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Activity 9A-Mail Merge

Activity 9A: Mail Merge-Creating a new data source of recipients’ list using MS Access

Creating a Data Source File:

1. Start a New Document.

2. Click Mailings  Start Mail Merge  Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.

3. At the first Mail Merge Task Pane, make sure the Letters option is selected
in the Select document type section of the task pane.

4. Click the Next: Starting document hyperlink located toward the bottom of the
task pane.

5. At the second Mail Merge Task Pane, make sure the Use the current document option is selected.

6. Click the Next: Select recipients hyperlink.

7. At the third Mail Merge Task Pane, click Type a new list.

8. Click the Create hyperlink to create your new list.

9. The Mail Merge Wizard provides you with a number of predesigned fields. Delete the fields you do not need
by clicking on Customize Columns. Click on the field you want to delete and click the Delete button. Click
Yes to delete the field. (To insert a custom field, Click on the Add button and type in the name of the new
10. Type in the information for each record. The Data Source information for your fields are as follows:

Title: Mr. Title: Mrs. Title: Mr.

Firstname: Darren Firstname: Kiley Firstname: Robert
Lastname: Judd Lastname: Hostkins Lastname: Kardashian
Company’s name: Chips’n Chowder Company’s name: Kiley’s Company’s name: Kardashian
Address 1: 2349 Lowell Drive Kitchen Cafe
City: Spokane Address 1: 903 5th Street Address 1: 2756 1st Street
State: Washington City: Sacramento City: Phoenix
Zipcode: 98301 State: California State: Arizona
Zipcode: 65891 Zipcode: 96728
Title: Miss Title: Mrs. Title: Mr.
Firstname: Eva Firstname: Ana Firstname: Jack
Lastname: Randolf Lastname: Stevens Lastname: Higgins
Company’s name: Casa Verde Company’s name: Viking’s Company’s name: Bryant Park
Restaurant Restaurant Grill
Address 1: Dr. 3261 Crossfire Bldg., Address 1: 15th Avenue Address 1: Upper Block 1, East
3rd Street UpperEast UpperHills Avenue
City: Springfield City: Annapolis City: Salt Lake City
State: Illinois State: Maryland State: Utah
Zipcode: 98673 Zipcode: 76428 Zipcode: 75326
Title: Engr. Title: Atty. Title: Mr.
Firstname: Erwan Firstname: Gordon Firstname: Ryan
Lastname: Heussaff Lastname: Ramsay Lastname: Angus
Company’s name: Fish Market Company’s name: Hell’s Kitchen Company’s name: Botega
Restaurant Address 1: 67th Delta Blues Restaurant
Address 1: 2240 Highland Avenue Street Address 1: 2147 Jack London St.
City: Birmingham City: Empire State City: Essington
State: Alabama State: New York State: Pennsylvania
Zipcode: 65721 Zipcode: 65432 Zipcode: 98732
Title: Dr.
Firstname: Goeffrey
Lastname: Gideon
Company’s name: The Narrow Cafe
Address 1: 44 Narrow Street
City: Wilmington
State: Delaware
Zipcode: 87423
11. After typing all the records click OK. The
Mail Merge Recipients dialog box will
12. SORT all records in alphabetical order(A-Z)
Take a screen snipping [use snipping tool or use
the paint application to screen capture the mail
merge recipients dialog box w/ your encoded
data] of the Mail Merge Recipients box—
Save the snipped image as
Activity 9A recipients.png
Note: do not close your mail merge document
window while doing the screenshot
13. Click OK when you are done with all the records. A Save Address List dialog box will appear. save the file as
Activity_9A Recipientslist.mdb. MS Word will automatically put a .mdb file extension on the file.
14. Move to the next step by clicking Next: Write your letter. Copy the content of the letter as shown below:

15. Include the company’s logo and place it at the upper right- top portion of the document page. [Note: Just
snip shot the logo to copy it]
16. Press ENTER key (five times) to insert blank lines before you begin the letter.

17. Insert the current date. (press enter 2 times)

18. Click on the Address block option.

19. In this class, we want the default option that

shows Title, First Name, and Last Name. Click

20. Double space and click on Greeting line. Change the comma (,) to be a colon (:) for mixed punctuation or
(none) for open punctuation. Click OK. ((For this activity, leave the (,) comma.))

21. Double space and type the body of the letter shown below (note: just snip shot the logo to copy it)

22. If you need to insert a field in the middle of the document, click on More items in the Mail Merge Task Pane
and select the field you want to insert. The letter information is listed below. The fields that are highlighted
are fields you need to enter from your Mail Merge More items option.

[ADD THIS at the last PARAGRAPH in the body of the letter.

Thank you, «Title» «Last_Name», for coming to the opening of our new Little Ones Day Care
Center. Please tell your friends in «City» about us.

Sample Illustration:
23. When you are done with [Step-by-step Mail Merge wizard] Step 4. Writing the letter, Save your main
document to your storage hard drive
File name: Activity9A_Letter with codes.doc

24. Proceed to Step 5 by clicking on Next: Preview your letters. You can preview all of the letters by clicking on
the arrows next to Recipient: 1.

25. When you are satisfied with the letters, click on Next: Complete the merge.
26. [if needed] You can choose “Edit individual letters….” And change the name of your recipient [that contains
errors]. Otherwise, click PRINT (do this only if you have a printer) to produce hardcopies of these merged

27. This will create a new document with all the letters. Save this new
document as Activity9A_ Merged Letters.doc

List of files to be submitted in MOODLE:

1. Activity 9A recipients.png
2. Activity_9A Recipientslist.mdb
3. Activity9A_Letter with codes.doc
4. Activity9A_ Merged Letters.doc

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