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First Term Exam 2021-22 (Class – X1)

Subject & Code: Physical Education (048) Main

Time: 90 Min. Max. Marks – 35
General Instructions:
➢ 1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B & Section C.
➢ 2. Section A consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
➢ 3. Section B consists of 24 questions amongst which 20 questions have to be attempted.
➢ 4. Section C consists of 12 questions amongst which 10 questions have to be attempted.
➢ 5. Each Question’s mark value is 0.7 Marks.

Section A (Knowledge and understanding)

Q 1. The human heart is about the size of a/an
a. Average size apple b. Hen’s egg
c. Men’s closed fist d. Big almond

Q 2. Traditionally, careers in physical education were focused on:

a. Teaching b. Commentator
c. Sports Photography d. Sports Marketing

Q 3. The IOA was established in:

a. 1926 b. 1930
c. 1927 d. 1928

Q4. Which measure is used to assess the needs and capacities of an athlete or player to improve
a. Measurement b. Assessment
c. Test d. Evaluation

Q5. It is also called Isometric strength:

a. Maximum strength b. Static strength
c. Explosive strength d. Strength endurance

Q6. Muscular Endurance can be improved by …...............

a. Jogging b. Cycling
c. Dancing d. All the above

Q7. This joint enables turning & twisting movement

a. Hinge joint b. Gliding joint
c. Pivot joint d. Ball & Socket joint

Q8. Another name of Collar bone is.............

a. Scapula b. Humorous
c. Ribs d. Clavicle

Q9. First Indian female member of IOC

a. Neeta Ambani b. P.T. Usha
c. Sarojini Naidu d. Karanam Malleswari

Q10. What is the formula of waist hip ratio?

a. Hip circumference/ waist circumference b. Waist circumference/Hip circumference
c. waist circumference*Hip circumference d. none of the above

Q11. Which of the following is not the aim of social development?

a. Obeying rules & regulations of the game b. Showing sportsmanship
c. Cooperation with peers d. Playing for self

Q12. The Olympic flag consists of …..........

a. White background with black border and Olympic symbol in the center
b. White background with no border and Olympic symbol in the center
c. Yellow background with black border and five rings
d. Grey background with no border and Olympic symbol in the center

Q13. Physical exercise is done in the absence of Oxygen is known as …....

a. Isokinetic b. Aerobic
c. Isometric d. Anerobic

Q14. If you are the Physical Education Teacher of the School, which test you recommend for
abdominal strength?
a. Sit & Reach b. Harvard Step Test
c. Push Ups d. None of these

Q15. Study of joint is ….............

a. Anatomy b. Physiology
c. Anatomy & Physiology d. Arthrology

Q16. Smooth muscles are also known as ….......

a. Voluntary Muscles b. Involuntary Muscles
c. Cardiac Muscles d. Skeletal Muscles

Q17. A Physical Education Teacher should look after …........

a. Physical development of the students b. Cultural development of the students
c. All-round development of the students d. None of the above
Q18. Ancient Olympic Games were abolished by ….......
a. Greeks b. Romans
c. Germans d. Egyptians

Q19. The ability of the muscles to perform work continuously without fatigue is known as..…...
a. Muscular Endurance b. Flexibility
c. Muscular Strength d. Reaction Speed

Q20. Which of the following test is not used to measure muscular endurance?
a. Sit-ups b. Flexed arm
c. Distance walk d. Squat

Q21. Hinge joint is situated at …...........

a. Shoulder b. Neck
c. Wrist d. Knee

Q22. Khelo India program has been introduced to revive the …......
a. Promoting traditional sports in India b. Historical events in India
c. Sports culture in India d. None of the above

Q23. By whom the Sit & Reach test was developed?

a) Brouha & others b) Guilford & Murphy
c) Wells & Dillon d) None of these

Q24. The term Citius in the Olympic motto means

a) Faster b) Higher
c) Stronger d) Together

SECTION- B (Application Based)

Q25. If Anil’s weight is 70 kg. and height is 1.60 m., so what is the BMI of Anil?
a) 25.60 b) 27.34
c) 26.54 d) 28.78

Q26. How many bones in lower limb?

a) 62 b) 60
c) 63 d) none of the above

Q27. What is the average heart rate of adult human being?

a) 70 per min. b) 69 per min.
c) 72 per min. d) 76 per min.
Q28. Match list- I with list- II and select the correct answer from the code given below:
List I – Components of Health-Related Fitness List II – Assessment Activity
(I) Cardiovascular Endurance (1) Yoga
(II) Muscular Strength (2) Aerobic Exercise
(III) Muscular Endurance (3) Dancing
(IV) Flexibility (4) Squats
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(a) 4 2 1 3
(b) 1 4 2 3
(c) 3 2 1 4
(d) 2 4 3 1
Q29 Match list – I with list – II and select the correct answer
List – I List – II
I) Teaching Career in Phy. Edu. 1. Director of Sports
II) Coaching Career in Phy. Edu. 2. Fitness trainer
III) Health related career in Phy. Edu. 3. Master of Sports (MS)
IV) Administration related career in Phy. Edu. 4. Bachelor of Phy. Edu.
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(a) 4 3 2 1
(b) 4 3 1 2
(c) 3 2 1 4
(d) 4 1 2 3

