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Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 12. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính
giả. Phần đầu bài học hôm nay là FUNCTIONING IN ENGLISH - ANH NGỮ THƯƠNG MẠI, trong đó quí vị nghe
Elizabeth Moore phỏng vấn Michael Epstein. Tiếp theo, ta học phần “Introductions, Part 5 - Giới thiệu phần 5”.
Bài hôm nay nói về “quá-trình nghề nghiệp" - job history. Phần này của bài học chú trọng vào cách nói về quá
trình nghề nghiệp của mình.

Chữ khó:


QUALITY ASSURANCE=bảo đảm phẩm chất.
QUALITY ASSURANCE ENGINEER=kỹ sư lo về kiểm soát phẩm chất của sảnn phẩm.
I MAJORED IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING=tôi học chuyên về môn kỹ sư điện.
I WORKED FOR THEM FOR JUST UNDER TWO YEARS=tôi làm cho họ chưa tới hai năm.
SYSTEMS ENGINEER=kỹ sư chuyên về hệ thống điện tử.
BUSINESS SIDE OF THINGS=khía cạnh thương mại.
MBA=văn bằng Master of Business Administration=cao học quản trị kinh doanh.
Trong đoạn tới Mike Epstein kể rằng sau khi ông tốt nghiêp ở đại học Stanford, ông làm kỹ sư kiểm soát phẩm
chất cho một công ty nhỏ ở San Francisco.
Xin mời quí vị nghe.


Eliz: Our guest today is Michael Epstein. Hello, Mike. Thank you for coming back to our program.
Epstein: Hello, again. It's nice to be back.
Eliz: You said you're a systems engineer at Advanced Technologies, is that correct?
Epstein: That's right.
Eliz: What's your background, Mike?
Epstein: I have a background in both engineering and business.
Eliz: I see. Where did you study engineering?
Epstein: At Stanford. I majored in Electrical Engineering.
Eliz: And when did you graduate?
Epstein: 1988. I graduated in 1988.
Eliz: I see. And what did you do after graduation?
Epstein: My first job was an engineer for a small company in San Francisco.
Eliz: And what were your responsibilities?
Epstein: I was a quality assurance engineer. I worked for them for just under two years.
Eliz: Why did you leave?
Epstein: I became more interested in the business side of things, so I decided to go back to school to get an
Eliz: That's interesting, Mike. Let's take a short break and then I'll ask you some more questions.
Epstein: Sounds good.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần thực tập VARIATIONS, cách nói một ý khác nhau. Thí dụ như động từ và danh từ “MAJOR”.
TO MAJOR= chuyên về môn gì.
A MAJOR =môn chính.
JUST UNDER TWO YEARS = a little less than two years = gần được hai năm.
Xin nghe và lập lại.


Eliz: I majored in Electrical Engineering.

Larry: My major was Electrical Engineering.(pause)
Eliz: My first job was an engineer.
Larry: In my first job I worked as an engineer.(pause)
Eliz: I worked for them for just under two years.
Larry: I worked for them for a little less than two years.(pause)
Eliz: I decided to go back to school to get my MBA.
Larry: I decided to go back for my MBA.(pause)


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần ba bài học, quí vị nghe tiếp cuộc phỏng vấn về quá trình học vấn và công việc (background) của
ông Epstein.
CURRENT=hiện thời.
BUSINESS DEGREE=cấp bằng về thương mại.
STANFORD=tên đại học miền Tây Hoa Kỳ rất nổi tiếng.
BE MARRIED=có vợ hay chồng.
BAY AREA=vùng vịnh, như San Francisco, thuộc tiểu bang California.
MEDIUM-SIZE COMPANY=công ty cỡ trung bình.
POSITION=chức vụ.
THE RIGHT PLACE=chỗ thích hợp.
GOLF=bóng gôn, đứng xa dùng gậy sắt, quật vào trái banh sao cho banh lọt xuống một cái lỗ ở sân cỏ tít
đằng xa.
Xin mời quí vị lắng nghe.


Eliz: Welcome back. So you were saying, Mike, that you decided to get a business degree.
Epstein: That's right.
Eliz: Did you go back to Stanford?
Epstein: Yes, I did. I was married at the time, and my wife was also working in San Francisco. So I didn't want
to leave the Bay Area.
Eliz: When did you get your MBA?
Epstein: In 1992.
Eliz: Then what?
Epstein: Well, I was looking for a position with a medium sized company. Advanced Technologies seemed like
the right place for me.
Eliz: And now you are Senior Systems Engineer there.
Epstein: That's right.
Eliz: Do you like your work?
Epstein: Yes, I do, very much.
Eliz: What do you do when you're not working, Mike?
Epstein: Well, I enjoy golf, but I don't get much time to play.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần bốn kế tiếp, quí vị nghe rồi lập lại, thoạt đầu lập lại một nhóm chữ; sau đó lập lại cả câu; rồi nghe
câu hỏi mà câu trả lời chính là câu quí vị vừa lập lại.

Larry: Listen and repeat.

Eliz: Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: He works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Who does Mr. Epstein work for?(pause for repeat)
Eliz: He works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Stanford University.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: He went to Stanford University.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: What school did he go to?(pause for repeat)
Eliz: He went to Stanford University.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Electrical Engineering.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: He majored in Electrical Engineering.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: What did he major in?(pause for repeat)
Eliz: He majored in Electrical Engineering.(pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần năm, CULTURAL TIPS, những điều mách giúp về văn hóa, quí vị nghe hai câu hỏi. Câu thứ nhất là
“How much vacation do Americans get?” (người Mỹ được nghỉ phép bao nhiêu?) và câu thứ hai,"What is the
average work day and work week?” (Trung bình mỗi ngày làm bao nhiêu tiếng, mỗi tuần làm mấy giờ?)

A PART-TIME WORKER=người làm bán thời gian.
A HOLIDAY=ngày lễ.
SICK TIME= giờ nghỉ bịnh.
A START-UP COMPANY=công ty mới lập.
JULY 4TH= ngày Lễ Độc Lập Hoa Kỳ
CHRISTMAS=Giáng sinh.
LITTLE PAY=lương ít.
Xin mời quí vị nghe:

Eliz: Hello again. We're here with Gary Engleton, our business language expert. Let's look at our e-mail
question, Gary.
Gary: All right.
[Computer keyboard sounds - tiếng đánh máy trên bàn máy điện tử]
Eliz: Our first question is, “How much vacation do Americans get?”
Gary: Most American workers get at least two weeks after a few years. In addition, most companies give their
workers some holidays, like Christmas and July 4th, and some days of sick time. Some part time workers,
however, are not paid for vacations.
Eliz: Thanks, Gary. Our second question is,"What is the average work day and work week?”
Gary: We generally think of an 8-hour day and 40-hour week as “normal.” High level executives, however, are
usually expected to work as much as 50-60 hours a week because they are paid so much. But at start up
companies, people work even more hours, sometimes for very little pay.
Eliz: Thanks for your comments.
Gary: My pleasure.
Eliz: Let's take a short break.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần thực tập điền một chữ cho câu đủ nghĩa - SENTENCE COMPLETION. Quí vị nghe một câu còn
thiếu một chữ, điền vào chỗ trống chỗ có tiếng chuông bằng một chữ đã học.


Eliz: A day when most people don't go to work is called_____.(ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: a holiday.
It's called a holiday.(short pause)
Eliz: A new company is called _______.(ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: a start-up company.
It's called a start-up company.(short pause)
Eliz: The normal work day at an America company is_______.(ding) (short pause)
Eliz: eight hours.
The normal work day is eight hours.(short pause)

Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 13. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả. Trong bài học này trước hết, quí vị nghe chỉ cách nói về quá trình công việc - JOB HISTORY,
trong một cuộc phỏng vấn xin việc - JOB INTERVIEW = INTERVIEW FOR A JOB.

FOOD PROCESSING PLANT=xưởng chế biến thực phẩm.

PRODUCT SCHEDULES=thời biểu sản xuất.
DESCRIBE YOUR JOB HISTORY= hãy mô tả quá trình công việc của ông/bà.
HOW FAR BACK WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO GO?=ông/bà muốn tôi kể từ đoạn nào trong quá trình công
việc của tôi?
CURRENT JOB=việc hiện thời.
ASSEMBLY LINE=đường dây chuyền sản xuất, trong đó mỗi người thợ làm một bộ phận của toàn thể sản
TO SCHEDULE=phân phối công việc.
SCHEDULING WORKERS ON THE ASSEMBLY LINE=chia việc cho công nhân trên đường dây chuyền sản
tổng quát, tôi điều động cho các thời biểu sản xuất được đáp đúng hạn kỳ.
Nhận xét văn phạm: SHE IS BEING ASKED TO TALK ABOUT HER PAST JOBS= bà ta đang được hỏi để nói
về các công việc bà đã làm.
Đây là thì present progressive tả một hành động đang xẩy ra ở hiện tại. Đoạn sắp tới, cô White được
phỏng vấn về quá trình nghề nghiệp của cô.


Eliz: Today's Business Dialog is about describing your job history. Let's listen to an example of a person
being interviewed for a job. She is being asked to talk about her past jobs.
[Office background sounds - tiếng động trong văn phòng ở phía sau]

Interviewer: Certainly. How far back would you like me to go?

Interviewer: Tell me about the two jobs you held before your current job.
White: All right. Well, from 1991 to 1994 I was an assistant manager at a food processing plant in New
Jersey. I was in charge of scheduling workers on the assembly line. Then at the end of 1994 I took a
position as general manager with Ace Foods. I held that position until I moved to my current position in
Interviewer: And what were your responsibilities as general manager?
White: As general manager, I made sure production schedules were met.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần kế tiếp, chúng ta chú ý vào phần vụ - JOB HISTORY=mô tả quá trình công việc mình.
Xin ôn lại mấy câu đã học.

-How far back would you like me to go?=Bà hay ông muốn tôi kể ngược lại từ đoạn nào trong quá-trình
công-việc của tôi?
-How far back=lùi lại bao xa.
-I was an assistant manager at a food processing plant=tôi làm phụ tá quản đốc trong một xưởng chế
biến thực phẩm.
Nhận xét chữ SCHEDULE (danh từ)=thời biểu; và động từ TO SCHEDULE= phân phối công việc theo thời
biểu. Trong câu sau đây “scheduling” là động từ. I was in charge of scheduling workers on the assembly
line= tôi lo việc xếp đặt công việc cho công nhân trên đường dây chuyền sản xuất. Trong câu sau đây
“schedules” là danh từ.
-As general manager, I made sure production schedules were met=trong chức vụ quản đốc tổng quát,
tôi phải lo sao cho việc sản xuất được đúng kỳ hạn.
Trong đoạn tới, quí vị nghe rồi lập lại, trước hết lập lại từng đoạn ngắn. Sau đó lập lại cả câu.


Larry: Focus on Function: Giving job history.

Eliz: Now let's focus on how to talk about your job history.
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Eliz: I was an assistant manager.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: at a food processing plant.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: in New Jersey.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: I was an assistant a food processing New Jersey.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: From 1991 to 1994...I was an assistant manager at a food processing plant in New Jersey.(Pause
for repeat)
Eliz: I took a position(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: as general manager(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: with Ace Foods.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: I took a general manager...with Ace Foods.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: At the end of 1994...I took a position as general manager with Ace Foods.(Pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần Gary's Tip - lời mách giúp của Gary, quí vị nghe Gary chỉ cách nói về quá trình công việc của
Thường có bốn phần: một là job title - chức vụ; hai là where you worked - làm ở đâu; ba là when you
held the position - làm trong thời gian nào; và bốn là what your job responsibilities were - trách nhiệm
trong công việc đó là gì.


Larry: Gary's Tips.

Eliz: Welcome back. It's time for Gary's tips. What's your topic for today, Gary?
Gary: Today I'll be talking about describing your job history. Last week we talked aout how to talk about
your education background in a job interview. Often you will be asked in a job interview to describe your
job history. An interviewer might ask you to describe the previous jobs you have held. In your
description, you should say what your job title was, where you worked, when you held the position, and
what your job responsibilities were.

Let's listen to a portion of the Business Dialog where Ms. White tells about her job at a food processing
plant. Try to answer these two questions: What was Ms. White's job title? Where did she work? Let's

Interviewer: Tell me about your two jobs you held before your current job.
White: All right. Well, from 1991 to 1994 I was an assistant manager at a food processing plant in New
Gary: What was Ms. White's job title?
-She was assistant manager.
Where did she work?
-Ms. White didn't give the name of the company, but she said she worked at a food processing plant in
New Jersey.

Listen again to part of the dialog, and answer these two questions:

When did Ms. White work as assistant manager? What were Ms. White's responsibilities?
Let's listen.
White: Well, from 1991 to 1994 I was an assistant manager at a food processing plant in New Jersey. I
was in charge of scheduling workers on the assembly line.

Gary: When was Ms. White assistant manager?

-She was assistant manager from 1991 to 1994.
And what were Ms. White's responsibilities?
-She was in charge of scheduling workers.

Well, that's all we have time for today.

I hope today's tips were helpful!
Eliz: Thanks very much, Gary.


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ để ôn lại, mời quí vị nghe lại một câu dài tả quá trình công việc. Câu này gồm nhiều đoạn ngắn.
From 1991 to 1994/I was an assistant manger/at a food processing plant/ in New Jersey.
Bây giờ nghe câu này đọc nhanh hơn:
From 1991 to 1994 I was an assistant manger at a food processing plant in New Jersey.
Xin nghe rồi lập lại.


Larry: Listen and repeat.

Eliz: I was an assistant manager.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: at a food processing plant.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: in New Jersey.(Pause for repeat)
Eliz: I was an assistant a food processing New Jersey.(Pause for repeat)

Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ, để ôn lại, mời quí vị nghe lại đoạn hai của bài học, trong đó Ông Gary khuyên quí vị nói bốn
điểm khi được phỏng vấn về việc làm cũ của mình. Rồi quí vị nghe cô White được phỏng vấn về quá trình
nghề nghiệp của cô.


Larry: Gary's Tips.

Eliz: Welcome back. It's time for Gary's tips. What's your topic for today, Gary?
Gary: Today I'll be talking about decribing your job history. Last week we talked about how to talk about
your education background in a job interview.
Often you will be asked in a job interview to describe your job history.
An interviewer might ask you to describe the previous jobs you have held.
In your description, you should say what your job title was, where you worked, when you held the
position, and what your job responsibilities were.

Let's listen to a portion of the Business Dialog where Ms. White tells about her job at a food processing

Try to answer these two questions: What was Ms. White's job title? Where did she work?

Let's listen.

Interviewer: Tell me about your two jobs you held before your current job.
White: All right. Well, from 1991 to 1994 I was an assistant manager at a food processing plant in New
Gary: What was Ms. White's job title?
-She was assistant manager.
Where did she work?
-Ms. White didn't give the name of the company, but she said she worked at a food processing plant in
New Jersey.
Listen again to part of the dialog, and answer these two questions: When did Ms. White work as assistant
manager? What were Ms. White's responsibilities?

Let's listen.

White: Well, from 1991 to 1994 I was an assistant manager at a food processing plant in New Jersey.
I was in charge of scheduling workers on the assembly line.
Gary: When was Ms. White assistant manager?
She was assistant manager from 1991 to 1994.
And what were Ms. White's responsibilities?
She was in charge of scheduling workers.
Well, that's all we have time for today. I hope today's tips were helpful!
Eliz: Thanks very much, Gary.


Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!


Đoạn đầu bài học, Kathy nói chuyện với hai người khách mời lên đài là Pat Miller và Sandy Steele. Tên
tắt Pat có thể là tên đàn ông hay tên đàn bà. [Nếu viết tắt từ tên Patrick thì là tên đàn ông; nếu viết tắt
từ Patricia thì là tên đàn bà. Sandy cũng có thể là tên tắt của đàn ông hay đàn bà. Tên Sandy nếu là tên
đàn ông thì viết tắt từ tên Alexander; nếu viết tắt từ Alexandra hay Sandra thì là tên đàn bà].

