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$2.75 DESIGNATED AREAS HIGHER © 2021 TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2021 latimes.


Biden defends
pullout from
— and should not — be fight-
President says there ing in a war, and dying in a
war, that the Afghans are
was no good time to not willing to fight for them-
leave, but he blames selves,” Biden said. “We gave
them every chance to deter-
leaders ‘who gave up mine their own future. What
and fled the country.’ we could not provide them
was the will to fight for that
By Eli Stokols Biden was far more force-
ful in explaining his ration-
WASHINGTON — Presi- ale for bringing U.S. troops
dent Biden, facing the big- home than in addressing the
gest political crisis of his poorly executed departure,
term, defended the chaotic blaming Afghanistan’s polit-
withdrawal of U.S. forces ical leaders who “gave up
from Afghanistan amid the and fled the country.”
rapid collapse of the coun- The president, deter-
try’s government, taking re- mined to restore America’s
sponsibility for ending the values-based leadership on
20-year war but deflecting the world stage, asserted
Photographs by Wakil Kohsar AFP/Getty Images blame for the “hard and that “human rights must be
PEOPLE surround or climb atop a plane Monday at the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, after the messy” events of recent the center” of U.S. foreign
stunningly swift end to a 20-year war included thousands of desperate Afghans flooding the tarmac. days. [See Afghanistan, A4]
“I am president of the
United States of America,
and the buck stops with me,”

Biden said in a speech from
the White House on Monday
afternoon. “I’m deeply sad-
dened by the facts we now
to drive face. But I do not regret my
decision to end America’s
war ... in Afghanistan.”
to a U.S.
a boom While Biden claimed he
had “planned for every con-
tingency,” he acknowledged
trying to
that the Taliban’s march

in clean into Kabul “did unfold more

quickly than we antici-
pated.” The insurgent

energy group’s success in taking

over Afghanistan in just a
few weeks, he argued, val-
idated his decision to end
America’s two-decade pres-
California is test case ence in the country. Deadly chaos ensues
“American troops cannot
for Biden’s efforts, but at Kabul’s airport as
his push carries risks. desperate hordes
In U.S., fear for struggle to get away
By Sammy Roth those left behind from the Taliban.
and Chris Megerian Pentagon says it plans to
evacuate 22,000 at risk in
KETTLEMAN CITY, A U.S. SOLDIER points his gun at an Afghan man who was among the throngs Afghanistan, but details By Marcus Yam
Calif. — The steel beams cut at the airport who were attempting to flee the country after the Taliban takeover. remain murky. WORLD, A5 and Laura King
across the brown dirt like
scaffolding baking under the KABUL, Afghanistan —
Central Valley sun when the Wrenching scenes unfolded
workers pulled up. Monday at Kabul’s airport

Long waits on first day at LAUSD

One maneuvered a trac- as thousands of Afghans
tor towing a trailer stacked desperate to flee their Tali-
with solar panels, while an- ban-conquered homeland
other handed down the pan- clambered over barriers and
els to eight other laborers. thronged the tarmac, with
They carefully arranged the some even clinging to the
gleaming photovoltaics and
tilted them toward the sun. Screening is slow, but some are thrilled just to be back side of a U.S. military trans-
port plane before falling
Two more workers fastened away. At least seven people
the panels to steel beams were reported to have died in
with pneumatic guns. By Howard Blume, the chaos.
The crew was one of Melissa Gomez The American military
many spread across former and Colleen Shalby has taken control of the
farmland on a recent after- evacuation of diplomatic
noon in Kings County, where Hundreds of thousands staff and allies, which has
Westlands Solar Park is of Los Angeles-area stu- turned into a harrowing cap-
shaping up to be one of the dents started school Mon- stone on the two-decade
world’s largest renewable- day, a massive return to U.S. military mission. But
energy facilities. in-person education that the deadly tumult left the
If President Biden suc- was marked by pandemic- airlift effort in crisis. All
cessfully pushes his climate driven anxiety, a sense of flights, civilian and military,
change plans through Con- excitement and early-morn- had been suspended until
gress, he’s hoping for a lot ing frustration over the fail- the runway was secured, but
more jobs like these — good- ure of the district’s health Pentagon spokesman John
paying, blue-collar union screening system, which Kirby said later that airport
jobs. But it’s not a sure bet, caused long waits to enter operations had resumed.
and the transition away campuses. Seven people were killed
from fossil fuels could cause The scenes from the na- in the airport vicinity, the
upheaval for some workers tion’s second-largest school Associated Press reported,
even as it produces new op- district included the famil- and Kirby confirmed that
portunity for others. iar: Yellow buses hit the two “armed Afghans” were
That’s because solar street on 1,500 routes; the killed by U.S. forces. The Tal-
fields and wind turbines re- youngest children and their Al Seib Los Angeles Times iban controls all land cross-
quire fewer people to op- parents exchanged tearful STUDENTS AND PARENTS wait Monday to enter Normont Elementary ings out of the country, and
erate than natural gas hugs and goodbyes; friends School as a computerized health screening system collapsed under high volume. for now, the capital’s airport
plants and oil refineries. Not enjoyed happy reunions; is the only evacuation route.
as many employees are teachers felt the jitters of The horrific airport
needed to help electric cars
roll down an assembly line.
And when new clean-energy
jobs are created, some could
standing before students
after the long absence.
The morning also re-
vealed signs of the times:
Delta surge may be slowing images — videos of men run-
ning alongside the taxiing
C-17 Air Force plane and
scrambling to grab its exte-
be in less-lucrative lines of masked students, weekly co- rior, and subsequently at
work, such as installing
rooftop solar panels or
ronavirus testing, back-
packs filled with hand wipes
Experts are optimistic over new numbers least two falling bodies vis-
ible after the craft was air-
weatherizing homes to in- and sanitizer — and an on- borne — drew shock and dis-
crease energy efficiency. line daily health screening ill with COVID-19 is no longer California is now report- may from around the world.
“When the labor market that collapsed at the mo- By Luke Money accelerating at dramatic ing about 11,800 new co- President Biden called the
does its thing, we produce ment it was needed most. and Rong-Gong Lin II rates and even beginning to ronavirus cases a day over images “gut-wrenching” but
tremendous wage inequality Lines of anxious students flatten in some areas. the last week, up 7% from the said he stood by his decision
and tremendous growth in and parents formed down California enters a criti- Many experts are opti- previous week, according to to withdraw American
low-wage jobs,” said Carol sidewalks and around cor- cal phase in its battle against mistic over the progress, but a Los Angeles Times analy- troops from Afghanistan.
Zabin, who directs the ners as they waited up to an the Delta variant this week some officials stressed it’s sis. That’s a far slower pace The U.S. failure to leave in
Green Economy Program at hour to access campuses — the reopening of schools too early to know definitively of increase than in the previ- place a stable government
UC Berkeley’s Labor Center. after the Daily Pass health — with some hopeful signs: whether the surge caused by ous week, when there was a and a dependable Afghan
Biden administration of- screening system failed to The number of people being the highly contagious strain 30% jump in daily cases, and military was evident a day
[See Energy, A9] [See School, A7] infected and falling seriously is peaking. [See Surge, A7] after the Taliban assumed
control of the capital and
President Ashraf Ghani fled
the country. Most people in
U.S. declares shortage of Recall candidates vow Bauer’s accuser testifies Weather the capital cowered in their
Low clouds and fog.
water at Colorado River to roll back COVID rules on alleged sexual assault L.A.Basin: 85/69. B6
homes, staying out of sight.
In the early morning, nor-
Levels have fallen to record lows Republicans hoping to replace Woman seeking restraining order
mally traffic-choked streets
at Lake Mead, the river’s largest Gov. Gavin Newsom say they says, “I felt like my soul left my
were eerily empty as Taliban
reservoir. It could trigger cuts for would rescind his vaccination and body,” as Dodgers pitcher punched
fighters, many clad in san-
some Arizona farmers. NATION, A6 mask mandates. CALIFORNIA, B1 her while having sex. SPORTS, B10
[See Airport, A4]

BUSINESS INSIDE: U.S. investigates a rash of Tesla crashes into emergency vehicles. A8
A2 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M


Pfizer’s booster push spreads confusion

Clinic found that the prod-
The company is uct’s effectiveness against
infection dropped to 42%
promoting a third from January to July as the
dose but has not Delta variant’s prevalence
markedly increased.
delivered proof to Pfizer and partner BioN-
back up effectiveness. Tech announced they are
developing an updated ver-
sion of their vaccine to target
By Sarah Jane Tribble the genomic features of the
Delta variant.
Pfizer Chief Executive Al- However, the idea that a
bert Bourla was confident in new formulation could work
June about the ability of his better is “mostly hypotheti-
company’s COVID-19 vac- cal at this point,” said
cine to protect against the Vaughn Cooper, a professor
highly contagious Delta var- of microbiology and molecu-
iant. lar genetics at the University
“I feel quite comfortable of Pittsburgh.
that we cover it,” Bourla Dr. Vincent Rajkumar, a
said. hematologist at the Mayo
Just weeks later, Pfizer Clinic who closely studies his
said it would seek authoriza- patients’ immune responses
tion for a booster shot after and antibody levels, said us-
early trial results showed a ing the current vaccine and
third dose potentially in- testing a new version sounds
creased protection. At the reasonable.
end of July, Pfizer and BioN- There is one hypothesis
Tech announced findings that if breakthrough infec-
that four to six months after tions are due to a drop in an-
a second dose, their vac- tibody levels, boosting those
cine’s efficacy dropped to levels will be enough, Rajku-
about 84%. mar said. But the more wor-
Bourla was quick to pro- risome hypothesis is that
mote a third dose after the the Delta variant, or any
discouraging news, saying John Thys Pool Photo other variant, might be less
he was “very, very confident” PFIZER Chief Executive Albert Bourla was quick to promote a third dose of his company’s COVID-19 vaccine, threatened by the antibod-
that a booster would in- saying he was “very, very confident” that a booster would increase immunity levels in the vaccinated. ies the current vaccine gen-
crease immunity levels in erates.
the vaccinated. with a “tailor-made” vaccine Johnson & Johnson — are necessary. booster even after she had “So unless you boost [an-
There’s one hitch: Pfizer within 100 days. working as they should: All “I snuck in a dose of Pfizer received two doses of the tibodies] with a vaccine that
has not yet delivered conclu- All of this has sown a three lower the risk of last week,” Angie Melton, a Moderna vaccine. She said is specific to Delta, it won’t
sive proof to back up that sense of confusion about COVID-19 cases severe 50-year-old mother of four, she was eager to get another work,” Rajkumar said. Test-
confidence. The company what exactly will work, and enough to hospitalize or kill shared on Facebook. Melton dose but still frustrated ing both hypotheses is the
lacks late-stage clinical trial when. The pharmaceutical a person. received the one-dose John- about a lack of confidence in “right thing to do in the in-
results to confirm a booster industry’s rush to recom- If hospitalization and son & Johnson shot at a how much protection it terest of time.”
will work against variants in- mend boosters for the public death rates increase among mass vaccination site in would offer. At the same time,
cluding Delta, which now ac- is “a little frustrating,” said the vaccinated, then it would April and feared the highly “If someone could defi- though, the push for giving
counts for 97% of new co- Dr. Paul Offit, director of the be time to talk about boost- contagious Delta variant nitely say there is a 95% booster shots to healthy
ronavirus infections across Vaccine Education Center at ers, Offit said, but “we’re not could infect her and then her chance you are protected” populations is premature,
the U.S., according to fore- Children’s Hospital of Phila- there yet.” unvaccinated 10-year-old by a booster, Keitt said, “I said Dr. Sadiya Khan, an epi-
casts from the Centers for delphia. Even if a booster is The White House has son, who has asthma. would love it.” demiologist and cardiolo-
Disease Control and Preven- found to be safe, he said, the added to the mixed messag- After consulting friends Despite widespread me- gist at Northwestern Uni-
tion. U.S. effort should focus on ing: Press Secretary Jen and doctors and seeing re- dia reports of “break- versity Feinberg School of
Pfizer announced its “vaccinating people who are Psaki confirmed that the ports about mix-and-match through cases,” a recent Medicine. That’s because
global Phase 3 trial on a third unvaccinated.” U.S. will buy an additional approaches in Europe, data analysis by the Kaiser even if those already fully
dose in mid-July. That trial’s In any case, decisions 200 million doses of the Melton signed on to a local Family Foundation found vaccinated do get a third
completion date is in 2022. about boosters do not rest Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for pharmacy site and made an that hospitalizations and dose or booster, the virus is
Phase 3 results generally are with vaccine makers, said inoculating children under appointment to get a Pfizer deaths are extremely rare still circulating among mil-
required before regulatory Offit, who advises the Na- 12 and for possible boosters. shot. She’s scheduled for a among the fully vaccinated lions of unvaccinated peo-
approval. tional Institutes of Health Natalie Dean, a biostatis- second shot as well. — well below 1%. ple. “The overwhelming ma-
“We are confident in this and the Food and Drug Ad- tician at Emory University in “I’m trying to keep my Offit points to a recent jority of infections and hos-
vaccine and the third dose, ministration about vac- Atlanta, said the confusion family safe,” Melton said. outbreak in Provincetown, pitalizations and deaths are
but you have to remember cines. “Pharmaceutical is not necessarily the fault of On Thursday, the FDA Mass., in which only four of occurring among those who
the vaccine efficacy study is companies aren’t public any one institution. Rather, said transplant recipients the 346 fully vaccinated peo- are unvaccinated,” Khan
still going on, so we need all health agencies; it’s really she said, “there is genuine and other immunocompro- ple who had breakthrough said.
the evidence to back up not theirs to determine scientific uncertainty about mised people can get a third infections were hospitalized “Giving up on that great-
that,” said Jerica Pitts, Pfiz- when or whether there how well [existing] vaccines dose of the Pfizer or Mod- with COVID-19. Two of them er strategy of vaccinating
er’s director of global media should be booster dosing,” work against the new var- erna vaccines to offer added had underlying medical con- the population is going to
relations. The financial he said. “That is the purview iant.” protection against the Delta ditions and no one died. lead to continued surges,”
stakes are enormous: Pfizer of the CDC.” Scientists are piecing to- variant. “This vaccine still does an she said. “The potential for
announced in July that it ex- Indeed, the CDC and the gether information from ob- Immunocompromised excellent job in the face of harm is quite large.”
pects $33.5 billion in FDA — the federal agencies servational studies, out- patients such as Sarah the Delta variant at protect-
COVID-19 vaccine revenue overseeing the authoriza- break investigations and Keitt, who has multiple scle- ing people against severe, This story was produced by
this year. tion of COVID-19 vaccines — analyses of antibody re- rosis and Crohn’s disease, critical disease,” he said. Kaiser Health News, one of
Meanwhile, Pfizer re- said in July that fully vacci- sponses. expressed relief about that Yet the effectiveness of the three major operating
cently said that if a third nated Americans do not For many Americans, the prospect. Keitt, a disability the Pfizer vaccine against programs at the nonprofit
dose couldn’t combat Delta need a booster shot. Cur- confusion has set off a fe- rights activist who lives in variants is still under de- Kaiser Family Foundation.
or other variants, the drug- rently authorized vaccines verish search for an illicit Connecticut, said her neu- bate. This month a new pre- KHN editor Arthur Allen
maker is poised to come up — from Pfizer, Moderna and third dose just in case it’s rologist told her to get a print study by the Mayo contributed to this report.

Scholars and statistics debunk Trump’s ‘Big Lie’

8 There was a big differ- volving absentee ballots.
A Stanford professor ence between votes that (Not so. Grimmer and his
were counted early and colleagues found there was
and colleagues offer a those that were counted nothing unusual about
refutation to fight the late. (That doesn’t indicate Biden’s absentee ballot haul
fraud. Republicans were in those counties relative to
falsehoods that 2020 more likely to vote on elec- his performance in neigh-
election was stolen. tion day and more Demo- boring counties.)
crats mailed in their ballots. 8 Turnout was unusually
MARK Z. BARABAK So they were tabulated at high in Democratic-leaning
different times.) counties in a number of
In a recent 8 Differences between important battleground
survey of voting patterns in 2016 and states where massive fraud
presidential 2020 suggest voting irreg- is alleged. (There was no
scholars, ularities. (Election results fraud and no unusual surge
President aren’t stamped out on an in turnout.)
Trump assembly line. Things in- Grimmer and his coau-
finished a variably change from one thors acknowledged their
dismal third campaign to the next.) scholarly paper won’t
from the The political scholars change the mind of hard-
bottom, just ahead of peren- then move on to “facts” that core conspiracy theorists —
nial duds James Buchanan aren’t really facts at all. the kind who promote nutty
and Andrew Johnson. 8 More votes were cast in ideas such as Biden being
He tied Franklin Pierce, 2020 than there are voters. replaced in the White House
whose political timidity (It didn’t happen. That by a body double, or the
helped lead to the Civil War, falsehood grew out of a election in Arizona being
and placed just behind two faulty analysis that took the overturned by a slapstick
other presidential laggards, turnout rate for eligible “audit” and Trump being
the pro-slavery John Tyler voters — those 18 and older reinstated as president.
and William Henry Harri- — and applied it to the Of greater concern, they
son, who served only 31 days Ross D. Franklin Associated Press smaller number of regis- suggest, is the substantial
before dropping dead. FORMER President Trump, shown at an event last month in Phoenix, has made tered voters.) number of Republicans
But in just seven months it his singular mission to undermine the 2020 election he irrefutably lost. 8 Machines run by Do- telling pollsters they believe
since leaving office, the minion Voting Systems “millions of fraudulent
petulant Trump — who 2022. elected,” said Grimmer, who can be described as “lies.”) switched votes from Trump ballots were cast, voting
always aims for the top — Justin Grimmer, a Stan- has one foot in the Stanford The scholars offered a to Biden. (A statistical machines were manipu-
has already bested his 44 ford political science profes- faculty as co-director of the point-by-point refutation of analysis shows no signifi- lated, and thousands of
predecessors in one way, sor, and two fellow research- Democracy and Polariza- each, starting with those cant difference in Biden’s votes were recorded for
building a strong case for ers have set about debunk- tion Lab and another at the claims promoted by Trump performance in counties dead people.”
conducting the most ma- ing many of the baseless conservative Hoover Insti- and his enablers that make using Dominion machines “There’s this real risk of
ligned post-presidency in assertions grounding those tution, where he serves as a certain innocent facts out to compared with those using delegitimization that goes
history. (Tyler was buried legislative efforts. senior fellow. “It’s extremely be somehow nefarious: other means to tabulate along with people saying
with a Confederate flag but Their hope, he said, is to problematic if that’s not the 8 Joe Biden won more their ballots. The software this election was conducted
at least kept his mouth shut, explain the facts to those case.” votes than Trump even and voting machine com- incorrectly,” said Grimmer,
being dead and all.) who may still have doubts Grimmer and his col- though he carried far fewer pany has sued the right- who suggested the allega-
Trump has made it his about the 2020 election, leagues, Stanford’s Haritz counties. (A meaningless wing propaganda networks tions shouldn’t simply be
singular mission to under- whatever the origin, and to Garro and Andrew C. Eg- statistic. Biden cleaned up Newsmax and One America dismissed out of hand. “We
mine the 2020 election he offer a road map for judges gers of the University of in big cities while Trump News, among others, for investigate ... and say, ‘Look,
irrefutably lost, promoting a who may be presented Chicago, divided the bogus carried more rural areas defamation for widely pro- the evidence just isn’t
series of conspiracy theories similar phony claims in election fraud allegations and, thus, more counties.) moting the misinforma- there.’ ”
and fact-free allegations campaigns going forward. into two categories: claims 8 Trump won more bell- tion.) Hopefully, the fair-
used by Republicans “The basic notions of based on “facts that are not wether counties. (Another 8 Fulton County, Ga., minded will pay attention.
nationwide to justify laws legitimacy in our republic actually anomalous” and meaningless statistic. Bell- which takes in the Atlanta All it takes to undermine
making it harder to vote and depend upon us recognizing claims based on facts “that wethers reflect past per- area, and Allegheny County, democracy is for good peo-
easier to overturn elections that the president and other are not actually facts.” formance and don’t deter- home to Pittsburgh, were ple to be faced with a crock
they don’t like, starting in elected officials were duly (Which, put another way, mine election outcomes.) major centers of fraud in- of lies and do nothing.
L AT I M E S . C O M T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 A3


Haiti quake death toll surpasses 1,400

where towns were destroyed
Hospitals are packed, and hospitals were over-
with scant resources. UNICEF Executive Di-
Meanwhile, the nation rector Henrietta Fore said
humanitarian needs were
preps for the arrival acute. Many Haitians are in
of a major storm. urgent need of healthcare,
clean water and shelter, and
children who have been
By Mark Stevenson separated from parents
and Evens Sanon need protection, she added.
Alluding to the 2010
LES CAYES, Haiti — A earthquake that ravaged
hospital in southwestern Haiti’s capital, killing tens of
Haiti, where a powerful thousands, Fore said, “Little
earthquake Saturday flat- more than a decade on, Haiti
tened homes, shops and is reeling once again. And
other buildings, was so over- this disaster coincides with
whelmed with patients Mon- political instability, rising
day that many had to lie in gang violence, alarmingly
patios, corridors, verandas high rates of malnutrition
and hallways. Then a loom- among children and the
ing storm, expected to bring COVID-19 pandemic — for
heavy rains Monday night, which Haiti has received just
forced officials to relocate 500,000 vaccine doses, de-
the patients as best they spite requiring far more.”
could, given the hospital’s Haiti, with a population
poor conditions. of 11 million, received its
Yet those patients were first batch of U.S.-donated
among the fortunate. Haiti’s COVID-19 vaccines only last
Civil Protection Agency on month, via a U.N. program
Monday raised the death toll for low-income nations.
from the quake to 1,419 and Medical workers from
the number of injured to Fernando Llano Associated Press across the region were
6,000. Many of the injured HAITIANS injured in Saturday’s earthquake rest Monday outside the overwhelmed Immaculée Conception scrambling to help as hospi-
have had to wait unsheltered Hospital in Les Cayes. Painkillers, analgesics and steel pins for mending fractures were in short supply. tals in Les Cayes started
in burning heat, some on an running out of space to per-
airport tarmac, for help. tims continued to stream “We have been waiting damaged, leaving about form surgeries.
“We had planned to put
up tents [in hospital patios],
‘This disaster into Les Cayes’ over-
whelmed general hospital.
since morning for it, but
there are too many people,”
30,000 families homeless.
Hospitals, schools, offices
“Basically, they need
everything,” said Dr. Inobert
but we were told that could coincides with “After two days, they are said Emile, a banana farmer and churches also were de- Pierre, a pediatrician with
not be safe,” said Gede almost always generally in- whose relatives in the stroyed or badly damaged. the nonprofit Health Equity
Peterson, director of Les political fected,” said Dr. Paurus countryside depend on him Underlining the dire con- International, which over-
Cayes General Hospital.
It is not the first time the
instability, rising Michelete, who had treated
250 patients and was one of
for money to survive.
Efforts to treat the in-
ditions, local officials had
to negotiate with gangs in
sees St. Boniface Hospital,
two hours from Les Cayes.
staff has been forced to im- gang violence, only three doctors on call jured were difficult at the the seaside district of Mar- Pierre’s team was taking
provise. The refrigeration in when the quake hit. hospital, where painkillers, tissant to allow two humani- some patients to St. Boni-
the hospital morgue has not alarmingly high Meanwhile, rescuers and analgesics and steel pins to tarian convoys a day to face for surgery, but with just
worked for three months,
but after the quake struck,
rates of scrap-metal scavengers dug
into the floors of a collapsed
mend fractures were run-
ning out amid the crush of
pass through the area, the
United Nations Office for the
two ambulances, they could
transport only four at a time.
staff had to store as many as
20 bodies in the small space.
malnutrition hotel Monday in this coastal
town, where 15 bodies had
patients, Michelete said.
Josil Eliophane, 84,
Coordination of Humanitar-
ian Affairs reported. The
The U.S. Coast Guard
said a helicopter was trans-
Relatives quickly came to among children been extracted. Jean Moise crouched on the steps of the agency called Haiti’s south- porting medical personnel
take most of the dead for pri-
vate embalming services or
and the Fortunè, whose brother, the
hotel’s owner and a promi-
hospital, clutching an X-ray
showing his shattered arm
ern peninsula a “hot spot
for gang-related violence,”
from Port-au-Prince to the
quake zone and evacuating
immediate burial. By Mon-
day, the morgue held only
COVID-19 nent politician, was killed in
the quake, believed there
and pleading for pain medi-
cation. Michelete said he
where humanitarian work-
ers have been attacked.
the injured to the capital. Lt.
Commander Jason Nieman
three bodies. pandemic.’ were more people trapped in would give one of his few re- The agency said the area said other aircraft and ships
Saturday’s earthquake, the rubble. But based on the maining shots to Eliophane, has been “virtually unreach- were being sent.
centered about 80 miles west — Henrietta Fore, size of voids the workers cau- who ran out of his house as able” over the last two At the Les Cayes hospi-
of the capital, Port-au- UNICEF executive director tiously peered into, perhaps the quake hit, only to have a months because of road- tal, Emma Cadet, 41, hov-
Prince, nearly razed some a foot in depth, it appeared wall fall on him. blocks and security con- ered over her 18-year-old
towns and triggered land- unlikely that they would find Nearby, on the veranda, cerns. Spokeswoman Anna son, Charles Owen, as he
slides that hampered rescue predicted for Monday night. survivors. patients were on beds and Jefferys said the first convoy awaited an operation on his
efforts in the poorest coun- The Civil Protection Agency As work, fuel and money mattresses, hooked up to IV passed through Sunday broken arm. He was among
try in the Western Hemi- said strong winds, heavy ran out, desperate Les Cayes bags of saline fluid. Others with government and U.N. the lucky patients to have re-
sphere. Haiti already was rain, rough seas, mudslides residents searched col- lay in the garden just be- personnel, and the U.N.’s ceived pain medication.
struggling with the pan- and flash flooding were ex- lapsed houses for scrap met- yond, under bed sheets put World Food Program Worse off was Nerison
demic, gang violence, wors- pected. Rainfall could reach al to sell. Others waited for up to shield them from the planned to bring in food sup- Vendredi, 19, lying next to
ening poverty and political 15 inches in some areas. money wired from abroad, a brutal sun. None of the pa- plies via trucks Tuesday. Owen, quiet but alert. No
uncertainty after the July 7 “We are working now to mainstay of Haiti’s economy tients or relatives caring for Haitian Prime Minister casts or splint would help
assassination of President ensure that the resources we even before the quake. them wore masks amid a co- Ariel Henry declared a one- her, because she apparently
Jovenel Moïse when the have are going to get to the Anthony Emile waited ronavirus surge. month state of emergency had suffered internal in-
quake struck. places that are hardest hit,” six hours in a line with doz- Officials said the magni- for the country and said juries and could not move.
The devastation could said agency head Jerry ens of others trying to get tude 7.2 earthquake left first-aid convoys organized
worsen with the arrival of Chandler. money his brother had wired more than 7,000 homes de- by the government had Stevenson and Sanon write
Tropical Depression Grace, Injured earthquake vic- from Chile. stroyed and nearly 5,000 started moving help to areas for the Associated Press.

