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Intro; welcome! to science wonderlab.

I’m professor V and I’d like to introduce newtons law of motions

and some real-life examples

First of all, who is this newton guy?

Well he is the founder of these laws and the one who has the credit for bringing them
out to us, Sir Isaac Newton. Here are some quick facts about Isaac Newton:
Newton was known to have said that his work on formulating a theory of gravitation was inspired by
watching an apple fall from a tree. A story was well-publicized to this very day.

Isaac newton is credited with building the first reflector in 1668 with a design that incorporated a small
flat diagonal mirror to reflect the light to an eyepiece mounted on the side of the telescope.

One of his famous lines is.

“plato is my friend- Aristotle is my friend- but my greatest friend is the truth”

II. now lets talk about newtons first law and that is… inertia.

Every object will continue to do what its doing. If its at rest it will remain at
rest and it’s in motion it will stay in motion. Only an unbalanced force can
change this. If its at rest and an unbalanced force act on it it will move. If its
in constant motion and an unbalanced forced acts on it may accelerate or
change direction. And this is newtons first law which states that “An object at
rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted
on by a net external force”

This means that motion cannot change or decrease without the effect of an
unbalanced force. If nothing happens to you, you will never go anywhere. If you’re
going in a certain direction, unless something happens to you, you’ll always go that
way forever.
The principle of inertia is one of the basic principles in classical physics that is still
used today to describe the motion of things and how it is affected by the forces
applied to them.
One real life example is
The electric fan continues to move for a period after the electricity is turned
The book on the table stays in place unless it is dislodged.
 Video of a book in a tablr and electric fan.

Now lets jump to newtons 2nd law and that is…

“If a force affects an object, the object gains acceleration, proportional to its
strength and inversely proportional to its mass.”
Newton’s second law studies the movement of an object when external forces
affect it. When a constant force affects a huge object, it causes it to accelerate, that
is, to change its speed, at a constant rate.
This law also means that when two equal forces act on two different bodies, the
object with greater mass will have less acceleration and slower motion, and the
object with less mass has greater acceleration. For example, to illustrate:
If we have two similar engines, one for a large car and the other for a small car,
then the small one will have more acceleration because its mass is less and the
large one will have less acceleration because its mass is greater.
 Video of driving a car
And newton 3rd and last law is…

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” 

 All forces in the universe occur in equal but oppositely directed pairs. There are
no isolated forces; for every external force that acts on an object there is a force of
equal magnitude but opposite direction which acts back on the object which
exerted that external force.
An example of this is.
 When you jump, your feet apply force to the ground, and the earth applies an
equal and opposite reaction force that pushes you into the air.


That’s all thank you for watching!

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