STUDENT=học sinh hay sinh viên đại học

HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT=học sinh trung học.
Mời quí vị nghe đoạn đầu bài học.



Max: Hi, Kathy. How are you doing?

Kathy: Fine, thanks. And you?
Max: Oh, not bad.
Max: Who's today's guest?
Kathy: Today, we have two guests, a young man and a young woman. Their names are Pat Miller and
Sandy Steele.
Max: Who is the man and who is the woman?
Kathy: Excuse me, what do you mean?
Max: Pat is a man's name, and it's also a woman's name. And Sandy is a man's name or a woman's
name. Is Pat a man or a woman?
Kathy: Oh, I see.[laughs/cười] Actually, I don't know. Let's find out.


Vietnamese explanation
Bây giờ đến phần Kathy phỏng vấn cô Pat Miller và anh Sandy Steele, hai sinh viên thuộc đại học
American University ở Washington, D.C. Pat ở thành phố Montreal, thuộc xứ Gia Nã Đại (Canada) và
Sandy ở thành phố Dallas, tiểu bang Texas.


Interview: Pat Miller and Sandy Steele.

Larry: Interview.
Kathy: Now it's time for today's interview. Our guests today are Pat Miller and Sandy Steele. Welcome to
New Dynamic English.
Sandy: Thank you. We're happy to be here.
Kathy: Now, who is Sandy and who is Pat?
Sandy (giọng nam): I'm Sandy.
Pat (giọng nữ) And I'm Pat.
Pat: Nice to meet you, Kathy.
Sandy: Yes, it's nice to be here.
Kathy: Sandy, Pat, do you both come from the U.S.?
Sandy: No, we don't. I come from the U.S... ...but Pat comes from Canada.
Pat: That's right. I'm from Montreal. Montreal, Canada. But we both live in the U.S. We're students at
American University.
Kathy: Here in Washington, D.C.?
Pat: Yes, that's right.
Kathy: Where do you come from, Sandy?
Sandy: Texas. I come from Dallas, Texas.
Kathy: Pat, in Montreal, do people speak French?
Pat: Yes, they do. People speak French in Montreal.
Kathy: Do you speak French? Pat: Yes, I do. I speak French and English.
Kathy: How about you, Sandy? Do you speak French?
Sandy: No, I don't. I speak English and a little Spanish. ....but I don't speak French.
Kathy: Our guests are Pat Miller and Sandy Steele. We'll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic


Vietnamese explanation
Bây giờ quí vị nghe rồi lập lại câu hỏi WHO SPEAKS FRENCH?


Max: Who speaks French?(pause for repeat)

Max: Pat speaks French.(pause for repeat)
Pat: I speak French.(pause for repeat)
Sandy: I don't speak French.(pause for repeat)
Max: Who speaks Spanish?(pause for repeat)
Max: Sandy speaks Spanish.(pause for repeat)
Sandy: I speak Spanish. (Pause for repeat)
Pat: I don’t speak Spanish (pause for repeat)
Max: Who speaks English?(pause for repeat)
Max: Sandy and Pat both speak English.(pause for repeat)
Pat: That's right. We speak English.(pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ là phần điện đàm-TELEPHONE-Quí vị sẽ nghe những câu: -Do people speak English in Montreal?
Người ta có nói tiếng Anh ở Montreal không?
-In Montreal, Canada, many people speak both French and English. Ở Montreal, Canada, nhiều người nói
cả tiếng Pháp lẫn tiếng Anh.
-Which one of you is from Canada? Trong hai người, ai từ Canada đến? -He speaks English but he doesn't
speak French: Anh ấy nói tiếng Anh nhưng không nói tiếng Pháp.


Kathy: Now, it's time for us to take a telephone call.

Hello. You're on the air with New Dynamic English.
Caller: Hello. My name is Samantha. I'm from Denver.
Kathy: Yes, go ahead.
Cally: Sandy, Pat. Which one of you is from Canada?
Pat: I am. I'm from Canada.
Caller: OK. I have a question for you.
Pat: Yes...
Caller: People speak French in Montreal, right?
Pat: Yes, that's right.
Caller: Do people speak English in Montreal?
Pat: That's a good question. In Montreal many people speak both French and English.
Caller: I see. Thank you.
Kathy: Thank you for calling.
Let's take a break.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần thực tập. Xin nghe và trả lời bằng Yes hay No. Xin nghe tiếng chuông rồi trả lời.


Max: Is Sandy from the U.S.?(ding) (pause for answer)

Max: Yes, he is. He's from the U.S.(short pause)
Max: Does he speak French?(ding)(pause for answer)
Max: No, he doesn't. He doesn't speak French.(short pause)
Max: Does he speak English?(ding)(pause for answer)
Max: Yes, he does. He speaks English, but he doesn't speak French.(short pause)
Max: Is Pat from the U.S.?(ding)(pause for answer)
Max: No, she isn't. She's from Canada.(short pause)
Max: Does she speak French?(ding)(pause for answer)
Max: Yes, she does. She speaks French.(short pause)
Max: Does she speak English?(ding)(pause for answer)
Max: Yes, she does. She speaks English and French.(short pause)


Vietnamese explanation
Bây giờ là phần đàm thoại giữa hai bà đang chờ xe buýt ở phi trường Tokyo ở Nhật Bản- At the Tokyo
Airport (Part 3). Quí vị học thêm tên thành phố Yokohama. Quí vị nghe mẩu đàm thoại trước; sau đó lập
lại những câu đã nghe.


At the Tokyo Airport

Woman 1: Excuse me. Do you speak English?(short pause)
Woman 2: Yes, I do.(short pause)
Woman 1: Is this the bus to Yokohama?(short pause)
Woman 2: Yes, it is.(short pause)
Woman 1: Thank you.(short pause)
Woman 2: You're welcome.(short pause)
Woman 1: Are you from Yokohama?(short pause)
Woman: No, I'm not.(short pause)
Woman 1: Where are you from?(short pause)
Woman 2: I'm from Korea.(short pause)
Woman 1: Really?(short pause)
Woman 1: You're not Japanese?(short pause)
Woman 2: No, I'm Korean.(short pause)
Woman 1: But you speak Japanese.(short pause)
Woman 2: Yes, I do.(short pause)

Larry: Listen and repeat.


Woman 1: You're not Japanese?(pause for repeat)

Woman 2: No, I'm Korean.(pause for repeat)
Woman 1: But you speak Japanese.(pause for repeat)
Woman 2: Yes, I do.(pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là phần câu hỏi trong tuần. Question of the Week-What language do you speak?
Xin đoán xem họ nói tiếng gì. Phần cuối sau khi nghe câu hỏi, quí vị trả lời bằng tiếng Anh.



Larry: Question of the week!

Max: Now it's time for the Question of the Week.
Listen to the question. We'll have the answers on the next show. What language do you speak?

Question number 1. Listen. What language does he speak?

French man: Je m'apppelle Pierre. Je parle francais.
Max: Question number 2: Listen. What language does she speak?
Spanish woman: Me llamo Maria. Hablo espanol.
Max: Question number 3. Listen. What language does she speak?
Russian woman: (per tape)
Max: We'll have the answers on our next show.


Larry: A Question for you.

Max: Now here's a question for you.
Larry: Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: What languages do you speak?(ding) (pause for answer)
Max: Really? Thank you.


Vietnamese explanation

Đây là chương trình Anh Ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 15. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả. Phần đầu bài học hôm nay là FUNCTIONING IN BUSINESS-ANH NGỮ THƯƠNG MẠI, trong đó
quí vị nghe Elizabeth Moore phỏng vấn cô Shirley Graham, phó chủ tịch cao cấp (senior vice president)
của hãng Advanced Technologies.

Tiếp theo, ta học phần “Introductions, Part 6, Giới thiệu phần 6”. Bài hôm nay nói về cách hỏi những câu
hỏi có tính cách riêng tư. (Personal questions). Những câu hỏi nên tránh, trừ phi rất thân, là đừng hỏi về
tuổi (AGE), tôn giáo (RELIGION), lương (SALARY), tình trạng gia đình (MARITAL STATUS).

- Chữ khó:

TO OVERSEE=trông nom, quản đốc, giám thị.

TO REPORT (TO SOMEONE)=bá cáo, trình lên cấp trên của mình, làm dưới quyền ai.
SUPPORT STAFF=ban nhân viên phụ tá.
MARKETING= thị trường.
EXECUTIVE RECRUITER=nhân-viên tuyển chọn cấp điều hành.
I HAVE FIVE SENIOR ENGINEERS WHO REPORT DIRECTLY TO ME= tôi có 5 kỹ sư cao cấp trực-tiếp làm
việc dưới quyền tôi (trình công việc cho tôi biết).
INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS=người máy kỹ nghệ.
INVOLVED IN THE NEGOTIATIONS=tham gia vào việc thương lượng.
POWER PLANT=nhà máy điện; PAPER MILL=nhà máy giấy. FACILITIES=tiện-nghi, đồ thiết bị về máy
móc hay trong cơ xưởng.
MODERNIZE=tân tiến hoá
CONCERNS=nối quan tâm
COMPLEX QUESTION=vấn đề phức tạp.
STAFF=ban nhân viên chỉ huy.
HANDLE=điều khiển
THERE WAS A POSITION OPENING UP=có một chức vụ còn trống, chưa có người làm.
ATTRACT=quyến rũ, thu hút.
MAKE A GOOD CHOICE=lựa chọn khéo.
CHALLENGING=đầy thử thách.
EXISTING=hiện có
GROW=lớn lên, phát triển thêm
GROWTH=(noun) sự phát triển.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH= cơ hội phát triển.
DEFINITELY=nhất định.
REWARD=thưởng công; I'm well rewarded=tôi được thưởng công xứng đáng.
DESIGN=họa-đồ, cơ cấu, vẽ kiểu.
FLEXIBILITY=sự mềm dẻo, uyển chuyển, linh động.
Flexibility for the future=có thể phát triển thêm trong tương lai.
Xin mời quí vị nghe.


Eliz: Hello, I'm Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!


Larry: Functioning in Business is an international level business English course with a focus on American
business practices and culture. Today's unit is “Introductions, Part 6.” This program focuses on personal

Interview: Shirley Graham.

Larry: Interview.
Eliz: Our guest today is Ms. Shirley Graham. Ms. Graham is Senior Vice President at Advanced
Technologies. Good evening, Ms. Graham. Thank you for joining us.
Graham: My pleasure.
Eliz: We have already met Mike Epstein, who is a Senior Systems Engineer at your company. He
explained to us how he met Charles Blake in China at a trade show. Mr. Epstein was interested in
purchasing industrial robots from Mr. Blake's company for one of your factories.
Graham: Yes, that's right. Mr. Epstein felt that the industrial robots would increase productivity at our
new factory.
Eliz: And you were also involved in the negotiations about the robots? Graham: Yes, I was. Both Mr.
Epstein and I met with Mr. Blake when he visited our company.
Eliz: We'll be talking more about those meetings in the coming weeks. Let's tell our listeners a little
about your work at Advanced Technologies. As Vice President, what are your main responsibilities?
Graham: One thing I do is oversee our manufacturing plants and facilities. Last year we built a new
factory, and of course we're always modernizing our existing facilities.
Eliz: I see. And what are your main concerns in the construction of a new factory?
Graham: That's a very complex question. Of course, one concern is keeping costs within limits. We also
have to be concerned with a design that will help improve our productivity and provide flexibility for the
Eliz: How many people work for you?
Graham: Well, I have five senior engineers who report directly to me, including Mike Epstein. I also have
my own support staff.
Eliz: Before coming to Advanced Technologies, what did you do?
Graham: I worked for Boston Electronics for five years.
Eliz: And what did you do there?
Graham: I was in charge of marketing.
Eliz: Why did you leave?
Graham: I felt I could handle more responsibility, and the company wasn't growing at that time. So I
began looking for a new position.
Eliz: Did you work with an executive recruiter?
Graham: Yes, I did. She was very helpful. She told me that there was a position opening up at Advanced
Eliz: What attracted you to Advanced Technologies?
Graham: The opportunities for growth and for greater responsibility.
Eliz: I see. Do you feel that you made a good choice?
Graham: Oh, definitely. My work is challenging and I'm well rewarded.
Eliz: That's all very interesting.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần trước của bài, quí vị nghe tiếng DEFINITELY có nghĩa là chắc chắn, nhất định; tương tự có
Sau đây là phần thực tập VARIATIONS, cách nói một ý khác nhau.
Thí dụ như động từ và danh từ “REPORT TO” nghĩa là “phải tường trình với cấp trên; làm dưới quyền ai”;
tương tự có chữ “SUPERVISE"=giám thị, chỉ huy.
I have five senior engineers who report directly to me= Tôi có 5 kỹ sư cao cấp làm trực tiếp dưới quyền
tôi (=tường trình công việc cho tôi).
Xin nghe và lập lại.


Eliz: I have five senior engineers who report directly to me.

Larry: I directly supervise five senior engineers.(pause)
Eliz: I worked for Boston Electronics for five years.
Larry: I was with Boston Electronics for five years. (pause)
Eliz: I began looking for a new position.
Larry: I began a job search.(pause)
Eliz: I was well rewarded.
Larry: I have a good salary.(pause)


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần ba bài học, quí vị nghe tiếp cuộc phỏng vấn về đời tư của cô Graham. Cô ấy ở Woodside,
California, với chồng cô.


Xin mời quí vị lắng nghe.


Eliz: May I ask you a little about your personal life?

Graham: Please, go ahead.
Eliz: Where do you live?
Graham: My husband and I live in Woodside. That's a little town about 30 miles south of San Francisco.
Eliz: Oh, what does your husband do?
Graham: He's a high school teacher.
Eliz: And what do you like to do in your free time?
Graham: Well, my husband and I both love horseback riding. We don't have any children, so we spend a
lot of time with the horses.
Eliz: Where do you go riding?
Graham: We ride in the hills above Woodside.
Eliz: How interesting. Well, thank you, Ms. Graham.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần bốn kế tiếp, quí vị nghe một cuộc điện đàm về quá trình giáo dục (educational background)
của cô Graham. Cô ấy tốt nghiệp Mills College năm 1988 với văn bằng thương mại. Rồi cô học lấy bằng
MBA (cao học quản trị kinh doanh) ở Đại học University of Pennsylvania.


Eliz: Let's open up the phone line and see if we have any callers. [Telephone bleep-tiếng điện thoại]

Eliz: Caller Number 1. You're on the air with Functioning in Business.

Female caller: Hello. I have a question for Ms. Graham.

What is your educational background?
What prepared you to handle your current position?
Graham: I graduated from Mills College in 1988 with a Business major. Then I worked for several years
in sales and marketing. In 1990, I went back to school to get my MBA.
Female caller: Where did you go?
Graham: I went to the University of Pennsylvania.
Female caller: I see. Thank you.
Eliz: Thank you for being with us today.
Graham: It was my pleasure, Elizabeth.


Vietnamese explanation
Tiếp theo đây là phần lắng nghe rồi lập lại, thoạt tiên lập lại nhóm chữ, sau lập lại cả câu; rồi nghe câu
hỏi mà câu trả lời chính là câu quí vị vừa lập lại.


Larry: Listen and repeat.