South Koreans long for recovery of soldiers’ remains

soldier from Europe, not a the South Korean border on
Survivors of the Korean. She noted the Jan. 1, 1951. She said she sub-
higher-bridged nasal bone mitted her blood samples
missing have given and teeth with amalgam fill- more than 10 years ago. Each
DNA samples and ings, a dental treatment that year she receives a letter
didn’t exist in both Koreas from the government saying
waited for years. They and China at the time of the her father’s remains have yet
say time’s running out. war. A bulletproof vest, to be found.
boots and other items col- She has no memory of her
lected with the skeleton dad, since she was only a
By Hyung-jin Kim were all found to be U.N.-pro- year old when he was con-
vided gear, she said. scripted into the army. As a
ANYANG, South Korea Another, less-complete child, Kwak said she hated
— On the first day of each skeleton is suspected to be a attending village parties in-
month, Kwak Geum-ja South Korean soldier. Im volving families, or seeing
makes a pilgrimage to a Ko- said the soldier was prob- her friends’ fathers show up
rean War memorial in her ably about 25, citing her at school.
neighborhood to pray for her team’s examination of the Shortly before her
father, a South Korean sol- wisdom teeth, tooth wear mother died of a heart prob-
dier who died in battle when and the condition of other lem in 1984, the war widow
she was just a baby. bones. sank into delirium and
His remains have yet to Im said she hopes to ex- asked if her husband had re-
be recovered, and the aging pand her office’s missions turned.
Kwak is eager for them to be into North Korea, where “When she was dying,
found and interred at the na- Seoul believes about 30,000 those were the only words
tional cemetery. South Korean war dead are she uttered.... I think my
“I’m over 70 now. I won’t buried. mom said this because she
Ahn Young-joon Associated Press
have any regrets in my life if I North Korea has never al- had deep longings for him
recover my father’s remains lowed South Korea to exca- too,” Kwak said.
before I die,” a teary-eyed
Kwak said during an inter- ‘I’m over 70 now. I won’t have any regrets in my life vate on its territory. It also
refuses to receive the re-
Choi Choong-sik, the 68-
year-old son of a late South
view in the city of Anyang,
just south of the capital, if I recover my father’s remains before I die.’ mains of its soldiers South
Korea has found.
Korean marine, said it was
only around 1980 that his
Seoul. “I just want to see and But in a sign it prioritizes family learned there was a
— K WAK G EUM - JA , who was a baby when her father was killed in the Korean War
confirm them with my eyes. relations with Washington, grave with his father’s name
Nothing more.” North Korea still conducted on it at the national ceme-
Kwak is among the tens 33 joint recovery operations tery, although they were in-
of thousands of South Kore- with the U.S. from 1996 to formed of his death soon af-
ans hoping the remains of 47,000 slain soldiers to com- to blunt the surprise North that’s responsible for recov- 2005, collecting 229 sets of ter he was killed in the war’s
their loved ones — soldiers pare with DNA extracted Korean invasion. Author- ering and identifying troops American remains on its ter- closing weeks.
who perished during the from exhumed bones. ities also didn’t keep most killed in action. ritory. In 2018, it returned 55 Choi regularly pays his
1950-53 Korean War — will be The conflict, which pitted soldiers’ dental records, During a recent visit by boxes containing the respects at the grave. But he
found. South Korea and U.S.-led chest X-rays and other Associated Press journalists remains of presumed U.S. submitted DNA samples to
There’s still a long way to U.N. forces against North forms of ID. Once the con- to her laboratory, located in service members missing the search commission, in
go. Korea and China, killed 1 flict ended, rapid recon- Seoul’s national cemetery, from the war as a goodwill case his father’s remains are
Since recovery efforts million to 2 million people, struction and land redevel- she discussed some of the re- gesture, as the two countries still out there. He feels
modeled after a similar U.S. including 160,000 South Ko- opment projects followed, mains authorities have dug were engaged in now-stalled there’s a possibility someone
mission began in earnest rean soldiers. making it difficult to find up in recent years from a for- diplomacy on the North’s else’s ashes might have been
more than 20 years ago, au- Finding their remains is some former battlefields mer battlefield in the demili- nuclear program. buried in the cemetery dur-
thorities have unearthed an urgent, emotional task and burial sites. tarized zone, a strip of heavi- The Korean peninsula re- ing the postwar chaos.
thousands of sets of remains because most of the be- “It would be more mean- ly fortified land that forms mains at a technical state of “I sometimes wonder if
believed to be South Korean reaved relatives are either ingful for bereaved families the de facto border between war because an armistice the remains at the grave are
soldiers but have been able elderly or have already died. to get back their loved ones’ the two Koreas. It was South that ended the conflict in truly my father’s,” Choi said.
to identify only 166 of them. The recovery work is remains when they are still Korea’s first such excavation 1953 has yet to be replaced “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if
The number of unrecovered complicated by the fact that alive. That’s our fundamen- project in the DMZ since the with a peace treaty. More my father’s real remains are
South Korean soldiers many South Korean soldiers tal yet most difficult mis- war’s end. than 7,500 Americans re- recovered when I’m still
stands at about 120,000. were sent to the front with- sion,” said Im Na Hyok, di- Describing a yellowish, main unaccounted for from alive?”
South Korea has so far out military identification rector of the central identifi- near-complete skeleton laid the Korean War.
collected DNA samples from during the war’s opening cation laboratory at a De- on a lab table, Im said the re- Kwak’s father, Pfc. Kwak Kim writes for the
blood relatives of only about phase, as the South rushed fense Ministry-run agency mains were probably a U.N. Jeong-kyu, died at age 26 at Associated Press.
A4 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Biden defiant on Afghanistan withdrawal

[Afghanistan, from A1] had featured praise of
policy. But his statement Trump for his “historic
appeared to be at odds with peace agreement with the
the chaos unfolding at Taliban.”
Kabul’s international air- The 6,000 U.S. forces Bid-
port, where thousands of en deployed to Kabul over
desperate Afghans flooded the weekend for a rescue
the tarmac, some clinging to mission, according to the
the fuselage and wheels of a State Department and the
taxiing military aircraft. Pentagon, were tasked with
He also deflected criti- evacuating American citi-
cism for the U.S. failure to ex- zens and embassy person-
pedite the visa process for nel, a move that appeared,
the tens of thousands of for- for the moment, to strand
mer interpreters and con- tens of thousands of vulner-
tractors who aided U.S. able Afghans who served
forces, saying that delay was alongside U.S. forces.
in response to a request from The chaos at the airport
the former Afghan govern- on Monday led the Pentagon
ment, which had hoped to to deploy an additional 1,000
forestall panic. He claimed, troops on Monday, bringing
despite evidence to the con- the total to 7,000, more than
trary, that many Afghans double the size of the U.S.
waited to apply for visas out force Biden opted to draw
of hope that their country’s down.
government would remain Pentagon spokesman
in power. John Kirby said Monday
Biden had returned from that the U.S. would give ref-
Camp David just hours be- uge to 30,000 vulnerable
fore his appearance in the Afghans, although airlifting
East Room, cutting short a them to safety — something
week of vacation amid rising advocates have been seeking
pressure to respond to a for months — is only starting
diplomatic, humanitarian to ramp up.
and political crisis after The eleventh-hour
Afghanistan fell into Taliban Wakil Kohsar AFP/Getty Images scramble has led to the
hands. Afghan President AFGHAN PASSENGERS wait to leave the airport on Monday in Kabul. “I’m deeply saddened by the facts we kinds of chaotic, heart-
Ashraf Ghani fled the coun- now face. But I do not regret my decision to end America’s war ... in Afghanistan,” President Biden said. wrenching scenes that
try on Sunday, and the Americans remember well
Taliban within hours was others by Republicans, This disaster, whether in place. Trump, who criticized from Vietnam and that Bid-
holding court in the presi- Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) lawmakers admit it or not, President Trump’s ad- Biden this year for not stick- en said were unlikely.
dential palace, culminating blasted the president over has many fathers. Three ministration signed the 2020 ing to the previous adminis- “There’s going to be no
its quick takeover of a coun- his reluctance to reckon with presidents continued, and agreement with the Taliban tration’s withdrawal time- circumstance where you see
try of more than 39 million what’s gone on in recent at times, expanded a war to withdraw U.S. forces from line, issued a series of state- people being lifted off the
people. days. that cost the U.S. $2.6 trillion Afghanistan by May 2021. ments Monday attacking his roof of an embassy of the
The president, who de- “Contrary to his claims, and the lives of more than The agreement also allowed successor’s “incompetence” U.S. in Afghanistan,” Biden
parted the White House for our choice was not between 2,400 service members; hun- the release of 5,000 pris- and claiming that he would told reporters last month.
Camp David shortly after a hasty and ill-prepared re- dreds of lawmakers voted to oners, many with ties to ter- have done a better job of On Sunday, however,
his speech, emphasized his treat or staying forever,” authorize it. Biden’s deci- rorist groups such as Islamic evacuating Afghan civilians U.S. helicopters were photo-
consistent view that the Romney said. “The decision sion to end the war, based State and Al Qaeda. His to safety. graphed swooping into the
Afghanistan conflict had to place a higher priority on on deep personal conviction decision to not involve In a sign of the shifting U.S. Embassy compound in
evolved from a counter- a political promise than on and the public’s waning Afghan leaders in negotia- political winds, the Republi- Kabul to rescue diplomats
terrorism mission in the the lives of innocent men, commitment to Afghan- tions demoralized and de- can National Committee on and ferry them to the city’s
aftermath of the Sept. 11, women and children is a istan, also followed a time- legitimized the now toppled Monday quietly removed a international airport for
2001, attacks into a nation- stain on America’s reputa- line his predecessor had put government in Kabul. section from its website that evacuation.
building exercise that was tion and undermines our
draining U.S. resources. He credibility around the
acknowledged the unique world.”
pain of recent days for veter- Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-

Afghans desperately try to escape

ans, diplomats, humanitari- Va.), the chair of the Senate
an workers and Gold Star Intelligence Committee,
families. said his panel would investi-
Presenting his own ac- gate “why we weren’t better
tions as making good on his prepared for a worst-case
campaign promise to end scenario,” adding that the
the war, Biden implicitly re- U.S. owes answers “to the [Airport, from A1]
buked American generals American people and to all dals and the traditional
who convinced his prede- those who served and sacri- shalwar kameez, wielded
cessors to expand the war ficed so much.” automatic weapons on the
effort, often with rosy claims The president’s initial in- streets and in city squares.
about the situation on the conspicuousness during a The fighters displayed a
ground. major crisis also drew sharp disconcerting mix of men-
“I am now the fourth criticism from lawmakers, ace and nonchalance. A
American president to pre- who have called on the ad- young Taliban commander
side over a war in Afghan- ministration to do more to with bloodshot eyes and an
istan,” Biden said. “I will not reassure the public and to oversized gold watch sternly
pass this responsibility on to follow through on Biden’s waved off a request to take
a fifth president. I will not commitment to help the his picture, saying there was
mislead the American peo- Afghans who aided the U.S. no permission for photo-
ple by claiming just a little effort. graphs. Then he smiled.
more time in Afghanistan Rep. Seth Moulton (D- “Have a nice day,” he said.
will make all the difference.” Mass.), an Iraq combat But there was little doubt
Until stepping off Marine veteran, said calling Af- that the Taliban — which
One in Washington just after ghanistan’s fall “anything swept from the provinces
7 a.m., Biden had remained short of a disaster would be and into the capital in less
out of public view, relying on dishonest” and urged the than a week — was in charge.
top aides to appear on the White House to expedite the Near a United Nations com-
network morning shows to evacuation of vulnerable pound in the city center, one Wakil Kohsar AFP/Getty Images
defend what even political Afghans. “I have been calling fighter posed for a selfie in U.S. FORCES stand guard as Afghan people wait on the tarmac at the Kabul
allies described as the ad- on the administration to front of an armored vehicle. airport, hoping to leave the country the day after it fell to the Taliban.
ministration’s disastrous evacuate our allies immedi- Others perched on plastic
pullout. ately — not wait for paper- chairs in the scorching heat, ankle.
Biden’s remarks did little work, for shaky agreements eating breakfasts of Afghan Others waited to take
to quell outrage on both with third countries, or for bread, while a comrade cas- Hamid Karzai their cues from the conquer-
sides of the political aisle. time to make it look more ually balanced a rocket-pro- International Airport ors. On Chicken Street,
In comments that mirrored ‘orderly,’ ” he said. pelled grenade launcher on a thoroughfare popular with
two fingers. tourists and foreigners,
At the city’s landmark some shop owners lingered
Massoud Circle, a short dis- outside their shuttered
tance from the former head- stores, waiting to see if a Tal-
How to contact us quarters of the U.S.-led mili- iban representative would
tary coalition, half a dozen give them permission to
(800) LA TIMES
Taliban fighters cradled open their businesses.
Home Delivery and or call American-made rifles. One The Taliban, too, seemed
Membership Program (213) 237-6176. was decked out in body ar- to be getting the lay of the
For questions about delivery,
Reprint Requests mor and a helmet. U.S. Embassy land. Shop owner Moham-
billing and vacation holds, or In public statements, the mad Reza said that, a day
for information about our For the rights to use articles,
Membership program, please photos, graphics and page Taliban’s leadership put earlier, Taliban fighters
contact us at (213) 283-2274 or reproductions, e-mail heavy emphasis on a law- drove up and down a main
membershipservices@ or call
and-order message. Kabul street taking pictures and You can also (213) 237-4565.
“The situation in Kabul surveying the neighborhood
manage your account at Times In Education Presidential is under control,” Taliban — then drove off without do-
To get the digital palace
Los Angeles Times at no spokesman Zabihullah Mu- ing anything further.
Letters to the Editor jahid said in a Twitter post. Reza said he planned to
Want to write a letter to be cost (along with our
published in the paper and newspaper–based teaching People “involved in mis- continue selling his wares of
online? E-mail materials), contact us at chief ” were being arrested, 1 miles flags and ceremonial arti-, or email © OpenStreetMap contributors he said, and there were strict facts, if he can. Near his
For submission guidelines, orders against looting or shop, a guard post that used
see The Newsroom
Know something important
ransacking homes and busi- Paul Duginski Los Angeles Times
to be manned by police was
Readers’ Representative nesses. instead presided over by a
If you believe we have we should cover? Send a
made an error, or you have secure tip at Everywhere in the Taliban fighter.
questions about our To send a Afghan capital, there were rection as some drivers sheltered thousands of dis- Reza, a married 25-year-
press release go to the
journalistic standards
newsroom directory at
signs of residents’ keen tried to turn around and placed people from the prov- old father of a 6-month-old
and practices, our readers’ awareness of the austere extricate themselves while inces were largely empty, baby, said he would leave if
representative can be
reached at
sensibilities of the newly ar- others sought to plow for- and local people said fam- he could, but did not have
Media Relations
readers.representative For outside media requests rived Taliban, which terror- ward. A hulking troop trans- ilies who had been sleeping the means., (877) 554-4000 and inquiries, e-mail ized the population with port truck sat abandoned in the open air had been told “We want to go, but now
or online at harsh restrictions during its and apparently inoperable. to go home. we don’t have the money,” he
L.A. Times Store five-year rule that ended 20 Amid pandemonium, In an incongruous as- said.
Advertising Search archives, merchandise years ago. The group ad- fear and diplomacy, the sumption of normal police At the United Nations,
For print and online and front pages at heres to a radical interpreta- shape of the new order in Af- duties, Taliban fighters the Security Council met
advertising information, go to tion of Islam that bans the ghanistan was still emerg- checked identification docu- in emergency session to
full participation of women ing. At the State Depart- ments, inspected vehicles discuss the Afghan crisis.
in society, forbids the mixing ment, spokesman Ned Price and conducted pat-downs. Secretary-General Antonio
Founded Dec. 4, 1881 of the sexes and frowns on said U.S. officials were par- Many normally bustling Guterres called on the
Vol. CXL No. 257 education, music and other ticipating in talks in Doha, public venues were shut Taliban to respect human
LOS ANGELES TIMES Print-only rates:
forms of art. Qatar, with representatives tight, including the campus rights and on the interna-
(ISSN 0458-3035) Seven-day $1,144 annually. Thursday–Sunday At neighborhood beauty of the Taliban and an Afghan of Kabul University and a tional community to “work
is published by the Los Angeles Times, $884 annually. Thursday & Sunday $468
2300 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA annually. Saturday & Sunday $468 annually. salons, the usual gaudy im- delegation. business center where many together” to protect the
90245. Periodicals postage is paid at Los Sunday $468 annually. Monday–Saturday
Angeles, CA, and additional cities. $936 annually (also includes Sundays,
ages of women with elabo- Kirby, the Pentagon Afghans go to apply for visas. Afghan people. The world,
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the except 2/16, 4/12, 9/6, and 10/25). rate coiffures and heavy spokesman, said Gen. Ken- But not everyone had yet he said, “is following events
above address. Monday–Friday $884 annually.
Home Delivery Subscription Rates (all rates Pricing for all subscriptions includes the makeup were removed or neth McKenzie, the head of given way to the anticipated in Afghanistan with a heavy
Thanksgiving 11/26 issue.
include applicable CA sales taxes and apply
to most areas) All subscriptions may include up to seven
painted over. Cafes that had U.S. Central Command, change in the social order of heart and deep disquiet
Print + unlimited digital rates: Premium issues per year. For each Premium been known as hangouts which oversees operations a capital that for years had about what lies ahead.”
Seven-day $21/week, $1,092 annually. issue, your account balance will be charged an
Thursday–Sunday $16/week, $832 additional fee up to $4.49, in the billing period for young people and cou- in Afghanistan, had con- grown accustomed to more
when the section publishes. This will result in
annually. Thursday & Sunday $7/week,
$364 annually. Saturday & Sunday shortening the length of your billing period.
ples were shuttered and des- tacted Taliban leaders and liberal ways. In a Kabul dis- Yam reported from Kabul
$9/week, $468 annually. Sunday $9/week, Future Premium issues scheduled to date: erted. warned them that any at- trict dominated by ethnic and King from Washington.
$468 annually. Monday–Saturday Hikes 3/14/2021, Envelope 4/25/2021,
$16/week, $832 annually (also includes Earthquakes 6/13/2021, Olympics 7/18/2021, On the route to the tack on U.S. assets would be Hazaras, a woman walked Times staff writers Tracy
Making Hollywood History 9/12/21, Holiday Gift
Sundays, except 2/16, 4/12, 9/6, and
10/25). Monday–Friday $16/week, $832 Guide 11/7/2021, 101 Restaurants 12/12/2021.
airport, the sound of gunfire met with a “forceful” re- down the street wearing Wilkinson in Washington
annually. Dates are subject to change without notice. could be heard, and a mas- sponse. high heels. In earlier Taliban and Nabih Bulos in Dubai,
sive traffic jam developed, Away from the airport, times, women could be pub- United Arab Emirates,
Printed with soy-based ink on recycled newsprint from wood byproducts.
with cars facing in every di- Kabul city parks that had licly whipped for showing an contributed to this report.
L AT I M E S . C O M T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 A5

U.S. Afghans
fear for those
left behind
plicants — out of Kabul,
Pentagon says it plans Mitchell said.
But the pace of evacu-
to evacuate 22,000 ations has been slow. At a
at-risk citizens with Monday briefing, Pentagon
officials said they had relo-
special visas, but cated about 2,000 Afghans to
details remain murky. the U.S., mostly to Ft. Lee,
Va. They were assessing
temporary sites for 22,000
By Molly more at Ft. Bliss, Texas, and
Hennessy-Fiske Ft. McCoy, Wis.
Several human rights
HOUSTON — For two and migrant advocacy
days, Aziz Shinwari has groups on Monday called on
been fielding frantic calls the Biden administration to
and online messages from do more to help those trying
relatives in Afghanistan, try- to leave Afghanistan.
ing to help get them out of “The incredibly urgent
the country. Shinwari, who work of protecting people AFP/Getty Images

worked as an interpreter from reprisals and persecu- THE TARMAC at the Kabul airport was packed Monday with Afghans trying to flee the country. “They’re
and guard for the U.S. mili- tion must include evacua- willing to risk their lives to leave,” said Seema Farhad of the nonprofit Afghan Coalition in Fremont, Calif.
tary for more than a decade tion and resettlement of ci-
before relocating to Hous- vilians who need it, including as Little Kabul, working the Taliban seized control of clear how U.S. officials are they will kill them. I’m telling
ton in 2015, fears his loved human rights defenders, with the local nonprofit the country, he has received deciding which Afghans, them to try to delete their
ones will be targeted. women’s rights activists, Afghan Coalition. threatening phone calls other than those who social media, close their ac-
“We have left a lot of peo- members of the media, spe- “People in Kabul are ter- warning him to stay home. worked with the U.S. mili- counts, stay home. Thou-
ple behind, and they could cial immigrant visa candi- rified. Families are doing “If the Taliban know he tary, to evacuate. sands of people are sending
die any day. They need to dates and other vulnerable everything they can to leave worked for the army, they “I have been contacting me their documents saying,
leave the country as soon as people,” said Omar Jadwat, Afghanistan, because they may kill him,” Khusrawy everyone I know to get help, ‘I worked with the U.S. mili-
possible,” said Shinwari, 36, director of the American do not know what is to come. said. trying to make sure they get tary — how can you help me
who has relatives in the capi- Civil Liberties Union’s Im- They’re willing to risk their His friend’s daughter, a into this evacuation list. The get out?’ ”
tal, Kabul, and Jalalabad to migrants’ Rights Project. lives to leave,” she said. journalist who worked at the problem is there is a lot, lot of Most of his friends live
the east. “My family mem- Shinwari said the U.S. Farhad was trying to help presidential palace, is also in people, thousands of peo- outside the capital but had
bers, my neighbors, my government needs to ex- a woman whose brother-in- hiding as she plots her de- ple,” he said. “They say traveled to Kabul as the Tali-
friends, my co-workers keep pedite special immigrant law worked for a U.S. com- parture. they’re trying their best, but ban gained control of the
sending me messages say- visas and loosen document pany in Afghanistan and “Right now she is waiting time is critical.” countryside.
ing, ‘What should we do?’ ” requirements, since Afghan needed the firm to sponsor to see if the border to Paki- Nisar Momand of Hous- “Some of them are in the
It was unclear Monday government offices that is- his visa. “Now there’s no rep stan opens to Afghan peo- ton said his relatives in Af- street, some of them are
how many Afghans the U.S. sued them are now closed. from that company to help ple, and then she can apply ghanistan had been threat- staying with friends, some
plans to evacuate, who “They need to come up him get out,” she said. for a U.S. visa,” he said. “We ened because he and his are in the airport,” he said. “I
would receive priority or with an alternate solution,” Most of the families cannot wait. In Kabul, every twin brother worked for six talked with a few of them;
where they would go. The he said. Farhad assists have 80% to day is a bad situation, espe- years with U.S. forces. they’ve seen the Taliban, but
uncertainty was tormenting Shinwari worries about 90% of their relatives in Af- cially for women, girls.” “The Taliban sent us they did not give them any
enclaves such as the Bay his two older sisters in Jalal- ghanistan. She found pro- Mohammad “Musa” warnings that they will eas- threat or any warning. May-
Area’s Little Kabul, home to abad, one of whom taught at grams to help evacuate Mahmodi, a human rights ily target my family in be they did not know this
more than 60,000 Afghan im- a middle school that has those with approved or lawyer at Yale University on Kabul,” said Momand, 31. person was a green-card
migrants. been closed since the Tali- pending U.S. visas, but for a fellowship, has been trying “Their lives are in danger holder. But we don’t know
The Department of De- ban seized control over the the rest, she said, “there’s to help his relatives and hu- now because of us.” what will happen tomorrow.
fense plans to evacuate weekend. nothing yet.” man rights workers escape Momand immigrated to I just talked to my cousin,
22,000 Afghans with special “I just spoke to one of my “Last night, I lost my Afghanistan, including fe- the U.S. with his wife and and he said [the militants]
immigrant visas showing sisters this morning. The voice crying. It’s not easy to male prosecutors who children in 2014, became a were searching houses.”
they worked for the U.S. gov- Taliban told them not to get digest what is happening,” helped jail some of the Tali- citizen, worked for a refugee Momand paid about
ernment, as well as their out of their homes for two she said. ban prisoners who were re- resettlement agency and $20,000 to send his mother
relatives and others consid- days and two nights,” he Among those she’s trying leased over the weekend. now works for a travel and five siblings, including
ered at risk, according to said. “Everybody is facing a to help is Abdul Khusrawy, Many had assumed that the agency. his twin, to neighboring Ta-
spokesman Lt. Col. Chris dark future.” 58, of Pleasanton, an artist Taliban’s takeover would be “I did not sleep for two jikistan. They were safe
Mitchell. The Pentagon also Seema Farhad has been who immigrated in 2010. His gradual and negotiated. nights, because people are Monday, but he wasn’t sure
plans to transport up to fielding calls from some of brother-in-law, an Afghan Now, he said, “the window of calling me to see how they how long they would be al-
30,000 additional people — the more than 600 families army veteran, worked at a opportunity is very small for can fly back to the U.S.,” he lowed to stay.
including U.S. Embassy per- she helped resettle in the U.S.-sponsored television anyone to get out.” said. “If the Taliban finds out “We need some way to
sonnel, citizens and visa ap- Fremont, Calif., area known station in Kabul, and since Mahmodi said it’s un- they are green-card holders, bring them here,” he said.

The Los Angeles County Public Works, acting as the Lead Agency, is announcing a 45-day
extension of the review and comment period on the subject documents. The new deadline
for submittal of comments to Public Works is Thursday, September 30, 2021.
Public Works, in coordination with the Los Angeles County Solid Waste Management
Committee/Integrated Waste Management Task Force, has prepared the following documents
pursuant to the requirements of the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989
(Assembly Bill 939), as amended; and the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended.

• The Preliminary Draft Revised Los Angeles County Countywide Siting Element
(Draft Revised Siting Element), dated July 2020
• The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Draft Revised Siting
Element, dated July 2020 (SCH No. 1995011048)
The Draft Revised Siting Element describes the existing solid waste disposal system in the
Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times
County, estimates future solid waste disposal capacity needs of the 88 cities in the County
HONG KONG’S Civil Human Rights Front, which had organized massive anti-
and the County unincorporated area, and sets forth goals, policies, and objectives to meet
government marches, is under police investigation. Above, a rally in 2019. the solid waste needs on a Countywide basis.
The DEIR for the Draft Revised Siting Element programmatically evaluates the environmental

Pro-democracy coalition in effects associated with the implementation of the Siting Element. Similar to the 1997
Countywide Siting Element, the Draft Revised Siting Element serves as a policy document
rather than a specific development program. California Environmental Quality Act requires
that local government agencies, prior to approving projects over which they have discretionary

Hong Kong rallies disbands approval authority, consider the environmental consequences of such projects. An
Environmental Impact Report is a public document designed to provide the public, and local
and state governmental-agency decision makers, with an analysis of potential environmental
impacts to support informed decision making.
drastic changes in the politi- related to their activism.
Due to COVID-19 and Safer at Home Order, Public Works is holding a series of virtual public
Civil Human Rights cal environment. Although authorities
information meetings to receive comments on the above documents. The public is invited to
Amnesty International have said the law would not
Front’s decision comes expressed its concern over be applied retroactively, a present oral testimony on the Draft Revised Siting Element and its DEIR during any of the
virtual meeting dates listed below. You may also send written comments to sitingelement@
amid a crackdown on “the pattern of self-censor- recent interview with a, or by mail to Los Angeles County Public Works Environmental Programs
ship seen this week.” Hong Kong police commis-
dissent under Beijing’s The London-based or- sioner suggested that the Division, P.O. Box 1460, Alhambra, CA 91802-1460. You may also call the Siting Element
national security law. ganization said in a state- group was being investi- hotline at (888) 777-4775. Public review period is from July 1 through September 30, 2021.
ment that the dissolution gated for holding rallies in These meetings will be recorded in English and Spanish
of the Hong Kong Civil Hu- the last year.
associated press
man Rights Front “signals A statement Sunday by DATE TIME LOCATION
a concerning domino effect, Hong Kong police said they
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 6 p.m. Supervisorial District 1:
HONG KONG — A pro- as Hong Kong’s draconian would continue to spare no
Register at:
democracy group that or- national security law has effort to investigate whether
ganized some of the biggest triggered an accelerating any organization or individ- Tuesday, August 3, 2021 7 p.m. Todos los Distritos Reunión en Español:
anti-government protests disappearance of independ- uals violated the national se- Regístrese en:
during months of political ent civil society groups from curity law and other local
Thursday, August 5, 2021 7 p.m. Supervisorial District 2:
upheaval in Hong Kong in the city.” legislation. It said they
Register at:
2019 is dissolving. The crackdown follows would pursue individuals re-
The Hong Kong Civil Hu- Beijing’s imposition of the gardless of a group’s dis- Monday, August 9, 2021 7 p.m. Supervisorial District 3:
man Rights Front, made up national security law on bandment. Register at:
of a number of member or- Hong Kong in June last year. In April, police asked the
Wednesday, August 11, 2021 7 p.m. Supervisorial District 4:
ganizations, said Sunday The legislation outlaws se- group to hand over informa-
that it could no longer op- cession, subversion, terror- tion on its members and ac- Register at:
erate. The decision comes as ism and foreign collusion, tivities as well as its funding. Thursday, August 12, 2021 7 p.m. Supervisorial District 5:
the group faces a police in- and has been used to arrest Since the national securi- Register at:
vestigation for possible vio- more than 100 pro-democ- ty law was enacted, many
lation of the territory’s Bei- racy figures since it took ef- unions, associations and po- The above-mentioned documents and meeting recordings will be available on our website at
jing-imposed national secu- fect. The law also led to the litical organizations have Copies of the documents are available for public review at Public
rity law, according to local closure of pro-democracy disbanded amid concern Works Headquarters if open to the public, Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., through
media. newspaper Apple Daily. that the law could be used to September 30, 2021, at the 3rd floor Annex Building, Environmental Programs Division, 900
The group, which also The crackdown has virtu- target them. South Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803.
organized an annual protest ally silenced opposition “Although the Civil Hu-
march marking Hong voices in the territory — and man Rights Front no longer Individuals requiring reasonable accessibility accommodations may request written materials
Kong’s reversion to Chinese drawn sanctions from the exists today ... we believe in alternate formats, physical accessibility accommodations, sign language interpreters, or oth-
control in 1997, is the largest U.S. against Hong Kong and that different groups will er reasonable accommodations by contacting our departmental Americans with Disabilities Act
to disband amid a sweeping mainland Chinese govern- continue to stick to their ide- Coordinator at (626) 458-4081, from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday (excluding
crackdown on dissent in the ment officials. als, who will not forget their holidays). Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing may make contact by first dialing the Califor-
city. Last week, the former Former leaders of the original intentions, and con- nia Relay Service at 7-1-1. Requests should be made at least one week in advance to ensure
British colony’s largest Civil Human Rights Front, tinue to prop up civil soci- availability. When making a reasonable accommodation request, please reference EPD-3.
teachers union disbanded in Figo Chan and Jimmy ety!” the group said in a
light of what it said were Sham, are in jail on charges statement.
Published in the Los Angeles Times on: August 17, 2021.
A6 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M


Food stamp
benefits to get
a record boost
is 21% higher than the
Biden administration Thrifty Food Plan’s current
approves 25% bump The department’s con-
over pre-pandemic clusions are in line with the
estimated 60% of participa-
levels, hiking average nts who in a June study re-
amount by $36. ported affordability as a bar-
rier to achieving a healthy di-
By Erin B. Logan Demand for food stamps
increased in spring 2020 as
WASHINGTON — A the deadly novel coronavirus
food assistance program emerged and the American
used by more than 42 million economy fell into recession.
needy Americans will sub- A15% increase in food stamp
stantially and permanently benefits extended by Con-
increase benefits starting gress in March to aid fam- Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times
next month, a record boost, ilies during the COVID crisis LIGHTNING strikes over Lake Mead in late June. Water levels at the largest reservoir on the Colorado River
just as the pandemic emer- is set to expire Sept. 30. have fallen to record lows amid droughts and heat waves. The river serves 40 million people in the West.
gency expansion expires. The most recent increase

A Colorado River first:

The Biden administra- to the program, which began
tion on Monday announced in 1975, is part of a broader
it had approved the change push by the Biden adminis-
that will boost the average tration to expand America’s
food stamp benefits by more social safety net, which ad-
than 25% above pre-pan- vocates have said proved in-

