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Year 3 Nativity 2021

Belvedere Junior School


General Spain Hawaii India N.Z Africa Egypt

Santa Pedro Keanu Arun Ana Soloman Mahra

Elf Sophia Kelani Avaanii Kaia Precious Sayed

Child 1 Carlos Luana Divynshi Tia Candy Leila

Child 2 Diego Malani Divia Tai Adam Mariam

Child 3 Marta Oleen Maha Tama Goodness Essa

Child 4 Jose Kai Jaskarn Manawa Oli Jibril

Child 5 Maria Kami Eshan Lily Samual Hassan

Hello everyone and welcome to Year 3’s performance of ‘A
World of Christmasses’ where we will take you on a global
Christmas adventure. We recognize and celebrate all the
faiths of our BJS family and also acknowledge that not all
families celebrate Christmas, and some that do, are not
Christian. We also recognize the huge cultural impact that
Christmas has on the entire world so with that, we present
this performance to you with love and as a celebration of
the many messages that Christmas can offer, regardless of
faith or beliefs: peace, love, respect, humanity and good will
to all.

Whilst year 3 has taken considerable time to research each

country’s Christmas traditions diligently, in order to
perform with authenticity, we also realise that errors can be
made along journeys such as these. If, for some reason, you
notice something that has been misrepresented, do please
inform us after the performance. All members of the BJS
community know that life learning never stops and we will
gladly listen to any constructive feedback in order to do
better in the future. Once we know better, we do better.

And now, please enjoy the show.

Scene is set with Santa’s sleigh (stage left), reindeer attached eating carrots. Christmas tree is stage
left and is a permanent fixture throughout the play. Santa comes onto the stage and starts to load
presents into the back of the sleigh. He looks around and notices the audience.

Santa: Oh, hello, hello! Welcome, welcome! It is so good to see you all. As you can see, I am getting
ready for the big night! Are you excited? Me, too! I am so lucky – I get to see so many wonderful
places celebrating Christmas on my travels. Did you know that every country celebrates Christmas in
its own way?

Child 1: (from the audience) Santa! Santa!

Santa: Yes? Hello? I cannot see you!

Child 1: Santa! Over here! (waves from the audience and stands up)

Santa: Ah yes! Hello my friend! Merry Christmas!

Child 1: Merry Christmas to you, too! Santa, we want to know more about how Christmas is
celebrated around the world. Can you share more with us?

Santa: I can do better than that! Why don’t you join me in my sleigh and we can see together! In
fact, bring your friends with you!

Elf: (enter stage right) Um, hey Santa, do you think that this is a good idea? I mean, we have had
children travel with us before and all it seems to do is cause trouble!

Santa: Not now, not now. They just want to learn! Now, go and see Mrs Clause to get some treats
for our guests so we can begin our journey!

Elf exits.

Child 1: Santa, can I bring some friends?

Santa: Of course you can!

Child 1 gathers her friends from the audience and leads them to the stage

Enter elf with picnic basket.

Elf: Here we are Santa! Delicious hot chocolate, candy canes, brownies and…oh no no no, this is far
too many children!

Santa to elf: Now be nice. You can come too if you behave nicely.

Elf: I can come? Really? Really really?

Santa: Really really! Now, everyone hop into the sleigh and let the magic begin!

(song – all – Sleigh Ride)

Child 2: Santa?

Santa: Yes my dear? And what is your name?

Child 2: ________________
Santa: What a marvellous name!

Child 2: Thank you! So, where are we going first?

Santa: Well, let’s start with Espagne! Or, as we say in English, Spain!

Choreographed movement in sleigh until Santa lands the reindeer and sleigh in Spain.

Scene change to Spanish backdrop.

Spanish children enter and begin hustle and bustle of the scene, banging drums and playing guitars
signifying that midnight mass is over.

Child 3: Woah, what are they doing? I have never seen this before!

Santa: Let’s find out!

Pedro: Hola Papa Noel! Feliz Navidad!

Other Spanish children: Hola Papa Noel! Feliz Navidad!

Santa: Hola everyone! Good to see you all again! Merry Christmas to you too! I have brought some
guests with me – they are here to see how you celebrate Christmas in Spain!

Sleigh children and elf: Hola! Feliz Navidad!