Eliz: Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: She works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Who does Ms. Graham work for?(pause for repeat)
Eliz: She works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Mills College.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: She went to Mills College.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: What school did she go to?(pause for repeat)
Eliz: She went to Mills College.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Business.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: She majored in Business.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: What did she major in?(pause for repeat)
Eliz: She majored in Business.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Sales and marketing.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: She worked in sales and marketing.(pause for repeat)
Eliz: What area did she work in after graduation?(pause for repeat)
Eliz: She worked in sales and marketing.(pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Quí vị vừa học xong bài số 15 trong chương trình Anh Ngữ sinh động New Dynamic English. Phạm Văn
xin kính chào quí vị thính giả và xin hẹn gặp lại trong bài học kế tiếp.

A FEMALE BOSS=bà xếp; người chỉ huy là một bà; bà trưởng phòng.
SUPERVISE=chỉ huy; giám thị
A SUPERVISOR=giám thị; quản đốc.
Cách đọc: WOMAN/WOMEN.
Nghe câu:
-WOMEN STILL GENERALLY MAKE LESS THAN MEN=phụ nữ nói chung vẫn còn được trả lương ít hơn nam
-PAY EQUALITY IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE IN BUSINESS. Sự trả lương đồng đều là một vấn đề quan hệ
trong thương mại. [Tương tự còn có một tiếng nữa là pay equity]
-EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK=trả lương bằng nhau cho công việc làm như nhau.
Xin mời quí vị nghe:


Eliz: Hello again. We're here with Gary Engleton, our business language expert. Let's look at our e-mail
question, Gary.
Gary: All right.
Eliz: Our first question is, “Is it common for a woman to be a manager in the U.S.?”
Gary: In fields such as law and medicine, the percentage of women is increasing quickly. However, in
corporations there are still not many women in the top jobs.
Eliz: Here's another question. “Is women's pay equal to men's?”
Gary: In corporations, women still generally make less than men. Pay equality is an important issue in
Eliz: And one more question. “Is it difficult for a woman to supervise men?”
Gary: Some men don't like to have a female boss, but that's changing.
Eliz: In my experience, most of the men I supervise accept me as their supervisor.
Gary: Yes, I think most men today are quite comfortable with a woman as a supervisor.
Eliz: Let's take a break, Gary.
Gary: OK

Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần thực tập. Xin nghe rồi lập lại. Phần này gọi là VARIATIONS-cách nói một ý khác nhau.
Thí dụ như trong câu: In some fields, the percentage of women is increasing=Ở vài ngành, tỷ số phần
trăm phụ nữ đang tăng. Thay vì dùng chữ PERCENTAGE-phần trăm, quí vị có thể dùng chữ
Tương tự, thay vì dùng chữ TOP JOBS=chức vụ cao, có thể dùng chữ HIGH-LEVEL POSITIONS.
FIELD=AREA=ngành, địa hạt.

Xin nghe và thực tập.


Larry: Variations. Listen to these variations.

Eliz: In some fields, the percentage of women is increasing.
Larry: In some fields, the proportion of women is increasing. (Pause)
Eliz: There are not many women in top jobs. [chức vụ cao]
Larry: There are not many women in high-level positions. (Pause)
Eliz: Pay equality is an important issue.
Larry: Equal pay for equal work is an important issue. [vấn đề] (pause)
Eliz: Most men today are comfortable with a woman as a supervisor.
Larry: Most men today are comfortable being supervised by a woman. (pause) [comfortable=thoải mái,
dễ chịu; ngày nay phần lớn đàn ông cảm thấy thoải mái khi được chỉ huy bởi một phụ nữ]


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần ba bài học BUSINESS DIALOG-Personal questions- Đàm thoại về thương mại về câu hỏi
có tính cách riêng tư.
A COCKTAIL PARTY=bữa tiệc rượu.
COCKTAIL=rượu mạnh pha nước trái cây.
PROFESSIONAL MEETING=buổi hội nghị có tính cách chuyên nghiệp.
SALES MANAGER=quản đốc về mãi vụ.
ACME ELECTRONICS=tên hãng chuyên về máy điện tử
DEPARTMENT STORES=tiệm bách hóa.
THEATER=kịch nghệ.
PLAYS=vở kịch, tuồng.
HOW DO YOU LIKE LIVING IN PHILADELPHIA?=bạn có thích sống ở thành phố Philadelphia không?
HAVE YOU LIVED THERE A LONG TIME? =Bạn đã ở đó lâu chưa?


Eliz: Today's Business Dialog is about asking personal questions. Fred and Sue are at a cocktail party at
a professional meeting. They are meeting each other for the first time. During the conversation, they ask
each other some personal questions. Let's listen.
Fred: Hi, my name is Fred Jones.
Sue: Hello, Fred. I'm Sue Carter.
Fred: Nice to meet you, Sue.
Sue: Nice to meet you too, Fred. What type of work are you in?
Fred: I work for Ace Department Stores in New York. I'm a sales manager.
Sue: I work in sales too. I'm the sales rep for Acme Electronics in Philadelphia.
Fred: How do you like living in Philadelphia?
Sue: Philadelphia is great. The people are very nice.
Fred: Have you lived there a long time?
Sue: No. I just moved there two years ago. How about you? Do you like living in New York city?
Fred: Well, the weather is terrible, but I love the theaters and restaurants.
Sue: Do you go to the theater a lot?
Fred: Yes, my wife and I see a lot of plays. New York is great.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây chú trọng về phần vụ-Focus on Functions-Personal Questions-những câu hỏi về đời tư.


MOVE=dọn nhà
SAFE TOPICS=những đề tài an toàn khi nói chuyện [không làm mất lòng, hay mang tiếng soi bói].
Xin nghe rồi lập lại.


Eliz: Now let's focus on personal questions in business contexts.

Larry: Listen and repeat.
Eliz: How do you like living in Philadelphia? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Philadelphia is great. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Have you lived there a long time? (pause for repeat) Eliz: No. I just moved there two years ago.
(pause for repeat)
Eliz: Do you like living in New York City? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Well, the weather is terrible. (pause for repeat)
Eliz:...but I love the theaters and restaurants. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Do you go to the theater a lot? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Yes, my wife and I see a lot of plays. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây, xin nghe Gary mách cách hỏi những câu có tính cách cá nhân ở môi trường thương mại.
QUESTIONS WHICH ARE SAFE TO ASK=câu hỏi không va chạm đến đời tư khi hỏi [ở đâu, chức vụ, làm
bao lâu, etc..]
QUESTIONS WHICH ARE NOT SAFE TO ASK=câu không tiện hỏi [như lương (SALARY); tôn giáo, theo đạo
nào (RELIGION); tình trạng gia đình (MARITAL STATUS).
Xin nghe lại mấy lời đàm thoại giữa Fred và Sue.


Gary's Tips: Personal questions in business settings.


Larry: Gary's Tips.

Eliz: Welcome back. It's time for Gary's Tips. What's your topic for today, Gary?
Gary: Today I'll be talking about personal questions in business settings. Personal questions are
questions about your living situation, family, and interests. Some personal questions are safe to ask, and
others are not so safe. When you're in a business setting, it's best to stick to safe topics. [cứ “đeo dính”
lấy các đề tài an toàn.] Some safe topics are where someone lives, how long the person has lived there,
and what interests a person has.

Let's listen to the Business Dialog again.

In the conversation, Fred asks Sue how she likes living in Philadelphia and how long she's lived there.
Let's listen.

Sue: I'm the sales rep for Acme Electronics in Philadelphia.

Fred: How do you like living in Philadelphia?
Sue: Philadelphia is great. The people there are very nice.
Fred: Have you lived there a long time?
Sue: No, I just moved there two years ago.

Gary: Then Sue asks Fred if he likes living in New York. She also asks him a question about his interest
in the theater. Let's listen.

Sue: How about you? Do you like living in New York City?
Fred: Well, the weather is terrible, but I love the theaters and restaurants.
Sue: Do you go to the theater a lot?
Fred: Yes, my wife and I see a lot of plays. New York is great.

Gary: There are some topics which are not to ask someone unless you know the person well. You
shouldn't ask if someone is married, or about the person's age or religion, or about how much money a
person makes or spends.[đừng hỏi kiếm được hay tiêu bao nhiêu tiền.] It's also a bad idea to talk about
politics in business situations. It is much better to stay with very safe topics. Well, that's all we have for
today. I hope today's tips were helpful!
Eliz: Thanks very much, Gary.


Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!


Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 17. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả. Trong bài học này quí vị sẽ gặp ông Max và cô Kathy, hai người phụ trách chương trình Anh
ngữ căn bản nhằm giúp quí vị hiểu thêm về người Mỹ và văn hóa Mỹ. Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là câu
HOW MANY BROTHERS DO YOU HAVE?-Bạn có bao nhiêu anh em?
Quí vị sẽ học về cách đếm số, và cách hỏi bằng cách dùng nhóm từ HOW MANY (bao nhiêu).
Đoạn đầu bài học, Kathy nói chuyện với Max về chuyện ông khách mời lên đài là Pierre Dubois; ông
Dubois ở Pháp sang thăm người chị ở Mỹ.



Max: Hi, I'm Max.

Kathy: Hello. My name is Kathy.
Max and Kathy: Welcome to Dynamic English!


Larry: Dynamic English is a basic English language course and an introduction to American people and
culture. Today's unit is How Many Brothers Do You Have? This lesson focuses on counting and numbers.
Max: Hi, Kathy.
Kathy: Hi, Max. That's a nice shirt.
Max: Thank you. Who's our guest today?
Kathy: Today, we'll talk with Pierre Dubois.
Max: I remember Pierre. He's visiting from France.
Kathy: That's right. Pierre is from France.


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ đến phần tập đếm các con số. Xin nghe rồi lập lại.

Language Focus. Repeat with a Beat. Numbers 1-5.

Larry: Listen and repeat.


Max: 1...2...1, 2, 3 (pause for repeat)

Max: 3...4...3, 4, 5 (pause for repeat)
Max: 1...2...3, 4, 5 (pause for repeat)
Max: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ quí vị nghe một đoạn phỏng vấn giữa Kathy và Pierre. Pierre sang thăm người chị ở Virginia có
chồng làm việc với chính phủ Mỹ. Nghe mấy câu:

YOU LIVE IN PARIS, DON'T YOU?= Ông ở Paris, phải không?

BY HERSELF=(bà ấy) ở một mình.
SINGLE=chưa lập gia đình, còn độc thân.
MARRIED=đã lập gia đình.
HER HUSBAND WORKS FOR THE U.S. GOVERNMENT =chồng bà làm cho chính phủ Mỹ.
BROTHER=anh hay em trai;
SISTER=chị hay em gái.


INTERVIEW: Pierre Dubois. Do they have any children?

Larry: Interview.
Kathy: Hello, Pierre. Welcome back to our show.
Pierre: It's nice to be back.
Kathy: You live in Paris, don't you?
Pierre: That's right. I live in Paris.
Kathy: Why are you here in Washington?
Pierre: I'm visiting my sister. She lives in Virginia.
Kathy: I see. Where in Virginia does she live?
Kathy: She lives in Alexandria.
Kathy: Does she live by herself? Is she single?
Pierre: No, she's married. Her husband works for the U.S. government.
Kathy: He's American?
Pierre: That's right.
Kathy: Do they have any children?
Pierre: Yes, they do.
Kathy: How many children do they have?
Pierre: They have three children, two boys and a girl.
Kathy: Tell me, Pierre. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Pierre: I have one brother and two sisters.
Kathy: Our guest is Pierre Dubois. We'll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ chúng ta tiếp tục tập đếm từ số 6 đến số 10. Đếm theo nhịp.



Max: 6...7...6, 7, 8 (pause for repeat)

Max: 8...9...8, 9, 10 (pause for repeat)
Max: 6...7...8, 9, 10 (pause for repeat)
Max: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây Kathy tiếp tục hỏi chuyện về họ hàng Pierre Dubois.
AUNT: cô, dì, mợ. Nhận xét: chữ “aunt” có hai cách đọc: giọng Mỹ đọc [aent], tức là có âm [ae] như
trong chữ “cat”; giọng Anh đọc [a:nt] với âm [a] mở miệng.
UNCLE: cậu, chú, dượng.
LARGE FAMILY: gia đình đông con cháu.
WIFE= vợ, [số nhiều=WIVES].
REALLY?= Thật thế ư?



Kathy: We're back with Pierre Dubois. Tell me, Pierre. Do you have any aunts or uncles?
Pierre: Yes, I do.
Kathy: How many uncles do you have?
Pierre: I have four uncles.
Kathy: Really?
Pierre: Yes. We have a large family. My mother has one brother. And my father has two brothers.
Kathy: So that's three uncles.
Pierre: Yes...and one of my aunts is married. Her husband is my uncle.
Kathy: I see. So you have four uncles.
Pierre: That's right.
Kathy: How many aunts do you have?
Pierre: I have two aunts. They're my mother's sisters.
Kathy: Our guest is Pierre Dubois. We'll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ là phần thực tập dùng các con số, hai chữ AUNTS và UNCLES, và cách dùng HAVE trong nhóm
chữ HE HAS và DOES HE HAVE. Xin lắng nghe rồi lập lại.


Larry: Listen carefully.

Max: two aunts.
Max: Pierre has two aunts. (pause for repeat)
Max: How many aunts does Pierre have? (pause for repeat)
Max: He has two aunts. (pause for repeat)
Max: Four uncles.
Max: Pierre has four uncles. (pause for repeat)
Max: How many uncles does Pierre have? (pause for repeat)
Max: He has four uncles.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần điện đàm trong đó có những câu như:

Pierre's father is seventy years old=Cha ông Pierre năm nay 70 tuổi.
My mother is sixty-five years old= Mẹ tôi năm nay 65 tuổi.
How old are your parents?= Hai cụ [cha mẹ ông] được bao nhiêu tuổi?
Go ahead= xin hỏi trước.
Are they still living= Các cụ vẫn còn [sống] phải không?
My grandfather-my mother's father-is still alive= Ông ngoại tôi-cụ thân sinh ra mẹ tôi vẫn còn sống.
ALIVE=còn sống.
He lives with my parents= ông ngoại tôi ở với cha mẹ tôi.
HOW ABOUT..? = Thế còn...thì sao?




Kathy: We're back with Pierre Dubois. Now let's go to our phones.
SFX: Phone ring (tiếng điện thoại reo)
Kathy: Hello. You're on the air with Dynamic English.
Julia: Hello. My name is Julia. I'm from Detroit. I have a question for Mr. Dubois.
Pierre: Yes, go ahead.
Julia: You live in Paris. Where do your parents live?
Pierre: They live in Marseille. My father is seventy years old, and my mother is sixty-five.
Julia: I see. What about your grandparents? Are they still living?
Pierre: My grandfather—my mother's father—is still alive. He lives with my parents.
He's ninety years old.
Julia: I see. Thank you.
Kathy: Thank you for calling.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần thực tập các con số hàng chục.

-Nhận xét: từ số 13 đến 19, khi đọc, nhấn mạnh vào vần teen:


-Những số hàng chục nhấn mạnh vần đầu:

Forty=40 [không có u sau o như trong chữ four hay fourteen]

Xin nghe rồi lập lại.

Max: 10 (pause for repeat)
Kathy: 20 (pause for repeat)
Max: 30 (pause for repeat)
Kathy: 40 (pause for repeat)
Max: 50 (pause for repeat)
Kathy: 60 (pause for repeat)
Max: 70 (pause for repeat)
Kathy: 80 (pause for repeat)
Max: 90 (pause for repeat)
Kathy: one hundred (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Phần kế tiếp là một điện thư e-mail về ông Pierre Dubois, năm nay 35 tuổi. Ông có một người chị, một
em gái và một em trai.
Tiếng BROTHER một mình chỉ anh hay em trai.
Muốn nói anh trai thì dùng OLDER BROTHER; em trai thì dùng YOUNGER BROTHER.
Tiếng SISTER chỉ chị hay em gái. Muốn nói rõ chị thì dùng OLDER SISTER; em gái thì dùng YOUNGER
Muốn nói rõ Anh cả (anh hai) thì dùng ELDEST BROTHER; chị cả (chị hai) thì dùng ELDEST SISTER.