Q30. Identify the following symbol and choose correct one.

a) Winter Olympic b) Paralympic

c) Deaflympic d) Special Olympic

Q31. In the context of the above statement, which one of the following is correct? Given below
are two statements one labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R)
Assertion: Fitness is a total concept which concerns the whole individual
Reason: Regular participation in physical activities contributes to physical development
which means development of physical power, ability to recover and ability to resist fatigue.
a) (A) is true and (R) is the right explanation of (A)
b) (A) is false, (R) is the right explanation of fitness
c) (A) is true but (R) is False.
d) Both (A) and (R) is true but (R) is not the Right explanation of (A)

Q32. In the context of the above statement, which one of the following is correct? Given below
are two statements one labelled as Assertion (A), and other as Reason (R)
Assertion: Aim of Physical education is all round development of the personality of the
Reason: Logic seeks to provide human beings with a sound and intelligent method of living
and thinking.
a) Both (A) and (R) is right and(R) is the right explanation of (A)
b) Both (A) and (R) is right but (R) is not the right explanation of (A)
c) (A) is true but (R) is False.
d) (A) is false but (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

Q33. Biggest artery in the human body is ….........

a) Aorta c) Lungs
c) RBC d) Atrium

Q34. What does the picture given below represent?

a) Endurance b) Strength
c) Agility d) Flexibility

Q35. In the context of the above statement, which one of the following is correct? Given below
are two statements one labelled as Assertion (A) and other as Reason (R)
Assertion: Evaluation is the process of education that involves collection of data from the
products which can be used for comparison with preconceived criteria to make judgement.
Reason: Evaluation has no significance in games and sports
a) (A) is false and (R) is true
b) (A) is true, (R) is false
c) (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the right explanation of (A)
d) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the Right explanation of (A)

Q36. Match list – I with list – II and select the correct answer
List – I List – II
I) Test 1. Classification Assessment
II) Measurement 2. Comparing measurement with objective
III) Evaluation 3. Any instrument / tool
IV) Grading 4. Reading taken by a test/tool

(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(a) 4 3 2 1
(b) 3 4 2 1
(c) 3 2 1 4

(d) 4 1 2 3
Q37 …is also known as voice box.
a) Larynx b) Pharynx
c) Trachea d) Diaphragm

Q38. Identify the Picture and choose correct one.

a) Static Strength/Isometric b) Dynamic Strength/Isotonic

c) Explosive Strength d) Strength Endurance
Q39. In the context of the above statement, which one of the following is correct? Given below
are two statements one labelled as Assertion (A), and other as Reason (R)
Assertion: In the Ancient Olympic, competitor must be only a Greek, and must be physically
fit. Savage and punished were not allowed to participate in these games.
Reason: Only amateur sports person could participate in these games and not the
a) (A) is true and (R) is false
b) (A) is false and (R) is true
c) Both (A) and (R) are true
d) Both (A) and (R) are true but not relates with Ancient Olympic

Q40. To test endurance of young boys and girls 9–12-year, physical education teacher would
often use
a) 6 min or 600 m run and walk test b) 1600 m race
c) Copper’s 12 minutes run and walk test d) Half Marathon race

Q41. Which Indian player won first Olympic gold in Individual event?
a) Leander Paes b) Sushil Kumar
c) Neeraj Chopra d) Abhinav Bindra

Q42. In the context of the above statement, which one of the following is correct?
Given below are two statements one labelled as Assertion (A), and other as Reason (R)
Assertion: The coordinative abilities are those abilities of an individual which enable the
individual to do various related activities properly as well as efficiently
Reason: The range of movement varies significantly from joint to joint but depends on the
structure of the surrounding tendons, ligaments, and muscle tissues
a) (A) is true and (R) is false
b) (A) is false and (R) is true
c) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not relates with (A)
d) (A) is true and (R) is the right explanation of (A)

Q43. Which balance is required by the body when we are playing?

a) Static c) Progressive
c) Dynamic d) None of the above

Q44. In the context of the above statement, which one of the following is correct? Given below
are two statements one labelled as Assertion (A), and other as Reason (R)
Assertion: Kinesiology is not important in sports and physical education
Reason: Using kinesiology, exercise methods can be evaluated and altered for better
performance and safety
a) (A) is true and (R) is false
b) (A) is false and (R) is true
c) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the right explanation of (A)
d) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the right explanation of (A)
Q45. Which sports event is not included in Khelo India Program?
a) Boxing b) Kho-Kho
c) Cricket d) Basketball

Q46. Which type joint is working in this picture?

a) Freely moveable b) Slightly moveable

c) Immoveable d) None of the above

Q47. Fast twitch fibers are of which color

a) White color b) Red color
c) Blue color d) Skin color

Q48. Identify the joints.