Water shortage declared

demic levels. The average adequate to protect millions
monthly benefit that partic- from poverty and food inse-
ipants in the Supplemental curity as the deadly virus
Nutrition Assistance Pro- emerged.
gram received before the Sen. Debbie Stabenow
pandemic was $121 per per- (D-Mich.), chair of the Sen-
son, per month. Starting
Oct. 1, participants on aver-
ate Agriculture Committee,
in a statement described the Low levels trigger cuts that will start with farmers in central Arizona
age will receive an additional increase as “long overdue”
$36 per person, per month. and one that “takes into ac- Mead and Lake Powell, the Further rounds of cuts agency that supplies water
The increase is an “in- count the time constraints, By Suman Naishadham river’s two largest reservoirs, are triggered when proj- to much of the region, mak-
vestment in our nation’s nutritional needs, and have been falling for years ected levels sink to 1,050, ing them the first to lose it
health, economy, and securi- budgets of working families and faster than experts pre- 1,045 and 1,025 feet. during a shortage.
ty,” Agriculture Secretary in America today.” WASHINGTON — U.S. dicted. Scorching tempera- Eventually, some city As a result, the farmers
Tom Vilsack said in a state- This is a “welcome im- officials on Monday declared tures and less melting snow and industrial water users will probably need to fallow
ment. “Ensuring low-income provement” for “families the first water shortage from in the spring have reduced could be affected. land — as many already
families have access to a struggling to find enough a river that serves 40 million the amount of water flowing Lake Powell’s levels also have in recent years because
healthy diet helps prevent time to prepare and share people in the West, trigger- from the Rocky Mountains, are falling, threatening the of persisting drought — and
disease, supports children meals or afford enough nu- ing cuts to some Arizona where the river originates roughly 5 billion kilowatt rely even more on ground-
in the classroom, reduces trition for their growing kids, farmers next year amid a before it snakes 1,450 miles hours of electricity generat- water, switch to water-
health care costs, and or the seniors on fixed in- gripping drought. southwest and into the Gulf ed each year at the Glen efficient crops and find
more.” comes now navigating com- Water levels at the largest of California. Canyon Dam. other ways to use less water.
The announcement plicated dietary health reservoir on the Colorado “We’re at a moment Colorado, New Mexico, Water suppliers have
comes nearly three years af- needs,” Stabenow said. River — Lake Mead — have where we’re reckoning with Utah and Wyoming get planned for the shortage
ter a bipartisan bill, signed Republicans were skepti- fallen to record lows. Along how we continue to flourish water from tributaries and declaration by diversifying
by then-President Trump, cal of the USDA’s assess- its perimeter, a white “bath- with less water, and it’s very other reservoirs that feed and conserving their water
directed the U.S. Depart- ment before its release. Two tub ring” of minerals out- painful,” said Sarah Porter, into Lake Powell. Water supply, such as by storing
ment of Agriculture to reas- Republican lawmakers re- lines where the high water director of the Kyl Center for from three reservoirs in water in underground
sess the Thrifty Food Plan, quested that the Govern- line once stood, underscor- Water Policy at Arizona those states has been basins. Still, water cuts
which estimates how much ment Accountability Office ing the acute water chal- State University. drained to maintain water make it harder to plan for
groceries cost families and review USDA’s assessment lenges for a region facing a levels at Lake Powell and the future.
calculates food stamp ben- of the Thrifty Food Plan. growing population and a How is the river water protect the electric grid The Central Arizona
efits. Biden in January “The complexity of this drought that is being wors- shared? powered by the Glen Can- Project, which supplies
issued an executive order process, and its likely im- ened by hotter, drier Water stored in Lake yon Dam. water to Arizona’s major
urging the department to pacts, create an urgent need weather brought on by cli- Mead and Lake Powell is cities, will no longer bank
consider revising the plan to for scrutiny, particularly on mate change. divvied up through legal Which states will be af- river water or replenish
ensure benefits “reflect the the heels of significant nutri- States, cities, farmers agreements among the fected by cuts? some groundwater systems
modern cost of a healthy ba- tion-related pandemic and others have diversified seven Colorado River basin In the U.S., Arizona will next year because of the
sic diet.” spending that has contin- their water sources over the states, the federal govern- be hardest-hit and lose 18% cuts.
Advocates have long de- ued without rigorous over- years, helping soften the ment, Mexico and others. of its share from the river “It’s a historic moment
cried the federal program for sight,” Sen. John Boozman blow of the upcoming cuts. The agreements determine next year, or 512,000 acre- where drought and climate
not providing participants of Arkansas and U.S. Rep. Federal officials said Mon- how much water each gets, feet of water. That’s around change are at our door,” said
with enough benefits to af- Glenn Thompson of Penn- day’s declaration makes when cuts are triggered and 8% of the state’s total water Chuck Cullom of the Cen-
ford healthy food. sylvania wrote last week in a clear that conditions have the order in which the use. An acre-foot is enough tral Arizona Project.
The USDA’s study found letter to Gene Dodaro, the intensified faster than scien- parties have to sacrifice water to supply one to two Cities such as Las Vegas,
that the cost of a “nutritious, comptroller general of the tists predicted in 2019, when some of their supply. households a year. Phoenix and Tucson, and
practical, cost-effective diet” U.S. and head of the GAO. some states in the Colorado Under a 2019 drought Nevada will lose about Native American tribes are
River basin agreed to give up contingency plan, Arizona, 7% of its allocation, or 21,000 shielded from the first
shares of water to maintain Nevada, California and acre-feet of water. But it will round of cuts.
levels at Lake Mead. Mexico agreed to give up not feel the shortage mainly
“The announcement to- shares of their water to because of conservation Can the decline of Lake
day is a recognition that the maintain water levels at efforts. Mead be reversed?
hydrology that was planned Lake Mead. The voluntary California is spared from Water levels at the reser-
for years ago — but we hoped measures weren’t enough to immediate cuts because it voir have been falling since
we would never see — is prevent the shortage decla- has more senior water 1999 due to the dry spell
here,” said Bureau of Recla- ration. rights than Arizona and enveloping the West and
mation Commissioner Nevada. increased water demand.
Camille Touton. Who does Lake Mead Mexico will see a reduc- With weather patterns
Lake Mead was formed serve? tion of roughly 5%, or 80,000 expected to worsen, experts
by building Hoover Dam in Lake Mead supplies acre-feet. say the reservoir may never
the 1930s. It is one of several water to millions of people be full again.
man-made reservoirs that in Arizona, California, Ne- Who in those states will see Though Lake Mead and
store water from the Col- vada and Mexico. their water supply cut? Lake Powell could theoreti-
orado River, which supplies Cuts for 2022 are trig- Farmers in central Arizo- cally be refilled, planning for
household water, irrigation gered when predicted water na, who are among the a hotter, drier future with
for farms and hydropower to levels fall below a certain state’s largest producers of less river water would be
Arizona, California, Col- threshold — 1,075 feet above livestock, dairy, alfalfa, more prudent, said Porter of
orado, Nevada, New Mexico, sea level, or 40% capacity. wheat and barley, will bear Arizona State University.
Seth Wenig Associated Press Utah, Wyoming and parts of Hydrologists predict that the brunt of the cuts. Their
OVER 42 million Americans get food assistance from Mexico. by January, the reservoir allocation comes from water Naishadham writes for the
the federal government. Benefits are set to increase. But water levels at Lake will drop to 1,066 feet. deemed “extra” by the Associated Press.

Amid Delta wave, vaccination mandates widen in New York

“Just buy into this be- catered) and people ducking care staffers in the federal more limited step late last requiring bold action,” Pres-
By Bobby Caina Calvan cause it’s going to work for all in somewhere to pick up Health and Human Services month, requiring vaccina- ident Kenneth Raske said,
of us, is going to make us all food or use the bathroom, Department and Depart- tion for staffers who work di- noting that many hospitals
NEW YORK — Vaccina- safer,” New York City Mayor among other exemptions. ment of Veterans Affairs. rectly with patients at state- already had their own vacci-
tion mandates expanded Bill de Blasio said Monday. It goes into effect Tues- Some private businesses, in- owned hospitals and veter- nation mandates.
Monday as New York state In a nationwide first for a day, but enforcement won’t cluding Google and United ans homes. Asked whether Under the new policy,
ordered hospital and nurs- city government, the Demo- begin until Sept. 13, to give Airlines, also have ordered the new policy applies only health workers in nursing
ing home workers to get crat announced this month the public more time to be employees to get the shot. to front-line workers and homes, adult care and other
COVID-19 inoculations and that proof of vaccination vaccinated. City officials “Our healthcare heroes whether it would also extend congregate care settings will
New York City was poised to would be required to par- promised training for busi- led the battle against the to such settings as medical have to get at least a first
start requiring them for any- take in much of public life, in- nesses on how to handle pos- virus, and now we need them offices and home healthcare, dose of vaccine by Sept. 27,
one in restaurant dining cluding indoor dining, gym sible confrontations be- to lead the battle between state Health Department with what the state called
rooms, gyms, museums and workouts and theater. Other tween patrons and their the variant and the vaccine,” spokesperson Jill Montag “limited exceptions for those
many other leisure venues. cities, including San Fran- staffers who will be on the said Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a said the agency was working with religious or medical
The new policies aim to cisco, later followed New front lines of checking vacci- Democrat who is leaving of- to finalize the details. reasons.”
prod people into being vacci- York’s move. nation status. fice later this month after re- About 75% of the roughly While officials are urging
nated as New York, like the It applies to patrons, em- The Metropolitan Muse- signing over sexual harass- 450,000 hospital workers some people to be vacci-
rest of the U.S., confronts a ployees, New Yorkers, com- um of Art, one of the city’s ment allegations, which he statewide, 68% of the 145,500 nated, the Health Depart-
coronavirus wave powered muters and visitors alike in most visited venues, said it denies. nursing home workers and ment on Monday authorized
by the highly infectious settings including arenas, was working on how to im- The seven-day rolling av- 74% of the 30,000 other adult additional doses for people
Delta variant of the virus. coffee shops and yoga stu- plement the new rule but erage of daily new cases in care facility workers are fully with severely weakened
As the variant posed a dios. Even strip clubs are in- was happy to comply. New York has risen over the vaccinated, Cuomo’s office immune systems.
growing threat and vaccina- cluded. “We wholly support all ef- last two weeks from more said in a release. That com- The federal government
tion rates leveled off this There are exceptions for forts to increase vaccination than 2,400 new cases a day to pares with about 58% of all on Friday approved third
summer, some cities, states children under 12 — who are rates,” spokesperson Ken nearly 4,200, according to New Yorkers, and 70% of doses of the usually two-shot
and federal agencies have not yet eligible for vaccina- Weine said. figures compiled by Johns those 18 and older. Pfizer or Moderna vaccines
rapidly shifted from encour- tion — and athletes, con- New York state’s new pol- Hopkins University. New The Greater New York for transplant recipients
aging vaccination to either- tractors and some perform- icy for hospitals and long- York City averaged 2,000 Hospital Assn., a statewide and other similarly immune-
or requirements — inocula- ers who don’t live in the city. term care facilities follows new cases of coronavirus a advocacy group, called compromised patients, but
tion or testing — to a flat-out The policy also excludes vaccination requirements day over the last seven days, workers’ vaccination rates not the public.
insistence on vaccination church potlucks, communi- for healthcare workers in up from around 200 a day in “impressive” while endors-
for some settings or work- ty centers, office buildings, California, members of the late June. ing the new requirement. Calvan writes for the
forces. house parties (even if they’re U.S. military, and patient New York state took a “This is a critical moment Associated Press.
L AT I M E S . C O M S T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 A7

Experts say masks and vaccines are working

[Surge, from A1] tients in the hospital is hov-
much better than in early ering around 40, up from just
July, when there was an 86% five when California fully re-
week-over-week increase. opened on June 15. But it’s
Daily cases remain far below still far less than the peak
the pandemic peak of 45,000 during the winter wave,
new cases a day. when there were 100, Chin-
The rise in COVID-19 hos- Hong said.
pitalizations is also slowing. Hospitalizations have re-
California on Sunday re- mained steady for the last
ported 7,166 people with three weeks, Chin-Hong
COVID-19 in its hospitals, up said. And pediatric hospi-
20% from the previous week. talizations remain very low.
But that’s an improvement Most of the people hospi-
from late July, when there talized with COVID-19 are
was a 50% week-over-week unvaccinated, Chin-Hong
jump in hospitalizations, said. Those who are vacci-
and still far below the nated and hospitalized with
wintertime peak of 22,000. COVID-19 tend to have com-
Epidemiologists and in- promised immune systems.
fectious disease experts San Francisco might be
credited the combination of doing particularly well be-
better-than-average vacci- cause many residents com-
nation rates and local rec- plied with recommenda-
ommendations or require- tions and requirements to
ments to wear masks in in- mask up indoors. San Fran-
door public settings as ma- cisco has one of the state’s
jor reasons why the fourth highest vaccination rates.
wave has not become as hor- When California fully re-
rific as what’s been seen else- opened on June 15, “people
where nationwide, such as in partied like it was 1999. ...
Texas and Florida, where They were not being irre-
hospitals are so over- sponsible, it was mainly be-
whelmed they’ve been cause we were told to go on
forced to cancel elective sur- with life as normal. But once
geries and have run short of Francine Orr Los Angeles Times the alarm bell was sounded,
intensive care unit beds. DR. SAROJ Bharatiya examines a COVID-19 patient at Little Company of Mary Medical Center in Torrance pretty much, people in the
“Due to the more rig- on Aug. 5. California has reported 7,166 people with COVID-19 in its hospitals, up 20% from the previous week. Bay Area took it to heart —
orous application of public they grumbled, but they did
health measures, such as it,” Chin-Hong said.
strongly recommending or
mandating mask use, and Coronavirus cases flattening COVID-19 hospitalizations Chin-Hong credited L.A.
County, one of the first local
the increasing numbers of governments in the country
Daily cases per 100,000 residents Patients in the hospital per 100,000 residents
persons becoming vacci- to recommend and then re-
nated, we may very well be quire mask use indoors, as
Los Angeles County California Los Angeles County California
cresting in terms of the num- properly sounding the alarm
bers of cases in California — that the Delta variant posed
San Francisco Bay Area San Francisco Bay Area
as compared to other parts a more severe challenge.
of the country — that are still “It was probably a pre-
on a major upswing in this 30 scient move,” Chin-Hong
fourth surge,” said Dr. said.
Robert Kim-Farley, medical The Delta variant poses a
epidemiologist and infec- 20 much more difficult chal-
tious disease expert at the lenge than previous strains
UCLA Fielding School of 10 of the coronavirus for a cou-
Public Health. 5 ple of reasons. For one, it is
Some officials, however, far stickier to human cells,
warned it was too early to 0 like Gorilla Glue, Chin-Hong
say that the peak of the 0 said. Second, it produces so
fourth wave had passed. 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 many more copies of itself —
While San Francisco has July August 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 up to 1,000 times more than
seen a decrease in daily co- July August previous variants.
ronavirus cases, which Numbers calculated over a seven-day average. Vaccinated people are
might have been the result of Times database Times database still less likely to get the co-
people increasingly wearing ronavirus, and less likely to
Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times
masks, it is “too early to con- transmit it even if they do get
clude that the fourth surge infected, than unvaccinated
has peaked or plateaued,
and hospitalizations gener-
‘We can’t just let down our guard so quickly, but we people, Chin-Hong said.
Still, some doctors say it’s no
ally peak two weeks after the
cases,” San Francisco health
director Dr. Grant Colfax
should still be comforted. Surges do come to an end.’ longer considered “rare” for
a fully vaccinated person to
eventually become infected
said in a statement to The — K IRSTEN B IBBINS -D OMINGO , and, as a result, become po-
Times. UCSF epidemiologist tentially capable of trans-
California is still taking mitting the virus to others,
steps to prepare in case con- feeling the pinch. cases were flattening in mul- Although vaccination Domingo said. even if they are likely to re-
ditions deteriorate. The Cal- “What is really happen- tiple regions of California. rates have risen recently, the Some doctors were opti- main healthy.
ifornia Department of Pub- ing is a real challenge with In Los Angeles County, reduction in the severity of mistic that California’s “Uncommon, OK. Not
lic Health is ordering hospi- staffing overall,” said Jan new average daily co- the pandemic wave now fourth surge would end up rare,” tweeted Dr. Robert
tals to begin accepting pa- Emerson-Shea, a spokes- ronavirus cases rose 4% probably has more to do being far milder than in Wachter, chair of UC San
tients from facilities with woman for the California compared with the previous with greater use of masks other states where political Francisco Department of
limited intensive care unit Hospital Assn. “And that is week; the week before saw an and a reduction in riskier leaders have opposed mask Medicine.
capacity starting Wednes- an area that is becoming of 18% jump. Sacramento forms of social contact. It’s mandates enacted by local There’s some speculation
day. And Gov. Gavin New- great concern across the County recorded a 9% rise; too soon for recently admin- officials and vaccination that vaccinated people —
som has issued an executive state.” Riverside County, 8%; Or- istered vaccination doses to rates are relatively low. even though they can have
order that extends the prac- Even before the latest ange and Fresno counties have had an effect, said UC The experience in Britain high viral loads at the time of
tice of waiving licensing and surge, she said, hospitals were essentially flat. San Francisco epidemiolo- shows that, particularly in a infection, although they gen-
certification requirements were contending with a San Diego County re- gist Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Do- highly vaccinated area, a erally don’t become severely
for out-of-state medical em- backlog of people who had corded a 5% decrease in mingo. surge in the Delta variant ill — reduce their viral load
ployees assisting in the pan- put off non-COVID-related daily cases, and the nine- “The key here is to recog- can hit quickly but also fade much faster than unvacci-
demic response effort. care earlier in the pandemic. county San Francisco Bay nize we probably are turning quickly, said Dr. Peter Chin- nated people.
While the overall health- “Now they may need that Area observed a 12% drop in the corner, that we can’t just Hong, infectious disease That might help explain
care system is not as deluged knee replacement surgery or daily cases. let down our guard so specialist at UC San Fran- why California’s fourth
as during California’s fall- the gallbladder out,” she Other areas saw higher quickly, but we should still cisco. By contrast, it will surge might be much short-
and-winter surge — when said. “Those procedures jumps. Ventura County ob- be comforted. Because probably take areas with er in duration than in other
roughly three times as many were starting to come back, served a 13% rise; Kern surges do come to an end, lower vaccination rates long- parts of the country, such as
coronavirus-positive pa- and now COVID is rising.” County, 17%; San Bernar- and I think that’s what we’re er to emerge from this wave. Missouri, that have a lower
tients were receiving profes- The Times analysis dino County recorded a 54% starting to see now, which is At UC San Francisco, the rate of vaccination, Chin-
sional care — hospitals are found that coronavirus jump. very encouraging,” Bibbins- number of COVID-19 pa- Hong said.

Long delays for screenings on first day at L.A. schools

[School, from A1] time and replace hundreds text and email with com- gled to pull up the Daily Pass pus. The district has about break at a school? How
keep up with demand and of on-site student interac- ments like “disaster,” “com- site while waiting in line to 465,000 students in kinder- many students will be sent
was unable to process re- tions with staff members. plete failure” and “unaccept- check in her son Ozil, who garten through 12th grade home, and for how long?
quired health checks. But the system was appar- able.” is entering kindergarten at and more than 75,000 em- It isn’t clear how forth-
At campuses throughout ently overwhelmed by the Others were simply Montara Avenue Elementa- ployees. coming schools will be — in
the sprawling district, stu- volume of traffic Monday thrilled to have children ry School in South Gate. School board members L.A. Unified and elsewhere
dents were delayed from en- and shut down or repeatedly back on campus — and were She is worried about the had been updated recently — about releasing campus
tering schools for 30 min- denied access. Teachers and willing to be patient. surging Delta variant and on the results of the baseline infection information.
utes, an hour or more. The other staff rushed to the “Ultimately, my daughter about reports that young testing. Board President Coronavirus cases must
problem seemed especially school entrance to help with texted me and said she people are becoming in- Kelly Gonez said that as of be reported to the L.A.
acute at high schools, with verbal screenings. would wear four masks at fected. the end of last week, less County Department of Pub-
many students missing their L.A. Unified interim school if they asked her to, so Still, her son was excited, than 1% of students were lic Health, which will work
first classes. Supt. Megan Reilly stopped she can be on campus with she said. While in line, he testing positive for a corona- with school officials to iden-
“You’ve got the normal short of saying that the Daily her teachers and classmates tugged on her shirt, eager to virus infection — about six tify close contacts and notify
chaos of the first day of Pass system had crashed and friends,” said Jana Fain, get inside. She snapped a students per 1,000. That rate them for follow-up testing
school, with the added but said it was working more whose child attends Frank- photo of him holding a mini is similar to what was found and possible quarantines.
COVID layers,” said school slowly than anticipated be- lin Dual Language Middle chalkboard. toward the end of summer Kathy Kuzniar feared the
board member Nick cause of high volume. School in Highland Park. Because most students school. The rate for employ- worst Monday, because her
Melvoin, who described the “The district has been “Her face was brimming have been in remote school- ees was seven per 1,000. daughter, a sophomore in
performance of the health working with the vendor and with so much joy after ing since March 2020, huge The safety protocols at high school, wasn’t looking
screening system as a disap- fixing the problem through- school, it broke my heart.” numbers are attending class L.A. Unified are being touted forward to returning due to
pointment. “But we’re get- out the day to speed it up,” Some parents ques- on campus for the first time as among the strictest in the anxiety over COVID-19.
ting through it. And I think Reilly said. tioned the need for Daily — ninth- and 10th-graders at nation, relying on layers of “We dropped her off and
everyone’s excited to be When asked whether Pass, given that it’s based on high school, sixth- and sev- measures, such as masking, knew instantly that it was
back at school.” long lines to enter campus the honor system and is not enth-graders at middle improved ventilation and in- going to be a long day of lines
Students or parents are would be the norm, she said, mandatory, though officials school. creased hand-washing. Ad- and weirdness for her,”
supposed to log on to a dis- “Today is the first day of are pushing families to use it. Many parents kept their ditionally, on Friday, Reilly Kuzniar said. “She had to
trict website every morning school. I think we’ll get bet- School board member children out of kindergarten announced that all teachers wait in lines way after her
before school to receive a ter and better as each day Jackie Goldberg said the last year, adding another and school staff must be vac- first period had ended.”
pass. The software asks goes by.” system has merit. level of academic and social cinated against COVID-19 by But things began to look
whether students have a It was unclear Monday “Once everyone gets the uncertainty. Teachers had Oct. 15. up. “She called us at
cough, fever or fatigue. If night whether the system hang of it, the Daily Pass will to explain that students Despite the measures, lunchtime and was in good
students say they are feeling had been fixed. District offi- let students in more can’t get up to get a snack or about 3% of students are spirits about all of the stu-
well, with no symptoms of ill- cials did not respond to quickly,” Goldberg said. use the bathroom whenever starting school online dents she saw who were
ness, the system issues a questions about the sys- “Also, it is used to book a they want. And while shar- through an independent helping out and providing
pass with a code for that day. tem’s status. COVID test, and one can ing is a good thing — be it study program. Making that good information,” Kuzniar
The pass can be printed out One student waiting out- record vaccination informa- crayons or food — it’s not so choice required filling out said. She expressed grati-
or scanned at the entrance side Marshall High in Los tion. Can people lie? Of good this year, with the co- lengthy forms and leaving tude to the “teachers, staff
to the school, much like an Feliz said the lengthy wait course. But overwhelmingly, ronavirus circulating. behind familiar classmates and administrators who are
event ticket. had definitely “killed my people do not.” Among the major chal- and teachers — at least for working so hard to make this
The computer-generated mood.” He pointed wistfully At elementary schools, lenges was the district’s de- the time being. happen.”
pass is not mandatory — to the window where his first-day jitters were more termination to test every Parents who opted for
those without it can answer first-period class was taking pronounced than usual. student and employee for a their kids to return to cam- Times staff writer Paloma
screening questions on the place. “I’m nervous,” said San- coronavirus infection before pus still express worry. What Esquivel contributed to this
spot — but it is meant to save Parents weighed in via dra Espinoza, as she strug- allowing them back on cam- happens if there is an out- report.
A8 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M

Beware of ‘a cornucopia for scam artists’
potential victims to lower government agency — the
Swindlers are thriving the guard. Social Security Adminis-
The agency warned in tration is a favorite cover for
amid pandemic, but a April that particularly abu- con artists — or any request
Long Beach couple sive fraudsters were target- for money.
ing family members of peo- The FTC says caller ID
avoid falling victim. ple who had died of won’t necessarily protect
COVID-19, offering help in you; numbers can be faked
DAVID LAZARUS paying funeral expenses. using a technique known as
There’s a real govern- “spoofing.”
The message ment relief program run by The agency also advises
looked legit. the Federal Emergency checking the legitimacy of
“How are Management Agency that any “official” caller by saying
you?” it be- provides up to $9,000 in you’ll call back. Use the
gan. “Hope COVID-related funeral number you find online, not
you are keep- costs. But FEMA will never the one the caller gives you.
ing safe. Are call you out of the blue. Hang up on any caller
you available If you didn’t contact the requesting payment in gift
via email? I agency yourself or sign up cards, wire transfers or
need your for the benefit, any call you cryptocurrency. This is a
help.” receive about this is a scam. giveaway that you’re being
Long Beach resident The FTC warned in June hoodwinked.
Anne Supple told me she about rising incidents of the “Consumers need to be
and her husband, Charley, so-called grandparent vigilant, especially when
had no reason to question scam, in which people, money is involved,” said
the recent email from one of typically seniors, receive a Herrell at the Consumer
their neighbors, who they Elise Amendola Associated Press call ostensibly from a grand- Federation of California.
knew was out of town. SCAMMERS frequently seek payment in gift cards because once they get their child who has been arrested “Take an extra moment
The name was correct. It hands on the cards or their numbers, that’s that. Your money’s gone. or jailed. to check out who you might
was sent from her proper The call almost always is be dealing with,” he told me.
email address. pledge to reimburse the tive director of the Con- pared with 23% a year before bogus and will lead to elabo- “Find out more about them
“I am right where you left Supples for whatever they sumer Federation of Cali- — an indication that either rate steps to separate you from credible news sources
me,” Charley replied in a spent on the gift cards. fornia, told me. people have grown more from your money either by — not your Facebook feed —
bantering tone. “How can I “We do a lot of favors for The Federal Trade Com- gullible while being stuck at purchasing gift cards or and think about whether
help you?” our neighbor,” Anne Supple, mission received more than home or the fraudsters have making a wire transfer. A you even need a middleman
Then came the followup. 73, told me. “The first email 2 million fraud reports from grown more sophisticated. Pasadena man lost $27,000 to get you the help you
“Thanks for responding,” seemed real. But as soon as consumers last year, with I’d guess it’s a combina- to this ruse last year. need.”
it said. “Actually, I need to they asked for gift cards, we so-called imposter scams tion of the two. I’ve also been hearing Anne Supple said she
get GOOGLE PLAY GIFT suspected it was a scam.” the most commonly cited While hacking the email from a number of readers had to laugh when she and
CARDS for my Niece who Good instincts. Scam- racket. account of the Supples’ about phony offers to help her husband saw what
had Heart operation some mers frequently seek pay- The number of reports of neighbor demonstrates a secure inheritance cash. I looked like a real appeal
days ago she had lost both ment in gift cards because imposter scams hit nearly modicum of tech savviness, wrote about this racket from a friend turn into a
parents to the disease once they get their hands on 557,000 in the first half of this the grammatical errors in after a San Fernando Valley scammy plea for gift cards.
(COVID-19). the cards or their numbers, year, up 18% from the same the second email show that resident was told he could “What friend would ever
“It’s her birthday but I that’s that. Your money’s period last year. the hacker isn’t exactly a receive almost $10 million ask for gift cards?” she said.
can’t do this right now be- gone. More than $3.3 billion in criminal mastermind. from a dead relative he “Who would do that?”
cause I have arthritis in the The emails to the Sup- fraud losses were reported That said, the hacker never heard of. Unfortunately, $3.3 bil-
knees and ankles. They are ples highlight yet again how to the FTC in 2020, almost was smart enough not to As with claims that lion in fraud losses last year
giving me problems. I am the COVID-19 pandemic has double the amount a year take the bait when I emailed you’ve just won a lottery or suggest many people think
going up and down one step been Christmas for con earlier. Roughly half the asking how I could help the sweepstakes, it’s highly otherwise.
at a time. This method is artists looking to cash in on losses resulted from Supples obtain gift cards for unlikely a total stranger
neither graceful! Or fast! all-too-common tales of woe imposter scams similar to the bereaved, recuperating bequeathed you a mountain David Lazarus’ column runs
And I tried purchasing and hardship. what the Supples experi- niece. of money. Keep your dis- Tuesdays and Fridays. He
online but unfortunately no “A worst-in-a-century enced. The FTC says con artists tance. also can be seen daily on
luck with that. pandemic is a cornucopia The FTC noted that 34% know people are very vul- The best way to protect KTLA-TV Channel 5 and on
“Kindly let me know if for scam artists — all the of consumers reporting nerable and emotional yourself from imposter Twitter @davidlaz. Send
you can handle this,” the major holidays rolled into scams last year acknowl- because of the pandemic, scams is to be wary of any your tips to david.lazarus
email concluded, with a one,” Robert Herrell, execu- edged losing money, com- and that this may lead some call purporting to be from a