Xin mời quí vị nghe.


Kathy: It's time to check our e-mail.

We have an e-mail from Steven in Pittsburgh. His question is : Are you the oldest in your family?
Pierre: Well, no... My mother and father are both older than me. (laughs- tiếng cười)

Let's see.

I'm 35 years old.[thirty-five, có dấu nối] And I have one older sister. She's 40 years old. [forty] And I
have a younger sister. She's 30.[thirty]
Kathy: So you have one older sister and one younger sister.
Pierre: That's right. And I have one younger brother. He's 25.[twenty-five]
Kathy: So your sister is the oldest?
Pierre: That's right.
Kathy: Thank you for being our guest today.
Pierre: My pleasure.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần kế tiếp, xin quí vị lắng nghe rồi lập lại các câu nói về tuổi.

CUT 10

Max: Pierre is 35 years old. (pause for repeat)

Max: He has an older sister. (pause for repeat)
Max: She's 40 years old. (pause for repeat)
Max: He has a younger brother. (pause for repeat)
He's 25 years old. (pause for repeat)

Vietnamese explanation

Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 18. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả.

Trong phần đầu, quí vị nghe một mẩu đàm thoại ở ga xe lửa; sau đó tập đếm số; và phần cuối là hẹn
gặp bằng điện thoại - making an appointment. Phần đầu mua vé ở trạm xe lửa - AT THE TRạm xe lửa -
AT THE TRAIN STATION (Part 1-phần 1).

-Xin nghe mấy chữ khó:

CUSTOMER= khách hàng (mua vé).
ONE WAY=(vé) đi một bận.
ROUND TRIP=(vé) khứ hồi.
Nhận xét: trong câu hỏi, có lựa chọn, “One way or round trip?” khi đọc, cao giọng ở chữ “way” và hạ
giọng ở chữ “trip”.
CAN I HELP YOU?=ông/bà/cô/anh cần chi? [tương-tự: How may I help you?]
ONE MOMENT, PLEASE=xin chờ một chút.
Nghe phần đàm thoại giữa một bà khách hàng muốn mua vé đi Denver, và ông bán vé [male clerk].
Sau đó, xin nghe rồi lập lại các câu đã nghe.


Daily Dialog: At the Train Station: Part 1

Larry: Listen to the conversation.
Male clerk: Can I help you? (short pause)
Woman customer: Yes, I'd like a ticket to Denver. (short pause)
Male clerk: One way or round trip? (short pause)
Woman customer: Round trip, please. (short pause)
Male clerk: On moment, please. (short pause)

Larry: Listen and repeat.

(SFX—crowd noise, background announcements—tiếng ồn ào của đám đông, tiếng loan báo tin tức từ xa,
phía sau)
Male clerk: Can I help you? (pause for repeat)
Woman customer: Yes, I'd like a ticket to Denver. (pause for repeat)
Male clerk: One way or round trip? (pause for repeat)
Woman customer: Round trip, please. (pause for repeat)
Male clerk: On moment, please. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần kế tiếp, Max sẽ đọc một số con số, rồi đố quí vị nói con số kế tiếp, sau tiếng chuông.


Language Focus. What comes next?

Larry: Listen to the bell, then say your answer.

Max: 1, 2, 3, 4,... (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: 5 (short pause)
Max: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: 6 (short pause)
Max: 4, 5, 6, 7, ... (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: 8 (short pause)
Max: 4...5...6, 7, 8 (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: 9 (short pause)
Max: 10, 20, 30, 40,... (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: 50 (short pause)
Max: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 (ding) (pause for answer)
Max: 60 (short pause)


Vietnamese explanation

Tiếp theo là phần Question of the Week - câu hỏi trong tuần. Quí vị ôn lại cách đánh vần ngược: nghe
đánh vần một chữ, đoán ra chữ gì.

Larry: Question of the Week! What does it spell?


Max: It's time to answer last week's question. Our question is: What does it spell? Kathy, are you ready
to play Question of the Week?
Kathy: Yes, I am.
Max: OK. Here's your first question.
K-A-T-H-Y. What does it spell? K-A-T-H-Y.
Kathy: K-A-T-H-Y. That's easy.
That's my name: Kathy.
Max: Of course. Here're your next question.

F-R-A-N-C-E. What does it spell? F-R-A-N-C-E.

Kathy: F-R-A-N-C-E. I know.
France. It spells France.
Max: That's right. Here's one more.

S-I-S-T-E-R. What does it spell? S-I-S-T-E-R.

Kathy: S-I-S- sis T-E-R ter. Sis-ter. Sister. It spells sister.
Max: Perfect. Now here's the last question.

T-E-A-C-H-E-R. What does it spell? T-E-A-C-H-E-R.

Kathy: Could you spell it again?
Max: Sure. T-E-A-C-H-E-R.
Kathy: Let's see. T-E-A-C-H-E-R. Oh, teacher!
Max: That's right. T-E-A-C-H-E-R spells teacher.

Congratulations, Kathy. And thanks for playing our game.

Kathy: My pleasure.


Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây là phần STORY INTERLUDE - câu chuyện giữa bài: MAX MEETS HIS BROTHER=Max kể chuyện
gặp anh ông ta.

Chữ khó:

TRAIN=xe lửa hay xe điện ngầm.

GET ON THE TRAIN=lên xe lửa; GET OFF THE TRAIN=xuống xe
UNION STATION= tên trạm ga xe lửa chính ở thủ đô Washington.
BEST FRIEND=bạn quí, bạn thân nhất.
MYSTERY=điều bí mật
I HAVE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE=tôi chưa từng gặp anh ta bao giờ.
HAPPEN=xẩy ra
SUDDENLY=bất chợt
TURN AROUND=ngoảnh lại.
KID=đứa nhỏ
SOLVE=giải đáp.

Xin quí vị nghe chuyện.


Kathy: So tell us, Max. Did you meet your brother?

Max: Well, here's what happened. Friday night, I went to Union Station to meet his train. I saw the
people getting off the train.
Kathy: And...
Max: And I didn't recognize anyone.
Kathy: So he wasn't there.
Max: Wait a minute... Suddenly, I heard my name. I turned around.
Kathy: And...
Max: A man was standing there.
Kathy: Who was he?
Max: I have never seen him before.
Kathy: What did he say?
Max: At first, he didn't say anything. He just looked at me and smiled. Then he said,"Hello. Remember
me?” And then I knew who he was.
Kathy: Who was he?
Max: Well, when I was a little boy, I had a best friend—Bobby King. When I was about five years old, he
moved away.
Kathy: Was it Bobby King?
Max: Yes, it was.
Kathy: Why did he say he was your brother?
Max: When we were kids [còn nhỏ], we went everywhere together. And we always told people that we
were brothers.
Kathy: Well, that's one mystery solved.


Vietnamese explanation


Bài học hôm nay là “Making an Apppointment-Part 1; Xin hẹn gặp-phần 1”
Quí vị học cách nói trong điện thoại những câu để hẹn gặp. Chúng ta sẽ nghe ba người gặp nhau và
thương lượng về thương mại. Đó là Charles Blake, làm cho hãng International Robotics; Michael Epstein,
làm cho hãng Advanced Technologies, và Shirley Graham, cũng làm cho hãng Advanced Technologies.

-Chữ khó:

TRAVELING ON BUSINESS=đi công tác; đi có công việc.

TRIP=cuộc du-hành
CHECK INTO THE HOTEL=ghi tên mướn phòng ở khách sạn.
CHECK OUT=báo cho khách sạn mình không còn thuê nữa.
CHECK OUT=giờ khách báo rời khách sạn, bên Mỹ thường là một giờ
trưa; quá giờ đó khách sạn sẽ tính thêm đêm ấy.
CHECK IN: giờ khách ghi tên mướn phòng, ngày mướn tính từ giờ đó, thường là 11 giờ sáng.
AS SOON AS POSSIBLE: viết tắt ASAP đọc là A-S-A-P hay [đọc như ây-xẹp]= càng sớm càng tốt, ngay.


Larry: Phone interview.

Eliz: On today's program I'll be talking with Charles Blake. Mr. Blake is traveling on business and has
agreed to talk with us by phone. (Phone ring)
Liz: Welcome, Mr. Blake.
Blake: Hello.
Eliz: The last time you were here, we talked about your trip to San Francisco.
Blake: That's right. I went to San Francisco to meet with Michael Epstein of Advanced Technologies.
Eliz: What did you do after you checked into your hotel?
Blake: I called Mr. Epstein...from my hotel room. I want to meet him as soon as possible.
Eliz: Well, today we're going to listen to your conversation with Mr. Epstein.
Blake: Okay.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần này quí vị nghe ông Blake gọi điện thoại cho hãng Advanced Technologies để xin nói chuyện
với ông Epstein. Ông Blake gọi điện thoại từ phòng ông trong khách sạn Embassy Suites Hotel.


I'LL PUT YOU THROUGH: (lời nhân viên điện thoại) tôi sẽ nối đường giây điện thoại cho ông. Tương tự:
I'll connect you.
ON THE LINE: đang chờ ở đầu kia máy điện thoại.
GET TOGETHER=gặp nhau.
FLIGHT=chuyến máy bay.
SOMETIME=một lúc nào đó.
FREE=rảnh. HOW'S THAT SOUND? = HOW DOES THAT SOUND? = đề-nghị như vậy được không?


Receptionist: Advanced Technologies. May I help you?

Blake: Yes, this is Charles Blake from International Robotics. I'd like to speak with Mike Epstein, please.
Receptionist: Just a minute and I'll put you through...
Epstein: Epstein.
Receptionist: Mr. Epstein. I have a Mr. Blake from International Robotics on the line. [có một Ông tên là
Blake của hãng International Robotics-chuyên sản xuất máy tự động thay người-đang chờ ở đầu giây]
Epstein: Okay, thanks...Mr. Blake!
Blake: Hello, Mr. Epstein. How are you?
Epstein: I'm fine, thanks. How are you?
Epstein: How was your trip?
Blake: I had a nice flight, and it was on time [đúng giờ].
Epstein: When did you get into San Francisco?
Blake: I just arrived a few moments ago [tôi vừa tới lúc nãy].
Epstein: Say, when shall we get together? [gặp nhau]
Blake: Well, I was hoping that we could perhaps arrange a meeting for tomorrow sometime.
Epstein: Ah, I'll tell you what. I'm free [rảnh] after eleven o'clock. How's that sound?
Blake: That sounds fine with me.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần VARIATIONS, quí vị nghe cách nói một ý bằng hai cách. Thí dụ: “just a minute,” hay “one
moment, please” đều có nghĩa là “xin chờ một chút”.
Xin mời quí vị lắng nghe.


Eliz: May I help you?

Larry: How can I help you? (pause)
Eliz: This is Charles Blake from International Robotics.
Larry: This is Charles Blake of International Robotics. (pause)
Eliz: I'd like to speak with Mike Epstein, please.
Larry: Could I please speak to Mike Epstein? (pause)
Eliz: Just a minute and I'll put you through...
Larry: One moment, I'll connect you. (pause)
Eliz: I have a Mr. Blake from International Robotics on the line.
Larry: Mr. Blake of International Robotics would like to speak with you.


Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 19. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả.
Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là MAKING AN APPOINTMENT-xin hẹn gặp.
Hãy nghe cô Elizabeth hỏi ông Blake về cuộc nói chuyện với ông Mike Epstein.

GO WELL=tiến-hành tốt đẹp

LOOK FORWARD TO =mong, chờ. Thí dụ: I'm looking forward to meeting you = tôi mong được gặp ông.
Nhận xét: sau “forward to” dùng động tự có đuôi ing [meeting]. Xin mời quí vị nghe:


Eliz: Mr. Blake, let's talk about your conversation with Mr. Epstein. Do you think the conversation went
Blake: Yes, I do. I want to meet with him as soon as possible. And we were able to set up a meeting for
the next day, Tuesday. I was looking forward to talking with him.
Eliz: I see. Thank you very much for being on our show.
Blake: It's been my pleasure.
Eliz: Let's take a short break.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần thực tập lắng nghe và trả lời. Xin nghe một câu hỏi, rồi nghe một mẩu đàm thoại, sau
đó nghe câu hỏi lại và câu trả lời. Để ý: câu trả lời nằm trong mẩu đàm thoại vừa nghe.


Larry: Question. Listen to the question. Eliz: What company does Mr. Blake work for? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Receptionist: Advanced Technologies. May I help you?
Blake: Yes, this is Charles Blake from International Robotics. I'd like to speak with Mike Epstein, please.
Eliz: What company does Mr. Blake work for?
Eliz: He works for International Robotics. (short pause)

Larry: Listen to the question.

Eliz: Who would Mr. Blake like to speak with? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Receptionist: Advanced Technologies. May I help you?
Blake: Yes, this is Charles Blake from International Robotics. I'd like to speak with Mike Epstein, please.
Receptionist: Just a minute and I'll put you through.
Eliz: Who would Mr. Blake like to speak with?
Eliz: He'd like to speak with Mr. Epstein. (short pause)


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần Culture Tips: Dealing with Receptionists:

Mách giúp về Văn-hóa: Cách nói với nhân viên giữ máy điện thoại.
Khi ta gọi điện thoại cho một công ty lớn, ta phải nói gì với người giữ máy điện thoại?

- Chữ khó:

RECEPTIONIST=người giữ máy điện thoại.

TO CALL=gọi điện thoại; make a telephone call.
To answer the phone: trả lời điện thoại.
I'm returning his call=tôi trả lời điện thoại ông đã gọi cho tôi.
The receptionist will put you on hold=nhân-viên giữ điện thoại sẽ bấm nút xin ông giữ máy chờ. [Cũng
nói HOLD ON, hay PLEASE HOLD = xin giữ máy, chờ]
HANG UP=gác máy điện thoại.
Identify yourself=hãy nói bạn là ai, tự giới thiệu (tên, làm ở đâu).
That makes sense=điều đó có lý.


Hello again. We're here with Gary Engleton, our business language expert. Let's look at our e-mail
questions, Gary.
Gary: All right.
Eliz: We have an interesting question today about using telephones in business. A listener writes: “When
I make a telephone call to a big company, what should I say to the person who answers the phone?”
Gary: That is a very good question.
At big companies, the people who answer the phones are called receptionists. You have to tell the
receptionist who you are and who you want to speak with. You may also have to give some information
about the purpose of the call [mục đích của cú điện thoại].
Eliz: Could you explain that again?
Gary: Sure. Here are the three things you should do. First, be sure to identify yourself and the name of
your company. Use the expression: This is...”

For example, when I call, I say,"This is Gary Engleton from Culture Tips.”
Next, tell the receptionist who you want to speak to.
The best way to say is,"I would like to speak to... and the person's name.
Eliz: That's not so difficult.
Gary: Then, you can give some information about the purpose of your call. This is especially important if
the person may not remember who you are.
For example, you could say,"I met him in Hong Kong last year and he suggested I call when I come to
Eliz: Yes, that makes sense.
Gary: One more tip. If the person called you first, be sure to say,"I'm returning his call.”
Eliz: What happens next?
Gary: After you give your information, the receptionist will put you on hold. That means that you have to
wait while the receptionist tries to find the person.
The receptionist will usually say,"Please hold” or “One moment, please.” While you are on hold, you may
hear music or just a period of silence. Don't hang up!
Eliz: Thanks, Gary. That was very helpful.
Gary: I'm always glad to help!


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây quí vị tập điền cho đầy đủ câu bằng những chữ đã nghe trong bài-SENTENCE COMPLETION. Đó
là những chữ như receptionist, on hold, identify yourself, put you through.

Larry: Sentence completion.

