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Break-out Plan #3

Date: September 23rd, 2021

Break-out Title/Topic: Drip Play Analysis Resources Time
Check-in: (A quick, community building activity)

Introductions: I will begin by saying my name and talking about a highlight of my

week, and then have the students continue to do the same. When a student is done
with their introduction, they will pass to another student.
Learning Objective: (what will my mentees get out of this break-out?)

Students will develop a better understanding of the play Drip by Yolanda Bonnell.
Introduction: (what information do mentees need from me before activity?)
 Script of the
- Summary of the play play Drip
- Background on the author (background of
author is
included in the  2
script) min
Activity: (How will I get my mentees involved in this break-out?)

Students will discuss the play “Drip” using the following prompts:
- Where does this play take place?
- What are your thoughts on the characters?
- Did you have any questions while reading the play?
- Were there any images that came up while you were reading?
- What was the play’s theme/ message?
- What did you take away from the play?

Discussion should be students lead. If students are quiet or unwilling to share, start
discussing your own thoughts to prompt them.
Debrief: (What did the mentees learn from what I just did?)

- Discuss commonalities between ideas

- Have students summarize discussion
- Ask if students have any questions about the play
Summary: (Repeat the learning objective and the work that was done to get there)

By sharing their thoughts, listening to the ideas of their peers, and discussing the play,
students are able to have a better understanding of Drip by Yolanda Bonnell.


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