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Joanna Reynoso

Lesson 10
Pathway Exhibition

Campus Visit Reflection

Foothills College and Los Angeles Pierce College:

1. Describe the campus. What was your overall impression, or feeling, about this

Foothill College looks big, elegant, and beautiful. I like that Foothill College provides
a lot of information and I would like to enroll myself in this school. Los Angeles
Pierce College is also a really big and beautiful college. I like that there is a women’s
volleyball activity, and I like that Los Angeles Pierce college has a lot of information
for us to research.

2. Can you imagine yourself attending this campus, or one like it? Why or why

I can imagine myself enrolling in both of them because it looks like a great school for
me to get my Associate's degree. I think I would enjoy participating in the fun
activities they offer in these two colleges. I would like to enroll myself in the foothill
college because it looks fancier and presentable, but I didn’t like the distance
mileage. Instead, I preferred a closer college and chose to go to Los Angeles Pierce
College, where it is closer to my home.

3. What did you like best about this campus? Explain.

I like how the college looks, how it’s big and their garden looks well taken care of.
Also, their athletic programs have both women’s and men’s basketball teams,
women's soccer teams, and women’s water polo teams. They have a center of
academic Success, which is a program for in-person tutoring (all free), Workshops
and Paper Drop Off (all free), Online Tutoring through Canvas (all free).

4. What did you like least about this campus? Explain.

What I like least about this campus is the distance because it is 1 hour and 45
minutes away from my house. I would have liked it if it had been 30 minutes away so
I could save gas money. Especially because the gas money is not cheap anymore
so having a far distance school would be hard for me to save my money. Also, I
could have time to sleep more and have more time to get ready for school.
Joanna Reynoso
Lesson 10
Pathway Exhibition

5. What would you like to know more about? Explain.

I would like to know more about Los Angeles Pierce College and what classes I
have to take to get my associate degree so I can become a vet technician. Would I
need to get extracurricular to help me graduate from this career? Also, how can I
enroll myself in this college? Will it be easy or hard to get into this campus?

6. How will your visit affect your future plans? Will you apply to this campus (or
one like it)? Why or why not?

Visiting the campus will affect my plan because I will be enrolling in this college. I
believe I will be learning how to become a vet technician and soon I will be a vet
tech. I wish to continue studying, so I can increase my position into becoming a
veterinarian. I think going to this campus would inspire me to study and get my
bachelor’s degree.

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