U.S. investigates Tesla crashes into emergency vehicles

Secretary Pete Buttigieg, is toring system. Autopilot has which also has investigated
By Russ Mitchell paying more attention to frequently been misused by some of the Tesla crashes,
automated driving safety drivers, who have been has recommended that the
In theory, identifying and than the more laissez-faire caught driving drunk or NHTSA and Tesla limit
avoiding stationary objects Trump administration. In even riding in the back seat Autopilot’s use to areas
set off by hazard cones or June, the NHTSA ordered while a car rolled down a Cal- where it can safely operate.
flashing lights ought to be automobile manufactures, ifornia highway. The NTSB also recom-
one of the easiest challenges including Tesla, to forward Other manufacturers use mended that the NHTSA re-
for any autonomous-driving data on crashes involving sophisticated cameras that quire Tesla to have a better
or driver-assist system. automated systems to the analyze eye and head move- system to make sure drivers
Yet at least 11 times over agency. ment to assess the level of pay attention.
the last seven years, cars It’s about time, said Alain driver attention. Warnings The NHTSA has not tak-
made by Tesla Inc. and run- Kornhauser, director of the are issued and eventually en action on any of the
ning its software have failed self-driving car program at car power is cut off if the recommendations. The
this test, slamming into Princeton University. “Tes- driver fails to keep eyes on NTSB has no enforcement
emergency vehicles that las are running into station- the road. powers and can only make
were parked on roads and ary objects,” he said. “They Michael A. McCoy Getty Images Tesla has disbanded its recommendations to other
highways. Now the National shouldn’t be.” TESLA CEO Elon Musk, center, has helped give the media relations depart- federal agencies such as the
Highway Traffic Safety Ad- Autopilot is the brand appearance that Autopilot is a hands-free feature. ment. A request for Tesla NHTSA.
ministration wants to know name for Tesla’s partially comment was directed at Tesla is also under review
why. automated driving system. reporters Monday, the technical language obscures Musk’s Twitter account, to by the California Depart-
A federal investigation It combines adaptive cruise NHTSA said that “no com- some common sense ques- which he has not responded. ment of Motor Vehicles for
announced Monday involves control with automatic mercially available motor tions that surely will be ex- The emergency vehicle its marketing of Full Self-
Tesla cars built from 2014 to steering and lane changing. vehicles today are capable of plored: Why does Autopilot incidents under the NHTSA Driving technology. That’s
2021, including models S, X, 3 Tesla manuals say the driver driving themselves ... and all sometimes not see fire investigation include a 2018 a significant enhancement
and Y. If the inquiry results needs to pay full attention, State laws hold human driv- trucks and police cars with crash into the back of a to Autopilot that allows the
in a recall, as many as 765,000 but the feature has been ers responsible for operation lights flashing? Why did its firetruck stopped on the 405 car to be driven on city
vehicles could be affected. marketed as a hands-free of their vehicles.” automatic emergency brake Freeway in Culver City; a streets, with the claimed
The 11 crashes at issue re- system, with Chief Execu- Although human drivers systems not work? 2018 crash into a parked po- ability to handle traffic sig-
sulted in 17 injuries and one tive Elon Musk appearing on indeed can be held legally li- As countless YouTube lice cruiser in Laguna nals and make turns at
death. Three took place in television news shows be- able in such crashes, the videos attest, Autopilot is Beach; and a crash last intersections. The feature
Southern California. hind the wheel of various NHTSA is investigating easy to cheat. It monitors month into an unoccupied costs $10,000, which includes
The new investigation in- Teslas with his hands raised Autopilot’s ability to identify driver attention by sensing California Highway Patrol future enhancements, but
dicates that the safety high in the air and a grin on obstacles in the roadway hands on the steering wheel, car in San Diego. Tesla has noted that its
agency, under President his face. and its “event detection and but weights can be hung on The National Trans- Full Self-Driving does not
Biden and Transportation In a statement emailed to response” systems. The the wheel to defeat the moni- portation Safety Board, make the car self-driving.
DMV regulations prevent
auto manufacturers from
making false claims about
MARKET ROUNDUP automated driving capa-
The DMV launched its re-

S&P 500, Dow hit records despite COVID surge view in mid-May. Asked how
long the review might take, a
DMV spokeswoman said via
email, “The review is on-
head back to school or pre- and East Asia and the oil- going. The DMV does not
associated press
pare to head back at the end rich Middle East. comment on an ongoing re-
Major stock indexes of August. School shut- The price of U.S. crude oil view.”
A choppy day on Wall Daily Daily % YTD % downs because of the virus fell 1.7% and weighed down Tesla has issued Full Self-
Index Close change change change Driving in various “beta”
Street ended Monday with could crimp a recovery in the energy companies. Exxon
the Standard & Poor’s 500 Dow industrials 35,625.40 +110.02 +0.31 +16.40 job market if parents have to Mobil dropped 1.5% and versions to select customers,
index and Dow Jones indus- S&P 500 4,479.71 +11.71 +0.26 +19.27 stay home. Chevron closed 1% lower. who are testing the self-drive
trial average notching new Nasdaq composite 14,793.76 -29.14 -0.20 +14.78 Data out of China Bond yields fell and system on public roads.
highs after recovering from showed the COVID-19 pan- pulled banks lower. They Other companies deploying
S&P 400 2,724.79 -6.67 -0.24 +18.13
an early slide. demic continues to hurt rely on higher yields to experimental autonomous
Russell 2000 2,203.41 -19.70 -0.89 +11.57
The indexes each rose economies around the charge more lucrative inter- car technology on public
0.3%, extending their win- EuroStoxx 50 3,649.51 -14.67 -0.40 +17.41 world. Chinese industrial est on loans. The yield on the roads use trained test driv-
ning streak to a fifth straight Nikkei (Japan) 27,523.19 -453.96 -1.62 +0.29 production and retail sales 10-year Treasury fell to 1.26% ers and make reports on
trading day, while the Hang Seng (Hong Kong) 26,181.46 -210.16 -0.80 -3.85 both rose last month, but at from 1.29% late Friday. Wells safety progress to the state.
Nasdaq composite fell 0.2%. Associated Press a far weaker pace than what Fargo lost 1.9% and Citi- Asked why Tesla was not re-
Technology and healthcare economists had expected. group dropped 1.4%. quired to do so with its Full
stocks accounted for much ronavirus infections around Russell 2000 lost 19.69 points China’s economy is suf- Also dampening in- Self-Driving beta, the DMV
of the gain in the S&P 500. the globe due to the highly to 2,203.41. fering from supply chain is- vestors’ optimism was the said that the feature is not
Sectors traditionally consid- contagious Delta variant. Stocks have been push- sues, where manufactured University of Michigan con- actually full self-driving, and
ered lower risk, including Traders shifted money ing to ever higher records in goods that would typically sumer sentiment index from so does not fall under those
utilities and companies that into U.S. bonds, which the last couple of weeks even be on their way to foreign Friday, which fell to 70.2 from requirements. Tesla does
make food and personal helped drag bond yields amid choppy trading as in- markets have either re- its previous level of 81.2 in tell Full Self-Driving beta
goods, also helped lift the lower. Small-company vestors try to gauge the ef- mained unfinished or stuck July. That was its largest testers they must pay full at-
market. Those gains out- stocks fell, knocking the fects of rising virus cases. in shipping containers. drop since April 2020, when tention.
weighed a pullback in banks, Russell 2000 index 0.9% Analysts had expected econ- The collapse of the the pandemic took its initial The Times has repeat-
energy stocks and a swath of lower. Nearly twice as many omic growth to slow from its Afghan government over the grip on the country. edly asked to interview DMV
retailers and travel sector stocks in the New York Stock breakneck pace earlier this weekend was also on in- The unexpectedly bad officials to clarify its stance.
companies. Exchange fell than rose. year, but the highly conta- vestors’ minds. Although reading was almost entirely Those requests have been
Despite the latest gains, The S&P 500 rose 11.71 gious Delta variant has the economy of Afghanistan due to the spread of the repeatedly declined.
there are signs that in- points to 4,479.71. The Dow prompted even more cau- is small, the country is in a Delta variant, which has
vestors have turned cau- added 110.02 points to tion from investors. delicate part of the world, caused hospitals to fill up The Associated Press was
tious with the market at all- 35,625.40. The Nasdaq fell The concerns are being sandwiched between the with unvaccinated patients used in compiling this
time highs amid rising co- 29.14 points to 14,793.76. The heightened as students economic giants of South across the U.S. report.
L AT I M E S . C O M T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 A9

Biden pushes for climate-friendly energy

[Energy, from A1] a solar or wind farm, but only
ficials are trying to avoid a handful are needed to op-
those pitfalls and boost erate the facilities once
higher-paying careers in cli- they’re finished.
mate-friendly energy as they Fernandez, though, isn’t
seek to pass a massive worried about having to find
budget plan this year. The another job any time soon.
$3.5-trillion package in- That’s because Westlands
cludes a system of financial Solar Park is so big. The first
incentives and penalties phase — 250 megawatts
that’s intended to increase across 1,800 acres — is on
the amount of electricity track to finish construction
that’s generated from car- this fall.
bon-free sources. There are But the developer plans
also tax breaks for clean-en- to expand the site to 2,700
ergy companies and incen- megawatts over more than
tives for domestic manufac- 20,000 acres, a process that
turing operations. could take the rest of the
Failure to create good- decade.
paying jobs could mean Most solar projects aren’t
eroding political support for nearly that size. But many of
reducing the greenhouse gas them will be needed to wean
emissions fueling bigger California — not to mention
wildfires, harsher droughts the rest of the country — off
and deadlier heat waves. fossil fuels. State officials
“It’s something to be tak- estimate that to meet its
en super, super, super seri- goal of 100% clean electricity,
ously,” Zabin said. “It’s diffi- California may have to build
cult to find comparable jobs as much solar and wind
at those good wages that power every year for the next
those unions fought for over quarter-century as it’s ever
decades.” built in a single year until
Gina McCarthy, Biden’s now.
top advisor on domestic cli- CIM Group co-founder
mate issues, said the shifting Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times Avi Shemesh pointed to an-
energy economy — which THE DEVELOPER of Westlands Solar Park in the San Joaquin Valley, CIM Group of Los Angeles, plans to other reason to expect more
has been driven as much by expand the site to 20,000 acres. It’s shaping up to be one of the world’s largest renewable-energy facilities. growth in renewable-power
the falling costs of renewable jobs: improving technology.
power sources as it has by of about 60 people as a fore- cally earn $33 to $50 an hour, wind positions, according to Francisco Bay Area city of He said he expects solar to
government policy — will ul- man for BEI Construction, not including health ben- the Bureau of Labor Stat- Hayward and commutes to get so much cheaper that it
timately generate new jobs the electrical contractor at efits and pensions. istics. the San Joaquin Valley dur- will make sense to “re-panel”
in growing industries such Westlands Solar Park. That’s significantly bet- Bob Keefe, the executive ing the week. But the solar facilities within the next dec-
as building high-capacity When The Times visited ter than the average wage for director of E2, said govern- project’s developer esti- ade — in other words, tear-
batteries or even solar pan- earlier this summer, there Americans working in solar, ment needs to do more to en- mates that around 90% of ing out the original panels
els, which are primarily were more than 400 iron- wind and other clean-energy sure that workers in emerg- the workers on-site are local. and replacing them with
manufactured overseas. workers, laborers, car- jobs, which is slightly less ing industries benefit from George Fernandez, a new ones capable of generat-
“We are talking about ex- penters, electricians and op- than $24 an hour, according better salaries and union quality control foreman who ing more electricity.
panding and enlarging the erating engineers on the to a report from E2, a non- representation. lives in the San Joaquin Val- Solar and wind farm op-
kind of job opportunities we site, a cross section of the partisan group that advo- “Is that where it needs to ley, oversees more than two erators are also increasingly
have, while recognizing in types of jobs that can be gen- cates for those technologies. be? It probably needs to be dozen employees. He works adding batteries that can
some areas it may not grow erated by clean-energy in- Of the 3 million clean-energy higher,” he said. for Swinerton Renewable store electricity for times
but in other areas it may vestment. jobs the group tallied last Clean-energy supporters Energy, the main project when the sun isn’t shining
pick up,” McCarthy said in Most were installing pan- year, 2.1 million were in ener- say there’s a huge opportu- contractor, and he said he and the wind isn’t blowing.
an interview. els manufactured in India, gy efficiency, which includes nity, in California and across much prefers this assign- Specially trained workers
Anthony Romano is one while others were driving installing modern lighting the country, to train fossil ment to his previous jobs at are required to build and
of the beneficiaries of that piles into the ground, dig- and heating and air condi- fuel workers for the jobs of cable and pest control com- maintain those devices.
push. After spending a dec- ging trenches for electrical tioning systems that use less the future — especially be- panies. Overall, CIM expects to
ade as a non-union roofer, he cables or assembling track- electricity. cause the skills needed for “I’m not crawling under- spend “substantially north”
studied to be an electrician ers that help solar panels fol- Across the board, clean- those jobs are useful for neath crawl spaces any- of $4 billion to $5 billion to
through a five-year appren- low the sun as it moves energy workers tend to earn other trades too. more. That’s a plus, you build Westlands Solar Park,
ticeship program offered by through the sky. more than the national aver- “Any time an industry know?” he said with a laugh, Shemesh said.
the International Brother- Construction crews have age for hourly wages. But changes or shifts direction, after demonstrating how his For CIM, using union la-
hood of Electrical Workers, installed as many as 10,000 that may be cold comfort to there’s always going to be crews make sure solar pan- bor was an easy choice, in
or IBEW, which involved panels in a single day. They oil and gas company em- people that are affected both els are properly secured. “I part because the five-trade
working solar jobs during work from dawn into the eve- ployees, who have seen their ways,” Romano said. “But I get fresh air. I’m getting agreement helped build po-
the day and taking classes at ning, 10 hours a day, four industry shrink and worry think the renewables are some rays of sun.” litical support for the proj-
night. days a week. Under an agree- the state will regulate them just important, especially Renewable-energy skep- ect.
“Roofing was always a ment signed by five trade out of existence. Fossil fuel with the power shortages tics sometimes point out “You’re not going to make
job. I was looking for a ca- unions and the developer, jobs pay more on average and all of that stuff in Cali- that the bulk of the jobs are or break the project by sav-
reer,” he said. Los Angeles real estate firm and are more likely to be fornia.” temporary — it may take a ing a little more on labor,”
Romano oversees a team CIM Group, workers typi- unionized than solar and Romano lives in the San few hundred people to build Shemesh said.

Home Depot punished staff

over activism, agency says
nation or harassment seri- Federal law guarantees
Labor board, alleging ously, as we did in this case,” employees the right to par-
spokesperson Sara Gorman ticipate in collective action
selective enforcement said. “Regardless of the out- regarding workplace mat-
of dress code, says come, we will continue to be ters. “Issues of racial harass-
fully committed to diversity ment directly impact the
worker with a BLM and respect for all people.” working conditions of em-
apron was forced out. Like many big U.S. com- ployees,” Jennifer Hadsall,
panies, Home Depot put out the labor board regional di-
a statement after George rector who issued the com-
Floyd’s murder committing plaint, said in a statement
to racial justice and equality. Monday.
Home Depot Inc. used As of 2019, Black people Absent a settlement, la-
threats and punishments to made up 17% of the retailer’s bor board complaints are
try to shut down employee U.S. based workforce — a heard by agency judges,
activism about race-based larger share than the U.S. whose rulings can be ap-
harassment, including by population. pealed to NLRB members
forcing out a worker who About a third of man- in Washington. The agency
wore a BLM apron, accord- agers and a quarter of U.S.- has no authority to make
ing to a complaint issued by based officers were “minor- companies pay punitive
federal labor board prose- ities,” according to a 2020 damages for violating the
cutors. company report. law.
In an Aug. 12 filing on be-
half of the general counsel of
the National Labor Rela-
tions Board, a regional di-
rector of the agency accused
the home-improvement re-
tailer of selectively enforcing To advertise
its dress code, which prohib- in this directory, go to
its displaying “causes or po-,
litical messages unrelated to or call 1.800.528.4637, ext.72769
workplace matters,” to tar-
get employees who wore
Black Lives Matter apparel
at work.
An employee who had
been trying to address dis-
crimination and harass-
ment issues at a Minnesota
facility, including by talking
to co-workers and sending
emails, was illegally sus-
pended and forbidden from
continuing the person’s ac-
tivism, according to the
complaint. Home Depot
management also threat-
ened employees in person
and over a video call to pre-
vent them from mounting
protests against racial har- Helping our Valued
assment, according to the Transportation
filing, which was obtained by Industry
Bloomberg News via a Free-
dom of Information Act re-
quest. +10% Fuel Economy
Home Depot said in an + Lower Emissions
emailed statement that the + Horsepower
labor board “misrepresents
the relevant facts” of the
case, and that the company
will share more with the
agency as the case proceeds.
“The Home Depot does
not tolerate workplace har-
assment of any kind and (323) 209-5359
takes all reports of discrimi- 22847 W Avenue D. Lancaster
CA, 93536
A10 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N



The tragic, inevitable downfall

of the Afghan government
In a speech to the American people on
President Biden was right to Monday, Biden said the withdrawal was
“hard and messy,” but necessary: “I stand
withdraw but should have better squarely behind my decision. After 20 years,
prepared for the Taliban takeover. I’ve learned the hard way that there was ne-
ver a good time to withdraw U.S. forces.”
And although he acknowledged that the

merica’s nearly 20-year war in Taliban takeover unfolded more quickly
Afghanistan came to a sudden than anticipated, the easy capitulation of
end Sunday as Taliban fighters Afghanistan’s military and political leader-
poured into the capital, Kabul, ship bolstered his belief that it was the right
facing scarcely any resistance, decision. “American troops cannot and
Irfan Khan Los Angeles Times and as the Western-backed president, should not be fighting in a war, and dying in
Leighton Sonco, 5, at Madison Elementary School in South Gate in April. Ashraf Ghani, fled the country. a war, that Afghan forces are not willing to
The images of desperate Afghans fight for themselves,” he said.
thronging the airport in Kabul, seeking to The truth is that the conflict in Af-
The safe way to go back to school flee the country, are harrowing. Already
there are reports that Taliban fighters have
imposed their severe, fundamentalist inter-
ghanistan — America’s longest war — was
probably lost soon after it began. After the
U.S. ousted the Taliban — which had
dren younger than 12 cannot be vaccinated pretation of Islam in cities they have cap- hosted the Al Qaeda terrorist network and
L.A. Unified’s vaccine, mask at this point, and it is the job of teachers tured — for example, insisting that women refused to turn over terrorists such as
and staff not just to help their minds devel- cover their hair in public and demanding Osama bin Laden — the George W. Bush
and test rules protect returning op, but also to avoid letting them be sick- that classrooms be segregated by gender. administration expanded the goals of the
students and the community. ened at school. (As well as protecting the Then there is the plight of tens of thou- mission in ways that in hindsight were ne-
other adult staffers.) Assuming that one or sands of Afghans who worked with the ver realistic. (Bin Laden was not located
more of the vaccines receives full approval United States over the years as inter- and killed until 2011.)

os angeles county can expect a from the U.S. Food and Drug Administra- preters, translators and contractors. Presi- Afghanistan had not had a widely
rise in reported COVID-19 cases tion — all of them are now under emergency dent Biden has promised to process, trans- agreed-upon national government since
over the coming week as the use authorization, which puts some limits port and relocate these applicants for spe- the Soviet invasion of 1979. The U.S. and its
Delta variant continues to on vaccine mandates — the state should re- cial immigrant visas, but events have un- Western allies had noble hopes of building a
spread. Not all of the infected quire them for all students 12 and older. folded faster than the American military’s multi-party democracy — with respect for
people will feel sick. Some will be asymp- Along with new air-filtration systems ability to evacuate them. Many will be left the rights of women and minorities, an in-
tomatic cases discovered by COVID testing and notched-up janitorial services, the behind, facing the threat of imprisonment, dependent judiciary and a new constitution
of all students and staff by L.A. Unified school district is helping to convince par- torture or worse. To betray these Afghans — but nation-building was not an appropri-
schools — hundreds of thousands of tests ents that their families will be safe sending would be unconscionable. ate goal.
every week. the kids back to school campuses. Less That the Afghan government’s fall was That does not mean that countless
That’s a good thing, folks. By finding than 3% of L.A. Unified students have inevitable does not make the astonishing Afghans do not want to live in a country
cases that otherwise would have gone opted for remote instruction — that is, if speed of that collapse any less tragic. One that is peaceful and democratic. Many —
undiscovered, the schools will not only pre- the total student count is close to the generation’s worth of progress — including maybe most — do. But over 20 years and
vent outbreaks among students and staff, 450,000 or so that district officials had improvements in literacy, life span and the across four U.S. presidencies, no amount of
but also help lower transmission rates in hoped to enroll this year. rights of women and girls — is under threat money and firepower could give Afghans
the larger community, as infected people It was good to see lots of kids back of being wiped out. what they needed and deserved: an honest,
stay home and their families take proper on campus Monday — something that The chaotic evacuation of the U.S. Em- competent and effective government that
precautions. should have been happening by about the bassy in Kabul and of American civilians in could unify the nation, use its U.S.-backed
When it comes to safety from COVID-19 middle of the last academic year. But it’s Afghanistan raises serious questions about military to defend cities and, above all, mar-
in schools, L.A. Unified has emerged as a not yet clear how many students are actu- the intelligence and planning that followed shal the political and popular will necessary
national leader. It was the first district to ally returning. Preliminary kindergarten Biden’s decision in April to withdraw all re- to defeat the Taliban. Ultimately, Afghans
institute mandatory, universal testing at its enrollment is now at 34,000, compared with maining troops by the end of August — in were failed by their leaders.
schools under a contract with a vendor that 43,000 in the fall of 2019. The number this time for the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, The war cost the lives of more than 2,400
provides results by early the following year is expected to rise over the next few 2001, terrorist attacks, which triggered the American military members. The U.S.
morning, long enough before school starts weeks, but at this point it looks as though U.S.-led invasion. spent $83 billion to train and equip the
to take necessary quarantining or other the district has lost heavily in its The U.S. must intensify its efforts to get Afghan forces, only to see them melt away
steps. It was among the first to replace its enrollment of the youngest students, its military personnel, civilians and Afghan in just over a week in the face of the Tali-
aging ventilation systems with state-of- whether they have gone to other districts, allies out of the country safely and swiftly. ban’s blitz. And for decades, America will be
the-art air filtration. to charter school or are being home- But as criticism of the Biden adminis- paying the medical bills of veterans suffer-
Even better, it now is mandating vacci- schooled. That’s a potentially damaging tration’s handling of the withdrawal grows, ing from the emotional and physical toll of
nation for its staff, except those with medi- statistic in a district that even before the it is also worth taking a step back to con- their trauma and injuries.
cal or religious reasons for not taking the pandemic was losing student population. sider how we got to this point. The U.S. must be vigilant in preventing
jab. The district should ensure that those Staff members have been canvassing by Biden was fundamentally correct that Afghanistan from once again becoming a
are legitimate reasons, such as established phone, going door to door, doing everything keeping a small troop presence in Af- haven for jihadist terrorists; the greatest
religions that forbid vaccination rather to coax families to send kids back to school. ghanistan — enough to hold off a Taliban risk is that the Taliban takeover will lead to
than someone who claims a vague moral And unless they have found other good takeover but not nearly enough to actually a new version of Al Qaeda or Islamic State.
belief or a member of a newly formed Con- schooling options for their children, par- secure the country — was pointless. It But keeping a small force in the country
gregation Against Common-sense Acts. ents should send the kids back to their L.A. would also have violated international law. would not have eliminated that risk.
This isn’t a vaccinate or be tested rule. Unified school. The last year and a half has The peace agreement signed by the Trump The conflict has been ruinously costly in
It’s vaccinate and be tested. been scary and wearying and the Delta var- administration and the Taliban in Febru- money and in lives. Biden made the diffi-
Vaccination is by far the most effective iant has stirred the fear pot again. But in ary 2020 committed to a full U.S. troop with- cult, but correct, decision to not prolong
way to prevent both infection and serious terms of physical safety, they’d be sending drawal by May 2021; Biden had already ex- this quagmire any further. The Taliban’s re-
disease, and L.A. Unified is showing the their kids to among the most prepared and tended that deadline once, to the end of Au- turn to power is a tragedy, but one that was
way for other school districts to follow. Chil- cautious schools in the nation. gust. decades in the making.


What we lacked in Afghanistan The United States spent

billions of dollars training
Afghan men to fight. What a
“Will the Taliban surge in
Afghanistan hurt Biden
politically?” is the wrong
to giggle at the Los Angeles
Police Department’s use of
the term “Antifa” (its capi-
Re “Afghanistan falls to the Taliban,” Aug. 16 waste. question. It should be, “Will talization) to describe peo-
The money should have leaving hurt the U.S.?” ple who showed up at Los
been spent arming and In 1975, in Indochina, the Angeles City Hall on Sat-

emocracy can’t be forced down the barrel of a gun.
It’s perplexing to watch as small groups of men on motorcycles, dressed in teaching the women. They’d U.S. fled the field, dishon- urday to protest against a
love the chance to kill the ored American servicemen group of anti-vaccine and
traditional clothing and armed with AK-47 rifles and primitive rocket launch-
Taliban. who died there and aban- anti-mask demonstrators.
ers, proceed with relative ease to finally liberate their country from 20 years of
Kurdish women warriors doned our allies. Within 30 Antifa is not an organiza-
attempted control by one of the most formidable, best equipped military
were instrumental in defeat- days, Cambodia, Vietnam tion. It is a concept, even a
forces in history. Perhaps fighting with unshakable faith, in your own backyard, for your ing Islamic State in north- and Laos fell to the enemy. trend at times, but there are
home and your culture, is the most potent of all weaponry. ern Iraq. They didn’t throw The tragedies were punctu- no meetings, no rosters, no
It seems there never was a true opportunity for U.S. victory in Afghanistan or Iraq. At down their arms and scurry ated by peace plans, florid dues or fees and no secret
best, both wars were ill-thought, retaliatory ideas carried out at a huge cost of treasure and away like roaches in the face statements of resolve and handshakes.
lives on all sides. The only winner was the military industrial complex. of the enemy that wanted to inadequate and ill-planned This lack of serious intel-
I recently heard a veteran from Afghanistan share a Taliban saying regarding our con- subjugate them. evacuations. ligence by the LAPD is as-
quest: “You have the wristwatch, but we have the time.” Meanwhile, the ice melts, the virus Melissa Verdugo As the last American tonishing. Who gives these
thrives, and all perceived forms of God weep at the inanity of men in their names. Rancho Palos Verdes helicopters departed the people a gun and badge?
Jon D. Elder courtyards, soccer fields Santa Claus, the Lone Rang-
Monterey Park and rooftops, the rotor wash er and the Bogeyman all
A tone-deaf blew away the remaining
aspirations, hopes and lives
have more standing in reali-
ty than antifa.
At first glance, the deba-
cle in Afghanistan implies a
Though many observers
connect current events with
We are at last ending the
United States’ “forever war.”
question to ask of those left behind. The LAPD would have us
The U.S. that emerged believe that it is a real organi-
failure of the Biden adminis- the U.S. pullout from Saigon For two decades we have Re “Will leaving Af- from World War II was no zation. How embarrassing.
tration. in 1975, the more apt analogy sent our soldiers and our ghanistan hurt Biden politi- more. Our role in the world, Robin Doyno
But on a deeper histori- was the U.S. withdrawal considerable treasure to cally?” Aug. 14 our influence, the worth of Mar Vista
cal level, it represents the from Iraq under then-Presi- this difficult, clannish, our word changed for the
demise of Western domina- dent Obama, which led to mountainous country in Somewhere in Af- worse. Today we can be sure ::
tion in world affairs. the rise of the mega-terror- Central Asia. ghanistan right now, there that our allies watch in fear
What began with the fall ist group Islamic State and The money has gone are families trying to figure and horror, while our ene- Can we please call anti-
of European colonialism its attempt to establish a largely into the pockets of out where to hide their young mies take solace from vaxxers what they truly are
and imperialism in the last caliphate in the Middle the country’s leaders. They daughters from the Taliban. America’s abandonment of — virus lovers?
century has finally ended East. have not adequately paid or There are lives being lost and those principles we once By refusing to get a vac-
with America’s realization It seems Biden, who fed their army. memories being made that held sacred. cine or wear a mask, they
that it cannot impose its reportedly advised Obama Is it any wonder the no child should have to carry Biden may escape the signal their desire to keep
way of life on a distant na- against authorizing the raid soldiers choose not to fight into adulthood, much the political consequences of the coronavirus around so it
tion with an alien culture that killed Osama bin Lad- when U.S. forces do not have same way children there this action. The U.S. and the can kill people, destroy the
merely by force. President en, has been consistent in their backs? have for decades. world will not. economy, put companies
Biden had the wisdom to his foreign policy miscalcu- Now it is over. We join Such chronic conflict Gary Larsen out of business and wreak
realize the futility of such a lations. numerous countries that breeds extremism. We’re Lakewood havoc on everyone’s life.
venture. The Taliban is of special have unsuccessfully tried to seeing a clear picture of that They do this under the false
The future points to a significance to the U.S.: When organize this disjointed unit right now everywhere, not flag of freedom, a word with
world where Asians, Ameri-
cans, Europeans and Afri-
it last ruled Afghanistan, it
harbored Al Qaeda, which
called Afghanistan.
We may be in “anguish”
just in the Middle East.
Pain, loss and not having
Is it antifa? no fixed definition.
This pandemic won’t be
cans will have to learn to sit
together on equal terms,
planned and executed the
worst terrorist attack on our
over the Taliban’s recaptur-
ing of Afghanistan, but let’s
enough breed extremism.
But I’m sure they’re all
Call the LAPD over until everyone gets in
the fight, and I am not talk-
respecting one another’s way soil. This disastrous pullout end our involvement and put also really concerned about Re “One stabbed in clash at ing about the violent one on
of life, in shaping the future of will have grave consequences our ample resources where President Biden’s political City Hall vaccine protest,” the Los Angeles City Hall
our common planet. for years to come. they can do some real good. prospects. Aug. 15 steps.
Srinivas Chari Richard Friedman Barbara Pritzkat Cathryn Roos Nancy Zaman
Camarillo Culver City Redondo Beach La Habra One must really try not Beverly Hills

Executive Chairman Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong

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L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 A11


