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Name : Retno Wulandari

NIM : 180403038


1. The problems/obstacles I face when carrying out teaching and learning activities:
 The use of the media: Lack of appropriate media for teaching speaking virtually and
the interesting media for improving students’ motivation
 Learning environment: the environment of blended class which the teacher teaches by
Zoom, while the students attend the offline class and watch teacher explain using
wide-screen/LCD, make the teacher difficult to handle the students because some
students appear on the screen while the others not. Teacher difficult to watch what the
students do behind the screen
 Assessment systems: because the focus is in improving students speaking skills, so the
teacher only focus to assess that scope. Sometimes, poor of internet connection make
the students difficult to assess the students’ performance

2. The most urgent problem:

The use of appropriate media for teaching Thai students is very needed. The media
used should be suitable for teaching speaking in 4-6 grade students. The textbook from
school only provided written text, so it did not suitable to used for teaching speaking.
Beside that, the use of media written in English and Thai is very urgent to make the
students understand with the instructions given by me as an Indonesian pre-service
teacher. And the last, the media that is provided by the schools is not quite interesting.

3. Reasons to find the solutions of that problem:

Because the appropriate media is very needed to teach English for students with the
condition of pandemic which the class have to conducted virtually. The media that
provides two languages, English and Thai also helps the teacher to explain the material
well and understandable. In addition, the media provided from the school is not quite
interesting for the students because lack of interesting activities.

4. Causes of the problem:

For the first cause is Thai students that I taught have medium and low of English
performance, it is the main reason they will have difficulty in understanding what the pre-
service teacher’ instructions or explanations only in English because the difference of
mother tongue. Not only students, the mentor teacher that assist the pre-service teacher
also have intermediate performance in English comprehension. The next cause is the
condition of online class which is limited of activities during teaching-learning process
that made the media used is different with offline classes.
5. Alternative solutions based on the previous theories:
The solution of the problem that I had can be creating appropriate media for online
learning such as an electronic book. Based on the findings from Almunawaroh (2020), an
electronic book impacts in improving students’ motivation, performance in learning
English, reading comprehension, and attitude. Besides that, the electronics book is
appropriate for teaching and learning during the Covid-19 pandemic (Kusumadewi, Islam,
& Agung, 2021). The electronic book that created with Thai translation which is hoped
that the students can be understand with the teacher’s instruction. According to
Medikawati (2012), reading a bilingual textbook can increase the readers vocabulary nd
accelerate knowledge of the students. The electronic book can also provide video and
game in each chapter. The use of video learning has a positive result in increasing
students' motivation, interest, and comprehension during the teaching-learning process
(Joko Prayudha.S, 2021). Furthermore, the use of game that suitable with online
classroom, will increase students’ motivation to learn. Children learn by playing because
they acquire critical language, cognitive, and socio-cognitive skills through it (Ilgaz,
Hassinger-Das, Hirsh-Pasek, & Golinkoff, 2018).

Almunawaroh, N. F. (2020). The Effectiveness of Using an E-book in ELT: worldwide cases.
Journal of Teaching and Learning English in Multicultural Contexts, 4(2), 68–74.
Ilgaz, H., Hassinger-Das, B., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Golinkoff, R. M. (2018). Making the Case
for Playful Learning. 1245–1263.
Joko Prayudha.S. (2021). Video Based Learning as a Media for Teaching English during
Pandemic Covid-19. Journal of Language Intelligence and Culture, 2(1 SE-Articles),
Kusumadewi, R. F., Islam, U., & Agung, S. (2021). Developing electronic teaching materials
through comic mathematics media to increase student learning independence during the
Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. İlköğretim Online, 20(1), 708–716.
Medikawati, J. (2012). Membuat Anak Gemar dan Pintar Bahasa Asing. Jakarta:Visimedia.

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