Larry: Listen. Complete the sentence.
Eliz: A person who answers the telephones is called____________. (short pause)
Eliz: A receptionist. A person who answers the telephones is called a receptionist. (short pause)
Eliz: In a business call, the first thing you should do is to__________.
Eliz: Identify yourself.
In a business call, the first thing you should do is to identify yourself. (short pause)
Eliz: After you give your information, the receptionist will put you______.
Eliz: on hold.
After you give your information, the receptionist will put you on hold.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây xin nghe một cuộc đàm thoại thương mại, một bà doanh thương gọi điện thoại xin hẹn gặp ông
Bliss của hãng kỹ nghệ Webber Industries.
WHAT TIME WOULD BE CONVENIENT?= Giờ nào thì thuận tiện?
Xin nghe lại mấy lời đàm thoại.


Bliss: Webber Industries. May I help you?

Milton: Yes. This is Roberta Milton.
Bliss: This is Sam Bliss speaking. How are you Ms. Milton?
Milton: Fine, and you?
Bliss: Just fine, thank you.
Milton: I'm calling to see if we can arrange a meeting. There are several matters I'd like to discuss with
Bliss: Okay. When would be convenient?
Milton: Could we meet tomorrow?
Bliss: Yes, that's possible. What time would be convenient?
Milton: How about 2:30?
Bliss: Fine. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Milton: Me too. Okay, in your office at 2:30 tomorrow, right?
Bliss: Right. See you then.
Milton: See you tomorrow.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần tới, chúng ta chú ý vào cách đề nghị hẹn gặp-Suggestions. Cần hỏi ngày, giờ và nơi gặp. Xin
nghe và lập lại.


Eliz: Now let's focus on Suggestions. Suggesting the time and place for a meeting is an important part of
making an appointment.
Larry: Listen carefully.
Eliz: When would be convenient? (pause for repeat)
Larry: Could we meet tomorrow? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: What time would be convenient? (pause for repeat)
Larry: How about 2:30? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Fine. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần tới chúng ta nghe Gary Engleton mách cách đề nghị hẹn gặp. Những câu cần để ý như: Could
we meet at....? How about...? How does that sound? (Chúng ta có thể gặp lúc...Thế còn....được không?
Như vậy được không?)

Larry: Gary's tips.
Eliz: Now it's time for Gary's Tips with Gary Engleton!
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth. Today I'll be talking about how to make suggestions. In the Business Dialog, Mr.
Bliss asks Ms. Milton to suggest a day for their meeting.
He asks her,"When would be convenient?” Listen to the conversation.
Notice how Ms. Milton uses the expression “Could we meet...” to suggest a day for the meeting.
Milton: I'm calling to see if we can arrange a meeting. There are several matters I'd like to discuss with
Bliss: Okay, when would be convenient?
Milton: Could we meet tomorrow?
Bliss: Yes, that's possible.
Gary: Saying,"Could we...” is way to make a suggestion. Another good way to make a suggestion is to
say,"How about...?” Let's listen.

Bliss: What time would be convenient?

Milton: How about 2:30?
Bliss: Fine.
Gary: You can also make a suggestion by mentioning a time, and then asking “How does that sound?”
Listen to the conversation between Mr. Epstein and Mr. Blake. Listen for the expression “How does that
sound?” or “How's that sound?”
Epstein: Ah, I'll tell you what. I'm free after eleven o'clock. How's that sound?
Blake: That sounds fine with me.
Gary: Thanks for joining us today for Gary's Tips. We'll see you again next time.


Eliz: Our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!


Vietnamese explanation

Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 20. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả. Trong bài học này quí
vị sẽ gặp ông Max và cô Kathy, hai người phụ trách chương trình Anh ngữ căn bản nhằm giúp quí vị hiểu thêm về người Mỹ và văn hóa

Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là câu When Does the Train Leave?=Bao giờ xe lửa chạy? Quí vị sẽ học về cách nói giờ (Tell time), và thời
gian (duration).

IT'S ____O'CLOCK. Như trong câu: It's one clock = một giờ.

Quí vị cũng học những động từ như ARRIVE (đến); LEAVE (rời đi, chạy). Đoạn đầu bài học, Kathy nói chuyện với Max về chuyện cô
khách mời lên đài là Pat Miller, sinh viên trường đại học American University ở Washington, D.C. Sau đó là phần nghe và lập lại.

Để ý mấy chữ khó:

WHAT'S UP?= có chuyện gì lạ không?

BACK WITH US= lại trở lại với chúng ta.
COLLEGE STUDENT=sinh viên đại học.
AMERICAN UNIVERSITY=tên một trong những trường đại học lớn tại Washington.



Max: Hi, Kathy. What's up?

Kathy: Not much.
Max: Who's our guest today?
Kathy: Today Pat Miller is back with us.
Max: She's a college student, isn't she?
Kathy: That's right. She goes to American University.


Language Focus: Repeat with a beat: It's one clock.

Larry: Listen and repeat. 

Max: one clock (pause for repeat)

Kathy: two o'clock (pause for repeat)
Max: three o'clock (pause for repeat)
Kathy: four o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: five o'clock (pause for repeat)
Kathy: six o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: seven o'clock (pause for repeat)
Kathy: eight o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: nine o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Kathy: ten o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: eleven o'clock (pause for repeat)
Kathy: twelve o'clock. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ đến phần Kathy phỏng vấn Pat Miller, sinh viên môn kịch-nghệ (drama) tại đại học American University. Pat thường ưa đi xe lửa
từ Washington, D.C. lên New York xem các buổi trình diễn gọi là Broadway shows.

Interview: Pat Miller.

When do the trains leave?

DRAMA: kịch nghệ.

A PLAY: vở kịch.
ACTOR=kịch sĩ.
A Broadway show: buổi diễn nhạc kịch Broadway (Broadway là khu nhạc kịch hí-viện nổi tiếng ở New York.)
GO BY=đi bằng;
GO BY TRAIN=đi bằng xe lửa.
The train leaves at six o'clock in the morning = xe lửa chạy lúc sáu giờ sáng.
It arrives in New York at eleven = xe lửa tới New York lúc 11 giờ.


Kathy: Now it's time for today's interview. Our guest today is Pat Miller. Hi, Pat. You're a college student?
Pat: That's right. I go to American University.
Kathy: What are you studying?
Pat: I'm studying drama.
I want to be an actor.
Kathy: Do you go to many plays?
Pat: Yes, I do. I see a lot of plays here in Washington. And sometimes my friend Sandy and I go to New York to see Broadway shows.
Kathy: New York? How do you get there?
Pat: We go by train. We go and come back the same day.
Kathy: Really?
Pat: Yes, it's not a long trip.
Kathy: When do the trains leave?
Pat: The first train to New York leaves at six o'clock in the morning.
Kathy: That's very early.
Pat: Yes, it is. We usually take the seven-o'clock train.
Kathy: When does it arrive in New York?
Pat: It arrives in New York at eleven. It takes about four hours.
Kathy: Our guest is Pat Miller. We'll talk more after our break.
Kathy: This is New Dynamic English.

Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ ta hãy thực tập cách nói giờ. Xin nghe rồi lập lại.


Larry: Listen and repeat.

Max: two o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: What time is it? (pause for repeat)
Max: It's two o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: two fifteen. (pause for repeat)
Max: What time is it? (pause for repeat)
Max: It's two fifteen. (pause for repeat)
Max: two thirty. (pause for repeat)
Max: What time is it? (pause for repeat)
Max: It's two thirty. (pause for repeat)
Max: two forty-five. (pause for repeat)
Max: What time is it? (pause for repeat)
Max: It's two forty-five. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ quí vị nghe một đoạn phỏng vấn thứ hai: What time does the show start? Buổi trình-diễn bắt đầu lúc mấy giờ? Cuộc phỏng vấn
diễn ra giữa Kathy và Pat Miller.
START AT=bắt đầu lúc.
END AT=chấm dứt lúc.
AROUND=phỏng chừng, gần (tương tự, ABOUT)
THE TRAIN LEAVES AT SEVEN=xe lửa chạy lúc 7 giờ. 


INTERVIEW 2: What time does the show start?

Kathy: Our guest today is Pat Miller. She's a drama student at American University. She's telling us about her visits to New York. Now,
you said that you and your friend Sandy sometimes go to New York to see plays.
Pat: That's right.
Kathy: What do you usually do in New York?
Pat: First we eat lunch. Sometime we go shopping. Then we go to a show.
Kathy: What time do the shows usually start?
Pat: They usually start at two o'clock.
Kathy: And when do they end?
Pat: They usually end at around five o'clock. The train to Washington leaves at seven. So we have time to eat something before the train
Kathy: When do you get back to Washington?
Pat: We arrive in Washington around eleven.
Kathy: That's a long day.
Pat: It is, but we love going to shows. They're wonderful.
Kathy: Our guest today is Pat Miller. We'll talk more after our break.


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ chúng ta tiếp tục nghe và lập lại.



Max: eleven o'clock.

Max: The train arrives at eleven o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: two o'clock.
Max: The shows usually start at two o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: five o'clock.
Max: The shows usually end at around five o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: seven o'clock.
Max: The train leaves New York at seven o'clock. (pause for repeat)
Max: eleven o'clock.
Max: The train arrives in Washington at eleven o'clock.


Vietnamese explanation 

Sau đây là mẩu đàm thoại ở ga xe lửa-AT THE TRAIN STATION, PART 2:

Hãy nghe một bà khách hỏi mua vé ở trạm xe lửa. Bà mua vé đi Denver, thuộc tiểu bang Colorado. Khi đọc những con số như 60-sixty,
muốn tránh nhầm thì có thể đọc là six zero; SIXTEEN thì đọc one six.

Sau khi nghe, quí vị thực tập bằng cách lập lại.


Daily Dialog: At the Train Station 2

Larry: Listen to the conversation. (Tiếng ồn phía sau, tiếng thông báo)
Male clerk: (người đàn ông bán vé) Can I help you? (short pause)
Woman customer: Yes, I'd like a ticket to Denver. (short pause)
Male: clerk: One way or round trip? (short pause)
Woman customer: Round trip, please. (short pause)
Male clerk: One moment, please. (short pause)
Male clerk: The next train leaves at ten-thirty. Is that OK? (short pause)
Woman customer: Yes. that's fine. (short pause)
Male clerk: That'll be sixty dollars. (short pause)
Woman customer: Sixty or sixteen? (short pause)
Male clerk: Six zero. Sixty. (short pause)
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Male clerk: The next train leaves at ten thirty. Is that OK? (pause for repeat)
Woman customer: Yes, that's fine. (pause for repeat)
Male clerk: That'll be sixty dollars. (pause for repeat)
Woman customer: Sixty or sixteen? (pause for repeat)
Male clerk: Six zero. Sixty. (pause for repeat)

Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ là phần tập đếm các số lớn.

One hundred and seventy= một trăm bẩy mươi.
Five hundred= năm trăm.
Five hundred and fifty five=năm trăm năm mươi lăm.
[nhận xét: thêm AND sau HUNDRED nếu có số tiếp theo]


Larry: Listen and repeat.

Max: 170 (one hundred and seventy). (pause for repeat)

Max: 500 (five hundred) (pause for repeat)
Max: 555 (five hundred and fifty-five) (pause for repeat)
Max: 800 (eight hundred) (pause for repeat)
Max: 897 (eight hundred and ninety-seven) (pause for repeat)
Max: 900 (nine hundred) (pause for repeat)
Max: 984 (nine hundred and eighty-four). (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần đàm thoại Man on the Street: Elevator at Washington Monument-của ông Kent Moss. Ông hỏi người điều khiển thang máy
lên Đài Kỷ niệm Tổng Thống Washington.

ELEVATOR=thang máy.
A SECOND=giây.
HOW TALL IS THE MONUMENT?=Đài kỷ niệm cao bao nhiêu?
The Monument is about 555 feet tall=đài kỷ niệm cao chừng 555 bộ Anh. [để ý đến vị trí của chữ TALL-cuối câu]
It's the tallest building in Washington: đó là một kiến trúc cao nhất Washington.
RUN THE ELEVATOR=điều khiển thang máy.
TRIP: một lần lên hay xuống thang máy ở đài kỷ niệm.
EIFFEL TOWER=tháp Eiffel ở Paris.
STEPS=bực thang.
STAIRS=cầu thang.
TO THE TOP=lên tận đỉnh.
RIDE THE ELEVATOR=đi thang máy.
THE STAIRS ARE CLOSED TO VISITORS=du khách tới thăm không được phép dùng cầu thang.
HOW MUCH DO THEY COST? Tốn bao nhiêu tiền?
FREE=không tốn tiền; phát không.
TICKETS ARE FREE=vé cho không.




Larry: Man on the Street.

Kent: This is Dynamic English Man on the Street, Ken Moss.
Today I'm at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. Excuse me?
Woman: Yes.
Kent: I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Woman: Certainly.
Kent: What do you do?
Woman: I run the elevator at the Washington Monument. I take people up to the top of the monument. And I take them down.
Kent: How long does the trip take?
Woman: It takes 75 seconds going up.
Kent: And going down?
Woman: 65 seconds
Kent: Can people use the stairs?
Woman: No, they can't. There are 897 steps, but the stairs are closed to visitors.
Kent: How tall is the monument?
Woman: It's about 555 feet tall. It's the tallest building in Washington.
Kent: Is it taller than the Eiffel tower?
Woman: No, it's not. The Eiffel Tower is 984 feet tall.
Kent: How many people ride your elevator?
Woman: Each year?
Kent: Yes, each year.
Woman: Each year, over a million people take the elevator to the top. In summer, we make 170 round trips each day. That's 16 miles a day!

Kent: Do you need tickets?

Woman: Yes, you do.
Kent: How much do they cost?
Woman: They don't cost anything. They're free.
Kent: When is the Monument open?
Woman: In summer, from 9 in the morning until 11:45 at night.
Kent: That's almost 16 hours a day.
Woman: That's right. But I only work 8 hours a day, five days a week.
Kent: I see. Well, thank you very much.
Woman: You're welcome.


Vietnamese explanation


Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động-New Dynamic English-bài thứ 21.
Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị thính giả.

Sau đây chúng ta nghe chuyện cháu ông Larry bị đau bụng phải vào nhà thương.
Chữ khó:

LOOK WORRIED=trông có vẻ lo âu.

GRANDSON=cháu trai
HOSPITAL=bịnh viện.
EMERGENCY ROOM=phòng cấp cứu.
SHE LEFT WORK=bà ấy rời khỏi sở làm.
THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG=họ không biết vì sao nó đau.
CONCERN=sự quan tâm, lo lắng.


Kathy: Larry, You look worried. What's wrong?

Larry: My grandson is in the hospital.
Kathy: What's the matter?
Larry: We don't know yet. Davis was....
Kathy: Your grandson?
Larry: That's right. David was at school, and he had a bad stomach-ache.
Kathy: What happened?
Larry: The teacher called the school nurse. And then they phoned my daughter at work. She left work
and went to the school. David was feeling really bad, so they took him to the emergency room.
Kathy: At the hospital?
Larry: That's right.
Kathy: Is he going to be all right?
Larry: They think so, but they don't know what's wrong.
Kathy: Well if there's anything we can do, let us know.
Larry: Thanks. I will.
Max: I hope he's OK.
Larry: Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine. Thanks for your concern.
Eliz: Oh, hi there.
Max: Oh, hi Elizabeth. Have a good show.
Eliz: Thanks. See you later.
Larry: Alri-i-i-ght. Ready for Functioning in Business. Cue music. [đúng ra phải viết “All right"]

Vietnamese explanation


Bài học hôm nay là “Making an Apppointment-Part 2; Xin hẹn gặp-phần 2” Quí vị học cách nói trong điện
thoại những câu để hẹn gặp. Chúng ta sẽ nghe ba người gặp nhau và thương lượng về thương mại. Đó là
Charles Blake, làm cho hãng International Robotics; Michael Epstein, làm cho hãng Advanced
Technologies, và Shirley Graham, cũng làm cho hãng Advanced Technologies.
Chữ khó:

OFFICE=văn phòng.
FLIGHT=chuyến bay.
ON TIME=đúng giờ.
FREE=rảnh, trống.
I KEPT MY SCHEDULE FREE FOR TUESDAY AFTERNOON=tôi để thời biểu của tôi trống vào chiều thứ ba.
Tôi dành buổi chiều thứ ba [để gặp ông Blake].
EXPECT=đợi, đón chờ.