Rick Loomis Los Angeles Times

Collapse proves The U.S. presence The faithless signal

Biden was right was doing its job we sent from Kabul
By Charles A. Kupchan By Richard Haass JONAH GOLDBERG

t has been excruciating to watch the Taliban roll fghan President Ashraf Ghani has fled the hen Joe Biden came into office, we were
across Afghanistan, undoing in a matter of months country. His government has collapsed as Taliban told that the “adults are back in charge”
two decades of efforts by the Afghan people and the fighters enter Kabul. Two decades of America’s because he immediately set to work undo-
international community to build a decent, secure military presence in Afghanistan have vanished ing as much of Donald Trump’s legacy as
and functioning state. in a matter of weeks. How did it come to this? he could. “The new president in his first
The Taliban’s virtually uncontested takeover raises There are wars of necessity, in which military force is em- week issued more than three dozen executive actions on a
obvious questions about the wisdom of President Bid- ployed because it is deemed to be the best and often only wide range of issues,” reported U.S. News & World Report.
en’s decision to withdraw U.S. and coalition forces from way to protect vital national interests. There also are wars of “And virtually all of them reverse or stop actions taken by
the country. However, the rapidity and ease of the Tali- choice, in which a country goes to war even though the inter- Donald Trump.” From immigration to healthcare, the
ban’s advance provide a clear answer: that Biden made ests at stake are less than vital and there are nonmilitary adults set about cleaning up the mess left for them.
the right decision — and that he should not reverse tools that can be employed. To that end, he rejoined the Paris climate accord and set
course. Now, it seems, there are also withdrawals of choice, when to work on restoring the Iran deal.
Biden doubted that U.S.-led efforts to prop up the a government removes troops that it could have left in a the- But, on Afghanistan, the president’s hands were tied.
government in Kabul would ever enable it to stand on its ater of operation. It does not withdraw troops because their On Saturday, and again on Monday, he insisted that he
own. The international community took down Al Qaeda; mission has been accomplished, or their presence has be- “inherited” Trump’s deal and his hands were tied. But,
beat back the Taliban; supported, advised, trained and come untenable, or they are no longer welcomed by the host wanting it both ways, he also said he agreed with the policy
equipped the Afghan military; bolstered governing in- government. None of these conditions applied to the situa- that was forced on him.
stitutions; and invested in the country’s civil society. tion the U.S. found itself in Afghanistan at the start of Presi- It’s true, Trump’s disastrous deal with the Taliban
None of that created Afghan institutions capable of dent Biden’s administration. Withdrawal was a choice, and, would have had us withdraw by May 1, but because Biden
holding their own. as is often true of wars of choice, the results promise to be was such a grownup, he extended the deadline to Sept. 11 —
That is because the mission was fatally flawed from tragic. the 20-year anniversary of the attack that set this war in
the outset. It was a fool’s errand to try to turn Af- American troops first went to Afghanistan 20 years ago motion. In messaging terms, it was singularly the most
ghanistan into a centralized, unitary state. The coun- to fight alongside Afghan tribes seeking to oust the Taliban idiotic date he could pick. But he justified the extension to
try’s difficult topography, ethnic complexity, and tribal government that harbored Al Qaeda. The Taliban was soon ensure that “We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit.
and local loyalties produce enduring political fragmen- on the run, although many leaders escaped to Pakistan, We’ll do it — we’ll do it responsibly, deliberately and safely.”
tation. Its troubled neighborhoods and hostility to out- where over time they reconstituted themselves and re- On Sunday, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Secretary of
side interference make foreign intervention perilous. sumed the fight against the Afghan government. State Antony J. Blinken what to make of the fact that the
Biden made the tough and correct call to withdraw Troop numbers increased over the years — at one point spectacle in Afghanistan didn’t look particularly responsi-
and end a losing effort toward an unattainable goal. during Barack Obama’s presidency to more than 110,000 — ble, deliberate or safe. Blinken’s response: “Look. I think it
The case for withdrawal is also buttressed by the re- as U.S. ambitions in Afghanistan expanded. The cost was shows that we were prepared. The president was prepared
ality that even if the U.S. has fallen short on the nation- enormous: an estimated $2 trillion and close to 2,500 Ameri- for every contingency as this moved forward.”
building front, it has achieved its primary strategic goal: can lives, more than 1,100 lives of its coalition partners, as But Blinken also admitted, “the fact of the matter is,
preventing future attacks on America or its allies from well as up to 70,000 Afghan military casualties and nearly we’ve seen that that force has been unable to defend the
Afghan territory. The U.S. and its coalition partners 50,000 civilian deaths. The results, however, were modest: country, and that has happened more quickly than we
have decimated Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan. While an elected Afghan government (unique in the coun- anticipated.” On Monday, Biden confirmed he was taken
The same goes for the try’s history) controlled the big cities, its grip on power re- by surprise by the rapidity of the Afghan government’s
Afghan branch of the Is- mained tenuous, and the Taliban regained control over collapse but said it was all
lamic State, which has
The U.S. has many smaller towns and villages. because the Afghans were
demonstrated no ability
to carry out transnational achieved its
The U.S. intervention in Afghanistan was a classic case of
overreach, a limited war of necessity initiated in 2001 that
The Afghan “unwilling” to fight. He made
the obligatory “the buck
attacks from Afghanistan.
primary goal:
morphed over the years into a costly war of choice. But by collapse wasn’t stops with me” nod but also
In the meantime, the the time Biden assumed the presidency, overreach was a insisted the calamity was the
U.S. has built a global net-
preventing thing of the past. American troop levels were down to inevitable until fault of the Afghan army,
work of partners with
which to fight terrorism future attacks
around 3,000; their role was largely limited to training, advis-
ing and supporting the Afghan forces. There had not been
U.S. policy and which was trained and organ-
ized to depend on U.S. sup-
worldwide, share relevant
on America
an American combat fatality in Afghanistan since February leadership made port.
intelligence and jointly 2020. The modest U.S. presence was both an anchor for “In the wake of President
boost domestic defenses
from Afghan some 8,500 troops from allied countries and a military and it inevitable. Biden’s withdrawal decision,”
against terrorist attacks. psychological backstop for the Afghan government. the Wall Street Journal re-
The U.S. and its allies are
today much harder tar-
territory. In the U.S., Afghanistan had largely faded as an issue. Af-
ter 20 years, the U.S. had reached a level of limited involve-
ports, “the U.S. pulled its air
support, intelligence and contractors servicing Af-
gets than they were on ment commensurate with the stakes. Its presence would ghanistan’s planes and helicopters. That meant the Afghan
Sept. 11, 2001. Al Qaeda has not lead to military victory or peace, but it would avert the military simply couldn’t operate anymore.”
not been able to carry out a major overseas attack since collapse of a government that, however imperfect, was far One would think adults would have understood this and
the bombings in London in 2005. preferable to the alternative that is now taking power. planned accordingly — or at all. The collapse of the Afghan
There is, of course, no guarantee that the Taliban Sometimes what matters in foreign policy is not what you government wasn’t inevitable until we made it inevitable.
won’t again provide safe harbor to Al Qaeda or similar can accomplish but what you can avoid. Afghanistan was When I say “we,” I mean the entirety of the U.S. govern-
groups. But that outcome is highly unlikely. The Taliban such a case. ment and the foreign policy establishment. The military
has been doing just fine on its own and has little reason But this was not U.S. policy. Biden was working from a should have understood that immediately cutting off sup-
to revive its partnership with the likes of Al Qaeda. The script inherited from the administration of Donald Trump, port would cripple the Afghan military. And, knowing this,
Taliban will also want to maintain a measure of interna- which in February 2020 signed an accord with the Taliban someone should have threatened to resign as a way to
tional legitimacy and support, probably quashing any (cutting out the government of Afghanistan in the process) forestall this calamity.
temptation to host groups seeking to organize terrorist that set a May 2021 deadline for the withdrawal of U.S. com- This was Biden’s decision and he deserves all of the
attacks against foreign powers. Moreover, those groups bat troops. The agreement did not oblige the Taliban to dis- scorn he gets for it, but that doesn’t change the fact that
have little incentive to seek to regroup in Afghanistan arm or commit to a cease-fire, but only to agree not to host the Trump administration made this choice an easy one for
when they can do so more easily elsewhere. terrorist groups on Afghan territory. It was not a peace him. If Trump had his druthers, we would have left even
Finally, Biden is right to stand by his decision to end agreement but a pact that provided a fig leaf, and a thin one earlier, and the Taliban’s takeover would be just as assured
the military mission in Afghanistan, because doing so is at that, for American withdrawal. (Trump himself congratulated Biden’s “wonderful” deci-
consistent with the will of the electorate. Most Ameri- The Biden administration has honored this deeply sion to withdraw). It may not have happened as quickly —
cans, Democrats and Republicans alike, have lost pa- flawed agreement in every way but one: The deadline for full but the strategic goal was the same: abandon the Afghans,
tience with the “forever wars” in the Middle East. The il- U.S. military withdrawal was extended by just over three the same way he abandoned the Kurds.
liberal populism that led to Donald Trump’s election months. Biden rejected any policy that would have tied U.S. Perhaps what is most infuriating about this debacle is
(and near reelection) emerged in part as a response to troop withdrawal to conditions on the ground or additional how its defenders, on the left and right, cling to the idea
perceived American overreach in the broader Middle Taliban actions. Instead, fearing a scenario in which securi- that they are the sober realists. We should go to war only
East. Against a backdrop of decades of economic dis- ty conditions deteriorated and created pressure to take the when it is in our narrow, vital, self-interest, they thunder,
content among U.S. workers, recently exacerbated by politically unpopular step of redeploying troops, Biden sim- forgetting we invaded Afghanistan in the first place for
the devastation of the pandemic, voters want their tax ply removed all U.S. forces. precisely such reasons, with the most bipartisan support
dollars to go to Kansas, not Kandahar. As was widely predicted, momentum dramatically for use of force since we declared war on Japan.
The success of Biden’s effort to repair American shifted to the Taliban and away from the dispirited govern- The Biden administration justified our withdrawal on
democracy depends principally on delivering domestic ment after the announcement, and more so after the depar- the grounds that we need to switch to more serious geopo-
investment; the infrastructure and social policy bills ture. With the Taliban taking control of all of Afghanistan, litical rivalries, as with China. Maybe we do. But doing so
now moving through Congress are critical steps in the widespread reprisals, harsh repression of women and girls, didn’t require pulling a few thousand troops and contrac-
right direction. But foreign policy also matters. When and massive refugee flows are a near certainty. Preventing tors from Afghanistan. More importantly, does anyone
Biden pledges to pursue a “foreign policy for the middle terrorist groups from returning to the country will prove far truly believe that this self-inflicted blow to our national
class,” he needs to deliver by pursuing a brand of state- more difficult without an in-country presence. honor will improve our standing in the world? The signal
craft that enjoys the backing of the American public. Over time, there is the added danger that the Taliban will sent to Taiwan — and China — is that we can’t be counted
Afghanistan deserves the support of the interna- seek to extend its writ to much of Pakistan. If so, it would be on.
tional community for the foreseeable future. But the hard to miss the irony, as it was Pakistan’s provision of a That message, heard around the world, is an unforced
U.S.-led military mission has run its course. Sadly, the sanctuary to the Taliban for so many years that allowed it to strategic blunder. It’s also a moral one.
best the international community can do for now is help wage war. Now, it is possible that Afghanistan will become a Biden made “America is back” the unofficial slogan of
alleviate humanitarian suffering and press Afghans to sanctuary for taking the war to Pakistan — potentially a his presidency. Imagine how that phrase sounds to the
look to diplomacy, compromise and restraint as their nightmare scenario, given Pakistan’s fragility, large popula- Afghans swarming the Kabul airport. Or how it would have
country searches for a peaceful and stable political equi- tion, nuclear arsenal and history of war with India. sounded to the poor souls who clung to the outside of a
librium. Biden was recently asked if he harbored any regrets transport plane before they plummeted to their deaths? Or
about his decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Af- how hollow it sounds to the millions of Afghan girls facing
Charles A. Kupchan, a senior fellow at the Council on ghanistan. He replied that he did not. He should. forced marriages to Taliban fighters?
Foreign Relations, is a professor of international affairs If this is how adults behave, let’s give some children a
at Georgetown University and the author of Richard Haass, the president of the Council on Foreign shot.
“Isolationism: A History of America’s Efforts to Shield Relations, is the author, most recently, of “The World: A
Itself from the World.” Brief Introduction.” @JonahDispatch
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CALIFORNIA T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 1 7 , 2 0 2 1 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A

In court, he reverses
years of denials about
a crucial piece of
evidence in the case.
By James Queally

After years spent deny-

ing it, Robert Durst admit-
ted in court Monday that he
authored a crucial piece of
evidence in his Los Angeles
trial — the so-called cadaver
note — after discovering the
body of the woman he is now
charged with killing, Susan
Durst, 78, testified last
week that he and Berman
had planned a Christmas
“staycation” in Los Angeles
and that he was traveling to
Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times
see her the week she was
GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM’S recent mandates on masks and vaccinations were orders by his public health officer, not executive orders. killed.
On Monday morning, he

Could GOP roll back virus rules?

described arriving at her
house in December 2000 and
entering using a key she had
mailed him, only to find his
decades-long confidante
bleeding on the floor a short
has promised to take quick time later.
Candidates to replace action to undo Newsom’s “I did a double take. I saw
policies. During a news con- Susan lying on the floor,” he
Newsom vow to undo ference on Friday, he called said. “I shouted ‘Susan!’ a
his mandates. They mask mandates an “assault couple of times, then I
on freedom.” quickly ran to the bedroom
could, with caveats. “When I win I will fight where she was. Her eyes
any and all vaccine and were closed.”
By Phil Willon mask govt mandates at Durst said after checking
state and local level,” Elder to see if Berman had a pulse
SACRAMENTO — Re- tweeted to his followers. [See Durst, B2]
publicans hoping to replace Elder’s comment came
Gov. Gavin Newsom after shortly after San Francisco
the Sept. 14 recall election decided to require proof of
have vowed to rescind a se- full vaccination against
ries of statewide COVID-19
vaccination and mask man-
dates, and, given the broad
COVID-19 for restaurants,
bars, gyms and other indoor
venues. The Los Angeles
executive authority granted
to California governors, they
almost certainly could make
good on those promises if
City Council on Wednesday
called for a similar ordi-
The day before, Elder and
Should Newsom lose the
election and a Republican
other GOP candidates were
critical of Newsom’s an-
nouncement that public
take his place, GOP lawmak-
ers and activists who have
condemned the Democratic
Sam Hodgson San Diego Union-Tribune
JOHN COX is in the field of Republican candidates who have gone on the
school teachers and staff
members will be required to
be vaccinated or be tested
governor’s use of his sweep- offensive like never before in the recall race to replace Gov. Gavin Newsom. regularly for the co-
ing powers would be poised ronavirus.
to have a political ally in of-
fice who could wield those
very same powers to imple-
ment their own policies.
Latino anger just might That order followed earli-
er directives by the Newsom
administration that, with
limited exceptions, require
A scuffle breaks out
as the councilman
A new Republican gover-
nor may decide to follow the
lead of those in Texas and
Florida and issue executive
cost the governor his job all public school children to
wear masks in class, all
healthcare workers to be
vaccinated and all state em-
pushes a ban on tents
near public schools.
By David Zahniser
orders banning mask man- GUSTAVO ARELLANO An Anaheim Union High School ployees to be vaccinated or
dates in defiance of masking District trustee had announced he tested for the virus.
requirements enacted by Let me tell you a story about wanted to sue Mexico for $50 million for Other well-known Re- Los Angeles City Coun-
counties, cities and school the political performance- educating the children of undocumented publicans running in the re- cilman Joe Buscaino upped
districts. But any attempt to enhancing drug called immigrants. The issue was personal for call election also oppose the ante in the debate over
do so could be blocked by the anger. me: I had graduated from Anaheim High mask mandates, including where and how to restrict
Democrats who control the It was the summer 1999. I School just two years earlier and was the former San Diego Mayor homeless encampments,
California Legislature and was about to start my junior son of a man who came to this country in Kevin Faulconer, 2018 guber- calling on his colleagues to
challenged in court, as is cur- year at Chapman Uni- the trunk of a Chevy. natorial candidate John prohibit tents from going up
rently happening in those versity, where I was a film Although I considered myself liberal, Cox, Rocklin Assemblyman within 500 feet of any public
two states. major with dreams of mak- politics was an abstract concept that I Kevin Kiley and former school in the city.
Conservative talk-show ing enough money to leave Anaheim didn’t want to involve myself in — until I Northern California Rep. Buscaino, who is running
host Larry Elder, who recent forever and buy a big house in, of all did. That’s how I found myself as the first Doug Ose. for mayor, said he wants the
polls show leads the field of places, Thousand Oaks. speaker to address the board meeting “I have consistently council to use its new anti-
candidates running to re- But I was furious. [See Arellano, B5] urged my fellow Californians camping ordinance to make
place Newsom if he’s ousted, to [See Recall, B5] sidewalks around more than
1,000 campuses “no camping
The councilman an-
nounced his proposal out-

First day of school brings mix of emotions side Larchmont Charter

School in Hollywood on
Monday, the first day of
school for hundreds of thou-
sands of children in the Los
health clearance. some adjustment. Angeles Unified School Dis-
Many are frustrated She had done everything Opening day at the na- trict. But his event was
right Sunday night, pre- tion’s second-largest school swiftly cut short when one of
with glitches in health checking the district’s Daily district unfolded with a his aides got into a brief scuf-
protocols but happy Pass website so it would be mix of emotions: frustration [See Homelessness, B4]
smooth going the next over long waits and techno-
to be back on campus. morning. But on Monday, logical troubles, anxiety over
the system wouldn’t load. health protocols and con-
By Melissa Gomez, They arrived at school early, cern for how things would go
Laura Newberry around 7:50 a.m., to check in, for children who have been PG&E warns of
and Colleen Shalby and an hour later, there they learning online for a year and power shutoffs
stood. a half.
The lines to enter South “Que locura,” she said. But for many, the sense of With strong winds
Gate’s South East High This is madness. joy and relief at being to- expected in Northern
School and South East Mid- “I imagined it was going gether again eased the woes. California, the utility
dle School at 9 a.m. Monday to be crazy,” she added, but Soon enough, though, says it might cut
were each about 200 stu- not as bad as it was. Still, she problems accessing the dis- electricity to some
dents deep. said, she would have pa- trict’s online Daily Pass 39,000 residents. B2
Kony Aguillon sat in the tience. It was only the first health screening system be- Al Seib Los Angeles Times
Lottery ...................... B2
shade while her son, an day, and this new set of safe- gan to surface — leading to SIXTH-GRADERS wait to enter their classroom
Weather .................... B6
eighth-grader, waited for his ty protocols is going to take [See First day, B4] Monday at the Girls Academic Leadership Academy.

SPORTS ON THE BACK: Angels’ bats go silent in makeup game against the Yankees. B10
B2 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 S L AT I M E S . C O M

PG&E warns of power shutoffs amid Dixie fire

Strong winds and high
temperatures raise the
risk of utility lines
sparking more blazes.
By Lila Seidman and
Alex Wigglesworth

As the Dixie fire contin-

ues to rage, Pacific Gas &
Electric Co. has announced
that it could cut power Tues-
day night for roughly 39,000
residents in 16 Northern Cal-
ifornia counties to reduce
the risk of wildfires from en-
ergized power lines.
Strong southwest winds
were expected to arrive in
the northern part of the
state Monday, colliding with
searing temperatures and
parched vegetation — a
cocktail of conditions that is
known to stoke extreme fire
A red flag warning for the
Dixie burn area is expected
to last through 10 p.m. Tues-
day, as gusts are expected to
peak at 35 mph. Tempera-
tures will hover in the
mid-90s, potentially hitting
triple digits in some areas.
PG&E began alerting
customers about the pos-
sible shutoffs on Sunday
through text, email and
automated calls.
The utility has said its
equipment may have
sparked the massive Dixie
fire, which broke out July 13
near where a tree fell into a
power line. It took a worker
about 10 hours to reach the
remote site and observe
flames, company officials
Nine days after the Dixie
fire started, PG&E equip- Mel Melcon Los Angeles Times
ment may have ignited the SMOKE from the Dixie fire engulfs the town of Greenville, which was leveled by the blaze. Unhealthy air quality plagues areas far from the
Fly fire nearly 30 miles to the fire, including the Antelope Valley, 400 miles to the south. Meanwhile, more than 39,000 Californians are facing potential power shutoffs.
northeast, a blaze that even-
tually merged with Dixie. mote Gold Rush town of are ravaging Northern Cali- Farland fire glowing orange such as food and water, fire Bilbao said it’s not un-
As of Monday morning, Greenville and has de- fornia, including the Monu- over her husband’s cabin officials said. usual for authorities to face
Dixie covered a monstrous stroyed at least 1,173 struc- ment and McFarland fires to early Monday, followed The National Multi- resource limitations when
569,707 acres, growing by tures, including more than the northwest of the Dixie several hours later by an Agency Coordinating Group the NIFC is operating at Pre-
roughly 50,000 acres since 630 homes, according to the fire, which were sparked in image of evacuations under- within the NIFC, which paredness Level 5, meaning
Friday. After burning for latest incident report. More late July by lightning. way. works with local officials to that at least 80% of the coun-
more than a month, it is only than 14,800 structures re- The Monument fire had “Be safe everyone!” she prioritize needs and re- try’s incident management
31% contained. It is the sec- main threatened by the chewed through 97,287 acres wrote. sources, recently issued teams and wildland fire-
ond-largest wildfire in Cali- flames. by Monday and was 10% con- More than 10,700 fire- memos warning of a short- fighters are deployed.
fornia history. Another blaze, the Mor- tained. A new evacuation or- fighters are battling 10 large age of radio communica- This year, the NIFC en-
PG&E said in a news re- gan fire, merged Sunday der was issued for the wildfires across California tions equipment and advis- tered its highest prepared-
lease that the planned shut- with the northwestern por- Barker Mountain area and that, combined, have ing firefighters arriving at ness level on July 14, versus
offs are a preemptive step to tion of the Dixie fire, expand- northwest of Hayfork Sum- burned more than 1 million incidents to bring enough Aug. 18 last year — meaning
tamp down risk amid the ing it by several hundred mit, with additional places acres, according to the food and water for three that as the West enters peak
dangerous weather condi- acres, fire spokesperson under evacuation warnings. state’s Department of For- days because of high de- fire season, many personnel
tions. David Janssen said. Details can be found on the estry and Fire Protection. mand on caterers, bottled have already been battling
Most of the residents in With fierce winds ap- Trinity County Sheriff ’s Of- Nationwide, 97 large fires water and shower units. large blazes for a month.
the potential shutoff area — proaching, there is concern fice Facebook page. and complexes have The memos affect fire- Bilbao said officials are
about 27,000 — are in Butte the blaze will continue to The McFarland fire — at scorched more than 2 mil- fighters who are responding aware of reports of person-
and Shasta counties, PG&E grow. 51,909 acres and 68% con- lion acres, according to the to large, team-managed nel shortages but noted that
said in a news release. How- “A lot of these lines will be tained — continued to National Interagency Fire fires, said Carrie Bilbao, a the 25,000 people fighting
ever, residents in 14 other tested today,” Janssen said prompt evacuations Mon- Center, or NIFC. public information officer. fires across the country as of
counties — Glenn, Hum- Monday, “and it’s going to be day in three counties. It’s still early in the fire All of the caterers con- Sunday remained below last
boldt, Lake, Lassen, Mendo- pushing pretty hard up there The Shasta County Sher- season, and new blazes con- tracted by the government year’s peak of 32,000.
cino, Napa, Plumas, Sierra, on that north end.” iff ’s Office announced tinue to crop up. to feed those at large inci- It’s difficult to determine
Solano, Sonoma, Tehama, Toward the north lies mandatory evacuations f Around 7 p.m. Saturday, dents were already working, whether there’s a shortage,
Trinity, Yolo and Yuba — Lassen National Forest, as or the community of Platina, a blaze that has been named so the group had to hire local she said. “Especially when
may also be affected. well as Lassen Volcanic Na- including all residences the Caldor fire sprang up in caterers through an emer- you have multiple geo-
Temperatures could top tional Park, where flames ar- and roadways from the El Dorado County, roughly gency equipment order, Bil- graphic areas having multi-
100 degrees Monday in parts rived in early August and Trinity-Shasta county line four miles south of Grizzly bao said. ple fires, resources are kind
of Butte and Shasta coun- forced the park’s closure. to the Shasta-Tehama Flats and two miles east of “It sounds like there are of spread thin, because
ties. Smoke will envelope “It’s a treasure up there,” county line. Omo Ranch, according to an more caterers becoming they’re needed across multi-
both counties; plumes con- Janssen said of the park, A temporary evacuation incident report. available, so it should be ple areas,” she said.
tinue to plague areas far noting that the fire has rap- point was opened at Shasta Less than two days later, good,” Bilbao said Sunday. That contrasts with pre-
from the burn sites. A 48- idly expanded through for- County’s Igo Ono Platina the fire had burned 754 acres “But until they lift it, and as vious years, when only one or
hour smoke advisory of un- ested areas. Union Elementary for those through heavy timber and long as we continue to see a two areas were “in dire
healthy air quality was is- The Dixie fire has de- fleeing the fire, a regional up steep terrain, spurring high need for resources, they need,” and resources could
sued Monday for the An- stroyed timber worth more chapter of the American mandatory evacuation or- just want everyone to be pre- be shifted accordingly.
telope Valley — an area more than $1 billion. Still under Red Cross announced in a ders for Leoni Meadows and pared.” “This year, we’re seeing
than 400 miles south of the threat is additional timber tweet. Big Mountain. The demand on radio more need in multiple areas
Dixie fire. worth $1 billion, according to Michelle Gorelow, a Ne- The concurrent blazes equipment is in part caused all at once, and so that’s
Although the cause of the the U.S. Forest Service. vada assemblywoman, have strained personnel and by the sheer size of some of what has been unusual,” she
fire remains under review, Several other wildfires tweeted a photo of the Mc- access to basic necessities the fires, she said. said.
prosecutors in at least two
counties are investigating
PG&E for potential criminal
charges, saying the utility
should have been aware of
the high risk of fire in the
canyon. It is the same can-
yon where PG&E equip-
In court, Durst admits he wrote ‘cadaver note’
ment ignited the 2018 Camp [Durst, from B1] versal, after the defense had
fire. The utility pleaded and trying to lift her off the spent years attempting to
guilty to 84 counts of floor, he ran to another room block testimony from hand-
manslaughter after the town to call 911 but the phone line writing experts who might
of Paradise was decimated was not working. be able to confirm Durst
in that blaze. After that, he said, he left penned the cryptic message.
PG&E had planned to the home and tried to con- At the time, Durst’s at-
bury the power line that tact authorities from a pay torneys called it a “strategic
might have started the Dixie phone on Sunset Boulevard, decision” but did not elabo-
fire as part of a safety cam- roughly two miles away. rate.
paign announced after the But when an operator an- DeGuerin also repeat-
Camp fire, but work on the swered his call from the pay edly sought to undercut the
project hadn’t yet begun. phone, Durst said, he prosecution’s theory of the
The Dixie fire has started to have reservations. crime Monday: that Durst
torched parts of Plumas, “I decided I did not want killed Berman to wall off a
Lassen, Tehama and Butte to give them my name,” he resurgent investigation into
counties, forcing thousands said. “I was aware that my the 1982 disappearance of
to evacuate. voice is very recognizable his wife, Kathleen. Prose-
The blaze leveled the re- even without a name.” cutors have long argued
Durst said he instead Berman knew Durst killed
opted to write what has his first wife and had helped
come to be known as the ca- him concoct a false alibi in
daver note — a scrap of pa- the case.
Lottery results per containing only On Monday, DeGuerin
Tonight’s Mega Millions Berman’s address on Bene- asked Durst several times
Estimated jackpot: $242 million dict Canyon Drive and the whether Berman had any-
Sales close at 7:45 p.m. word “cadaver” — and mai- thing to blackmail him with.
For Monday, Aug. 16, 2021 led it to the Beverly Hills Po- “Someone must have had
lice Department. a reason, a motive, whatever,
Fantasy Five: 4-17-28-29-38 Under questioning from Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times to kill Susan Berman,” Durst
Daily Four: 4-3-2-6 his lead defense attorney, ROBERT DURST , 78, testified at his trial on Monday that he wrote and mailed said. “And I had no reason to
Dick DeGuerin, Durst ad- an unsigned letter to Beverly Hills police after finding Susan Berman’s body. kill Susan Berman.”
Daily Three (midday): 7-7-2 mitted he had lied about au- Durst also said he knew
Daily Three (evening): 5-3-9 thoring the note repeatedly moment in “The Jinx.” After of course,” which many have LICE,” “1527 BENEDICT Berman was cooperating
over the years, including being confronted with a let- taken as a confession. CANYON” and “CADAVER” with the renewed investiga-
Daily Derby:
during interviews for the ter Durst supposedly wrote The note has also been a for comparison to the only tion being conducted by
(10) Solid Gold
(9) Winning Spirit HBO documentary series to Berman in 1999 that con- key part of the Los Angeles phrases contained in the ca- prosecutors in Westchester
(12) Lucky Charms “The Jinx.” tained the same misspelling Police Department’s investi- daver note. County, N.Y., but insisted he
Race time: 1:49.63 “It’s a very difficult thing of the word “Beverly” that gations into Durst for nearly Durst’s legal team first was not worried about it.
to believe,” he said Monday. appeared on the cadaver two decades. In 2002, detect- acknowledged he would ad- DeGuerin is expected to
Results on the internet: “I mean, I have difficulty be- note, Durst walked into a ives obtained a writing sam- mit he was at the scene of continue questioning Durst lieving it myself, that I would restroom. ple from Durst under a Berman’s murder and wrote into Tuesday, and prose-
General information: write the letter if I had not Unaware he was still be- judge’s order. The real estate the cadaver note in court pa- cutors will probably cross-
(800) 568-8379
(Results not available at this number)
killed Susan Berman.” ing recorded, he muttered heir scribbled the words pers filed in late 2019. The examine the defendant for
The note triggered a key the phrase “killed them all, “BEVERLEY HILLS PO- move marked an abrupt re- several days.
L AT I M E S . C O M T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 B3


