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Before, I thought that wellness is just all about being healthy and
physically fit, but now I learned that it is also all about the fulfillment you feel
towards the things you are doing. Emotional Wellness is what bothers me
everyday because I am so pressured towards my studies. I am always bothered
and I tend to overthink a lot because even if I did my best, the grades I would
get is lower than what I had expected. I am always stressed out because of this
matter, and also because of my duties as the “Panganay”. Although I still
don’t experience Occupational Wellness because I am still studying, I hope
someday if I would get a job, I hope that I would enjoy it, earn from it, and be
happy with it, so that I could say that my sacrifices and tears are worth it.
I think out of the 9 dimensions of Wellness, I am Financially,
Intellectually, Spiritually and Socially Well. Financially well because I know
how to manage the money given to me, I know where to spend it, and I
prioritize my needs and those who would benefit me. Intellectually Well
because I am open minded in everything. Although I tend to overthink, I still
base everything on facts, and I accept failure because it is how I shape myself.
I am also Spiritually well because I tend to pray a lot, not only when I feel
down, but also when I am happy. Moreover, instead of praying for earthly
things like money or anything, I pray for my family’s safety and health. Lastly,
Social wellness because I am that type of person who will help no matter how
busy I am or would assist someone if they are confused about things. I also
make friends and get along with people easily, and I make sure that I don’t
make them uncomfortable.
I still have a long way to go. I still have to improve my Emotional,
Environmental, Physical, and Sexual well-being. Although I still lack
something, I believe that I could work on it and improve everything in order to
attain a healthy and fulfilling life. I still have time to improve, this is just the
beginning of my journey to the life I want myself to have.

The discussion went smoothly. The examples given were all true and
based on past events and experiences so I get to relate to it. The internet
connection was better compared to last time, so we get to understand
everything in the discussion.

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