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“Impacts of technical globalization on the practices of Business ethics in Bangladesh”

Name: Saima Akter

ID: 2022905

Section: 1

Submitted to: Dr. Md. Anowar Hossain Bhuiyan

Business ethics is the study of business situations and activities which helps the business to take
commercially, strategically and financially decisions whether it’s right or wrong. Business ethics is not
bounded by the law but it’s very important for the business and its sustainability as well.

Globalization is getting high popularity day by day. Globalization is mainly going globally or
internationally. When a Business or a company want to expand their business in all over the world not
only limited to domestic is known as globalization. Globalization can be done in many ways like research
globalization, idea globalization, cultural globalization, technical globalization etc. In the economic
growth of Bangladesh, Globalization has a greater impact.

Technical Globalization is mainly spreading the technologies all over the word. In a countries economy
technical globalization has a greater impact. Technical globalization has made our life easy &
comfortable. Before the term technical globalization people used to send letters from one country to
another country and it was a very long process it almost took 1 week or a month to deliver a letter or
information from one country to another but due to technical globalization we can send email, fax,
massages, phone call and reach to the people from one country to another country within a second.
Before technical globalization to form a meeting with people from different country or origin was too
tough because they had to come in one place physically all together physically to form a meeting but
due to technical globalization life become easy, now people can form a meeting from different country
and different region at a time virtually from home. Even now-a-days classrooms are also virtual,
students from different place, country or origin doing their class from their home. We can order
products from one country to another country and by staying at home we can have the product to our
doorstep due to technical globalization. Technical globalization has some positive and negative impacts
in a country’s economy and practice of business ethics.

In Bangladesh technical globalization has a big impact in our economy and the practice of business
ethics as well. Here are the impacts of technical globalization on the practices of business ethics in

Positive impacts of technical globalization on the practices of business ethics in Bangladesh:

Due to technical globalization we are aware of the world. We get to know what is going on in the world.
How updated the world is right now. Before technical globalization it was hard to know how the other
countries doing or about their culture, ideas, their living standard or their level of maintaining business
ethics but technical globalization helps us to get the information of whole world at a time staying at
home. In Bangladesh business ethics has not been practiced properly because of the situation or some
other unavoidable circumstances. In Bangladesh we have a very limited resource with a huge population
that’s why if we want to practice business ethics strictly we can’t maintain it properly. Due to technical
globalization people are getting employed by off shoring, outsourcing and many other multinational
countries are also entering into our country and our domestic countries are getting multinational day by
day. That’s why now if an employee got sick or having trouble to come to office for a valid reason the
important work will stop, before it was a major issue due to this he or she might be got fired from the
work but technical globalization has brought a significant changes in practices of business ethics. Now
people can work from home and for not going to office due to emergency they don’t need to be worried
for their job.

In the corporate workplace sometimes we can see something unpleasant like when someone do any
kind of violation or mistake they used to blame another employee in that situation for a manager it’s
hard to make a decision fairly but due to technical globalization in a office there are cc cameras
everywhere and in that situation if the manager check the CC TV footage he will get to know who the
actual faulty is.

In Bangladesh in past days companies used to do their official work manually for that reason some
dishonest people used to do the malpractices of business but now a day’s though its fully computerized
that kind of dishonest people can’t do such things using their power and that way technical globalization
helps to practice the business ethics.

Negative impacts of technical globalization on the practices of business ethics in Bangladesh:

With the positive impacts there are some negative impacts of technical globalization in practicing
business ethics as well. Due to technical globalization people are now more dependent on technology
that’s why many people are unemployed. In past days for official works people used to use the
typewriter but due to technical globalization after printer came to Bangladesh many people lost their
jobs who used to work with typewriter. In Bangladesh there are some government holidays but as all
the multinational companies are not bounded by the government law they follow their mother country’s
holidays and other rules regulations and even on Eid day they used to force their employees to work at
office or work from home. As a muslim country for Bangladesh its unethical to force an employee to
work on Eid day as well.

Moreover we can say that though technical globalization has some negative impact on practicing
business ethics but the positive impacts are more and for a developing country like Bangladesh technical
globalization is like a blessing.

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