San Diego Santa

employers Clara
urged to
push shots sheriff
By Jonathan Wosen
and Mike Freeman

SAN DIEGO — San Di- San Jose mayor cites

ego County officials called
on employers Monday to alleged prison abuse,
require their workers to wants Laurie Smith to
get vaccinated against
COVID-19 or receive a weekly resign after 23 years.
The recommendation By Melissa Hernandez
would apply to public and
private employers as well as After multiple allega-
nonprofits. It’s the latest tions of inmate abuse and
measure local officials have neglect as well as corruption
taken to combat a wave of in- in Santa Clara County jails,
fections and hospitali- San Jose Mayor Sam
zations driven by the fast- Liccardo is calling for the
spreading Delta variant of resignation of Sheriff Laurie
the coronavirus. Smith.
But will it work? Liccardo says there’s no
The answer will depend Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times question that Smith, who
on how many businesses ON A ROLL has been the county’s top
heed the county’s call. law enforcement officer for
“I have talked to a lot of Skaters are among bicyclists Sunday on Avalon Boulevard during CicLAvia in Wilmington. Public nearly two dozen years,
employers who said, ‘You streets were closed to cars on the 2.25-mile route from Banning Park to Wilmington Waterfront Park. should step down.
know what? A little nudge “As a former criminal
would help us out,’ ” county prosecutor, I believe in the
Supervisor Nathan Fletcher necessity of jail detention to
said. serve public safety, but in
It’s a message that Jerry
Sanders, chief executive of
the San Diego Regional
Chamber of Commerce, ech-
Ridley-Thomas to stay put on any civil society, the safety of
inmates themselves must
also be protected,” Liccardo
said during a news confer-
ence Monday.
“I applaud the county for
doing that. I think it makes
sense,” he said. “I think the
fact that the county came
out and recommended it
council, won’t run for mayor Liccardo is the first
elected official to publicly
call for the resignation of
Smith, first voted into office
in 1998 and the longest-serv-
helps smaller employers become the U.S. ambas- ing elected sheriff in Santa
think about doing it and His decision could sador to India but first must Clara County. The mayor
helps them do it. A lot of em- be confirmed by the U.S. said Smith’s alleged
ployers probably didn’t boost the likelihood Senate. mismanagement has
know they could.” that Rep. Karen Bass Ridley-Thomas has “destroyed lives and vio-
It remains unclear how served in multiple public of- lated the most basic of civil
many businesses will insti- would join the race. fices, including the Los An- rights of inmates” and has
tute vaccine requirements geles County Board of Su- created a “dystopian place of
for their workers, but many By David Zahniser pervisors and the state Sen- horrible suffering.”
of the region’s largest em- ate. According to the mayor,
ployers have already done so Los Angeles City Coun- He returned to the City Smith’s 23 years in office
or plan to soon. cilman Mark Ridley-Thom- Council in December after have resulted in a slew of
That includes the re- as announced Monday that an 18-year absence, repre- egregious abuse allegations,
gion’s 48,500 federal employ- he will not run for mayor, senting a district that including:
ees and 45,200 state employ- saying he intends to keep his stretches from Koreatown to 8 repeated severe beat-
ees. President Biden and focus on addressing the Leimert Park and the Cren- ings of inmates;
Gov. Gavin Newsom have al- city’s homelessness crisis. shaw corridor. 8 repeated concealment
ready issued mandates for Ridley-Thomas, who has While laying out his polit- of facts related to those inci-
federal and state workers, represented parts of South ical plans, Ridley-Thomas dents;
respectively. Los Angeles for three dec- also offered some assess- 8 tens of millions of tax-
It also includes San Di- ades, told an audience at the Dania Maxwell Los Angeles Times ments of the officials seeking payer dollars paid to liti-
ego County’s own 18,000 Los Angeles Current Affairs MARK RIDLEY-THOMAS , shown in November, to replace Garcetti. He criti- gants alleging civil rights
workers. County employees Forum he would stay on the says he would have more power to address homeless- cized Buscaino’s more ag- violations by deputies;
who haven’t proved that council, where he chairs the ness as an L.A. councilman than if he were mayor. gressive approach to en- 8 two consent decrees re-
they’re vaccinated will have powerful committee cur- forcement around homeless sulting in $450 million in
to wear masks indoors and rently grappling with how to confirmed that she had been encampments, saying, “you public expenditures to im-
get tested weekly beginning
Aug. 23. Fletcher said there
find housing and services for
tens of thousands of people
asked by supporters to con-
sider her own mayoral run.
‘The city needs can’t get well in a cell.”
“I’m not going to use this
prove jail conditions and op-
will be disciplinary action for living on the streets. Some in her orbit had sug- her leadership time to bang on any col- 8 an ongoing criminal
those who don’t comply but “My calling and focus is gested that she would be far leagues of mine, but if Joe bribery investigation, result-
said the county is still deter- that of the homeless crisis in less likely to run if Ridley- abilities and her Buscaino thinks he has the ing in the indictment of two
mining what that would look
like — such as whether em-
the city of Los Angeles, and I
will double down and lean in
Thomas was in the race.
Ridley-Thomas said he
coalition skills to right answer to the problem,
then let me just give him a
top aides and a campaign
ployees who refuse to get on that particular issue,” he has not asked Bass to enter bring people news flash: Joe, you got it 8 and a pay-to-play scan-
vaccinated or tested would said. the contest but predicted wrong,” Ridley-Thomas told dal involving $300,000 in
be fired. Ridley-Thomas said he she would be a formidable together.’ the group. “You can’t arrest union contributions toward
About 2.8 million San had not been concerned by force if she did. your way out of this prob- Smith’s 2018 reelection cam-
Diegans are currently eligi- polling or by the challenge of “If she were to run, it —Kerman Maddox, lem.” paign.
ble for a COVID-19 vaccine, raising money for a mayoral would send terror through public affairs consultant, Asked about Feuer, Rid- “When a grand jury in-
but 500,000 of them have yet bid. But he argued that he the ranks” of the other can- on Rep. Karen Bass ley-Thomas had a more fa- dicts the sheriff ’s top assist-
to get their shots. would have more power to didates, he said. (D-Los Angeles) vorable take, saying: “Each ants and campaign fund-
County officials pointed address homelessness as a Council President Nury time I call him, he’s respon- raiser on bribery charges
to recent data as a good rea- councilman than if he were Martinez, who is weighing sive.” relating to contributions to
son they should. Over the mayor, a position that would her own mayoral bid, said Kerman Maddox, a Buscaino issued a state- her own reelection efforts,
last 30 days, Fletcher said, have required him to focus praised Ridley-Thomas for public affairs consultant ment Monday saying Ridley- we should have serious con-
people who are not fully im- more heavily on the Police his compassion, saying he long involved in civic issues. Thomas’ description of his cerns,” Liccardo said. “But
munized have accounted for Department, the Fire De- “would have been a compel- “The city needs her leader- views was both untrue and when the same sheriff — the
92% of new infections and partment and many other ling candidate” in next year’s ship abilities and her coali- “out of touch.” top law enforcement official
98% of hospitalizations. city agencies. election. tion skills to bring people to- The councilman said he in the county — then refuses
Cases in the region have So far, City Atty. Mike Others in L.A. political gether.” has been pushing to restore to cooperate with that same
continued to climb since the Feuer, City Councilman Joe circles said they would turn Several others — real es- “basic rules” for access to bribery investigation for fear
Fourth of July. In mid-July, Buscaino and San Fernando their attention to Bass, who tate developer Rick Caruso, city sidewalks while also of incriminating herself, the
San Diego was seeing 200 to Valley real estate agent Mel is well-liked in progressive Councilman Kevin de León, adding a thousand units of time for concern is long
300 new infections a day, but Wilson have entered the race circles and was considered Councilman Paul Krekorian permanent and transitional past.”
now cases routinely reach to succeed Mayor Eric for a vacant U.S. Senate seat and Jessica Lall, head of the housing — both of which Liccardo’s announce-
1,000 or more a day. The Garcetti, who was first and as a running mate for Central City Assn. — are still serve homeless people — in ment comes days after two
number of San Diegans in a elected to the post in 2013. President Biden last year. weighing their options and his Watts-to-San Pedro dis- members of the Santa Clara
hospital with COVID-19 has Ridley-Thomas’ an- “Ridley-Thomas sup- have not ruled out a mayoral trict. County Board of Super-
risen from about 100 to 500 in nouncement comes a few porters like me will be work- bid. “The result is much visors called for an investiga-
that same time. weeks after another well- ing hard to convince Con- Garcetti’s term ends in cleaner streets and a safer tion into Smith and the
“It will get worse before it known political figure in gresswoman Karen Bass to December 2022, but he could community for all — without Sheriff ’s Office after the in-
gets better,” said Dr. Wilma South Los Angeles, Demo- return home to Los Angeles leave much earlier. He has arresting anyone,” Buscaino juries and deaths of multiple
Wooten, the county’s public cratic U.S. Rep. Karen Bass, and run for mayor in 2022,” been nominated by Biden to said. inmates at the jails.
health officer. “But the way Supervisors Joe Simitan
out of that is for people to get and Otto Lee have called for
vaccinated.” the public release of a report
Notably, the county is not and audio recording related
requiring businesses to
mandate workplace vacci-
nation and isn’t issuing a
vaccine mandate for the
public. Instead, officials con-
Brain-eating amoeba kills child to a 2018 incident involving
Andrew Hogan, a mentally
ill man who became severely
disabled after he was repeat-
edly injured while riding in a
tinue to recommend that ev- David was infected after amoeba — can further devel- “they want people to be jail transport van unre-
eryone who’s eligible to get a Boy, 7, was infected swimming in a freshwater op into a stiff neck, seizures aware of this amoeba and strained. At the time, Hogan
vaccine do so. lake last month in Tehama or hallucinations. the illness signs.” was having a mental health
It’s a move that mimics after swimming in a County, although public David was rushed to the According to the CDC’s crisis and received no assist-
the county’s stance on mask- freshwater lake in health officials for the emergency room July 30 and website, the Naegleria fowl- ance from deputies or jail
ing, where it has asked all county have not disclosed then flown to UC Davis Med- eri parasite infects people staff, according to the Mer-
San Diegans to mask in- Northern California. which body of water. ical Center, Hayley said, when contaminated water cury News.
doors regardless of vaccina- “People get infected where he was placed on life enters a person’s body Liccardo said he was re-
tion status without requir- By Melissa Hernandez when water containing the support with severe brain through the nose. Infection cently made aware of an al-
ing that residents do so. amoeba goes up the nose swelling. He died eight days usually occurs from swim- leged long-standing practice
When asked whether the A 7-year-old Tehama forcefully,” the Tehama later. ming in warm, freshwater put in place by Smith, man-
county would consider County boy has died after County Health Services There have been only 10 lakes and rivers, although in dating that officers from po-
masking or vaccination contracting a rare but severe Agency wrote in an Aug. 4 cases of primary amoebic rare instances, swimmers lice departments disable
mandates in the future and brain-eating amoeba after news release. “From the meningoencephalitis, or also can contract the para- body-worn cameras when
what would trigger such a swimming in a lake in North- nose, the amoeba can some- PAM, reported in California site from inhaling untreated booking certain inmates
change, Fletcher repeatedly ern California, his family times migrate to the brain since 1971, according to the pool water. into the jail, precluding any
declined to provide a direct said. and destroy brain tissue.” Tehama County Health Because of the extremely video evidence of abuse from
answer. He also would not David Pruitt died from In the initial stage of in- Services Agency. Health offi- low occurrence of primary correctional officers.
say whether the county has primary amoebic meningo- fection, symptoms can in- cials recommend if anyone amoebic meningoencephali- That mandate was
the authority to enact strict- encephalitis Aug. 7, Crystal clude a severe headache, fe- has had nasal exposure to tis, and how rapidly the in- halted in June, Liccardo
er measures, though other Hayley, the boy’s aunt, said. ver, nausea and vomiting, warm freshwater in the last fection progresses, the para- said.
California counties are “We are sad and broken- according to the U.S. Cen- 10 days and develops symp- site can be difficult to detect, Deputy Cian Jackson, a
clearly doing so. hearted to report that our ters for Disease Control and toms to consult a doctor im- the CDC website says. No spokesperson for the Santa
sweet little David has passed Prevention. As the infection mediately. method currently exists that Clara County Sheriff ’s Of-
Wosen and Freeman write on,” Hayley wrote on a Go- worsens, symptoms — David’s family has de- could accurately measure fice, said the department
for the San Diego FundMe page for the child’s which appear one to nine clined several interview re- the amount of amoebae in was planning to hold a news
Union-Tribune. family. days after exposure to the quests, but Hayley said that water. conference Tuesday.
B4 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 S L AT I M E S . C O M

Activists target Buscaino event, and chaos ensues

[Homelessness, from B1] nounced Buscaino’s propos- Buscaino’s proposal is Buscaino has already
fle with a group of protesters al, saying it wrongly insinu- part of a lengthy tug of war proposed that the ordinance
who had surrounded Bus- ated that people living on at City Hall over how far, and be used to prohibit encamp-
caino, yelling and waving the streets are criminals who how fast, to enforce the city’s ments around homeless
signs as the councilman at- pose a threat to children and anti-camping law. shelters in his district, which
tempted to deliver his re- families. Henderson, in an Homeless advocates stretches from Watts to San
marks. interview a day earlier, have accused city leaders of Pedro. But other council
The incident began when called Buscaino’s proposal criminalizing poverty by set- members have taken steps
Buscaino spokesman Bran- “evil, pure and simple.” ting up a new process that to limit enforcement.
imir Kvartuc grabbed one of “What it ignores is that could cause people living on The council’s homeless-
the protesters’ signs, which there are unhoused families the streets to receive cita- ness committee voted 3 to 1
had come close to the coun- that are going into these tions for camping in certain on Thursday to recommend
cilman’s face. The protester, schools, families that love locations. But business that outreach and enforce-
who identified herself only their kids just as much as the groups and some neighbor- ment around parks, schools
as Stevie, tried to stop him, housed community,” he hood organizations have and other sensitive areas be
yelling at him to get his said. voiced support for new re- limited to 15 locations be-
hands off her. School board member strictions, saying the city tween September and Feb-
Theo Henderson, host Kelly Gonez also criticized needs to restore access to its ruary. Such a strategy would
and creator of the podcast Buscaino’s effort, calling it public spaces. effectively give each of the
“We the Unhoused,” stepped David Zahniser Los Angeles Times “incredibly disappointing.” The ordinance, which re- council’s 15 members the
in and pushed Kvartuc away COUNCILMAN Joe Buscaino, right, looks on as his “Permanent housing is ceived a final vote last ability to target one location
from the protester, shoving aide scuffles with activists during a news conference the solution to homeless- month, prohibits people during that time frame.
him into the lectern. in Hollywood on homeless encampment rules. ness, and this action gets us from sitting, sleeping, lying Council members Mark
“Branimir! Branimir!” no closer to solving the cur- or storing property on side- Ridley-Thomas, Nithya Ra-
Buscaino yelled. grabbed the stick to move it gathered behind Buscaino rent humanitarian crisis,” walks that are within 500 feet man and Kevin de León
The crowd spilled into away from [Buscaino’s] to ensure that he would not she wrote on Twitter. of “sensitive uses,” such as voted in favor of that strate-
the street, with protesters face,” he said. “That is all provide television cameras Buscaino scheduled his parks, libraries, schools and gy, which still needs approv-
yelling at Kvartuc and de- that I was doing.” the encampment as a back- news conference in a section day-care centers. But it also al from the full council.
manding that police officers It was the second Bus- drop. of Hollywood represented by places limits on the city’s Ridley-Thomas argued
arrest him. Stevie, who caino news conference on Amy Held, executive di- Councilman Mitch O’Far- ability to enforce those re- in favor of the more limited
showed up as part of the homelessness to end in dis- rector of Larchmont Char- rell. Dan Halden, an O’Far- strictions. approach, saying the city
Services Not Sweeps Coali- array in recent months. ter School, said she viewed rell spokesman, said his boss Under the ordinance, en- should start off with a pilot
tion, told officers that they In June, Buscaino was the situation on L.A.’s had not been aware of Bus- forcement cannot take place program and then assess
should not be protecting hustled out of a news streets as a humanitarian caino’s news conference un- near schools and other pub- next year whether its street
Kvartuc. conference on the Venice crisis. But she said she also til Buscaino issued his advis- lic facilities unless the coun- engagement teams are
“That man grabbed my boardwalk after someone on has a responsibility to make ory. cil has voted to give the go- working effectively to move
sign down and then elbowed the scene noticed that a sure her kids arrive at school “Our team’s focus, both ahead. Signs would need to people indoors.
me,” she told The Times. homeless woman near him safely. in this area of Hollywood be installed in a particular “The objective is to get
“It’s all on video. And then had a knife. “I just want to make sure and throughout the 13th Dis- location and remain up for 14 this right, and then be able
the whole crew came, be- Buscaino gave Monday’s that the streets, the side- trict, will continue to be on days before enforcement to build on our successes,”
cause we’re not going to let remarks near a stretch of walks, around our campuses outreaching to people expe- could begin. he said in a statement.
men assault women, on Selma Avenue lined on both are unobstructed, so that riencing homelessness and Enforcement also would Buscaino cast the lone
camera or off.” sides with tents, bicycle our kids can get to and from effectively connecting them be accompanied by the ar- opposing vote, arguing that
Kvartuc, in a phone call, parts and other possessions. school,” she said. to housing and resources,” rival of “street engagement” the process would be too
denied elbowing anyone. “I Protesters said they had Homeless advocates de- he said. teams that would spend up slow and bureaucratic.
to four months offering shel- The proposal for more
ter and other services to limited enforcement next
those living outside in a tar- heads to the council’s energy
geted area, according to a and environment commit-
city report issued last tee, which is headed by
month. O’Farrell.

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& street parking available. "721" Back house: ALL UTILITIES time. School staff rushed to members and Los Angeles
PAID BY OWNER (except cable/phone) Built in 2020, spa-
cious 1+1 w/attached garage for storage/extra space. Only find quick fixes. Unified interim Supt. Megan
street parking avail for back house. In the early morning at Reilly, who read the Mc-
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pointment 760-913-7360. Check websites for upcoming John Marshall High in Los Cloud book to 10 first-
**WE BUY ALL RUGS** open houses. Won't last!! Apply Now!
723 W 106th and 721 W 106th St LA 90044, call for more
Feliz, lines of students wait- graders in Sanchez-Here-
ANTIQUES 310-801-2450
info: 760-913-7360/Erika ing to enter extended two dia’s classroom. Other stu-
AUTOS FOR SALE blocks. By 9 a.m., some dents in the class were still
students were still waiting, waiting to get through the
Lost 1994 Mercedes Benz SL600
having missed part of the screening process.
949-369-0318 Legal Notices first class. Sanchez-Heredia has
NOTICE! Gary Garcia, the princi- been vaccinated, so she feels
pal, found a workaround for safe, but she worries about
Tuesday in case the Daily her students.
EMPLOYMENT AND Pass system is still slow to “I feel protected,” she
Nina Ann BUTLER ACCULTURATION respond. He’s asking stu- said. “My little guys, I just
Born in or around 1979 in Out of State dents to take screenshots of feel that I don’t want them to
Daughter of Joanne Yan
The County of Los Angeles, their passes prior to arriving get sick. I just wake up every
Department of Public Social
(formerly known as Yuet
Services (DPSS) is seeking on campus; that way, if the morning thinking positive
Ming Butler).
qualified proposers to provide passes are difficult to access and hope for the best.”
Multi Family-Texas Supe- Refugee Employment and
Please contact HSBC rior duplexes and an 8 plex Acculturation Services
in the morning, they can Henriette Jeter was at
Trustee (Hong Kong) near Fort Worth-Manage-
Limited of Hong Kong, (REAS) which include show proof of their health the school with her daugh-
ment in place.Call Shirley
Tel. No.: +852 2533 817-715-0746 shirleybak- innovative solution-based check-ins. ters, who are starting kin-
6248 (Ms. Chan), Email: brk services to assist refugees by
charmion.c.w.chan@ providing culturally and In anticipation of delays, dergarten, second and fifth linguistically sensitive he had already extended the grades. All three wore light-
Matters to be discussed. employment and specialized
first period of classes by blue T-shirts with sequined
Published in the Los about 18 minutes in hopes stars, plus tie-dyed masks.
Angeles Times The Request for Proposals that all students could meet “We’re very excited to
(RFP) is targeted for release
on or about, August 23, 2021. their teachers. Throughout start school and start learn-
The RFP will be posted and the morning, he fielded ing and being with other
available for download on the
L.A. County “Doing Business questions from parents wor- kids,” Jeter said.
with Us” Website at: ried that their kids couldn’t Her children had been
get into school, and wel- learning remotely at a pri-
gov/ comed students back. vate religious school for
“I’ve seen students coop- much of last year before she
The RFP will also be posted
on the DPSS website at: erating with the masks, and decided to home-school
I’m feeling confident that them.
we’re going to be OK,” said Even though the Delta
tract-opportunities/ Garcia, who has been a prin- variant worries her, she felt
cipal for 15 years. her kids needed to be back in
A Mandatory Proposer's
Conference to discuss the Teachers and parents a classroom.
RFP is scheduled for also expressed optimism. “They needed to get their
September 9, 2021, at 9:30
A.M., through virtual “It’s exciting; it’s scary,” energy out and be able to
conference via WebEx. The said Nohemi Sanchez-Here- learn and be with other
link to the WebEx meeting dia, who teaches first grade kids,” she said.
will be released in the RFP.
at Normont Elementary in She put hand sanitizer
All potential Proposers must Harbor City. “I’m excited for and Lysol spray in the kids’
attend this conference. Only
those potential Proposers who the children, and I’m excited backpacks. In the car on the
attend the Mandatory for myself, actually, to be way to school, she reminded
Proposer’s Conference may
submit proposals.
back, to be able to help these them not to share food with
little guys face to face again. their friends.
The internet is available at Just like the good old days.” “But I can’t stay at home
County libraries.
8/16, 8/17, 8/18, 8/19, 8/20, At her school, the organ- in fear,” she said. “I just have
8/21, 8/22/21 ized chaos of the first day felt to do the best that I can with
not that far from normal, the girls to make sure that
even though safety protocols they are doing their due dili-
resulted in a line of more gence to stay clean and stay
than 150 students and par- away from people and not
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME ents waiting patiently to be share food.”
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek checked in. At Cleveland Charter
Unscramble these Jumbles, Principal Kim Sheehan High in Reseda, Tony Saave-
one letter to each square, said that about 95% of her dra polled his American lit-
Get the free JUST JUMBLE app • Follow us on Twitter @PlayJumble

to form four ordinary words. 295 students had taken the erature honor students on
required baseline corona- their feelings about being
OVNYE virus test that would allow back on campus and proj-
them to return to campus. ected the results on a large
“We had done a pretty ro- screen.
bust outreach program, and The most common emo-
SALHS we were even still making tions were in the largest
calls to remind parents type: “nervous” and “ex-
yesterday that they could cited.” In smaller type were
still go to Gardena High “stressed,” “happy,” “tired”
WLOHLO School yesterday and get and “scared.”
their tests,” Sheehan said. Two-thirds of the class
“Thank goodness we didn’t felt excited to be back,
have anybody come on cam- Saavedra said.
GTRIHB pus that was disallowed.”
The entry station was
“I was also feeling very
mixed in terms of coming to
equipped with hand sani- school today, but to be live in
Now arrange the circled letters
©2021 Tribune Content Agency, LLC to form the surprise answer, as
tizer, surgical masks and a front of students like this —
All Rights Reserved. suggested by the above cartoon. book for each student: there’s nothing like that feel-
“Have You Filled a Bucket ing,” he said.
Print the answer here: Today?” by Carol McCloud.
“It’s a book about kind- Times staff writers Howard
(Answers tomorrow)
ness and giving more than Blume and Paloma Esquivel
Answer: They grew iceberg, romaine, butter and leaf, and
you take,” Sheehan said. contributed to this report.
the supervisor was the — HEAD OF LETTUCE
L AT I M E S . C O M S T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 B5

Candidates vow to roll back mask, vaccine rules

[Recall, from B1] governors in other states teachers. sweeping action without leg-
join me in getting vacci- who are imposing these Kiley has vowed to do the islative approval.
nated, but mandates are not mask bans,” Jacobs said. opposite. He said one of his That same court ruling,
the solution,” Faulconer “There’s also the possibility first acts as governor would however, emphasized that
said in a statement Wednes- that whoever assumes office be to terminate the state of there is a pivotal check on
day. will understand they’re in a emergency Newsom de- the governor’s power to de-
At a GOP debate the public trust, and will behave clared because of the pan- clare an emergency.
week before, when in a way that isn’t subverting demic. The state Legislature
Faulconer was asked if he what would presumably be “I’m totally against man- has the authority to termi-
would take action as gover- the will of the California peo- dates of any form. I think it’s nate a state of emergency
nor to ban mask mandates ple as far as public health an issue of personal free- with a simple majority vote
at schools as Republican goes.” dom,” Kiley said. “Unfortu- in both the Senate and As-
Gov. Ron DeSantis has done Under the Emergency nately, this governor has got- sembly.
in Florida, he sidestepped Services Act, the governor ten it completely In February, Republican
the question. has broad authority to re- backwards.” state lawmakers filed a reso-
Ose called the mask spond during a state of Kiley joined fellow Re- lution to terminate the state
mandates a “significant emergency such as a pan- publican Assemblyman of emergency Newsom de-
overreach” of government demic. James Gallagher of Yuba clared, saying the “open-
authority. Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times The governor can “make, City in challenging New- ended state of emergency,
“We must draw the line FORMER San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, shown amend, and rescind” state som’s use of emergency pow- with boundless powers
and protect people’s free- in April, is among the Republican candidates in the regulations and suspend ers during the pandemic, ini- vested in a chief executive, is
doms,” Cox said. recall election who oppose a mask mandate. state statutes, and has the tially receiving a favorable incompatible with demo-
Any incoming governor power to redirect state funds ruling in a Sutter County cratic government.”
would have the ability to re- tion of a new governor’s pub- tion as a team. But it’s to help in an emergency, court that was later over- The Legislature’s Demo-
place the leaders of Califor- lic health nominees, those possible to do.” even funds appropriated by turned. cratic leadership has chosen
nia’s public health agencies. posts could be filled while Still, any attempt by a the California Legislature The appellate court rul- not to exercise that option
That includes the director of lawmakers are in recess new governor or member of for an entirely different pur- ing found that the governor while Newsom has been in
the state Public Health Of- between mid-September the administration to pose. has the constitutional au- office.
fice, which has been at the and the beginning of Janu- change a local public health The governor also has the thority to enact laws during But “if [the governor]
forefront of the Newsom ad- ary. order to be less restrictive is authority to commandeer an emergency — a ruling started declaring bizarre
ministration’s COVID-19 re- The nominee will have almost guaranteed to be private property, including that could open the door for emergencies, the Legisla-
sponse. the full powers of the office challenged in court, Smith hospitals, medical labs, ho- a new governor to ban mask ture is back there to say no,”
Under California law, the before the official nomina- said. tels and motels. mandates and take other Jacobs said.
state public health officer tion hearing and the ability Constitutional law pro- The governor’s emer-
has wide-reaching authority to change or rescind all cur- fessor Leslie Jacobs, direc- gency authority, however,
to respond to the pandemic rent state mask and vaccina- tor of the University of the must be used to “mitigate”
and “may take measures as tion mandates. Pacific McGeorge School of the effects of a natural or
are necessary to ascertain
the nature of the disease and
Actions taken by county
public health officers also
Law’s Capital Center for
Law & Policy, said Califor-
man-made emergency, and
an order that might make a
prevent its spread.” could be in jeopardy, said nia’s governor has “enor- crisis worse — including
Place a paid notice
All of Newsom’s recent Santa Clara County Execu- mous powers” during a state banning mask and vaccina-
Search obituary notice archives:
mandates on mask- tive Jeffrey Smith. of emergency. tion mandates — might not
wearing and vaccinations “The state public health Jacobs said she hopes survive a court challenge,
were orders by Newsom’s officer has the authority to that responsibility would Jacobs said.
public health officer — not modify or remove any order humble any new governor, Elder has expressed a de- DELAHOUSSAYE JR, Gilbert HOCHBERG, Samuel
executive orders by the gov- done by a county health offi- but said that has not been sire to wield his emergency
J Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
ernor. cer,” said Smith, who has de- the case in other states. powers in different ways, Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
November 25, 1934 - August 2, 2021
While the Democratic grees in both law and medi- “There is broad discre- saying that he might declare
Gilbert J Delahoussaye
Legislature would have the cine. “Now, they almost ne- tion in the governor to make a state of emergency in order Jr. was born in New
ability to block the confirma- ver do it because they func- judgments and there are to fire “bad” public school Iberia, Louisiana on
November 25th, 1934
and entered to rest on August 2nd,
2021 in Fontana, California, at 86
years old. He is predeceased by

