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Warning is a type of short functional text which contains information in the form of warnings
or directions that are shown to many people and is usually related to things that are quite
dangerous. Warning is usually placed in strategic places to make it easier and attract the attention
of the reader.

Warning adalah salah satu jenis short functional text yang berisi informasi berupa peringatan
atau arahan yang ditunjukkan kepada orang banyak dan biasanya berhubungan dengan hal yang
cukup berbahaya. Warning biasanya diletakkan di tempat-tempat strategis guna memudahkan
dan menarik perhatian pembaca.

2. Caution is a type of short functional text that is almost the same as / similar to a warning,
which both contains short and simple information aimed at people to avoid danger or risk.
However, the warning level of caution is lower than that of a warning. Cautions can also be in
the form of signs so that they are easy to understand and are usually placed in certain strategic

Caution adalah salah satu jenis short functional text yang hampir sama/ mirip dengan warning,
yaitu sama-sama berisi informasi singkat dan sederhana yang ditujukan kepada orang untuk
menghindari bahaya atau risiko. Akan tetapi, peringatan pada caution tingkatnya lebih rendah
jika dibandingkan dengan warning. Caution juga bisa berbentuk rambu-rambu agar dapat mudah
dipahami dan biasanya diletakkan di tempat-tempat tertentu yang strategis.
3. Announcement text or announcement text is a statement text or official writing that informs
the general public about something or information. The several types of announcement text

missing person announcements

news of weddings, birthdays, inaugurations and births
announcement of the winner of a competition
job vacancy
activity / event reports
notices / appeals from the government, etc.

Announcement text atau teks pengumuman ialah teks pernyataan atau tulisan resmi yang
memberitahukan kepada khalayak umum tentang suatu hal atau informasi. Adapun beberapa
jenis teks pengumuman meliputi:

 pengumuman orang hilang

 berita Duka
 berita pernikahan, ulang tahun, peresmian dan kelahiran
 pengumuman pemenang suatu kompetisi
 lowongan pekerjaan
 iklan
 laporan kegiatan /acara
 pemberitahuan/ himbauan dari pemerintah, dll.

4. Short message in Indonesian means "short message", which is a short text sent to tell someone
about something or important news, as well as to ask someone to do something (to inform
someone about something or ask someone to do something).

Short message dalam bahasa Indonesia bermakna “pesan singkat”, yang merupakan teks pendek
yang dikirim untuk memberitahu seseorang tentang hal atau berita yang penting, juga untuk
menyuruh melakukan sesuatu (to inform someone about something or ask someone to do
5. A label (description) is important information or information attached to the packaging of
various kinds of products, for example, food wrappers, drink bottles, medicine wrappers and
others. On the product label, there is usually a sentence indicating the superiority of the product,
instructions for use, dosage, nutritional content, product composition, production date and
expiration date. Thus, potential customers who want to take advantage of these products receive
detailed and accurate information.

Label (Keterangann) merupakan informasi atau keterangan penting yang ditempelkan pada
kemasan berbagai macam produk misalnya, bungkus makanan, botol minuman, bungkus obat-
obatan dan lain-lain. Di label produk biasanya terdapat kalimat yang menunjukkan keunggulan
produk, petunjuk penggunaan, takaran, kandungan gizi, komposisi produk, tanggal produksi
serta tanggal kadaluwarsa. Dengan demikian, calon konsumen yang ingin memanfaatkan produk
tersebut mendapat informasi secara detail dan akurat.
6. Greeting cards are short text messages consisting of prayers and wishes. Greeting cards are
usually sent to someone who is celebrating an event or is experiencing an event / event.

For example, you can send a greeting card to someone who has a birthday, is married,
graduated from school, won a competition, is sick, or is grieving.

kartu ucapan atau Greeting card adalah teks singkat berupa pesan yang terdiri dari doa dan
harapan. Greeting card biasanya dikirimkan kepada seseorang yang sedang merayakan sebuah
acara atau sedang mengalami suatu kejadian/peristiwa.

Contohnya, kalian dapat mengirimkan kartu ucapan kepada seseorang yang sedang berulang
tahun, menikah, lulus sekolah, memenangkan kompetisi, sakit, maupun berduka.
7. Invitation is a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere.
Invitation (invitation) is a request either in the form of words or in writing to someone to do
something or go somewhere.

Invitation is a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere.

