 minutes
 Take attendance, and engage in small talk while taking attendance
 Ask for students’ homework, as well as any questions they need
 Pre-Task
o Time and Materials: 10-20 minutes. Interview Question Article.
 Ask students if they have been interviewed whether for a job or for
 Allow room for some students to ask/answer questions to engage on the
topic that is interviews.
 Introduce the article of interview questions so that the students can get
accustomed to.
 Ask them what questions intrigues, and would one respond to the
 Teacher will read over a few questions just in case some students have
trouble reading them.
 Main Task
o Time and Materials: 20 minutes. Interview Question Article.
 Split class into 5 groups of 3.
 Instruct students that each one will be interviewed in their group.
 They will take turns being the interviewer and the interviewee.
 Teachers will instruct the 2 interviewers to select 4 questions together
they would like the interviewee to answer.
 Teacher will then instruct the interviewee to answer the questions they
best they can.
 The teacher will walk around to make sure everyone is participating, as
well as help the students if they need assistance in reading and/or saying
the questions out loud.
 Once the interviewee finished answering their questions, the next
student will be interviewed until all students have been interviewed.
 If time doesn’t allow for all students to be interviewed, lesson can
extend until the next class period.
 Post-Task
o Time and Materials: 10-15 minutes.
 Teacher will instruct everyone to stop what they are doing and ask what
questions were hard to answer.
 Closure/Reflection
o Time and Materials: 10 minutes. Journal. Pen/Pencil
 In their journal, the teacher will instruct the student to write about the
process of being interviewed. Did this activity help them become more
aware of interview process? How could the students improve on their

Assessment Plans/ Notes to Teachers

 Asses how each student does in the task to see where they need help on whether that
be reading, speaking, or listening skills.
 Teachers can also change the task by being the interviewer and selecting students to be

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