Angry Latinos might cost governor

his parents, Gilbert Delahoussaye
Sr. and Lucind Lumbard. He is also
predeceased by his brothers, Woodrow
Delahoussaye and Terry; as well as his
stepmother, Mary Delahoussaye and
his grandson, Ken Ray. Gilbert was
blessed with four children: Gail and KAFTAL, Edwin Joseph
[Arellano, from B1] her husband, Anthony Rose; Craig February 15, 1932 - August 7, 2021
where the Anaheim school and his wife, Chantal Delahoussaye; Edwin Joseph Kaftal (“ED” or “Eddie”
board was to vote on the Sybil Delahoussaye; and Kim and her to his friends and family), 89, passed
proposed Mexico lawsuit — husband, Rene Delahoussaye-Hall. away peacefully with his family close
Gilbert was also blessed with nine on August 7, 2021 from Alzheimer’s.
and by “address,” I mean grandchildren and their significant
“yell.” The Los Angeles others: Jeremy and Melisa Carnes, Edwin was born February 15, 1932
Times even quoted me as Justin and Sharmean Carnes, Jasmin to Irving and Helen (Lucash) Kaftal in
warning them, “If you con- and Jesse Acevedo, Shelby Hall, Mia Brooklyn, New York.
tinue these actions, we will Delahoussaye, Austin Delahoussaye,
Cameron Delahoussaye, Aubree Following his High School
get all of you out of here.” Delahoussaye, and surviving wife of Graduation, Ed enlisted in the U.S.
Both the proposed recall Ken Ray Delahoussaye, Cherelle. Gilbert Navy. Ed served on the Destroyer USS
and legal action went no- was a great grandfather of nine great Colahan for 3 years during the Korean
where, but the rage I felt was grandchildren and was a sibling of six War.
shared by many other Lat- children including: Beatrice and her
inos like me. And it helped husband, Poochie Livingston; Dorthy Ed moved to Los Angeles after
D. Antionne; Monty Delahoussaye; leaving the Navy and graduated
to change California forever. Ricky Delahoussaye; Diedra and her from UCLA with a Business Degree,
I was part of the Proposition husband, Wendell Chambers; and specializing in Accounting. Ed worked
187 generation, one of hun- Charmaine Delahoussaye, also known for the IRS as an auditor, and went on
dreds of thousands of young as “Chili Pepper.” to become a partner in a CPA Firm. This
Latinos in California whose launched Ed’s career, where he became
Gilbert went to school at Jonas CFO for many companies. Ed’s ethics,
reaction to the GOP-led Henderson High school in New Iberia, honesty and love of people is well
anti-immigrant campaigns Louisiana and served in the United known in the business arena.
during the 1990s was to vote States Army for four years in the late
Democrat and help turn 1950s. Gilbert was a manager for Pep Ed is survived by his loving partner
this state bluer than Lake Boys for twenty years before his work of 35 years, Sherry A. Erb. Ed and
as a custodian for Kaiser Cadallac Sherry traveled the world together and
Tahoe. Hospital, which he did for fifteen lived and loved their life in Calabasas,
The power of that rage years. Gilbert was a proud member CA for over 22 years. Ed is also survived
was awesome in the most of many clubs such as The Masters by his sister and brother-in-law
literal sense. Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times Golf Association, Cosmopolitan Golf Brenda (Kaftal) and Morton Shatzkin
Democrats learned to GOV. Gavin Newsom greets Frida Carrillo, 4, and her dad, Franky, thanking them Association, Western State Golf of Woodland Hills, daughter Sherri
Association. He was a loving father, Killion and son-in-law Commander
love the angry Latino voter for working an anti-recall phone bank at Hecho en Mexico restaurant in East L.A. grandfather, and great grandfather Mark A Killion (USNR,Ret.) of North
and used our power to take who happily watched the milestones Carolina and their children Elizabeth
over Sacramento; our re-
ward was law after law
Now, angry Latino voters Latinos for the Recall that
claims Newsom “has de-
as they all grew up.
There will be services held August
and Evan, son Steven Kaftal of San
Diego, daughter and son-in-law, Linda
O’Connell and Sergeant Major Neil and
passed to make life easier
for immigrants in the coun-
try without legal status and
once again stand as judge, stroyed our jobs” and “hurt
our children” in English and
Spanish. That’s why the
21st in New Iberia, Louisiana at St.
Edwards Catholic Cemetery for Gilbert.
their children Brandon, Meghan and
Cara of San Diego, extended family,
daughter and son-in-law Debra (Erb)
create a larger social safety
net. Republicans fearful of jury and executioner of California Republican Party
— headed by Jessica Millan
and James LeGantanno of Georgetown
Kentucky, daughter Amber Bellazaire,
and great granddaughter Nora, of
our righteous wrath did Patterson, a Latina — held a
little better than put their
head in the proverbial sand.
California’s political future virtual workshop last week
geared specifically to train
Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
Lansing Michigan, son Jeffrey Erb,
granddaughter Ashley, son Chad
Erb, grandson Jake of Florida, nieces,
Now, angry Latino voters
once again stand as judge, — but in a way few could’ve volunteers on how to reach
out and get Latinos onto the HAYASHI, Dennis Toshio
Karyn Shatzkin, Liza (Shatzkin) and
Michael Fischer and children, Hannah,
Sarah, and Emma, and nephew, Eric
jury and executioner of recall train. Dennis, a short time resident of Las
California’s political future
— but in a way few could’ve
ever imagined. It’s why Elder — who
once tweeted that Latino
Vegas, Nevada passed away on August
7th at the age of 65. He was a graduate
and Melissa (Marcus) Shatzkin and
children, Max and Harlin.
of Belmont High School, Class of 1974.
ever imagined. We just desperation around New- same Latino anger I felt so people are bigoted against He was a kind soul who touched many His wonderful life of love,
might be the ethnic group som these days. He has long ago against Republi- Black people but that the lives and will never be forgotten. compassion and caring will always be
that costs Gov. Gavin New- spent a good chunk of this cans. opposite isn’t true, and He is survived by his mother Marion with us.
som his job. year crisscrossing California In recent days, Newsom proudly told my fellow col- Fumiko Hayashi; brothers Dale, Dan
(Cynthia Herrera), Joey; sister Lynne In lieu of flowers, donations in
Maybe because we’re not for photo ops and rallies described Larry Elder, a umnist Jean Guerrero that Hayashi. He was an Uncle to Chasen memory of Ed may be made to the
angry enough in the face of flanked by Latino Demo- longtime radio talk-show he frequently advised (Jenny), Janey and Joey Jr. A Great- Alzheimer’s Foundation (www.act.alz.
his ouster. Maybe because cratic leaders Newsom is host who leads in the polls of Trump’s chief immigration Uncle to Nathan and Bradyn. He is org/donate).
we can’t muster that old counting on to save his possible gubernatorial advisor Stephen Miller on predeceased by his Father Shiunro
anger we felt toward Repub- political nalga. replacements, as “to the messaging — barely men- Hayashi. SCHNEIDERMAN, Vera
An outdoor service will be held on Mount Sinai Memorial Parks -
licans. Maybe, just maybe, He has visited San Di- right of Donald Trump.” A tions immigration at all Saturday August 21st, 2021, 11am Hollywood Hills 800-600-0076
because many of us are just ego’s Barrio Logan to talk pro-Newsom Spanish- nowadays. at Fukui Mortuary. The Family is
a little bit angry at the gov- with a small-business language campaign ad did Instead, recall propo- requesting that only our vaccinated
ernor too. owner. In Fresno, the gover- nothing to play up their man nents keep hammering on friends and family attend. Masks will SEGAL, Albert
Although two-thirds of nor stopped by a health and instead tried to tie the the point that Latinos be provided for this socially-distanced Albert Segal from Sherman Oaks
ceremony. passed away on August 4, 2021.
us voted for El Gavin when clinic to sign a bill that lets recall to Republicans who should be angry at Newsom Casual, comfortable attire is Beloved father to Larry and Robyn.
he was elected to office in undocumented immigrants have compared immigrants for making their lives worse recommended. Precious brother to Flora, Sylvia and
2018, Latino support for over 50 qualify for Medi-Cal. to animals, want to implant — and there’s little that the Jerry. Grandpa to Emily and Josh. Uncle
Newsom has eroded ever He even appeared over the microchips on undocu- Democrats can say to show (213) 626-0441 to Janis, Stuart, Ronnie, Sherry, Rudi
since the threat of recall weekend in East Los Ange- mented immigrants, and that Newsom has made and Loie. Loved by all!
became real. A Public Policy les to indulge in that most advocate for a border wall. things better.
Institute of California sur- hoary yet delicious of politi- This messaging is pretty I’m as angry as my 20- In Memoriam
vey in May found 33% of cal cliches: a meet-and- true, actually. But it’s now year-old self — at Newsom Russell Lane Grossman
likely Latino voters wanted greet at a Mexican restau- the political equivalent of for his many mess-ups, at August 17, 1969 - March 10, 2019
to boot Newsom; by July, the rant. penicillin — no longer as his campaign for treating
Happy Birthday to My beautiful Boy.
figure had grown to 40% in a Newsom tried to run on effective as it used to be due the recall as one giant joke Our hearts ache for you in everyday
Berkeley IGS Poll. Mean- the idea of a California to overuse. It’s why Trump for far too long, at recall that passes. Never to be forgotten
while, an Emerson College/ comeback early on, but soon not only didn’t lose Latino backers for making the
Nexstar report released this realized it’s not a winning support in the 2020 election state spend a quarter-bil-
month found Latinos were proposition for Latinos. despite his anti-immigrant lion dollars when all they HIRSHFELD, Roslyn Daic
the only ethnic group in Because where are the good ways, he actually gained it. had to do was wait another March 13, 1921 - August 12, 2021 To place
favor of the recall, with 54% times for us during this Democrats are still in year to try to beat Newsom In the morning of August 12, 2021, an obituary ad
of those asked supporting pandemic? Too many of us shock about that, and can’t in the general election. Roslyn passed peacefully at home.
the effort; a recent CBS remain unvaccinated fathom why so many Lat- They would’ve had my Ros was born and raised in Calabasas, please go online to:
California. She was one of the first
News study shows half of against COVID-19 even as inos are pro-recall. vote then, but not now. But women to graduate from UCLA. On
Latinos do, bested only by the disease has devastated It’s the anger, locos. I’m angriest at Democrats. February 7, 1943 Ros married Leo
white respondents at 51%. Latinos. Our kids make up Now, Republicans are on They had a quarter century Marcus Hirshfeld, Jr. in Los Angeles. She
California’s Latino vote the majority of students in the offensive like never to plan for the moment then resided in Los Angeles, Paradise
isn’t a sleeping giant; it’s a public schools grappling in a before. Former San Diego when angry Latino voters Cove, and Ventura. Ros and Leo were or call
married for 62 years until his passing
cactus. We’re nourishing variety of ways with reopen- Mayor Kevin Faulconer might turn their fury in 2006. Roslyn and Leo had two 1-800-234-4444
and hardy and bear deli- ing amid the surge of the sprinkles stilted Spanish against them. sons, Jeffrey Neil and Mark Alan. She
cious fruit for those who Delta variant. Latinos re- into his speeches before Because sometimes, you survived her oldest son who passed in
know how to pick it — but main disproportionally Latino audiences, and even can’t just bank on the anger. 2004. Ros is survived by her son Mark
take us for granted, and unemployed, underhoused recorded his first commer- You’ve got to give people a Alan Hirshfeld; daughter-in-law Robin
“Elle” Stockton; and granddaughter
we’ll cut you up good. and overburdened, with cial en español. Reform reason to love you. And Aria Murillo. Arrangements made with
Democrats haven’t felt little relief in sight. California, a conservative Newsom is about as loved by Neptune Society. A memorial TBA.
our pricks for a generation. So Newsom and his political action committee, many Latinos as a stale Donations to the American Cancer To place an obituary ad
That’s why I see an air of supporters are stoking the launched a website called Mexican Coke. Society, Brentwood Guild for the please go online to:
John Tracy Clinic, or City of Hope are
B6 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 SS L AT I M E S . C O M

Today in Southern California Today in North America

Cooler with coastal clouds: A deepening marine layer and strong onshore flow will bring cooler air to the Tropical depression Fred tracks northeast: Fred will continue to move
region today. Wednesday will remain cooler, especially through the interior. Low clouds and patchy fog along up into the Southeast today, bringing heavy rainfall and gusty winds to
the coast will be slow to clear today and Wednesday. Drizzle is possible Wednesday morning near the coast the region. The heaviest rainfall is expected in the Appalachians and
and along the western slopes of the mountains. There will be a bit of warming inland Thursday and Friday. northern Georgia as Fred moves to the northeast.

5-day forecasts Pressure: L Low H High Warm Front Cold Front Jet Stream Trough
High/low temperatures are average forecasts for entire zone.
Temps –0 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100+ Rain T-storm Snow Ice
L.A. Basin Valleys Beaches Mountains Deserts
Today 85/69 87/65 77/68 78/46 104/78
Low clouds and fog Partly sunny Low clouds and fog Partly sunny Partly sunny
Wednesday Fog 76/66 Some sun 77/63 Fog 74/67 A storm 72/41 Thunderstorm 99/73
Thursday Partly sunny 76/63 Clouds, sun 80/61 Partly sunny 70/62 Partly sunny 70/41 Mostly sunny 99/75
Friday Partly sunny 77/64 Sunny 85/61 Mostly sunny 70/62 Mostly sunny 73/42 Mostly sunny 99/75
Saturday Sunny 75/63 Mostly sunny 81/61 Some sun 69/61 Sunny 72/43 Sunny 99/74

Air quality Good Moderate Unhealthful for: Sensitive people All Not Available
SANTA VENTURA CO. Santa Clarita South Coast Air Quality Management District forecasts air quality
BARBARA CO. Santa Paula 89/63 Hesperia
Santa Ojai 83/62 LOS ANGELES CO. 93/61
Barbara 84/60 Simi Valley
74/61 87/65 Burbank Monrovia
Ventura Camarillo 86/66
85/67 88/67
74/65 81/69 Pomona/ Yucca Valley
UCLA 96/70
Westlake 80/68 L.A. Downtown Fairplex Ontario San Bernardino
74/65 Woodland 85/69 91/70 93/68
Village 91/69
Hills Whittier
84/64 Chino
Santa Monica Hills 93/69 Riverside RIVERSIDE CO.
77/68 86/71 Fullerton 93/67
Surf and sea Torrance 84/72
POINT CONCEPTION TO MEXICO 80/68 Santa Ana U.S. cities
Inner waters: Wind variable 5-10 Long 82/72 ORANGE CO. Hemet Palm
knots, becoming west 10-15 knots in Beach Newport Irvine 93/64 Springs High 120 in Death Valley, Calif.
the afternoon. Waves generally 2-4 80/71 Beach 84/71 104/78 Low 34 in Afton, Wyo.
feet, mixed west and south swells Mission Viejo
2-3 feet. 79/72 Temecula Monday Today Monday Today
Laguna 84/69 City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Sky
Surf zone: The risk for rip currents 89/66
Beach San Albany 77 52 -- 72 66 R Seattle 76 60 -- 73 55 Pc
will be moderate for Ventura, L.A. 79/70 Clemente Albuquerque 85 64 .10 87 67 Ts Tampa 89 80 .37 91 80 Ts
and O.C. beaches while low at S.B.
79/69 SAN DIEGO CO. Anchorage 64 52 -- 58 52 R Tucson 95 73 -- 86 72 Ts
and San Diego county beaches. Aspen 81 48 Tr 83 52 Ts Tulsa 91 70 -- 89 72 Cy
Atlanta 84 74 .75 78 70 R Washington, D.C. 85 75 .78 86 75 Ts
County Height Period Direction Temp Sun and moon 83/71 Austin 93 69 -- 92 74 Ts Wichita 88 70 .34 89 70 Pc
Santa Barbara 1-3’ 11 sec W 64 Baltimore 85 74 .07 86 74 Ts
Today’s rise/set
Ventura 2-4’ 11 sec W 64 Escondido Ramona Boise 97 68 -- 81 53 Hz World
Los Angeles 2-4’ 11 sec SW 69 Los Angeles Co. Orange Co. Ventura Co. 86/67 88/64 Boston 78 65 -- 82 70 Pc Acapulco 87 74 .63 87 76 Ts
Orange 2-4’ 11 sec SW 69 Sun 6:16a/7:38p 6:15a/7:36p 6:20a/7:42p Buffalo 82 60 Tr 80 69 Ts Amsterdam 63 61 .72 63 58 R
Moon 4:02p/1:02a 4:00p/1:02a 4:07p/1:06a Poway
San Diego 2-3’ 11 sec S 70 Burlington, Vt. 80 52 -- 74 68 Sh Athens 95 72 -- 93 76 Su
82/69 Charleston, S.C. 88 75 .27 84 76 Ts Bangkok 91 81 .04 94 78 Pc
Charlotte 87 74 .16 81 72 Ts Barcelona 82 75 -- 78 69 Su
Tides San Diego Chicago 80 63 -- 84 70 Pc Berlin 77 61 .02 65 53 Sh
L.A. Outer Harbor, in feet. 79/72 Cincinnati 81 67 1.79 80 67 Ts Cabo San Lucas 93 77 .08 89 76 Ts
Aug. 22 Aug. 29 Sept. 6 Sept. 13
Today 7:11a 3.4 Hi 12:26a 0.3 Lo Cleveland 75 67 .21 80 68 Ts Cairo 98 79 -- 97 75 Su
5:47p 5.9 Hi 11:07a 2.7 Lo Columbia, S.C. 86 73 .62 84 74 Ts Dubai 108 91 -- 109 91 Su
Wed. 8:09a 3.8 Hi 1:25a -0.3 Lo
Almanac Columbus 80 67 1.55 80 69 Ts Dublin 61 54 .06 64 54 Cy
Monday Downtown readings Dallas/Ft.Worth 93 75 -- 89 74 Ts Havana 91 73 .06 90 77 Ts
6:48p 6.3 Hi 12:26p 2.7 Lo Denver 94 63 -- 96 64 Su Ho Chi Minh City 95 77 .27 91 78 Ts
Temperature Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Precipitation Los Angeles Fullerton Ventura Detroit 75 61 .02 82 69 Cy Hong Kong 87 80 .13 90 82 Ts
UV index High/low 89/69 88/69 79/62 24-hour total (as of 4 p.m.) 0.00 0.00 0.00 El Paso 80 66 .01 85 70 Cy Istanbul 86 68 -- 88 73 Su
Minutes to burn for sensitive people Normal high/low 84/65 87/66 76/59 Season total (since Oct. 1) 6.04 4.92 3.16 Eugene 89 58 -- 75 52 Su Jerusalem 86 68 -- 83 72 Su
High/low a year ago 95/73 96/73 85/66 Last season (Oct. 1 to date) 14.83 12.43 12.17 Fort Myers 92 77 .02 91 78 Ts Johannesburg 65 45 -- 66 50 Su
Las Vegas, 25 Phoenix, 45
Record high/date 98/1890 101/2015 84/1983 Season norm (Oct. 1 to date) 14.15 11.74 16.01 Hartford 82 58 -- 81 68 Cy Kuala Lumpur 90 77 .62 87 75 Ts
Los Angeles, 25 San Francisco, 25 Record low/date 52/1883 59/1999 49/1949 Humidity (high/low) 78/44 86/44 93/59 Honolulu 87 73 -- 87 74 Sh Lima 63 59 Tr 65 60 Su
Houston 95 75 Tr 93 78 Ts London 66 54 -- 68 58 Cy
California cities Indianapolis 83 67 -- 82 69 Ts Madrid 100 64 -- 94 63 Su
Monday Today Wed. Monday Today Wed. Monday Today Wed. Jacksonville, Fla. 86 75 .61 89 75 Ts Mecca 108 86 -- 104 79 Su
Kansas City 88 66 -- 87 70 Pc Mexico City 75 55 .05 73 58 Ts
City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo City Hi Lo Prcp. Hi Lo Hi Lo Knoxville 84 69 1.36 76 69 R Milan 89 72 .46 85 66 Pc
Anaheim 93 69 -- 87 72 84 69 L.A. D’ntown/USC 89 69 -- 85 69 76 66 San Diego 79 71 -- 79 72 77 70 Las Vegas 107 88 -- 105 82 Hz Montreal 79 55 -- 76 69 R
Avalon/Catalina 83 63 -- 76 62 74 62 L.A. Int’l. Airport 79 66 -- 76 68 75 67 San Francisco 73 58 -- 70 56 74 57 Louisville 85 72 .05 84 70 Ts Moscow 82 63 -- 86 65 Cy
Bakersfield 105 83 -- 104 71 91 66 Laguna Beach 80 65 -- 79 70 77 69 San Gabriel xx xx xx 87 69 79 67 Medford 98 69 -- 77 53 Su Mumbai 83 76 .03 85 80 Ts
Barstow 108 83 -- 106 73 98 65 Lancaster 102 79 -- 95 68 84 59 San Jose 83 61 -- 77 57 79 57 Memphis 92 73 -- 89 75 Pc New Delhi 99 84 -- 100 82 Hz
Big Bear Lake 84 56 -- 78 46 72 41 Long Beach 80 68 -- 80 71 78 69 San Luis Obispo 84 58 -- 77 59 75 60 Miami 91 79 .03 90 81 Sh Paris 70 62 .07 71 59 Cy
Bishop 107 64 -- 105 56 95 51 Mammoth Lakes 90 57 Tr 85 47 79 40 Santa Ana 82 70 -- 82 72 80 71 Milwaukee 78 62 -- 81 68 Pc Prague 77 64 .08 66 52 Pc
Burbank 92 69 -- 85 67 78 65 Mission Viejo 88 63 -- 84 69 80 67 Santa Barbara 77 62 -- 74 61 72 59 Minneapolis 85 62 -- 90 70 Su Rome 88 70 -- 86 72 Su
Camarillo 81 64 -- 81 69 79 66 Monrovia 91 67 -- 88 67 79 65 Santa Clarita 95 69 -- 89 63 77 61 Nashville 84 71 .01 86 71 Ts Seoul 88 73 .12 90 70 Pc
Chatsworth xx xx xx 86 66 76 64 Monterey 72 60 -- 70 58 72 58 Santa Monica Pier 78 65 -- 77 68 74 67 New Orleans 94 79 -- 92 79 Ts Singapore 90 75 .04 84 76 Sh
Chino 99 67 -- 93 69 86 67 Mt. Wilson 87 69 -- 79 62 70 58 Santa Paula 93 58 -- 83 62 77 60 New York 83 69 -- 79 73 Sh Taipei City 92 81 -- 95 81 Ts
Compton 83 68 -- 83 70 78 68 Needles 109 89 -- 107 86 103 82 Santa Rosa 100 52 -- 87 52 83 51 Norfolk 86 75 .05 87 75 Ts Tokyo 74 68 .42 80 76 Sh
Dana Point 74 64 -- 78 69 76 67 Newport Beach 73 67 -- 79 72 79 70 Simi Valley 95 65 -- 87 65 76 62 Oklahoma City 90 68 Tr 87 69 Cy Vancouver 66 61 .11 72 56 Su
Death Valley 120101 -- 120 91 109 80 Northridge 97 68 -- 88 66 78 63 Tahoe Valley 91 51 -- 82 41 74 36 Omaha 88 65 -- 91 71 Su Vienna 83 64 .80 71 56 Pc
Del Mar 75 65 -- 75 70 74 70 Oakland 73 60 -- 70 57 76 57 Temecula 92 68 -- 89 66 82 64 Orlando 93 79 .27 93 77 Ts
Escondido 94 69 -- 86 67 81 65 Oceanside 82 63 -- 83 71 81 69 Thousand Oaks 90 66 -- 83 65 76 63 Philadelphia 82 71 -- 84 74 Sh Key: Su sunny; Pc partly cloudy; Cy cloudy; Fg
Eureka 69 56 -- 65 52 67 52 Ojai xx xx xx 84 60 76 58 Torrance 88 72 -- 80 68 80 66 Phoenix 101 81 .04 96 78 Ts foggy; Prcp precipitation; Dr drizzle; Hz;hazy Sh
Fallbrook 89 66 -- 84 68 79 66 Ontario 98 70 -- 91 69 85 67 UCLA 82 66 -- 80 68 75 67 Pittsburgh 74 66 .17 76 68 Ts showers; Ts thunderstorms; R rain; Sn snow; Sf
snow flurries; I ice; Rs rain/snow; W windy; Tr
Fresno 103 81 -- 102 67 93 65 Palm Springs 107 86 -- 104 78 99 73 Van Nuys 96 71 -- 88 67 81 67 Portland, Ore. 85 62 -- 76 57 Su trace. Notes: National extremes exclude Alaska
Fullerton 88 69 -- 84 72 82 71 Pasadena 92 69 -- 86 68 77 66 Ventura 79 62 -- 74 65 72 63 Providence 81 64 -- 82 68 Pc and Hawaii. Missing data indicated by “xx”.
Hemet 97 67 -- 93 64 84 61 Paso Robles 95 59 -- 88 54 77 53 Whittier Hills 86 63 -- 86 71 81 70 Raleigh/Durham 90 71 .44 84 73 Ts
Hesperia xx xx xx 93 61 85 53 Redding 101 75 -- 96 64 95 65 Woodland Hills 99 65 -- 86 65 77 63 Reno 102 66 -- 94 55 Hz
Huntington Beach 80 67 -- 79 72 79 70 Riverside 99 67 -- 93 67 85 63 Wrightwood 85 69 -- 82 63 73 52 Richmond 85 71 1.37 86 73 Ts Forecasts by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021
Idyllwild 88 63 -- 82 60 76 55 Sacramento 98 63 -- 89 61 91 57 Yorba Linda 91 65 -- 89 72 84 70 St. Louis 85 66 -- 87 72 Pc
Irvine 85 68 -- 84 71 82 69 San Bernardino 102 55 -- 93 68 84 64 Yosemite Valley 98 64 -- 90 57 83 54 Salt Lake City 98 67 -- 97 63 Ts

Dodgers Bauer’s accuser testifies

get past about alleged sex assault
Pirates [Bauer, from B10]
her in the face “but not
right behind my ears. ... The
pain was so excruciating on
ing show bruising under her
eyes and a scab on her lip as
hard,” then rolled her on her top of all the other pain I was well as swelling on her jaw
Offense takes awhile stomach and again initiated experiencing that it brought and cheekbone.
choking her by wrapping her my soul back into my body.” During the opening
to wake up, and hair around her neck. The first portion of her statement for Bauer, attor-
defensive struggles “There was very tight pres- testimony established that ney Shawn Holley argued
sure on my neck. I couldn’t she is a lifelong baseball fan that when the accuser asked
continue, but L.A. breathe. I was gasping for air who became aware of Bauer Bauer to stop at several
manages to win. then lost consciousness,” in February when he was points during their sexual
she testified. pitching for the Dodgers activity, he stopped. “All he
Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Pres Bauer’s attorneys say In- during spring training. “I no- can go on is what she’s telling
DODGERS’ Billy McKinney celebrates his seventh- stagram messages sent by ticed that he was closing one him,” Holley said. “When you
inning solo home run with teammate Justin Turner. the accuser make clear that eye [while pitching] and ... get into a rough sex relation-
she not only consented to I’m drawn to people doing ship, it’s a continuum.”
By Ethan Sears hits and struck out five, the Dodgers let the Pirates Bauer choking her uncon- unique things. I told my Bauer’s accuser, 27, testi-
flashing an impressive go ahead in the seventh in- scious while having sex, but mom about it. That was the fied that she was an alco-
Coming into Monday changeup to get Rodolfo ning thanks to miscues. It encouraged it. Bauer at- first thing that intrigued me holic beginning at age 15 but
night, the last time the Pitts- Castro looking in the sec- started when Brusdar Grat- tended the hearing Monday about him.” that she has been sober
burgh Pirates had beaten ond. erol hit Polanco with a pitch, and sat expressionless, like since January 2020. She said
the Dodgers was June 6, 2018, Giving up three walks, but things spiraled when everyone in the courtroom she has been hospitalized for
an 11-9 thriller in which Matt
Kemp and Yasiel Puig
Jackson worked in and out of
trouble in the second and
Trea Turner misplayed a
Castro groundball, allowing
wearing a protective mask.
Between the two encoun- ‘I felt like my alcoholism “eight to 10
played the corner outfield
positions for the Dodgers.
fifth innings. The first of
those featured a balk that let
him to reach.
The play was changed to
ters she messaged Bauer
that the choking “was a soul left my She testified that during
her first drive from San Di-
Despite not playing each
other in 2020, the winning
two runners, Jacob Stallings
and Gregory Polanco, move
an infield single after origi-
nally being scored an error.
gamechanger” that “I’ve ne-
ver been more turned on in body. I was ego to Bauer’s home in Pasa-
dena she was nervous. “The
streak stood at 13 games —
and 1,167 days.
to second and third with two
outs, but Jackson induced a
The next batter, Wilmer
Difo, laid down a sacrifice
my life” and “give me the
pain.” terrified. I whole way there I was think-
ing about how I was going to
For a brief moment Mon-
day, it looked as if that streak
groundout from pitcher
Steven Brault to end the
bunt. First baseman Cody
Bellinger threw the ball
In her testimony, the ac-
cuser explained that she couldn’t fight act and what I was going to
say. He’s a very powerful per-
would end. Then Billy Mc-
Kinney and Max Muncy sent
threat. In the fourth, walks
to Castro and Ke’Bryan
away, allowing Polanco to
score from second.
sent the messages because
she “was going with the flow. back.’ son ... Since I got sober I
don’t date a lot.
baseballs into the right-field Hayes set up All-Star Bryan It’s the second night in a I wanted to tell him what he She said Bauer put her at
bleachers, tying the score Reynolds with a chance to row in which the Dodgers wanted to hear. I wanted to
—accuser, ease during a long conversa-
recounting a sexual encounter
and putting the Dodgers give the Pirates a lead with have had issues on defense create a better experience tion in the basement of his
with the Dodgers’ Trevor Bauer
ahead. two outs. A hard-hit fly ball — both against inferior op- than the first time.” home. “We had a deeply
It took until the seventh to right found McKinney’s ponents. On Sunday, it When she regained con- emotional conversation,”
inning for the Dodgers to glove. didn’t end up mattering as sciousness after being she testified. “I opened up
score their first run of the “It was awesome,” Jack- they won in a blowout, and choked during the second The San Diego resident about my troubles with alco-
game. It took until the son said. “It was everything I on Monday, it wasn’t deci- encounter, she said Bauer testified that on April 18 she holism. ... He was very sup-
eighth inning for them to go thought it was gonna be and sive. turned her over on her back created an Instagram story portive and kind. ... I
ahead. And it wasn’t a night more.” “I’m not concerned about while still having vaginal sex while watching Bauer pitch wouldn’t have opened up
when their offense was much Jackson said he had it at all,” Roberts said. “Last and “he started punching against the Padres and be- and been vulnerable if he
to brag about. But, after re- about 50 friends and family night, I was a little frustrated me.” gan it with this message: hadn’t opened up.”
turning from the East Coast members scattered by it, but tonight I think that She said she was nau- “Open third eye to rattle Other witnesses sched-
at 4:30 in the morning, their throughout the ballpark. He we played a good ballgame.” seous and had difficulty @baueroutage.” She tagged uled to be called by the ac-
winning streak over Pitts- arrived in Los Angeles on opening her eyes. “I was try- Bauer’s account, but be- cuser’s team include a foren-
burgh would reach a 1,168th Sunday after being told Sat- Kershaw due back? ing to regain conscious- cause she estimated he had sic nurse who examined her
day. urday he would be getting About two hours and 45 ness,” she said. He began hit- about 400,000 followers, she when she sought medical at-
Here are three observa- the call-up and spent the minutes before the first ting her, she said, with a said she did not expect a re- tention a few days after the
tions from the 2-1 win. last 24 hours getting himself pitch, Clayton Kershaw was closed fist on the left side of sponse. second encounter, three po-
— and everyone else — situ- in left field at Dodger Sta- her jaw, then on her head. “I Bauer did respond, and lice detectives, a psychia-
A successful debut ated. When the moment fi- dium playing catch. When he felt like my soul left my body. they exchanged Instagram trist and sexual assault ex-
Andre Jackson’s major nally came, Jackson said, finished, Kershaw, who has I was terrified. I couldn’t direct messages for three pert, the woman’s best
league debut ended the the nerves were less than he been out since early July be- fight back.” days until she drove to his friend, her father and Bauer.
same way it started: a walk expected. cause of left elbow inflam- She testified that she ne- Pasadena home on the night Bauer’s team plans to call
off the mound and what “I thought he kept his mation, raised both his arms ver gave Bauer consent to of April 21 when they had a male friend of the accuser
must have been a sigh of re- composure really well,” Dod- in mock celebration. punch her and that he also their first of two sexual en- who exchanged several text
lief as he stranded two Pi- gers manager Dave Roberts Before the game, Roberts punched her three times in counters. messages with her regarding
rates runners to escape a said. “So proud of him earn- said that Kershaw could be the vagina. She said that she A few days later, she said, Bauer and turned them over
jam. ing this opportunity.” back in the rotation by next passed out again, and when she had two black eyes, a to authorities.
Jackson, who was re- month. she woke her entire body swollen jaw and cheekbones,
called from triple-A Okla- More struggles “Best-case scenario is was in pain. a split lip and bruising near The National Sexual
homa City, pitched four Just one night after he’s making a couple starts “I had blood in my mouth. her vagina, on her gums and Assault Hotline can be
scoreless innings for the struggling on defense in September,” Roberts ... I couldn’t open my jaw. I on her head. Pictures of her reached 24 hours a day at
Dodgers. He gave up just two against the New York Mets, said. had this horrible burning face included in the court fil- (800) 656-4673.
L AT I M E S . C O M S T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 B7


San Francisco
77 42 .647
L Pct. GB

Angels stymied by Cole, Yankees
DODGERS 73 46 .613 4 8-2
San Diego 67 54 .554 11 5-5 [Angels, from B10] Suarez, who took an earlier star center fielder might start
“I got Yankee pitching,” Mad- flight on Sunday, grooved a 95- ramping up activities in anticipa-
Colorado 53 66 .445 24 5-5
don said, when asked if the results mph fastball that Joey Gallo lined tion of a return.
Arizona 38 81 .319 39 4-6 had more to do with New York’s into the second deck in right field But he did not work out on the
Central W L Pct. GB L10 arms than Angels at-bat quality. for a two-run homer in the first. field Monday, and it’s beginning to
Milwaukee 72 47 .605 — 7-3 “They threw big arms at us the He retired 13 of the next 15 bat- seem as if he might need some di-
Cincinnati 65 55 .542 71⁄2 6-4 whole night. Cole had really good ters before walking three in a row — vine intervention to play again this
stuff. And the guys out of the DJ LeMahieu and Aaron Judge on season.
St. Louis 61 56 .521 10 8-2 bullpen, all those dudes with no four pitches and Gallo on a full- “As you work through these dif-
Chicago 52 69 .430 21 0-10 names, threw the ball really well.” count curve — to open the sixth. ferent days and exercises, you just
Pittsburgh 42 77 .353 30 1-9 Cole, leaning on a four-seam Cishek came on and struck out have to be diligent,” Maddon said,
East W L Pct. GB L10
fastball that averaged 97.5 mph Giancarlo Stanton with a sweeping “because you don’t know if that calf
and a sharp slider, gave up a two- slider and got Luke Voit to ground is going to have an epiphany and all
Atlanta 63 56 .529 — 8-2
out solo homer to Justin Upton in into a 5-4-3 double play, second of a sudden it’s going to feel great.”
Philadelphia 61 57 .517 11⁄2 6-4 the first, a leadoff infield single to baseman David Fletcher making a The Grade 2 strain was sup-
New York 59 59 .500 31⁄2 3-7 Phil Gosselin in the second and difficult turn as Gallo slid into him. posed to sideline Trout for six to
Miami 51 68 .429 12 4-6 nothing else. “In the sixth inning, I don’t eight weeks.
Britton replaced Cole and know what happened,” Suarez said On July 19, Trout said he was
Washington 50 68 .424 121⁄2 1-9 struck out Jared Walsh with a through an interpreter. “I did “really close” to beginning a reha-
nasty slider to end the sixth. everything the same. I just couldn’t bilitation assignment, but a week
Monday’s results
Abreu, who ran his two-seam find my location.” later he suffered a setback.
at DODGERS 2, Pittsburgh 1
Atlanta 12, at Miami 2 sinking fastball up to 97.8 mph, re- Suarez’s five-inning, two-run, “We’re just trying to get him to
at Cincinnati 14, Chicago 5 tired five in a row in the seventh four-hit, six-strikeout effort the point where that calf feels nor-
at Colorado 6, San Diego 5 and eighth. Rodriguez struck out snapped a four-start skid in which mal on a consistent basis,” Mad-
at San Francisco 7, New York 5 Ohtani, who leads baseball with 39 Noah K. Murray Associated Press he went 1-3 with a 6.75 ERA. don said.
homers, with a 94-mph fastball to SHOHEI OHTANI reacts to a Mike Trout, out since May 18 be- “I want to believe he’s gonna
end the eighth. Green struck out called third strike in the third cause of a right-calf strain, traveled play again. It’s just not to the point
two in a scoreless ninth. inning. He went 0 for 4. with the Angels, stirring hopes the where he’s ready to do that.”