Child 3: What is going on? Why are you all banging drums and playing guitars?

Sophia: We have just been to La Misa del Gallo – Midnight Mass – del Gallo means rooster.

Carlos: We believe that a rooster crowed the night that Jesus was born

Diego: So that is why we call is La Misa del Gallo!

Marta: Now we will go carol singing around the neighbour’s houses and sometimes they give us
money. Would you like to join us?

Sleigh children/Elf/Santa: Yes please! That would be amazing! Etc

All – Feliz Navidad (children walk around to others on the stage as they are singing and are given

Santa: That was wonderful!

Child 4: I’m hungry!

Jose: Not to worry – its time to eat!

Maria: Come and join us!

Child 5: Ooh! What will we eat?

Maria: Well, it depends where you are! In the North of Spain, seafood is normally eaten. Elsewhere
we will eat Pavo Trufado de Navidad - turkey stuffed with mushrooms.

Pedro: And for dessert we enjoy marzipan!

Santa: Delicioso! Thank you for the feast! We had better get going – lots of children to visit!

Everyone says Goodbye/adios/Feliz Navidad.

(Feliz Navidad instrumental reprise for scene change)

Children and Santa head back to sleigh as Spain moves off. Set up to New Zealand. Beach scene –
children playing beach games, pretending to sunbathe. Others talking and eating food.

Santa rears up the reindeer. All jerk to a halt.

Santa: Well, here we are my dears!

Child 5: Woah, look at that view!

Child 4: Can you hear the waves?

Child 3: And it is so warm!

Santa: Do you have any idea where we are?

Child 2: I don’t know but it looks like paradise!

Elf: (grumpily) Ughh. Its hot and sticky and where is the snow? Why are people eating ice cream!

Child 1: Its amazing!

Santa: Everyone, we have just arrived in New Zealand!

Child 1: oooooh! That is why it is so hot!

(all children look confused asking questions like ‘what do you mean?’ What are they talking about?

Santa: Why don’t you explain to everyone.

Child 1: Well, New Zealand is in the Southern hemisphere. That means, when it is winter in England,
it is summer in New Zealand! It is to do with the way the planet tilts towards the sun throughout the
year. When it is summer in the Southern hemisphere, the plant tilts towards the sun but the
Northern hemisphere tilts away from the sun (demonstrates with globe that the elf passes to them).

Ana, Kaia and Tia approach.

Ana: Kia Ora Santa!

Santa: Ana! Kia Ora! Meri Kirihimete!

Ana: It is so good to see you…but why are you dressed like that? Where are your jangals and your

Elf: Um…jangals? Speedo??

Kaia: Kia Ora! Jangals are what you call flip flops…and a speedo is a bathing suit!

Elf: Hold up, why would Santa where those at Christmas?

Child 2: Have you even seen the weather?

Tai and Tama approach:

Together: Kia Ora Santa!

Tama: We just finished making the hangi! Would you like to join us?
Santa: Why thank you so much, we would love to! Now, why don’t you explain to our friends what
a hangi is.

Tai: A hangi is a traditional style of Maori cooking, where we place our meat and veggies into a
heated hole in the ground, cover it with soil and let it cook! We often cook this way for Christmas.

Child 3: That sounds weirdly delicious! But honestly, I have a sweet tooth! Do New Zealanders eat
any desserts for Christmas?

Enter Manawa carrying a big pavlova.

Manawa: Check this out! Although we have a lot of similar desserts to you in England, our all time
favourite is fruit pavlova. That’s sweet meringues topped with fresh whipped cream and fresh fruit.

Child 4: Oooh that sounds wonderful!

Manawa: We will crack onto this once we have eaten from our hangi.

Child 5: So, what else does everyone do over Christmas in New Zealand?

Lily: Well, lots of towns have Christmas day parades, where we make floats that drive through the
town. We also sing lots of songs. One of my favourites is Te Harinui.

(All sing Te Harinui)

Santa: (looking at his watch) My Goodness! Is that the time? We need to move on, my friends!
Ana, Manawa, everyone. Thank you so much for sharing! It’s time for us to go!

Everyone says goodbye.

Scene changes to Hawaii. Dancers in grass skirts/traditional Hawaiian dress – both boys and girls.

Hawaiian music playing in the background.

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