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I am most successful in the emotional awareness and sexuality dimension of wellness because I

believe I value the relationships in my life to a higher degree than most. I think that because
I’m an introvert that causes me to only create supportive and meaningful relationships with
the people in my life. In addition, I am and educated and responsible person that makes good
choices in respect to sexuality and how to treat others.

I am least successful in the physical fitness dimension because although I do have a busy schedule, I
don’t allow enough time for it in my day to day. One of the reasons I took this class was to actually
be more physically active. Also by the time I do have enough spare time to workout or exercise I feel
to tired or bored even.

Physical Fitness

I will start having set days during the week that work around my school and work schedule to
avoid using the excuse that I don’t have the time to when in the end, all I have to do is make
time for it. I have already chosen my fitness days to be Monday, Thursdays and Saturdays.

To avoid getting bored by doing the same thing, I will plan my workouts ahead of time to be able
to create variety in how I chose to be physically active. For example, I will include running,
plyometrics and weight training to balance my week of fitness and have a shift in focus each time.

On my set days to exercise or do physical fitness, I will do it in the mornings to have the most
energy and not be tired by any workload prior to working out. I will also make sure to listen to loud
music and drink water to keep my awake and active throughout the whole time dedicated to fitness.

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