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Professional Skill Development Activities

(PSDA- 1)
Computer Applications
Innovation in Information Technology &
By Uzaif Ansari

Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated

by machines, as opposed to natural
intelligence displayed by animals including humans.
Leading AI textbooks define the field as the study of
"intelligent agents": any system that perceives its
environment and takes actions that maximize its chance
of achieving its goals. Some popular accounts use the
term "artificial intelligence" to describe machines that
mimic "cognitive" functions that humans associate with
the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem
solving", however, this definition is rejected by major AI






In Layman terms, Artificial Intelligence can be used defined

as a branch of computer science that can simulate human
intelligence. AI is implemented in machines to perform tasks
that actually require human intelligence. If you are
wondering, what is ai? Some of their primary function
includes the like of reasoning, learning, problem-solving and
quick decision making.

At the core of it, Artificial Intelligence is nothing but

algorithms with certain sets of rules. AI systems have the
ability to learn from the iteration of tasks where the computer
data (aka machine learning algorithms) are fed to the
system. This is exactly how, machine learning can actually
get better at doing their specified tasks, without any external
1. Symbolic Learning Methodology-

Symbolic learning is the earliest artificial intelligence system,

sometimes called GOFAI. This is the form of artificial intelligence upon
which most research was based from the mid-1950s until the late
1980s. It is based on the basic computer science assumption that the
world can be represented as symbols that can then be dealt with
according to specific logical processes.

METHODOLOGY It was generally used in simple robotics performing routine tasks, or in

highly structured logical problem-solving (such as playing a game of
checkers). Its scope is limited to those situations in which variables
and outputs are clearly defined.

2. Deep Learning Methodology-

Deep learning systems are the pinnacle of artificial intelligence

programming. Relying upon convolutional and recurrent neural
networks (CNN and RNN, respectively), deep learning systems allow for
input of complex data that can be interpreted by the weighing of
various factors through each neuron, which then "vote" towards a
connected network of neurons.
The relative weight of each neuron within the connected network creates a kind of synthetic
"conceptual" framework of the information that produces a judgment based on the input and
weighing relative probabilities through the neural network. Machine learning and neural networks,
with their abilities to weigh competing information which contributes to an artificial understanding
of that information, is crucial to the breakthroughs demonstrated in contemporary artificial
intelligence systems.

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)- Convolutional neural networks are designed to mimic
aspects of the visual cortex, and are often applied to more advanced forms of computer
vision. Whereas computer vision in symbolic systems is determined by images meeting preset
criteria for certain object designations (height and width relationships, shapes, etc.

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)- Recurrent neural networks differ from convolutional neural
networks in the fact that they are not strictly feed-forward artificial neural networks: that is, the
processing does not flow exclusively from input to output through the neural layers. Instead,
recurrent neural networks structure feedback loops within the layered information process.

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)- Long short-term memory units build upon the inherent
promise of recurrent neural networks by enhancing the memory capacities when information
processing must move through a large number of layers. When there are a large number of
layers in an RNN, references back to the earliest layers become increasingly difficult to
Reinforcement Learning- In reinforcement learning, goals of the neural network are analyzed
for relative success and/or failure, and the relative weight of the different neuronal inputs in
the neural network are adjusted based upon the outcome. This allows for machine learning
that adjusts to experience. Reinforcement learning can be applied to convolutional or
recurrent neural networks.

3. Statistical learning Method-

Statistical learning is focused on pattern recognition. This type of machine learning is seen in
speech recognition and natural language processing system programming. These AI
applications demonstrate how judgment in uncertain contexts is crucial to producing the
kind of intelligence humans enact. Typically in both cases the results improve as data is
acquired from use, demonstrating the experiential learning that is essential to producing
artificial intelligence.
Key findings AI is already being
incorporated into networks, with a
primary focus on reducing capital
expenditure, optimizing network
performance and building new
revenue streams. AI will be vital for
improving customer service and
enhancing customer experience.
Rise of the Chatbots- Chatbots are great projects to get involved with. One can build
chatbots similar to the ones integrated into many of the websites and applications we
use today.

Music Recommendation System- AI developers can create music recommendation

systems that are built upon music and genre datasets.

Facial Identification- Facial identification is one of the best Artificial Intelligence projects
to get involved with which can immediately read faces.

Air or Water Quality Analyser- Using datasets containing data about different water
or air tests, one can use AI to determine the air or water quality of the current subject.

AI is at the centre of a new enterprise to build

computational models of intelligence. The main
assumption is that intelligence (human or
otherwise) can be represented in terms of
symbol structures and symbolic operations
which can be programmed in a digital computer.
Conventional digital computers may be capable
of running such programs, or we may need to
develop new machines that can support the
complexity of human thought.

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