Eliz: On today's program I'll be talking with Michael Epstein. Mr. Epstein is speaking to us from his office
in California. (tiếng điện thoại)
Eliz: Hello, Mr. Epstein. How are you?
Epstein: Fine, thank you.
Eliz: Today we are going to listen to your phone conversation with Mr. Blake. He called you just after he
arrived in San Francisco.
Epstein: Yes, I remember.
Eliz: Were you expecting Mr. Blake's call?
Epstein: Yes, I was. I knew that he was arriving in San Francisco on Monday, June 10th. So I kept my
schedule free for the following afternoon... Tuesday afternoon.
Eliz: Let's listen to the conversation.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần này quí vị nghe ông Blake gọi điện thoại cho hãng Advanced Technologies để xin nói chuyện
với ông Epstein. Chúng ta hãy nghe Ông Blake gọi cho hãng Advanced Technologies.

I'LL PUT YOU THROUGH: (lời nhân viên điện thoại) tôi sẽ nối đường giây điện thoại cho ông. Tương tự:
I'll connect you.
ON THE LINE= đang chờ ở đầu kia máy điện thoại.
GET TOGETHER=gặp nhau.
FLIGHT=chuyến máy bay.
SOMETIME=một lúc nào đó.
FREE=rảnh. HOW'S THAT SOUND? = HOW DOES THAT SOUND? = đề-nghị như vậy được không?
CLOSE TO=gần. CLOSE TO MY OFFICE=gần văn phòng của tôi.
[Phân biệt với câu đã học The STAIRS ARE CLOSED TO VISITORS= du khách không được phép dùng cầu
EMBASSY SUITES=tên một khách sạn. [suite=phòng lớn và sang ở khách sạn]


Receptionist: Advanced Technologies. May I help you?

Blake: Yes, this is Charles Blake from International Robotics. I'd like to speak with Mike Epstein, please.
Receptionist: Just a minute and I'll put you through...
Epstein: Epstein...
Receptionist: Mr. Epstein. I have a Mr. Blake from International Robotics on the line. [có một Ông tên là
Blake của hãng International Robotics-chuyên sản xuất máy tự động thay người-đang chờ ở đầu giây]
Epstein: Okay, thanks...Mr. Blake!
Blake: Hello, Mr. Epstein. How are you?
Epstein: I'm fine, thanks. How are you?
Epstein: How was your trip?
Blake: I had a nice flight, and it was on time [đúng giờ].
Epstein: When did you get in to San Francisco?
Blake: I just arrived a few moments ago [tôi vừa tới lúc nãy].
Epstein: Say, when shall we get together? [gặp nhau]
Blake: Well, I was hoping that we could perhaps arrange a meeting for tomorrow sometime.
Epstein: Ah, I'll tell you what. I'm free [rảnh] after eleven o'clock. How's that sound?
Blake: That sounds fine with me.
Epstein: Okay, uh, where are you staying?
Blake: I'm staying at the Embassy Suites. It's about twenty minutes south of the airport.
Epstein: Ah, that's real close to my office here.
I'll tell you what. I'll meet you tomorrow around 11:15.
Then we can go to lunch, and then I'll show you around San Francisco.
Blake: That sounds very nice.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần VARIATIONS, quí vị nghe cách nói một ý bằng hai cách. Xin mời quí vị lắng nghe.


Larry: Variations. Listen to these variations.

Larry: How are you? Eliz: How have you been? (pause)
Larry: I'm fine, thanks. How are you?
Eliz: Just fine, thanks. And you? (pause)
Larry: When did you get in to San Francisco?
Eliz: When did you arrive in San Francisco? (Pause)
Larry: I just arrived a few moments ago.
Eliz: I got here a few minutes ago. (Pause)


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần tới, Ông Epstein bàn chuyện với ông Blake.

AGENDA=chương trình thảo luận.

AN AGENDA ITEM=một điểm trong chương trình thảo luận.
DID YOU GO OVER THE AGENDA?= Bạn có xem lại những điểm trong chương trình thảo-luận không?
I DROPPED HIM OFF AT HIS HOTEL= tôi lái xe đưa ông ấy về khách sạn của ông ta.
CONSIDERATE= ân cần, có ý tứ.
những chi tiết của dự án của hãng tôi.
[Động từ FILL IN=cho biết thêm tin tức]
ITEM=điều, điểm (thảo luận).
FORMAL MEETING=buổi họp chính thức.
SCHEDULE=vừa là danh từ vừa là động từ.
KEEP MY SCHEDULE FREE = không hẹn ai.
SCHEDULE A MEETING=sắp xếp một buổi họp.
SCHEDULE A FORMAL MEETING=chọn ngày giờ họp chính thức.
IN AN INFORMAL SETTING=trong khung cảnh thân mật.
CONFIRM=xác nhận.
GO FOR A DRIVE=lái xe đi dạo.
TAKE THE TIME=bỏ thì giờ ra.


Eliz: Mr. Epstein, let's talk about your conversation with Mr. Blake. You suggested that the two of you
meet for lunch.
Esptein: Yes, I thought it would be a good idea for us to get together in an informal setting.
I wanted to fill him in on some of the details of our project... to build a new factory.
I didn't want to schedule a formal meeting until he had a chance to rest.
Eliz: That was very considerate. How about the agenda? Did you go over the agenda?
Epstein: Yes, of course. I confirmed with him the items he wanted to discuss at the meeting. And how
much time he needed.
Eliz: Right.
Epstein: Then we went for a nice drive around San Francisco. I dropped him off at his hotel, and then
returned to my office.
Eliz: Thank you for taking the time to talk with us.
Epstein: Thank you for having me on your show.
Eliz: Let's take a short break.

Vietnamese explanation

Trước hết, xin nghe một câu hỏi, rồi nghe một mẩu đàm thoại trong đó có câu trả lời của câu vừa hỏi, rồi
nghe câu hỏi lại, và trả lời khi nghe tiếng chuông.


Listen to the question. Eliz: Was his flight on time? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Blake: Hello, Mr. Epstein. How are you?
Epstein: I'm fine. How are you?
Blake: Great.
Epstein: How was your trip?
Blake: I had a nice flight, and it was on time.
Eliz: Was his flight on time? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: Yes, it was. (short pause)
Larry: Listen to the question.
Eliz: When did he arrive in San Francisco? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Epstein: How was your trip?
Blake: I had a nice flight, and it was on time.
Epstein: When did you get in to San Francisco?
Blake: I just arrived a few moments ago.
Eliz: When did he arrive in San Francisco? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: He arrived a few moments ago. (short pause)


Vietnamese explanation


Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 22. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả.
Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là phần CULTURE TIP-mách giúp về văn hóa. Trong phần này là phần
SMALL TALK=nói chuyện xã-giao về những đề tài thân mật (như hỏi thăm về chuyến bay, thời-tiết) trước
khi bàn chuyện chính. Vây, SMALL TALK= câu chuyện xã giao, mào đầu, qua loa, trước khi bàn chuyện

điện thoại về thương mại, chúng tôi hiếm khi nói thẳng ngay vào vấn đề chính.
RARELY (adv.)=hiếm khi, họa hoằn.
GIVE THE CONVERSATION A FRIENDLY START=bắt đầu câu chuyện bằng một chuyện vui hay thân mật.
COMFORTABLE=dễ chịu, thoải mái
AVOID TALKING ABOUT VERY PERSONAL TOPICS=tránh bàn về những đầu-đề có tính cách rất riêng tư.
Hãy nghe ông Gary Engleton chỉ cho ta cách nói chuyện.
TOPIC=đầu đề, đề tài
COMMON=thông thường
IMMEDIATELY=lập tức, ngay.
PERSONAL=có tính cách riêng tư.
HOBBY, HOBBIES=thú tiêu khiển, khác công việc hàng ngày.

Xin mời quí vị nghe:


Larry: Culture tips.

Eliz: Hello again. We're here with Gary Engleton, our business language expert. Let's look at our e-mail
question, Gary.
Gary: All right.
[Tiếng bàn máy điện tử]
Eliz: Well, today we have a very important e-mail question about business culture.
Gary: What is it?
Eliz: The question is: “In a business telephone call, should you immediately begin talking about
Gary: That is a good question. Actually, in business phone calls, we rarely go directly to the main topic.
Eliz: Really?
Gary: Before talking about business, we usually talk about a friendly topic. Talking about friendly topics
is called “small talk”.
Eliz: Can you give us an example?
Gary: Yes, when Mr. Epstein talks with Mr. Blake, he first asks Mr. Blake about his flight.
Eliz: Oh, I see.
Gary: It gives the conversation a friendly start.
Eliz: What are some good topics for small talk?
Gary: Common small talk topics are weather, hobbies, and travel. These topics are usually very
Gary: But you should avoid talking about very personal topics.
Eliz: I see.
Gary: Small talk helps people in business build better personal relationships.
For example, if someone comes to town by airplane, you can ask,"How was your flight?”
If they say their flight was terrible, you can say,"That's too bad,” or “I'm sorry to hear that.”
And if their flight was good, you can say,"I'm glad to hear it.”
This shows that you're interested in personal feelings, and not just business.
Eliz: That's very interesting, Gary. Thank you again for your culture tips!
Gary: My pleasure!


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần thực tập. Xin nghe một câu, rồi định xem câu đó có thuộc loại “small talk” (câu chuyện
thân mật để khơi mào) bằng cách trả lời YES hay NO sau khi nghe tiếng chuông.


Language Focus: Small talk.

Larry: Is this a good topic for small talk? Yes, or No?
Eliz: Nice weather we're having, don't you think? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: Yes. The weather is a comfortable topic for small talk. (short pause)
Eliz: Did your company make much money last year? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: No. Money or business is not a good topic for small talk. (short pause)
Eliz: Is this your first time in San Francisco? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: Yes. Travel is a good topic for small talk. (short pause)
Eliz: Do you have any children? (ding) (pause for answer)
Eliz: No. In the U.S. marriage and family are not good topics for small talk, when meeting someone for
the first time.

Vietnamese explanation

Business Dialog: Making an Appointment.

Tiếp sau đây, quí vị nghe một mẩu đàm thoại về thương mại.
Henry Michaels thuộc hãng Stetson Industries xin gặp ông Bob Harmon, làm quản đốc sản xuất của một
hãng kỹnghệ. Hãy nghe những câu Henry dùng để xin hẹn.

DELIVERY SCHEDULE=thời-biểu giao hàng.

có thể gặp vào một lúc nào đó trong tuần này không.
I'M FREE ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON=tôi rảnh lúc xế trưa hôm thứ năm.
DISCUSS=thảo luận, bàn về.
HOW DOES THAT SOUND?= Như vậy có tiện không?
FIRST PART OF THE WEEK=mấy ngày đầu tuần lễ.


Eliz: Let's listen to today's Business Dialog.

We'll hear a young businessman calling to make an appointment with the production manager of another
[Phone call=tiếng điện thoại reo]
Mr. Harmon: Bob Harmon.
Henry: Hello. Mr. Harmon. This is Henry Michaels...Of Stetson Industries.
Mr. Harmon: Oh, hello, Henry.
What can I do for you?
Henry: I was wondering if we could get together sometime this week. I'd like to discuss our delivery
Mr. Harmon: Well, let's see. I'm busy the first part of the week. But I'm free on Thursday afternoon. How
does that sound?
Henry: That's good to me. What time?
Mr. Harmon: How about 3:00? At my office.
Henry: That's great.


Vietnamese explanation
Trong phần kế tiếp, Focus on Functions, quí vị học cách hỏi lịch sự, lễ phép, nhã-nhặn (Polite
suggestions). Thí dụ như câu:
I was wondering...if we could get together...sometime next week, thì câu này bắt đầu bằng “I was
wondering... tôi tự hỏi... if we could get together..chúng ta có thể gặp nhau... sometime this week”...lúc
nào đó trong tuần này.
Để ý đến chữ COULD... một lối nói lễ phép.
Thay vì hỏi thẳng,"Can we get together next week?” tuần tới chúng ta gặp nhau được không? muốn lễ-
phép hơn, ta dùng “I was wondering if we could get together next week.”

Xin nghe đoạn kế tiếp.


Larry: Focus on Functions: Suggestions.

Eliz: Let's focus on Polite Suggestions. Polite suggestions are often long and use difficult language. Here
is an example from Business Dialog.
Eliz: I was wondering...if we could get together...sometime this week.
Larry: Listen and repeat.
Eliz: I was wondering... (pause for repeat)
Eliz: if we could get together... (pause for repeat)
Eliz: sometime this week. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I was wondering...if we could get together...sometime this week. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I was wondering if we could get together sometime this week. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I was wondering if we could get together sometime this week. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần Gary's Tips: Suggestions. I was hoping that...I was wondering if...
Phần này chú trọng đến vài cách đề nghị gặp lúc nào và nơi nào.
Muốn hỏi xem ngày và giờ và nơi hẹn có tiện không thì hỏi,"How does that sound?”

FORMAL=nghiêm trang, chính thức;

INFORMAL=thân mật.
POLITE=lịch sự, lễ phép, nhã nhặn.
Nghe câu:
I was hoping that we could perhaps arrange a meeting for tomorrow sometime. Trong câu đề nghị lịch sự
này, quí vị để ý đến câu mở đầu, “I was hoping that..,” hay “I was wondering if...” Cũng để ý đến những
chữ như “perhaps” (có thể), “sometime” (một lúc nào đó), như vậy, người nghe được tự do lựa chọn về
đề nghị của ta.
Và khi nghe rồi, ta cũng phải đề nghị lúc và nơi hẹn rõ rệt bằng cách hỏi lại một câu như, “How about
two-thirty tomorrow at your office?”=Thế thì gặp lúc hai giờ rưỡi chiều mai ở văn phòng của ông có được



Larry: Gary's Tips.

Eliz: Now it's time for Gary's tips with Gary Engleton!
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth.
Today we'll look at some more ways to suggest the time and place for a meeting. First let's review some
expressions we discussed on our last show. One way to make a suggestion is to say,"How does that
sound?” Let's listen.

Mr. Harmon: Well, let's see. I'm busy the first part of the week. But I'm free on Thursday afternoon.
How does that sound?

Gary: You can also use the expression “How about...”

Let's listen.

Henry: What time?

Mr. Harmon: How about 3:00? At my office.

Gary: A more formal and more polite way to make a suggestion is to use the expression,"I was
wondering if...” Listen to the following example from the Business Dialog.

Henry: I was wondering if we could get together sometime this week.

Gary: This is a difficult sentence, but it is a very polite way to make a suggestion. In Mr. Blake's
conversation with Mr. Epstein, he uses a similar expression-"I was hoping that....”
Let's listen.

Epstein: Say, when shall we get together?

Blake: Well, I was hoping that we could perhaps arrange a meeting for tomorrow sometime.
Gary: Let's hear that again, more slowly. I was hoping...that we could perhaps arrange a meeting... for
tomorrow sometime.
This is a very polite suggestion.
We'll talk more about polite expressions on our next show.
Thanks for joining us today for Gary's Tips. We'll see you again next time.
Eliz: Thanks, Gary.


Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!


