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Problem-1: Raingauge station X did not function for a part of the month during
which a storm occurred. The storm produced rainfalls of 84, 70 and 96 mm at
three surrounding stations A, B and C, respectively. The average annual rainfall at
station X, A, B, and C are respectively 770, 882, 736, and 944mm. Estimate the
missing storm rainfall at station X.

Problem -2: The annual rainfalls at station X and the average annual rainfalls at
25 surrounding stations are given in columns 2 and 4 of Table 3.1.

(i) Check whether the data of station X is consistent

(ii) In which year is a change in regime indicated.
(iii) Compute the mean annual rainfall for station X at its present site for
entire 36 years period first without adjustment and secondly for the
data adjusted for the change in regime

Table 3.1 Annual rainfall values

Year Annual rainfall at X cm Average of annual rainfalls at

25 base stations
1976 74 104
1975 73 90
1974 122 152
1973 116 117
1972 82 112
1971 113 138
1970 72 93
1969 120 146
1968 90 92
1967 85 114
1966 88 111
1965 80 97
1964 112 104
1963 116 131
1962 81 91
1961 106 92
1960 95 142
1959 112 123
1958 88 142
1957 68 92
1956 111 131
1955 86 93
1954 97 99
1953 112 112
1952 190 142
1951 126 111
1950 108 107
1949 127 108
1948 172 119
1947 153 138
1946 120 90
1945 126 123
1944 129 111
1943 121 124
1942 119 111
1941 163 135

Problem 3: Point rainfalls due to a storm at several rain gauge stations in a basin are
shown in Figure 1 and isohyets in Figure 2. Determine the mean areal depth of rainfall
over the basin by the three methods i.e. arithmetic mean, Thiessen polygon and
Isohyetal method. The planimetred polygonal areas are shown in Table 1 below.
Figure 1: Point rainfall measuring locations

Table 1 Stations and areas for Thiessen polygons

Station Area of influential polygon (km2)

A 570
B 920
C 720
D 620
E 520
F 550
G 400
H 650
I 500
J 350
K 520
L 250
M 350
Figure 2: Rainfall isohyets

Zone Isohyets (cm) Area btn isohytes, Ai (km2)

I <6 410

II 6-8 900

III 8-10 2850

IV 10-12 1750

V >12 720

VI <8 550

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