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1. Why do you think that swimming is considered as a sport?

Swimming is a sport, even though not everybody can do it. It is a sport because it involves physical
exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes with one another to achieve a certain goal.
Swimming requires more physical preparation than other sports because no one is born knowing already
how to swim.

2. Why is it important to know the basic skills of swimming?

Learning the basics is always the first step in learning various sports. It is very important to start off
with the basic skills of swimming so we know what are the things we must do and don’t. These basic
skills can also give health benefits to the swimmer and helps them to prevent minor or major injuries.

3. Does swimming is essential for anyone's health? How?

Swimming can give a lot of benefits to a persons health. Swimming is a good all-around activity
because it keeps our heart rate up but takes some of the stress in our bodies, builds endurance, muscle
strength and other cardiovascular fitness.

4. Is it beneficial for you to learn how to swim?

Learning how to swim is very beneficial for me because just by knowing how to swim, you can
enjoy vacation time in beaches or pools, know what to do to prevent drowning and can help you relieve
stress and heat during summer.

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