a) Gliding joint b) Saddle joint

c) Hinge joint d) Ball & Socket joint
Section – C (Case Study)

Q 49. Below given is the BMI data of a school's health check-up

Based on the above data; answer the question:
In which category does the major student population falls into?
a) Obese b) Normal weight
c) Under weight d) Over weight

Q50. Below given is the pie chart of medal Won by Indian Paralympic 2020

In which event Indian player’s won maximum silver medal

a) Shooting b) Badminton
c) Athletics d) Table Tennis
Q51. The Khelo India program is a national program for the development of sports. It is an
initiative of the Government of India to strengthen the sports ecosystem by encouraging
mass participation and promotion of excellence. Khelo India program has been introduced
to revive the sports culture in India at the grass root level by building a strong framework for
all sports in India. The program was launched during 2017-18 by Ministry of Sports and Youth
Affairs. KheloIndia Cover 1000 most talented and deserving young athletes every year across
selected sports disciplines. There are 16 disciplines.
Which state won Khelo India Trophy in first Khelo India Program?
a) Haryana b) Maharashtra
c) Delhi d) Punjab

Q52. Human physiology studies how our cells, muscles and organs work together and how they
interact. Physiology sometimes referred to as the “science of life”, looks at living
mechanisms, from the molecular basis of cell function to the whole integrated behavior of
the entire body. Physiologists say that physiology is a fundamental science for understanding
about "life", how to go about treating diseases and coping with the stress our bodies are
exposed to in different environments.
Physiology is the study of …..........................
a) Structure of Human body b) Function of Human body
B) Science of Human motion d) None of the above

Q53. According to Corbin & Lindsey, cardio-respiratory endurance is the ability of the body’s
circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel during sustained physical activity. It
requires a strong heart, healthy lungs, and clear blood vessels to supply the body with
oxygen. To improve your cardio-respiratory endurance, try activities that keep your heart
rate elevated at a safe level for a sustained length of time such as walking, swimming, or
bicycling. The activity you choose does not have to be strenuous to improve your
cardiorespiratory endurance. Start slowly with an activity you enjoy and gradually work up
to a more intense pace.
Cardio-respiratory endurance is the ability of the body’s ........ to supply fuel during
sustained physical activity.
a) Circulatory system b) Respiratory system
c) Circulatory and respiratory systems d) None of these

Q54. Test, measurement, and evaluation are important aspects of all the program of physical
education and sports. Without test, measurement, and evaluation, it becomes difficult to
determine the level of achievement of various objectives of physical education and sports by
an individual.
Test, measurement, and evaluation are significant
a) To prepare the individual for competitions b) For knowing the abilities and capacities
c) To discourage the individual d) All of these
Q55. There is no universally accepted definition of wellness. Wellness is the capability of an
individual to lead a well-balanced life. Wellness is made up of multiple dimensions such as
physical wellness, mental wellness, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, social wellness,
occupational wellness, occupational wellness, and environmental wellness
….................. is the ability of individual to make sound decisions
a) Emotional wellness b) Social wellness
c) Intellectual wellness d) Spiritual wellness

Q56. Completions in sports have many advantages for seeking outstanding players and getting
together school, university, state, or even national teams to represent the various
institutions,these not only permit to excel at sports but also boost leadership qualities as
well as offer opportunities to represent the country and bring laurels.
U. S. Open is associated which sports?
a) Table Tennis b) Ice Hockey
c) Davis Cup d) None of the above

Q57. Given below is the data of people engaged in various career related to Physical Education

On the basis of PIE chart which is the most popular profession?

a) Being an Umpire b) Being a Jounalist
c) Being a coach d) Being a professional player

Q58. Nowadays, people have become very health conscious. They want to be healthy & fit. Thus,
the opportunities in health-related careers have grown in recent years. In health-related
careers, one can open health clubs, work as a fitness trainer, athletic trainer, yoga trainer,
physiotherapist, etc. One can also enter the field of sports medicines, sports nutrition,
rehabilitation, etc.
Which of the following is not a health-related components?
a) Body Composition b) Flexibility
c) Muscular Endurance d) Speed
Q59. The credit of origin the modern Olympic Games goes to “Pierre, Baron de Coubertin” It was
Coubertin’s dream to restart the ancient Olympic Games at world level. For this purpose, he
called a meeting of various countries Some countries in favor of commencing there games,
whereas rest of the countries opposed it. Again, a meeting of 13 countries was held in Paris
in which 75 representatives participated. It was Presided over by Coubertin and it was
resolved that “Sports competitions should be held every fourth year on the lines of Greek
Olympic Games and every nation should be invited to participate.”
Who won the maximum Olympic Gold Medal in Modern Olympic?
a) Ussain Bolt b) Carl Lewis
c) Michal Phelps d) Donavan Belly

Q60. The Picture given below represent:

a) Dynamic Equilibrium b) Static Equilibrium

c) Both a and b d) None of theses

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