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Pag 63

A. Match the words with their meanings

1. Ecotourism h
2. travel agent e
3. ticket _g
4. visa d
5. beach vacation f
6. itinerary k
7. passport _j
8. shopping trip c
9. reservation i
10. vaccination b
11. sightseeing a

a. looking at famous places

b. an injection that stops you from getting a disease
c. a vacation trip to buy new things
d. a stamp or paper that allows you to enter a foreign country
e. A worker who arrages trips for other people
f. A vacation trip to the seashore
g. A piece of paper that says you paid for a place on a train, airplane, etc.
h. A vacation trip to enjoy and learn about nature
i. A place that is saved for you in a hotel, airplane, train, etc.
j. A document that you must show when you enter or leave a country
k. A plan for where you will go on a trip

B. Read the requirements for a tourist visa to the (fictional

) country of Bertastan. Write sentences about the requirements using the modals of
necessity have to, don’t have to, or must.
1. Form V-02 (filled out)
2. Two photographs of your face (color, black-and-white)
3. Photocopy of your plane ticket
4. Pay $20 (cash or credit card)
5. Bring all documents to the visa office. Hours 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
6. Normal time to receive your visa: two weeks

1. Form you have to fill out form v-02

2. Color photographs you don’t have to have color photographs
3. A photocopy of your plane ticket you must have a photocopy of your plane ticket
4. Cash you have to pay $20 cash
5. Go to the visa office you must go to the visa office
6. Go early In the morning you don’t have to go early in the morning
7. Wait you have to wait two weeks

C. What are some of the rules in your English class? Write sentences using have to, don’t
have to, or must
You must participate in conferences
You have to have the working material

Pag 65

A. Unscramble the words that match the meanings

1. A card that shows your seat number on airplane: drobagni saps _Boarding pass
2. The part of an airport where travelers get their bags back: gggaabe imlac _baggage claim
3. A small bag that you can take on an airplane: racry-no agb _carry-on bag
4. The part of an airport where travelers leave: speradtrue _departures
5. A person who works for an airline at an airport: lairnei teang _airline agent_
6. The part of an airport where officers look for dangerous thing: rucityse kechc_Segurity
7. the part of an airport where travelers get on an airplane: tega_Gate
8. a large building in an airport: mertinla_terminal
9. the part of an airport where travelers come in: lariravs_arrivals
10. where travelers show their tickets and give their bags to the airline: chech-ni
noucret_Checking counter
B. Complete the conversation with words from the box

Segurity check - carry-on - bag gate - flight – ticket – check – boarding pass

Check-in agent: Good afternoon. Where are you flying to today?

Rafael: To Singapore. Here’s my (1) Ticket
Check-in agent: Thank you … and do you have any bags to (2) check
Rafael: Yes I have two. This is my (3) Carry-on bag
Check-in agent: Ok. Here’s your (4) boarding pass you’re in seat 14D boarding time is 3pm.
But you must be at your (5) bag Gate 15 minutes before that.
Rafael: I have a question, is there a gift shop after the (6) Segurity check ?
Check-in agent: Yes, there is. Thank you, and your (7) flight

C. Circle the correct modal in each sentence

1. You (must / don’t have to) get a passport before you go to another country.
2. Officers look in your bags because you ( can’t / have to) bring dangerous things on a plane
3. You (must not / don’t have to) bring food on that flight. Dinner is served on the plane.
4. At the airport, you (have to/ don’t have to) get a boarding pass before you get on your plane.
5. You (can’t / don’t have to) smoke tobacco on an airplane.
6. If you want to travel during a holiday, you (must / can’t) make your reservations early.

Pag 66

B. Which of the writers would agree with these statements? one, two or tree answers may
be correct

1. We should a new tourist center . Melissa, Lee

2. Tourist sometimes cause problems Carlo, Lee
3. Tourist do good things for our city Melissa, Lee
4. The city would be better with fewer tourist Carlo
5. Tourist should learn about the places they visit Lee
6. We shouln’t do more to help tourists Carlo
7. Tourists have a big effect on this city Carlo, Melissa
8. There are good and bad kinds of tourism Lee

D. Should your country (or your city) try to get more tourists? Write your answer and explain
your reasons

Yes, of course since the more tourists enter the country the greater the economic growth
and even the investments that are made in the country

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