Invitation (undagan) merupakan suatu permintaan baik berupa ucapan atau tertulis kepada
seseorang untuk melakukan Sesutu atau pergi ke suatu tempat.
Singapore is a South-east Asian country located between
Malaysia and Indonesia (identification).
Despite its small size, Singapore is known for its transition as a third-world country to the first-
world country. Singapore also was known as the Asian Tiger economy, based on external trade
and its workforce. Singapore size is not as big as Indonesia, but the city ranks highly in
numerous international rankings for its education, entertainment, finance, healthcare, human
capital, innovation, logistics, manufacturing, technology, tourism, trade, and transport.
Singapore is home to 5.6 million people with a diverse culture. Majority ethnic groups in
Singapore are Chinese, Malay, and Indian. Singapore Independence Day was on the 9th of
August 1965. Merlion Statue is the official mascot of Singapore. Singapore is famous for its
Garden by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, dan Orchard Road (description).

A Hungry Crocodile


One day, there was a hungry crocodile waiting a prey near the lake in the jungle.

That crocodile hiding under the surface of the lake for a long time, but there was not yet any prey
approaching that lake to drink.

That crocodile was so cruel and thus it had no friend and the other animals hate it so much.


At the afternoon, the crocodile could not stay any longer to the lake. It finally walked to the

But that day was unlucky day for that crocodile. After getting at the bank of the lake suddenly
there was a big branch of the tree falling upon its neck. The crocodile could not move at all.

Not long after the falling branch, finally there was a buffalo coming to the lake to drink.

The buffalo saw the crocodile and the buffalo was afraid and would leave that lake soon. But the
crocodile asked it sadly to help.

The buffalo felt sad about it and decided to help the crocodile.

But after helping the crocodile, the buffalo got something unexpected.

The crocodile bit the buffalo’s leg and the buffalo shouted loudly asking help for any other
animal near it.
Kancil that was at the way to go to the Lake heard the buffalo’s voice. Kancil run quickly to see
what had happened to the buffalo.

Near the lake, kancil saw the buffalo and the crocodile.

Kancil asked: “what happened?”

And the buffalo answered: “the crocodile bite my leg after I help to remove the big branch from
its neck”.

The crocodile also said: “I’m hungry and you are at my territory, therefore I bit you poor

The crocodile laughed at the buffalo.

Kancil said to buffalo, “It is impossible you had helped the crocodile, thus the crocodile had the
right to bite you.”

The buffalo said, “I’m not telling a lie. I can prove it.”

Kancil said, “I believe that crocodile is right, but then you can try to prove your telling. But first
crocodile must release your bite, okay?”

Crocodile said, “Okay, it is easy, but after that I will eat the buffalo.”

Kancil said, “Okay, deal.”


The buffalo laid the big branch at the former position, upon the crocodile’s neck.

After that suddenly kancil said, “Lets run buffalo, lets run!”

The buffalo and kancil run as fast as possible and the crocodile had realized that it is had been
fooled by kancil.

The crocodile was still trapped there and there was no one helped it.

How To Make Ice Lemon Tea


 1 bag of Teabag
 2 pieces of Lemon Orange
 2 tsp of sugar
 6 Ice Cubes
 50 ml of hot water
 150 ml of cold water


1. Brewed Tea bag in 50 ml of hot water.

2. Add sugar, and then stir until evenly distributed.
3. Squeeze the lemon. Then, pour lemon juice into the tea.
4. Add ice cubes and add 150 ml of cold water.
5. Stir until the lemon juice mixes with the tea.
6. Add lemon slices as decoration.
7. Ice Lemon Tea is ready to be served.

Last wednesday, I came late to my school because I played playstation untill 2.00
am in the night. Because that I woke up late.

I woke up about 6.30 am and the class would be began at 7.00 am. I ran to
bathroom to take a bath. I usually had a breakfast after took a bath, but in that day
I did not do that.

I always went to school by my moyorcycle. But in that day, I forgot where I put the
key. So, I went to the school by public transportion. It made me took a longer time.
I arrived at school at 7.15 am, I ran to my class but I saw my teacher has stood in
front of the class to teach. I entered to my class and of course my teacher was
angry to me because I came late.

It was my bad experience and I hoped I would not do that again.



If you are in love, you may remember a rose. It is a symbol of romantic thing. However do you
know the nature of this beautiful flower?

Rose is in a family of Rosaceae. The flower is large and showy. The colours range from white
through yellows and reds. Most species of rose are native to Asia,
Europe, North America, and northwest Africa.

Rose plants can grow in different size from compact, miniature, to climbers which reach 7
meters in height.

The popular species of roses are Banksianae, Caninae, Carolinae, Chinensis, Gallicanae.

 Banksianae is a rose flower from China which is white and yellow.

 Caninae is a species from Asia, Europe and North Africa which is pink and white.
 Carolinae is known from North America which has a white, pink, and bright pink colour.
 Chinensis is a white, pink, yellow, red and mixed-color rose from China and Burma.
 Gallicanae is a species of roses from western Asia and Europe which is pink to crimson.

Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden and sometimes
indoors. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut flower crops.

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