Vietnamese explanation


Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 23. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả. Trong bài học này quí vị sẽ gặp ông Max và cô Kathy, hai người phụ trách chương trình Anh
ngữ căn bản nhằm giúp quí vị hiểu thêm về người Mỹ và văn hóa Mỹ. Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là câu
How Much Does It Cost? - Món đồ ấy giá bao nhiêu?

Quí vị sẽ học về giá hàng (prices) và quần áo (clothing), và chú trọng về cách so-sánh (comparisons).
Cũng học động từ COST. Như trong câu: HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Món đồ ấy giá bao nhiêu? Cũng học
danh từ COST nghĩa là “chi phí, phí tổn”.
CLOTHING STORE=tiệm, cửa hàng bán quần áo.
CLOTHES=quần áo (số nhiều);
nhưng CLOTHING= cũng có nghĩa là quần áo nói chung, là một collective noun, danh từ tập hợp; số ít).
STORE MANAGER=quản lý tiệm bán quần áo.
Trong đoạn đầu bài học, Kathy nói chuyện với Max về chuyện cô khách mời lên đài là Maria Alvarez, chủ
một tiệm bán quần áo phụ nữ. Sau đó là phần nghe rồi lập lại, tập đếm từ số 10 đến số 20.



Max: Hi, Kathy.

Kathy: Hi, Max.
Max: Who's our guest today?
Kathy: Today's guest is Maria Alvarez. She's here to tell us about her work.
Max: She works in a clothing store, doesn't she?
Kathy: That's right. She's a store manager.


Language Focus: Repeat with a beat: 10-20, lập lại theo nhịp.

Larry: Listen and repeat.

Max: ten (pause for repeat)
Kathy: eleven (pause for repeat)
Max: twelve (pause for repeat)
Kathy: thirteen (pause for repeat)
Max: fourteen (pause for repeat)
Kathy: fifteen (pause for repeat)
Max: sixteen (pause for repeat)
Kathy: seventeen (pause for repeat)
Max: eighteen (pause for repeat)
Kathy: nineteen (pause for repeat)
Max: twenty (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ đến phần Kathy phỏng vấn Maria Alvarez.

Hãy nghe mấy câu:

A SHIRT COSTS FROM 15 TO 35 DOLLARS=một áo sơ mi giá từ 15 đến 35 dollars.

MARIA ALVAREZ MANAGES A WOMEN'S CLOTHING STORE= cô Maria Alvarez làm quản lý một tiệm bán
quần áo phụ nữ.
THE CLOTHES SHE SELLS ARE NOT VERY EXPENSIVE. Quần áo cô ấy bán không mắc (đắt) lắm.
WHERE DOES YOUR CLOTHING COME FROM?=quần áo của tiệm của cô làm ở xứ nào?
EXPENSIVE=mắc, đắt;
INEXPENSIVE=không đắt;
NOT REALLY=không hẳn thế.
A SKIRT=váy.
A SWEATER=áo nịt, áo len.
A DRESS=áo dài phụ nữ.
A DRESS COSTS FROM 35 TO 65 DOLLARS=một áo dài giá từ 35 đến 65 Mỹ kim (dollars).
OVER $100=trên một trăm dollars.
[Nhận xét: trong tiếng Mỹ, dấu hiệu chỉ dollar viết tắt bằng mẫu tự S có một gạch dọc, và đứng trước số
tiền; có một dấu chấm trước số chỉ xu.
Thí dụ: $1.50= đọc là “one dollar and fifty cents,” một dollar 50 cents.] SUIT=bộ đồ. [Phân biệt với
SUITE=phòng sang trong khách sạn; để ý cách phát âm: SUIT [su:t]=bộ đồ; SUITE [swi:t]=phòng lớn].


Kathy: Now it's time for today's interview. Our guest today is Maria Alvarez. Ms. Alvarez manages a
clothing store in San Jose, California. Welcome back, Maria. It's nice to see you again. Let's talk today
about your work. What kind of clothing do you sell?
Maria: We sell all kinds of clothing: skirts, sweaters, dresses, and so on.
Kathy: For men and for women?
Maria: No, only for women. It's a women's clothing store.
Kathy: Is your clothing expensive?
Maria: Not really. A dress costs from 35 to 65 dollars.
Kathy: What about suits? Maria: Suits cost from 45 to 95 dollars. Some are over 100 dollars.
Kathy: Our guest is Maria Alvarez. We'll talk more after our break. Kathy: This is New Dynamic English.


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ ta hãy thực tập cách nói giá tiền. Dùng động từ COST. Nhớ là ngôi thứ ba số ít của COST là
COSTS. Xin nghe rồi lập lại.  


Larry: Listen and repeat.

Max: one dollar.
Max: It costs one dollar. (pause for repeat)
Max: How much does it cost? (pause for repeat)
Max: It costs one dollar. (pause for repeat)
Max: one dollar and twenty-five cents.
Max: It costs one dollar and twenty-five cents. (pause for repeat)
Max: How much does it cost? (pause for repeat)
Max: It costs one dollar and twenty-five cents. (pause for repeat)
Max: two dollars and fifty cents.
Max: It costs two dollars and fifty cents. (pause for repeat)
Max: How much does it cost? (pause for repeat)
Max: It costs two dollars and fifty cents. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ quí vị nghe đoạn phỏng vấn Maria Alvarez.

Hãy nghe mấy câu sẽ hỏi trong đoạn kế tiếp: Where does your clothing come from? Hàng quần áo của cô
từ đâu đến? Some of the clothing comes from the United States and some of it comes from other parts of
the world: Một số quần áo làm ở Hoa Kỳ; một số làm ở nhiều nơi khác trên thế giới.

CLOTHING=[collective noun, danh từ tập hợp, số ít]=quần áo [nói chung]. OTHER PARTS OF THE
WORLD=nhiều nơi khác trên thế giới.
EUROPE=Âu châu.
MEXICO=Mễ-tây-cơ, Mê-hi-cô.
ITALY=Ý; ITALIAN=(adj.) làm ở Ý, như trong nhóm chữ ITALIAN SHIRTS= áo sơ-mi làm ở Ý]
FRANCE= Pháp; FRENCH= (adj.) làm ở Pháp.
ASIA=Á châu.
THE SAME=giống nhau.
THEY LOOK THE SAME=chúng trông giống nhau,
BUT THEY DON'T COST THE SAME= nhưng giá không giống nhau.

Xin nghe.


INTERVIEW: Maria Alvarez. Where does your clothing come from?

Kathy: Our guest today is Maria Alvarez. Maria manages a women's clothing store in San Jose, California.
Maria, could you tell us more about the clothing at your store? Where does your clothing come from?
Maria: Some of it is from the U.S. Some comes from Mexico or from Asia. Some clothing is from Europe,
but it's more expensive. For example, this dress from Mexico costs $15 dollars.
Kathy: I see.
Maria: And this dress from France costs $60.
Kathy: Sixteen dollars?
Maria: No, sixty dollars.
Kathy: It's very expensive. These dresses look the same.
Maria: Yes, they do. But they don't cost the same. Not at all.
Kathy: Our guest today is Maria Alvarez. We'll talk more after our break. This is New Dynamic English.


Vietnamese explanation
Bây giờ ta tiếp tục nghe và lập lại, để ý đến COST và COSTS.



Max: How much does this dress cost? (pause for repeat)
Maria: It costs sixteen dollars. (pause for repeat)
Max: How much does that dress cost? (pause for repeat)
Maria: It costs sixty dollars. (pause for repeat)
Max: How much does this sweater cost? (pause for repeat)
Maria: It costs fifteen dollars. (pause for repeat)
Max: How much does that sweater cost? (pause for repeat)
Maria: It costs fifty dollars. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là mẩu điện thư e-mail: Why does this dress cost more than that dress? Tại sao cái áo này đắt
hơn cái áo kia?
Dresses from rich countries cost more than dresses from poor countries. Áo may ở xứ giầu đắt hơn áo
may ở xứ nghèo.
COSTS VS. PRICES=phí tổn đối nghịch với giá hàng. VS=VERSUS
LOW=hạ, thấp.
MATERIALS=vật liệu, hàng.
Silk is expensive, so silk dresses are expensive: Lụa đắt nên áo lụa đắt.
Cotton dresses are less expensive than silk dresses=áo bằng vải bông rẻ hơn áo bằng lụa.
The silk dress costs more than the cotton dress=Áo lụa này đắt hơn cái áo bằng vải bông.
MAKE A LOT OF MONEY=kiếm được nhiều tiền.
Xin mời quí vị nghe trước; sau đó nghe rồi lập lại.

E-mail: Why does this dress cost more than that dress?

Kathy: Ms. Alvarez manages a clothing store in San Jose, California. It's time to check our e-mail. We
have an e-mail from Irene in Portland. Her question is: Why do some dresses cost fifteen dollars and
other dresses cost fifty dollars?
Maria: Some cost 15, five...and some cost 50 dollars?
Kathy: That's right.
Maria: That's a good question. Some dresses are very expensive. Other dresses don't cost very much.
They're in-expensive. Some inexpensive dresses come from poor countries... Countries where workers
don't make much money. So costs [phí tổn] are low, and prices are low [giá hạ]. In rich countries, where
workers make a lot of money, costs are high and prices are high.
Kathy: What about materials?
Maria: Yes, that's a good point. Expensive dresses use expensive materials. Silk is expensive, so silk
dresses are expensive. Cotton is less expensive than silk. So, cotton dresses are less expensive than silk
Kathy: I see. Thank you.


The French shirt is more expensive.

Larry: Listen carefully and repeat.

Max: The silk dress costs $50. (pause for repeat)
Max: The cotton shirt costs $20. (pause for repeat)
Max: The silk dress costs more than the cotton dress. (pause for repeat)
Max: The English dress costs $25. (pause for repeat)
Max: The Italian dress costs $45. (pause for repeat)
Max: The English dress costs less than the Italian dress. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Bây giờ đến phần Đàm thoại hàng ngày-Ở Trạm Xe Lửa, phần 3- At the Train Station, Part 3.
Một bà muốn mua vé xe lửa và trả bằng thẻ mua chịu (credit card) How would you like to pay? Bà muốn
trả bằng tiền mặt hay bằng thẻ tín dụng (mua chịu)?

A THREE-HOUR TRIP=chuyến đi kéo dài ba tiếng đồng hồ.

[Nhận xét: trong nhóm chữ a three hour trip, three hour dùng như một tĩnh từ kép, có dấu nối giữa
“three” và “hour,” và “hour” không có s; Nhận xét thêm: giữa giờ và phút khi viết bằng số, có hai chấm
(colon) như trong The train leaves at 10:30: xe lửa chạy lúc 10 giờ rưỡi.

Xin nghe rồi lập lại.


Daily Dialog: Listen to this conversation

Male clerk: Can I help you? (short pause)
Woman customer: Yes, I'd like a ticket to Denver. (short pause)
Male clerk: One way or round trip? (short pause)
Woman customer: Round trip, please. (short pause)
Male clerk: One moment, please. (short pause)
Male clerk: The next train leaves at 10:30, is that OK? (short pause)
Woman customer: Yes, that's fine. (short pause)
Male clerk: That'll be sixty dollars. (short pause)
Woman customer: Sixty or sixteen? (short pause)
Male clerk: Six zero. Sixty. (short pause)
Woman customer: How would you like to pay? (short pause)
Woman customer: Here's my credit card. (short pause)
Male clerk: Thank you. (short pause)
Woman customer: What time does the train arrive? (short pause)
Male clerk: It arrives at 1:30. (short pause)
Woman customer: So it's a three-hour trip. (short pause)
Male clerk: That's right. Here's your ticket. (short pause)
Woman customer: Thank you. (short pause)
Male clerk: You're welcome. (short pause)

Vietnamese explanation


Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 24. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả.

Trong phần đầu, quí vị nghe phần Câu hỏi trong tuần tập làm tính nhẩm.

MATHEMATICS=môn toán [viết có s nhưng ở số ít; viết tắt MATH, hay MATHS.]
MATHEMATICAL=thuộc về toán học.
WORD PROBLEM=câu đố về nội dung đoạn văn, nghĩa là nghe kỹ và lýluận mới tìm ra câu giải đáp.


Question of the Week: Word Problems.

Max: This week we will ask Word Problems. Listen carefully to these Word Problems. We'll have the
answers on the next show.

Question 1.
Larry: John's parents have three children. John has two brothers. How many sisters does he have?
Max: Let's listen again.
Larry: John's parents have three children. John has two brothers. How many sisters does he have?

Max: Question 2.
Larry: The train from New York to Boston leaves at 11:00 in the morning. The trip takes 3 and a half
hours. What time does the train arrive in Boston?
Max: Let's listen again.
Larry: The train from New York to Boston leaves at 11:00 in the morning.

The trip takes 3 and a half hours.

What time does the train arrive in Boston?

Max: Question 3.
Larry: Paul works in a restaurant. He gets $8 an hour. How much does he get in 8 hours?
Max: Let's listen again.
Larry: Paul works in a restaurant. He gets $8 an hour. How much does he get in 8 hours? (short pause)
Max: We'll answer these questions on our next show.
Larry: A Question for you.
Max: Now here's a question for you.
Larry: Listen for the bell, then say your answer.
Max: In your country, how much does a cotton dress cost?


Vietnamese explanation
Sau đây chúng ta nghe câu chuyện giữa bài-Story Interlude:
Visit to the lab. Wedding Bells for Kathy? Thăm phòng thí nghiệm.
Kathy sắp lấy chồng phải không?
A lab, viết tắt của chữ laboratory=phòng thí nghiệm.
SECRET=bí mật (adj).
IT'S PRETTY SECRET=còn khá bí mật.
PERMISSION=sự cho phép, giấy phép.
SPECIAL=đặc biệt
ACTUALLY=IN FACT=thực ra, đúng ra.
HE HAD TO GET SPECIAL PERMISSION FOR ME TO SEE IT= Anh ấy phải in giấy phép đặc biệt cho tôi
xem phòng thí nghiệm.
Tonight I'm going to see my ex husband=tối nay tôi gặp người chồng cũ của tôi.
SPEND A LOT OF TIME TOGETHER=gặp nhau nhiều, để nhiều thì giờ với nhau.
MARRY=lấy vợ hay chồng, cưới.
OFF THE AIR=không còn thâu thanh hay hình nữa; ON THE AIR=đang thâu.
AT HOME=ở nhà; AT SCHOOL=ở trường.


Larry: And we're off the air. Good show. Kathy: Thanks. How's your grandson? Larry: Oh, he's OK.
The doctors say he's going to be fine.
Kathy: That's good. Is he at home now?
Larry: Well, in fact, he's at school.
Kathy: Oh, I'm glad he's OK. [tiếng Elizabeth bước vào]
Kathy: Oh, hi Elizabeth. How are you?
Eliz: Great. Boris and I are spending a lot of time together. This weekend, he's going to show me his lab
at the university.
Kathy: Oh, that sounds interesting.
Eliz: Well, actually, it's pretty secret. He had to get special permission for me to see it. How about you,
Kathy? How are things?
Kathy: Tonight I'm going to see my ex husband.
Eliz: Your ex husband?
Kathy: That's right. He wants to get married.
Eliz: Oh, he's met someone.
Kathy: No. He wants to marry me! Again!


Vietnamese explanation


Bài học hôm nay là “Making an Apppointment-Part 3; Xin hẹn gặp-phần 3” Quí vị học cách nói trong điện
thoại những câu để hẹn gặp. Chúng ta sẽ nghe ba người gặp nhau và thương lượng về thương mại. Hôm
nay chúng ta tiếp tục chương trình về một chuyến thương vụ (business trip).
Chúng ta nghe ba người. Đó là Charles Blake, làm cho hãng International Robotics; Michael Epstein, làm
cho hãng Advanced Technologies, và Shirley Graham, cũng làm cho hãng Advanced Technologies.

