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Republic of the Philippines


Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

Narrative Report

Of My Practice Teaching

In partial fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Secondary Education



Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur


I would like to devote this work to myself because of all the things I’ve been through; I

never thought that I could do such thing.

To the Almighty God, the hero of my life, the source of my knowledge and wisdom in

accomplishing my narrative report of my practice teaching.

To my beloved family who are always there to support me in all of my plans and goal


To my Mother, Father, Brothers and sisters for always motivate me.

To my professors, especially to Mrs. Aida C. Alita for always supervising me in my

practice teaching.

To my cooperating teacher, Mr. Jummel Caud for giving his support, advises and

making me the best in me.

To my cooperating school Lungog Integrated School and its entire staff from the

principal, teaching and non-teaching staff for the opportunity thank you very much.

Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur


I would like to express my whole heartedly thanks and my deepest gratitude to the

following people who are able to give their willingness help, unwavering and undying support,

motivation, and precious time for the completion of this narrative report.

To Mrs. Aida C. Alita, our adviser for her untiring guidance, concern, support,

encouragement, understanding and most of all for the love that she gave to all practice teachers.

To Mr. Roger Montero, Head Teacher of Lungog Integrated School, for his whole

heartedly welcome. Thank you for assenting to bear with us for a quiet number of weeks.

To Mr. Jummel Caud, my Cooperating teacher at Lungog Integrated School, for

painstakingly checking my lesson plans and guiding me with my lesson plans and guiding me

with my lesson and proposing suggestions for me to improved or to progress. Thank you for

letting me be myself and mentoring me all throughout my stay in the school.

To all the students of Grade 8-A and 8-B of Lungog Integrated School, for their

kindness, cooperation and respect given to me as their practice teacher that inspire me to

continue my chosen career.

The Almighty God, for his blessings and challenges, and for giving me strength and

endurance to continue creating this Narrative Report.

Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur


There are many professions which man has being adopted according to his knowledge

and ability. A person can adopt any profession depends upon his aptitudes and capability. All

profession is important for human development but teaching is the profession which can lead

people ti its stairways of success. Teaching is the noblest profession, because teachers must go

beyond to the fullest of having a great effort to deliver a good quality of education to educate

their learners. Teaching as a profession requires a great motivation and moral strength, it aims to

enlightening and contentment of mind in men broadens and illuminates the corners of human

hearts and mind.

Through the guidance of teachers, man drinks from the source of truth, beauty and

goodness and tries to incorporate them in life. Let me say that the teaching is the profession

which shows man the learners bet also their heart. If we have the jar of heart to teach, a mission

and vision in life to share our knowledge to our students then it is our vocation not just a job to

earn salary but also to reap a good fruit through the learners who gain knowledge and to discover

their own capabilities from our guidance.

“Teachers who inspire know that teaching is like cultivating a garden. Those who would

have nothing to do with thorns must never attempt to gather flower”. –Unknown Author

Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

January 26, 2018

As a student who’s taking Bachelor of Secondary Education, we are mandated to undergo

a practice teaching. This was the time we are deployed to our cooperating school Lungog

Integrated School by our advisers, Mrs. Aida C. Alita and Mrs. Violeta Funtanilla. On this day,

were just presented to the head teacher of the school.

January 29, 201

This day, we are going to attend a program of the Elementary Department of Lungog

Integrated School

January 30, 2018

Since, Sir Roger Montero invited us to go with them in Vigan. Everlyn, Jessa and I need

to attend the DEPED Day Celebration.

February 05, 2018

This day was the First time we talked to our cooperating teacher. Mr. Jomel Caud gave us

the opportunity to choose what grade level we wanted to handle. I choose grade 8 students, after

that our cooperating teacher gave the lessons that we are going to teach. This day he asked us to

observe him in his class.

Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

February 06, 2018

This day, I only met the Grade 8 students in the afternoon. I didn’t start yet the lesson.

What I did was to introduce myself in order for them to know me and to know them too, I asked

them to bring out a ¼ sheet of paper and write their name, age, address, favorite food, color and

their first impression to me. After that I collected their papers and immediately introduced


February 07, 2018

This day, I met the grade 8-B students in the morning. I didn’t start yet the lesson. What I

did was to introduce myself in order for them to know me and to know them too, I asked them to

bring out a ¼ sheet of paper and write their name, age, address, favorite food, color and their first

impression to me. After that I collected their papers and immediately introduced myself.

