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Joanna Reynoso

Lesson 16
Pathway Exhibition

Personal Statement

As a student with Specific Learning Disability, I have learned to take advantage

of significant educational opportunities like participating in completing my Pathways

Exhibition Coursework. Although my disability may have created some challenges for

me, I have been able to be successful at Audeo Valley Charter School because of my

hard work and dedication. I will be graduating with an Option 1 diploma and have

successfully completed all high school required coursework six months before the

graduation deadline. Although I have the option to finish my schoolwork earlier, I

decided to take advantage of the pathway exhibition class in order to prepare myself for

my life after high school.

The educational program that I have taken advantage of is my Pathway

Exhibition course. The reason I feel that I have taken advantage of my education is

through learning how to apply to colleges, financial Aids, and scholarships, etc. Without

this class, I would not know what to do if I ever decide to enter college or know that I

can get help from the school to pay for my college supplies. This class has been really

helpful to me and it has taught me the importance of college.

Pathway Exhibition Is a class that helps me prepare myself for the future, which

includes: colleges, universities, careers, jobs, taxes, etc. I think this is a great help for

everyone, but not just the people that want a career. This class is helpful to me because

the pathway Exhibition explains and demonstrates how to do my taxes and how to apply

for a job. Also, show me how to properly write a resume when applying for a job. At first,

I thought the Pathway class was not going to be useful to me because it would not help

me when I begin college. After doing the Pathway assignments and researching
Joanna Reynoso
Lesson 16
Pathway Exhibition

colleges, what courses to take, financial Aid; It helped me understand how college


Learning how to apply to College, Financial Aids, and Scholarship has been

really interesting to me. This is because I am seeing different types of college campuses

they offer for my future career. I am learning how to save money to study for my career

and how to get a scholarship with my academic achievement. I think people would find

College interesting if they would research the different types of college campuses they

offer for their careers. Also, learning what colleges offer students and what the students

can do to save money, which is a huge help when applying to college.

I decided I want to become a Vet technician because I love animals. I would

appreciate taking care of not just certain animals but all types. When researching about

vet technicians, I learned about what they do and how to become a vet technician,

which is to complete a postsecondary program in veterinary technology. Also, how long

(2 years) and what degrees (associates degree) it would earn me.

In Conclusion, I believe The class Pathway Exhibition will help me understand

the level of my life. This class is going to help me prepare for college, find a career that

suits me, how to apply for a job, and so on. The pathway will help me research my

career and what I will have to do. That goes for the people who are only thinking of

applying for a job after graduating high school.

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