Chữ khó:


AGREE TO TALK WITH US=bằng lòng nói chuyện với chúng ta.
ARRANGE THE TIME AND PLACE=chọn ngày giờ và nơi gặp.
Nghe lại một câu xin hẹn gặp một cách lịch sự:
I was hoping that we could perhaps arrange a meeting for tomorrow sometime= Tôi hy vọng có lẽ ngày
mai chúng ta có thể gặp vào một lúc nào đó.
EMBASSY SUITES=tên một khách sạn. ["suite"=phòng rộng và sang ở khách sạn].
SHOW YOU AROUND SAN FRANCISCO =đưa bạn đi xem quanh San Francisco.
Trong câu trên AROUND (adv.) có nghĩa"chung quanh”; phân biệt với AROUND (preposition) có nghĩa là
“khoảng chừng, gần” như trong nhóm chữ AROUND11:15=khoảng 11 giờ 15 phút.
I'M FREE AFTER ELEVEN=tôi rảnh từ 11 giờ trở đi.
HOW DOES THAT SOUND? Như vậy có tiện cho ông không?
Đoạn sắp tới có hai phần; phần trước là phỏng vấn giữa cô Elizabeth và ông Blake; phần sau là cuộc điện
đàm giữa ông Blake và ông Epstein.


Larry: Ready for Functioning in Business. Cue music.


Eliz: Hello, I'm Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!

Larry: Functioning in Business is an intermediate level business English course with a focus on American
business practices and culture.
Today's unit is “Making and Appointnment, Part 3.” This program focuses on telephone language and
making an appointment.


Larry: Phone interview.
Eliz: On today's program I'll be talking again with Charles Blake of International Robotics. Mr. Blake is
traveling on business and has agreed to talk with us by phone. [Tiếng điện thoại reo]
Eliz: Welcome, Mr. Blake.
Blake: Hello.
Eliz: The last time you were here, we talked about your phone conversation with Mr. Epstein.
You arranged to meet him on Tuesday, June 11th. Blake: Yes, that's right.
Eliz: Let's listen again to that part of the conversation.
Blake: Okay.


Dialog Đàm thoại-Making an Appointment-Xin hẹn gặp. Larry: Dialog.

Larry: Let's listen in while Mr. Blake and Mr. Epstein arrange the time and place for their meeting.
Epstein: Say, when shall we get together?
Blake: Well, I was hoping that we could perhaps arrange a meeting for tomorrow sometime.
Epstein: Ah, I'll tell you what. I'm free after eleven o'clock. How's that sound?
Blake: That sounds fine with me.
Epstein: Okay, uh, where are you staying?
Blake: I'm staying at the Embassy Suites. It's about twenty minutes south of the airport.
Epstein: Ah, that's real close to my office here.
I'll tell you what, I'll meet you tomorrow around 11:15. Then we can go to lunch, and then I'll show you
around San Francisco.
Blake: That sounds very nice.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần VARIATIONS, quí vị nghe cách nói một ý bằng hai cách.
Nhớ lại chữ FREE có nghĩa là “rảnh”; nhưng ở chỗ khác có nghĩa “không tốn tiền.” Thí dụ:
I'M FREE AFTER ELEVEN O'CLOCK=tôi rảnh từ 11 giờ trở đi.
TICKETS TO THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT ARE FREE= vé xem Đài kỷniệm Washington phát không.
Xin mời quívị lắng nghe.


Larry: Variations. Listen to these variations.

Eliz: When shall we get together?
Larry: When shall we meet? (pause)
Eliz: I'm free after eleven o'clock.
Larry: I'm not busy after eleven. (pause)
Eliz: How's that sound?
Larry: Is that good for you? (pause)
Eliz: That sounds fine with me.
Larry: That sounds good. (pause)


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần tới, Ông Blake kể chuyện ăn trưa với ông Epstein.
They had a nice lunch in San Francisco, then they went for a drive.= Họ ăn một bữa trưa ngon ở San
Francisco rồi họ lái xe đi dạo.
DEADLINE=ngày chót, hạn chót.
AFTERSALES SERVICE=dịch vụ sau khi giao hàng hay sản phẩm.
MAINTENANCE=bảo trì. [động từ=Maintain]
REPAIR=sửa chữa.
AS PLANNED=như đã dự định
DISCUSS BUSINESS=bàn chuyện thương mại.
TOPIC=đầu đề
FACTORY=xưởng máy;
BUILD A NEW FACTORY=xây một xưởng máy mới.
SCHEDULED FOR COMPLETION=được dự trù sẽ hoàn tất.
OCTOBER DEADLINE=hạn chót vào tháng Mười.
BE CONCERNED=lo, quan tâm.
THEY WANTED TO BE SURE=họ muốn chắc;
dịch vụ tốt tại Hoa Kỳ.
PROVIDE GOOD SERVICE=cung cấp dịch vụ tốt.


Interview. Blake, Meeting with Epstein.

Eliz: Did Mr. Epstein meet you as planned?
Blake: Yes, he did. We had a very nice lunch in San Francisco, then we went for a drive.
Eliz: Did you discuss business?
Blake: Yes, we did...a little. Mr. Epstein wanted to explain some of the details of the project... about their
plans to build a new factory. And he wanted to learn more about our industrial robots. As you know, we
wanted to sell our robots to Advanced Technologies, for use in their new factory.
Eliz: Did you discuss other topics?
Blake: Well, yes. He told me that the new factory was scheduled for completion in October. So this
October deadline was very important. He was also concerned about aftersales service.
Eliz: Do you mean maintenance, repair, and so on?
Blake: That's right. They were concerned because our company is not based in the U.S. They wanted to
be sure that we could provide good service in the United States.
Eliz: I see. Thank you very much for speaking with us.
Blake: Thank you.


Vietnamese explanation

Đây là chương trình Anh ngữ Sinh động New Dynamic English bài thứ 25. Phạm Văn xin kính chào quí vị
thính giả.

Chủ đề của bài học hôm nay là phần LANGUAGE FOCUS-QUESTION BASED ON DIALOG-Chủ đề phần này
là nghe một mẩu đàm thoại rồi nghe một câu hỏi mà câu trả lời nằm trong nội dung mẩu đàm thoại đó.
Sau đó là phần CULTURE TIP-mách giúp về văn hóa.
Để ý mấy chữ khó:

TWENTY MINUTES SOUTH OF THE AIRPORT=(chỗ tôi ở) phía Nam phi trường đi xe hơi mất hai mươi
REAL CLOSE TO MY OFFICE= thật gần văn phòng tôi.
DECIDE=quyết định.
I'LL TELL YOU WHAT=tôi nói ông nghe; để tôi đề nghị với ông nhé.
SAY, WHEN SHALL WE GET TOGETHER?= chừng nào chúng ta có thể gặp nhau?


Larry: Questions.
Eliz: What time would Mr. Epstein like to meet with Mr. Blake?
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Epstein: Say, when shall we get together?
Blake: Well, I was hoping that we could perhaps arrange a meeting for tomorrow sometime.
Epstein: Ah, I'll tell you what. I'm free after eleven o'clock. How's that sound?
Blake: That sounds fine with me.
Eliz: What time would Mr. Epstein like to meet with Mr. Blake?
Eliz: He would like to meet after eleven o'clock. (short pause)
Larry: Listen to the question.
Eliz: When do Mr. Blake and Mr. Epstein decide to meet? (short pause)
Larry: Now listen to the dialog.
Blake: I'm staying at the Embassy Suites. It's about twenty minutes south of the airport.
Epstein: Ah, that's real close to my office here. I'll tell you what, I'll meet you tomorrow around 11:15.
Then we can go to lunch, and then I'll show you around San Francisco.
Blake: That sounds very nice.
Eliz: When do Mr. Blake and Mr. Esptein decide to meet?
Eliz: They decide to meet at 11:15. (short pause)


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần mách giúp văn hóa. Ông Gary Engleton chỉ cho chúng ta biết hai cách đề nghị, trựctiếp
và gián tiếp (direct suggestion, và indirect suggestion) và khi nào dùng cho thích hợp.
Let's meet tomorrow for lunch=(this is a direct suggestion, đề nghị trực tiếp)
Mai chúng ta hãy gặp để đi ăn trưa.
I was hoping that we could meet sometime in the next few days.= (This is an indirect suggestion, đề
nghị gián tiếp) Tôi hy vọng chúng ta có thể gặp nhau vào một lúc nào đó trong vài ngày tới.
VAGUE=mơ hồ;
VAGUE MEANS NO DEFINITE TIME=mơ hồ nghĩa là không nói rõ ngày giờ nào nhất định.
GENERAL=tổng quát; [ngược lại có chữ SPECIFIC=rõ ràng.]
FREEDOM=tự do.
COWORKER=người đồng nghiệp.
MEETING TIME=ngày giờ gặp.
KNOWN FOR A LONG TIME=quen biết lâu.
I've known him for a long time= tôi quen ông ấy từ lâu.
CONSIDERATE=ân cần, chu đáo.
WHAT TIME IS GOOD FOR YOU?=giờ nào tiện cho ông?
của bạn với người bạn muốn gặp.
I'M NOT SURE I UNDERSTAND=tôi chưa hiểu điều ông nói.



Eliz: Hello again. We're here with Gary Engleton, our business language expert. Let's look at our email,
Gary: Okay.
Eliz: We have a question today about making appointments. The question is: “How should I suggest a
meeting time?”
Gary: Well, it depends on your relationship with the person you want to meet.
Eliz: I'm not sure that I understand.
Gary: Well, if it's someone you know quite well, you can be very direct. For example, let's say that you
want to suggest a meeting time to a coworker, someone you've known for a long time. You can just
say,"Let's meet tomorrow for lunch” or “How about tomorrow for lunch?” But even with friends, you
shouldn't be too direct. Don't say,"I want to meet with you at 3:00 tomorrow.”
Eliz: Oh, I see.
Gary: But with someone you don't know well or someone very important, it's better to be more general,
more indirect. For example, you can say,"I was hoping that we could meet sometime in the next few
Or,"Would it be possible for us to meet sometime tomorrow?” Very polite suggestions are often very
long. Eliz: Isn't it rather vague...very general?
Gary: Sometimes it's good to be vague. Vague means no definite time. That gives the other person a lot
of freedom to suggest a good time. Eliz: What if the other person asks you what time you should meet?
Gary: Well, you can suggest a time... or if you want to be very considerate, you can say, “What time is
good for you?”
Eliz: Very interesting and useful. Thanks again, Gary!
Gary: I'm happy to be of help.


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần thực tập. Xin nghe một câu rồi lập lại, định xem câu đó thuộc loại direct suggestion (đề
nghị trực tiếp) hay indirect suggestion (đề nghị giántiếp). Nhớ là đềnghị thẳng thường bắt đầu bằng câu
như “Let's...” hay “How about...” còn đề nghị gián tiếp thì thường bắt đầu bằng câu,"I was hoping
that...” hay “I was wondering if...” hay “Would it be possible..” Như trong câu,"Would it be possible for
us to meet sometime tomorrow?” Ngày mai vào một lúc nào đó, chúng ta có thể gặp nhau được không?


Larry: Listen carefully.

Eliz: Let's meet tomorrow for lunch. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: How about tomorrow for lunch? (pause for repeat)
Eliz: I was hoping that we could meet sometime in the next week. (pause for repeat)
Eliz: Would it be possible for us to meet sometime tomorrow? (pause for repeat)

Vietnamese explanation

Business Dialog.
Tiếp sau đây, quívị nghe một mẩu đàmthoại trong đó hai người đồng nghiệp đang xem có thể gặp nhau
để bàn về dư ïphỏng về mãi lực (sales forecasts).
SALES=mãi lực (mức sản phẩm bán ra)
SALES FORECASTS=dự phỏng về sản phẩm bán ra.
I was wondering if we could get together sometime this afternoon=Tôi tự hỏi chúng ta có thể gặp nhau
một lúc nào đó xế trưa nay không.
GO OVER=xem lại.


Business Dialog.
Eliz: Let's listen to today's Business Dialog. Two workers are arranging to meet to discuss the sales
Bob: Hi, John. I was wondering if we could get together sometime this afternoon? I'd like to go over our
sales forecasts.
John: That sounds good. When shall we meet?
Bob: I can come to your office. Or the conference room might be more comfortable.
John: OK. Let's meet in the conference room.
Bob: Great. See you then.


Vietnamese explanation

Trong phần kế tiếp, Focus on Functions, quívị nghe mấy mẩu đàm thoại xem cách nhận hay từ chối một
đề nghị.
RESPOND TO=trả lời.
AGREE TO SOMETHING=đồng ý về chuyện gì.
AGREE WITH SOMEONE=đồng ý với ai.

Sau đây là những câu nhận lời đề nghị:


(Cả ba đều có nghĩa là “được, tốt")
Hay ngắn hơn thì có thể trả lời một trong những tiếng như: OK, SURE, FINE, GOOD.
Xin nghe.

Larry: Focus on Functions: Accepting a suggestion.

Eliz: Let's focus on how to respond to suggestions. Here are some examples of how to agree to
Larry: Listen to these short conversations.
Larry: I was wondering if we could get together sometime this afternoon.
Eliz: Sure, that's fine. (pause for repeat)
Larry: How about 3:00?
Eliz: That sounds good. (pause for repeat)
Larry: I can come to your office. Or the conference room might be more comfortable.
Eliz: OK. Let's meet in the conference room. (pause for repeat)


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đây là phần Gary's Tips: Response to Suggestions:

Trong phần này Gary chỉ cho chúng ta mấy cách trả lời một đề nghị.
Đó là những câu như: OK. Fine. That's fine. That sounds good.
REFUSE A SUGGESTION=từ chối đề nghị.
I'M SORRY, BUT I AM BUSY ALL AFTERNOON... Tôi tiếc, nhưng tôi bận suốt cả buổi xế trưa nay.
MAKE IT=thực hiện. WE'LL MAKE IT SOME OTHER TIME=chúng ta sẽ thựchiện chuyện này (gặp nhau)
vào dịp khác.
Khi từchối, nếu muốn hỏi “Để khi khác được không? thì dùng câu: CAN WE MAKE IT SOME OTHER TIME?
SMOOTH=trơn tru, xuôi. GO SMOOTHLY=trôi chảy.
COMFORTABLE=thoải mái.



Larry: Gary's Tips.

Eliz: Now it's time for Gary's tips with Gary Engleton!
Gary: Hello, Elizabeth. Today we'll look at some more ways to respond to suggestions. There are ways to
show agreement in English—words like “OK,” “Sure”, “Fine"-and so on.
Let's listen to the first part of the Business Dialog.
Bob suggests that he and John meet that afternoon.
Bob: Hi John. I was wondering if we could get together sometime this afternoon?
I'd like to go over our sales forecasts.
John: Sure, Bob. That's fine.
Gary: John says “Sure, that's fine” to accept Bob's suggestion. Then he politely asks John to suggest a
meeting time. Let's listen.
John: When is good for you?
Bob: How about 3:00?
John: That sounds good.
Gary: “That sounds good” is a good way to accept a meeting time. John asks Bob to suggest a place for
the meeting. Let's listen.
John: Where shall we meet?
Bob: I can come to your office. Or the conference room might be more comfortable.
John: OK. Let's meet in the conference room.
Gary: Bob suggests two places for the meeting-John's office or the conference room.
John chooses the conference room by saying directly: “OK. Let's meet in the conference room.” (short
Gary: Now listen to a conversation which does not go so smoothly. Bob: Hi John. I was wondering of we
could get together sometime this afternoon?
John: I'm sorry but I'm busy all afternoon.
Can we make it some other time?
Gary: The expression “I'm sorry but...” is a polite way to refuse a suggestion. That's all the time we
have. Thanks for joining us today for Gary's Tips. We'll see you again next time.
Eliz: Thanks, Gary.


Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in again next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!


Vietnamese explanation

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