February 08, 2019

This day was the day when I started to teach the lesson that my cooperating teacher gave

me. My first lesson was about Peking Opera. I discussed the roles and characters in Peking

Opera in the morning, my class was the grade 8-B students and in the afternoon was Grade 8-A

students. I have noticed that there was more interaction between me and grade 8-A students that

the 8-B students.

Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

February 09, 2018

Report at Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College-Provincial Institute of Fisheries Narvacan


February 12, 2018

Since February 16 was their Junior and Senior Promenade. They need to have a practice

for their cotillion dance. Since Jessa, Everlyn and I are MAPEH major Teachers, we are assigned

to practice the Grade 9 and Grade 10 for their cotillion dance. This day we introduced the steps.

February 13, 2018

We have to continue the practice on the cotillion dance, in preparation to their Junior and

Senior Promenade.

February 14, 2018

This day, still we continue to practice their cotillion dance and their entrance. They have

to practice from the morning until the afternoon.

February 15, 2018

This day we still continue to practice the grade 9 and Grade 10 Students for their

Cotillion dance and their entrance. They have to practice from morning until the afternoon.

Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

February 16, 2018

This day was their Juniors and Seniors Promenade. In the morning they still need to

practice the dance. In the afternoon, we let them to go home for them to have a beauty rest and to

prepare. Some teachers needed to go home for them also to prepare for the JS Prom. And some

Teachers including us need to stay in the school to help in preparing foods and drinks. The JS

Prom started and there was a part also that we dance together with the teachers. The program was

done at 1:00 am.

February 21, 2018

Resume of classes. This day I continue my topic “Peking Opera” I discussed the visual

performance elements in Peking Opera, and give the meaning of the following color used in

mask on or make up in Peking Opera.

February 22, 2018

Since were done discussing about Peking Opera. I group them into two (2) groups and

give them time to practice and Perform Peking Opera.

February 23, 2018

This day I presented the new lesson which is Kabuki of Japan. Grade 8-B was my class in

this day, and vacant of grade 8-A. just like in Peking Opera, I discussed the elements of Kabuki.

We’re not able to finish our discussion because were out of time.

Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

February 24, 2018

This day, I presented the next lesson which is the Kabuki of Japan to Grade 8-A was my

first class in this day. Just like in Grade 8-B, I discussed the Elements of Kabuki. We’re not able

to finish our lesson in the said day.

February 25, 2018

This day I let the to review on their own, because I will give them a short quiz about our

last topic.

February 26, 2018

In the morning, 8-B was my class and we proceed to our next topic which is about

Cigarettes we discussed the history and the health effects of it. In the Afternoon 8-A was my

class and I told them to make a slogan about cigarettes.

February 27, 2018

On this day I let the 8-B students to review and I will give them a short quiz about our

last topic. In the Afternoon grade 8-A was my class and we proceeded to our next topic about


Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

February 29, 2018

I don’t have a class with grade 8-B in the morning. In the afternoon I let my Grade 8-A

students to review because I will give them a short quiz about our last topic which is cigarettes.

March 01, 2018

Since, March 8-9 will be there 4th periodical test, my cooperating teacher told me to make

test questions for their examinations.

March 02, 2018

This day, I presented their last lesson. My cooperating teacher told me that I need to keep

on discussing.

March 05, 2018

This day I just let them to review for their examinations.

March 06, 2018

On this day, they have their summative test in Music and Arts. Some of them passed the

summative test and some didn’t make it. I corrected those wrong answers and gave the right


Republic of the Philippines
Provincial Institute of Fisheries- Narvacan Campus
Sulvec, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur

March 07, 2018

On this day, they have their summative test in P.E. and Health. Some of them passed the

summative test and some didn’t make it. I corrected those wrong answers and gave the right


March 08, 2018

This day was their first examination day for the 4 th Grading Period. I have an examinees

at 8:00 in the morning.

March 09, 2018

This day was their last examination day. My schedule was first period in the afternoon.

This day also was the birthday of Mr. Jameson Quiocho. Were all in the canteen and have a

snack for free. The birthday boy treated us. 8-A was my students that time. I’m happy because

out of 31 students only two of them cannot passed the exam.


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