West W L Pct. GB L10
Houston 70 48 .593 — 5-5 DODGERS 2 YANKEES 2 BRAVES 12 RAYS 9
Oakland 68 51 .571 2 ⁄2 1
Seattle 63 56 .529 71⁄2 5-5 Streak Won 4 This month 10-3 Streak Lost 1 This month 7-9 Freddie Freeman and Adam Duvall Brett Phillips hit an inside-the-park
ANGELS 59 61 .492 12 3-7 Home 37-20 Road 36-26 Home 33-30 Road 26-31 homered in a seven-run fourth inning homer as Tampa Bay handed Balti-
Texas 42 76 .356 28 3-7 Division 32-20 Interleague 12-8 Division 21-32 Interleague 9-7 for surging Atlanta, winners of 11 of 13. more a 12th straight loss. Rays opener
Central W L Pct. GB L10 Next: Tonight vs. Pittsburgh, Dodger Stadium, 7 Next: Tonight at Detroit, 4 PDT Touki Toussaint, Edgar Santana and Collin McHugh has not yielded an
TV/Radio: SportsNet LA/570, 1020 TV/Radio: BSW/830, 1330
Chicago 69 50 .580 — 6-4 Jacob Webb combined for a four-hitter. earned run in 16 straight appearances.
Pittsburgh AB R H BI Avg. Dodgers AB R H BI Avg.
Cleveland 57 60 .487 11 4-6 Park ss 5 0 0 0 .245 T.Turner ss 4 0 2 0 .289 Angels AB R H BI Avg. New York AB R H BI Avg. Atlanta AB R H BI Avg. Miami AB R H BI Avg. Baltimore AB R H BI Avg. Tampa Bay AB R H BI Avg.
Hayes 3b 3 0 1 0 .256 Mncy 2b-1b 2 1 1 1 .274 Ohtani dh 4 0 0 0 .269 LMhu 2b-1b 2 0 0 0 .270 Albies 2b 5 2 3 3 .263 Cshlm Jr. ss 4 1 1 1 .254 Mullins cf 3 1 1 1 .318 Lowe 2b 4 2 3 3 .233
Detroit 58 62 .483 111⁄2 6-4 Reynolds cf 3 0 1 0 .309 Pujols 1b 3 0 0 0 .265 Fletcher 2b 4 0 0 0 .299 Judge dh 3 1 2 0 .288 Soler rf 5 0 2 0 .250 Aguilar 1b 4 0 1 0 .269 Mancini 1b 4 0 1 1 .253 Choi 1b 2 2 1 0 .241
Moran 1b 4 0 0 0 .270 c-Seager 1 0 0 0 .277 Upton lf 4 1 1 1 .224 Gallo lf-rf 3 1 1 2 .177 Frman 1b 4 1 3 3 .294 Brinson cf-lf 3 0 0 0 .276 Sntander dh 4 0 0 0 .245 Luplow 1b 1 0 0 0 .125
Minnesota 53 66 .445 16 7-3 Gamel lf 4 0 0 0 .269 J.Turner 3b 2 0 0 0 .289 Walsh 1b 4 0 1 0 .264 Stanton rf 4 0 1 0 .260 Adrnz 3b 1 0 0 0 .243 Sanchez rf 3 0 0 0 .256 Hays rf 3 0 0 0 .240 Margot lf 5 1 1 0 .254
Stallings c 3 0 0 0 .230 Pollock lf 4 0 0 0 .300 Gosselin 3b 4 0 1 0 .272 Gardner lf 0 0 0 0 .212 Rly 3b-1b 4 1 1 0 .292 Leon 1 0 0 0 .181 Stewart lf 3 0 0 0 .201 Madows dh 4 0 1 2 .233
Kansas City 50 67 .427 18 3-7 Polanco rf 3 1 1 0 .203 Taylor cf-2b 3 0 1 0 .280 J.Iglesias ss 3 0 0 0 .267 Voit 1b 3 0 1 0 .236 Swnsn ss 6 2 2 2 .265 Anderson 3b 4 0 0 0 .244 Urias 3b 3 0 1 0 .268 Wendle ss 4 0 1 1 .273
Castro 2b 3 0 1 0 .208 McKinney rf 3 1 1 1 .175 Marsh cf 2 0 0 0 .205 Wade 3b 0 0 0 0 .258 Duvall lf 5 2 1 2 .229 Alfaro c 2 0 0 0 .235 Mateo 2b 4 1 2 0 .308 Brsseau 3b 4 1 1 1 .187
East W L Pct. GB L10 Brault p 1 0 0 0 .000 Barnes c 3 0 0 0 .223 Stassi c 3 0 0 0 .279 Odor 3b-2b 2 0 0 0 .220 d’Arnud c 5 1 2 2 .230 Sierra cf 1 0 0 0 .239 Wynns c 4 0 1 0 .179 Phillips rf 4 1 2 1 .217
Tsutsugo 1 0 1 0 .120 Jackson p 1 0 0 0 .000 Adell rf 3 0 0 0 .234 Higashioka c 3 0 0 0 .165 Hredia cf 2 2 0 0 .235 Diaz 2b 3 1 1 1 .194 Martin ss 4 0 1 0 .233 Kermaier cf 4 1 1 1 .242
Tampa Bay 72 47 .605 — 7-3 Totals 30 1 5 0 Bllnger 1b-cf 2 0 0 0 .181 Totals 31 1 3 1 Davis cf 3 0 0 0 .067 Tussaint p 3 1 0 0 .000 D L Cruz lf-rf 3 0 1 0 .300 Totals 32 2 7 2 Mejia c 4 1 1 0 .259
Totals 28 2 5 2 Velazquez ss 3 0 0 0 .125 Totals 40 12 14 12 Garrett p 1 0 0 0 .182 Totals 36 9 12 9
Boston 69 51 .575 31⁄2 5-5 Totals 26 2 5 2 A.Jackson c 2 0 0 0 .154 Baltimore 001 000 010 —2 7 0
Pittsburgh 000 000 100 —1 5 0 Totals 31 2 4 2
Angels 100 000 000 —1 3 0 Tampa Bay 000 233 10x —9 12 0
New York 66 52 .559 51⁄2 7-3 Dodgers 000 000 11x —2 5 1
New York 200 000 00x —2 5 1 Atlanta 100 702 200 —12 14 0
Walks—Pittsburgh 5: Hayes 2, Reynolds 1, Stallings 1, Castro 1. Dodgers 2: Walks—Baltimore 2: Hays 1, Urias 1. Tampa Bay 3: Choi 2,
Walks—Angels 1: Marsh 1. New York 5: LeMahieu 2, Judge 1, Gallo Miami 110 000 000 — 2 4 0
Toronto 63 54 .538 8 5-5 Muncy 1, J.Turner 1. Meadows 1.
Strikeouts—Pittsburgh 10: Park 1, Hayes 1, Moran 1, Gamel 3, Stallings 1, 1, Odor 1. Walks—Atlanta 11: Albies 1, Soler 1, Freeman 1, Riley 2, Duvall 1, d’Arnaud 1, Strikeouts—Baltimore 5: Hays 1, Stewart 1, Urias 1, Mateo 1,
Baltimore 38 79 .325 33 0-10 Polanco 1, Castro 2. Dodgers 7: Pujols 1, Seager 1, J.Turner 1, Taylor 2, Barnes 1, Strikeouts—Angels 15: Ohtani 2, Fletcher 1, Upton 2, Walsh 3, Heredia 3, Toussaint 1. Miami 2: Brinson 1, Sierra 1. Martin 1. Tampa Bay 7: Meadows 1, Wendle 3, Phillips 1, Kiermaier 1,
Jackson 1. Gosselin 1, Marsh 2, Stassi 2, Adell 2. New York 9: Gallo 2, Stanton Strikeouts—Atlanta 11: Albies 1, Soler 1, Freeman 1, Riley 3, Duvall 1, d’Arnaud Mejia 1.
2, Odor 1, Higashioka 1, Davis 2, Velazquez 1. 1, Toussaint 3. Miami 10: Chisholm Jr. 1, Aguilar 1, Sanchez 1, Anderson 1, Alfaro 2, De
E—Bellinger (3). LOB—Pittsburgh 10, Dodgers 6. 2B—Tsutsugo (1), LOB—Baltimore 7, Tampa Bay 7. 2B—Mateo (5), Mancini (26),
Monday’s results T.Turner (4). HR—McKinney (1), off Banda; Muncy (26), off Shreve. E—Odor (12). LOB—Angels 4, New York 5. HR—Upton (16), off
La Cruz 1, Garrett 1, A.Jackson 2.
Wendle (25). 3B—Meadows (2). HR—Kiermaier (4), off Harvey;
LOB—Atlanta 13, Miami 4. 2B—d’Arnaud 2 (6), Riley (22), Soler 2 (3).
at New York 2, ANGELS 1 RBIs—McKinney (5), Muncy (70). S—Brault, Difo. Cole; Gallo (4), off Suarez. RBIs—Upton (37), Gallo 2 (8). HR—Freeman (26), off Campbell; Duvall (22), off Campbell; Chisholm Jr. (13), off Lowe (27), off Harvey; Phillips (10), off Fry; Lowe (28), off Fry;
Runners left in scoring position—Pittsburgh 7 (Brault 2, Moran 3, CS—LeMahieu (1). Toussaint; Diaz (4), off Toussaint. RBIs—Swanson 2 (72), Albies 3 (83), Freeman 3 Brosseau (5), off Abad. RBIs—Mullins (41), Mancini (62), Meadows
at Tampa Bay 9, Baltimore 2 Reynolds, Hayes); Dodgers 2 (Pollock 2). RISP_Pittsburgh 0 for 10; Dodgers 0 Runners left in scoring position—Angels 1 (Stassi); New York 1 2 (79), Kiermaier (28), Lowe 3 (68), Wendle (40), Phillips (35),
(68), Duvall 2 (68), d’Arnaud 2 (14), Chisholm Jr. (38), Diaz (15). S—Toussaint.
at Kansas City 7, Houston 6 for 2. (Voit 2, Stanton). RISP_Angels 0 for 2; New York 0 for 4. Runners left in scoring position—Atlanta 7 (Duvall, Soler, d’Arnaud, Brosseau (18). S—Mullins.
Runners moved up—Park. GIDP—Pujols. Runners moved up—J.Iglesias. GIDP—Voit. Swanson 2, Toussaint, Riley); Miami 2 (Sanchez, A.Jackson). RISP_Atlanta 8 for 22; Runners left in scoring position—Baltimore 4 (Mancini, Wynns,
at Chicago 5, Oakland 2 DP—Pittsburgh 1 (Hayes, Castro, Moran). DP—Angels 2 (J.Iglesias, Fletcher, Walsh; Gosselin, Fletcher, Miami 1 for 3. Stewart, Martin); Tampa Bay 2 (Brosseau 2). RISP_Baltimore 1 for 9;
at Minnesota 5, Cleveland 4, 10 innings Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Walsh). Runners moved up—Diaz. Tampa Bay 2 for 5.
Brault .......................52⁄3 3 0 0 1 4 76 1.84 Angels IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Mears.........................1⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 7 4.35 Runners moved up—Martin, Wynns. GIDP—Wynns.
Suarez, L, 5-6 ..............5 4 2 2 3 6 82 3.88 Toussaint, W, 2-2........61⁄3 3 2 2 2 7 97 4.01 DP—Tampa Bay 1 (Wendle, Lowe, Luplow).
Banda, BS, 0-1 ............1 1 1 1 0 2 19 2.08 Cishek ........................2 0 0 0 1 2 21 3.42 Santana....................12⁄3 1 0 0 0 2 24 3.41 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Shreve, L, 1-1 ..............1 1 1 1 0 1 22 2.95 Quijada.......................2⁄3 1 0 0 1 1 18 4.35 Webb..........................1 0 0 0 0 1 11 4.29 Harvey, L, 6-12 ..........42⁄3 5 5 5 1 6 86 6.25
Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Guerra ........................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 4 5.37 Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Fry .............................2⁄3 4 3 3 2 0 29 5.44
Bruihl .........................1 1 0 0 0 0 12 3.86 New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Garrett, L, 1-2 ..............3 3 3 3 6 2 77 5.03 Sulser.........................2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 7 2.86
Jackson.......................4 2 0 0 4 5 71 0.00 Cole, W, 11-6 ............52⁄3 2 1 1 1 9 90 3.04 Campbell.....................1 5 5 5 0 2 28 8.47 Abad ..........................2 3 1 1 0 1 31 15.43
Vesia ..........................1 0 0 0 0 1 11 2.70 Britton, H, 9 ................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 4 6.06 Guenther .....................2 3 2 2 3 1 39 9.53 Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Graterol ......................2⁄3 1 1 0 1 1 20 4.11 Abreu, H, 1................12⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 15 4.12 Guzman ......................1 2 2 2 2 3 34 18.00 McHugh ......................2 0 0 0 0 1 21 1.35
Treinen, W, 3-5...........11⁄3 0 0 0 0 2 8 1.92
TODAY’S GAMES Jansen, S, 24-29 ..........1 1 0 0 0 1 11 2.85
Rodriguez, H, 2 ............1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1
Green, S, 4-8 ...............1 1 0 0 0 2
5 2.70
17 3.08
Okert ..........................1 1 0 0 0 2
Detwiler.......................1 0 0 0 0 1
14 2.41
7 5.49
Fleming, W, 10-6........52⁄3 6 2 2 1 2
Head ........................11⁄3 1 0 0 1 2
101 4.86
25 1.85
Inherited runners-scored—Mears 2-0, Treinen 3-0. IBB_off Graterol Inherited runners-scored—Cishek 3-0, Guerra 1-0, Britton 1-0. Inherited runners-scored—Santana 1-0, Campbell 2-2. WP—Okert. Inherited runners-scored—Fry 1-1, Sulser 1-0, Head 2-0.
NATIONAL LEAGUE >>> (Reynolds). HBP_Brault (Muncy), Graterol (Polanco), Shreve (J.Turner). U— Junior Valentine, Jerry Meals, Jansen Visconti, Vic Carapazza. PB_Alfaro (13). HBP_Harvey (Lowe), Fleming (Stewart).
MATCHUP W-L ERA TIME U— Gabe Morales, John Bacon, Bill Miller, Doug Eddings. T—2:50. T—2:49. Tickets sold—37,010 (47,309). U— Stu Scheuwater, Roberto Ortiz, Chad Fairchild, CB Bucknor. T—3:28. U— Adrian Johnson, Brian Gorman, Jeremy Riggs, James Hoye.
PIT/Crowe (R) 3-7 5.27 7 p.m. Tickets sold—48,005 (56,000). Tickets sold—6,442 (36,742). T—2:53. Tickets sold—5,460 (25,000).
Dodgers/Price (L) 4-1 3.60 SNLA
ATL/Ynoa (R) 4-2 3.02 4 p.m.
MIA/Alcantara (R) 7-10 3.52 REDS 14 WHITE SOX 5 GIANTS 7
CHI/Hendricks (R) 13-5 4.15 4 p.m.
CIN/Gutierrez (R)
MIL/Burnes (R)
STL/Wainwright (R)

2.23 4:45 p.m.
— 5:30 p.m.
Jonathan India homered and drove in
Eloy Jimenez hit a tiebreaking RBI

Kris Bryant hit two home runs and

Padres sign
Arrieta to
COL/Márquez (R) 10-9 3.78
five runs and Joey Votto recorded his single and Liam Hendriks got the save Kevin Gausman set a career high with
PHI/Gibson (R) 8-4 2.91 6:30 p.m. 2,000th hit on a single in the seventh against his former team, leading his 12th win to lead San Francisco.
ARI/TBD — — as Cincinnati gave Chicago 12 losses Chicago to a win. The White Sox im- Brandon Crawford had four hits and is
NY/Stroman (R) 8-11 2.79 6:45 p.m. in a row for the first time since 2012. proved to an AL-best 40-22 at home. hitting .427 over his last 28 games.
SF/Webb (R)


Angels/Bundy (R)


4 p.m.
Duffy 3b
Schwndl 1b
Wisdom lf
India 2b
AB R H BI Avg.
6 2 3 5 .283
Cstllans rf 4 1 2 0 .317
Votto 1b 4 1 3 1 .284
Canha lf
Marte cf
Olson 1b
Andrson ss
Hrnndez 2b
Abreu 1b
New York AB R H BI Avg. San
Nimmo cf

Alonso 1b
Smith lf
4 1 1 0 .280 Francisco
Conforto rf 4 1 0 0 .217 Slater cf
4 1 1 2 .250 Dickerson
4 0 0 1 .251 Belt 1b
AB R H BI Avg.

2 0 0 0 .232
1 1 1 0 .234
add depth
Bote 2b 4 0 1 0 .198 Farmer ss 5 1 1 1 .261 Gomes c 4 0 0 0 .219 Jimenez lf 4 0 1 1 .328 2 1 1 1 .248
DET/Mize (R) 6-6 3.66 BSW Chirinos c 3 1 1 2 .286 Sarez 3b 3 2 0 0 .172 Lowrie dh 4 0 2 0 .262 Mncada 3b 3 0 1 0 .251 McNeil 2b 5 0 0 0 .255 Bryant rf-lf 4 2 2 3 .321
Heyward rf 4 1 1 1 .199 Aquino lf 4 3 2 3 .216 Chapman 3b 4 1 1 1 .224 Vaughn dh 4 0 0 0 .260 Davis 3b 4 1 3 0 .308 Posey c 4 1 1 0 .330
BOS/Eovaldi (R) 10-7 3.92 10 a.m. Villar ss 4 1 2 2 .249 Ruf lf
Fargas cf 3 0 0 0 .269 Naquin cf 3 1 1 1 .251 Harrison 2b 2 1 0 0 .276 Robert cf 4 3 3 1 .328 2 0 1 1 .270 wire reports
NY/Gil (R) 1-0 0.00 MLB Happ 1 0 1 2 .179 Brnhart c 4 1 2 3 .268 Piscotty rf 1 0 0 0 .212 Goodwin rf 2 0 0 0 .230 McCann c 4 0 2 0 .240 Wade Jr. rf 2 0 0 0 .249
BOS/Houck (R) 0-3 2.93 4 p.m. Alcntara ss 3 0 1 0 .192 Miley p 3 1 0 0 .156 Brown rf 2 0 0 0 .207 Zavala c 3 1 2 2 .230 Hill p 2 0 0 0 .000 Longoria 3b 3 2 1 0 .278
Steele p 1 0 0 0 .000 Brrero ss 1 1 0 0 .000 Machin ss 2 0 1 0 .107 Totals 31 5 10 5 Blnknhorn 1 0 0 0 .211 Crawford ss 4 0 4 1 .306
NY/Montgomery (L) 4-5 3.69 MLB Romine 1 0 0 0 .231 Totals 37 14 14 14 Moreland 1 0 0 0 .233 Drury 1 0 1 0 .307 Flores 1b 4 0 2 1 .251 Jake Arrieta caught on with a
BAL/Means (L) 5-4 3.21 4 p.m. Ortega cf 2 1 1 0 .329 Totals 32 2 6 2 Totals 37 5 10 5 Solano 2b 1 0 0 0 .275
Totals 36 5 10 5 La Stlla 2b 3 0 0 0 .248 playoff contender after getting re-
TB/Rasmussen (R) 1-1 3.98 Oakland 020 000 000 —2 6 1
SEA/Anderson (L) 5-8 4.24 5 p.m. Chicago 000 000 050 — 5 10 0 Chicago 001 111 01x —5 10 0 Gausman p 1 0 0 0 .211
Ystrzmski cf 3 0 0 0 .221
leased by the Chicago Cubs, sign-
Cincinnati 000 220 82x —14 14 0
TEX/Howard (R) 0-3 5.61
Walks—Oakland 3: Harrison 1, Piscotty 1, Machin 1. Chicago 3: Hernandez 1, Totals 36 7 13 7 ing a minor league deal with the
Walks—Chicago 1: Alcantara 1. Cincinnati 8: Castellanos 1, Votto 1, Suarez Moncada 1, Goodwin 1.
CLE/Morgan (R) 1-5 6.52 5 p.m. 2, Aquino 1, Naquin 2, Barrero 1. Strikeouts—Oakland 11: Canha 1, Marte 1, Olson 1, Gomes 1, Lowrie 1, New York 000 030 020 —5 10 0 San Diego Padres on Monday.
Strikeouts—Chicago 9: Wisdom 3, Bote 1, Heyward 1, Fargas 3, Steele 1. San Francisco 000 220 30x —7 13 1
MIN/Ober (R) 1-1 4.53 Cincinnati 10: India 1, Castellanos 1, Votto 1, Farmer 3, Suarez 2, Barnhart 1,
Chapman 2, Harrison 1, Brown 1, Machin 1, Moreland 1. Chicago 9: Anderson 1, Abreu
Walks—New York 2: Nimmo 1, Conforto 1. San Francisco 1: Longoria 1.
The former National League Cy
3, Jimenez 1, Moncada 2, Vaughn 1, Robert 1.
HOU/Valdez (L) 8-3 3.10 5 p.m. Miley 1. E—Machin (2). LOB—Oakland 8, Chicago 8. 2B—Lowrie (21). HR—Chapman
Strikeouts—New York 12: Nimmo 1, Conforto 2, Alonso 1, Smith 1, McNeil 1, Villar 2, McCann 2, Hill 2. San
Francisco 6: Slater 1, Posey 1, Wade Jr. 1, Longoria 2, La Stella 1.
Young Award winner is expected to
LOB—Chicago 6, Cincinnati 8. 2B—Schwindel (6), Heyward (13), Happ
KC/Lynch (L) 2-3 5.97
(11), Barnhart (20), Farmer (16), India (21). HR—India (16), off Steele; Aquino
(18), off Keuchel; Robert (3), off Guerra. RBIs—Chapman (56), Canha (42), E—Crawford (7). LOB—New York 9, San Francisco 6. 2B—Posey (14), Dickerson (8). 3B—Alonso (1), make his first start for San Diego
OAK/Bassitt (R) 12-3 3.06 5 p.m. Hernandez (4), Zavala 2 (13), Jimenez (20), Robert (12). SB—Hernandez (1), Robert Crawford (2). HR—Villar (14), off Rogers; Bryant (2), off Castro; Belt (16), off May; Bryant (3), off May.
(8), off Rucker; Barnhart (7), off Meisinger. RBIs—Chirinos 2 (7), Heyward (5), Goodwin (1). CS—Robert (1). SF—Hernandez. S—Zavala. RBIs—Alonso 2 (67), Smith (52), Villar 2 (31), Ruf (32), Flores (44), Bryant 3 (8), Belt (36), Crawford (70). on Wednesday against the Col-
CHI/López (R) 1-0 1.35 (23), Happ 2 (32), India 5 (55), Aquino 3 (17), Farmer (44), Naquin (62),
Barnhart 3 (40), Votto (76). SF—Barnhart.
Runners left in scoring position—Oakland 6 (Gomes, Olson 2, Harrison SB—Villar (10). SF—Smith.
Runners left in scoring position—New York 4 (Smith 2, Hill, Conforto); San Francisco 3 (La Stella,
orado Rockies.
3); Chicago 4 (Jimenez, Vaughn, Moncada, Anderson). RISP_Oakland 1 for 7; Chicago
INTERLEAGUE >>> Runners left in scoring position—Chicago 3 (Bote, Schwindel, Alcantara 2 for 9.
Yastrzemski, Flores). RISP_New York 1 for 7; San Francisco 3 for 7.
Runners moved up—Alonso. The Padres signed Arrieta to
2); Cincinnati 4 (Suarez 2, India, Aquino). RISP_Chicago 4 for 13; Cincinnati 4 Runners moved up—Olson, Chapman, Goodwin. GIDP—Canha, Vaughn.
MATCHUP W-L ERA TIME for 13. GIDP—Schwindel.
New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA add depth to their injury-plagued
TOR/Manoah (R) 5-1 2.59 4 p.m. DP—Cincinnati 1 (Suarez, India, Votto). DP—Oakland 1 (Machin, Harrison, Olson); Chicago 1 (Hernandez, Abreu). Hill...........................32⁄3 6 2 2 0 2 68 4.98
Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Castro, L, 3-4 ............11⁄3 2 2 2 0 2 28 3.38 rotation. Chris Paddack (left ob-
WAS/Fedde (R) 4-8 5.12 Montas, L, 9-9 .............5 8 3 3 3 6 99 4.04 Familia .......................2⁄3 2 0 0 0 2 15 3.89
Steele, L, 2-2...............4 5 2 2 3 5 82 3.22
Petit ...........................1 1 1 1 0 0 15 3.28 Loup ..........................1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 4 1.17 lique strain) and Yu Darvish (back
Rucker ........................2 4 6 6 2 4 53 9.26
Winkler .......................1⁄3 2 4 3 3 0 28 5.22 Puk ............................1 0 0 0 0 2 18 0.00 May ............................1 3 3 3 1 0 20 4.17 tightness) are on the 10-day injured
Jewell .........................2⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 13 7.88 Guerra ........................1 1 1 1 0 1 19 3.83 Lugo ...........................1 0 0 0 0 0 10 3.30
Meisinger ....................1 2 2 2 0 0 28 14.73 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA list.
Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Keuchel, W, 8-6............5 5 2 2 2 2 78 4.48 Gausman, W, 12-5........5 5 3 3 2 7 94 2.40 San Diego manager Jayce Tin-
Miley, W, 10-4 ..............7 4 0 0 1 7 97 2.84 Kopech, H, 13..............2 0 0 0 1 3 30 2.42 Jackson, H, 3...............1⁄3 2 0 0 0 0 8 3.68
gler said Arrieta was put on the
ODDS Hembree.....................2⁄3 5 5 5 0 2
Hoffman....................11⁄3 1 0 0 0 0
30 6.38
23 4.31
Kimbrel, H, 2 ...............1
Hendriks, S, 27-33........1
0 0 3
0 0 3
18 4.70
18 3.35
Alvarez, H, 4 ................2⁄3
Watson, H, 2................1
0 0 1
0 0 1
0.00 team’s taxi squad after joining the
Inherited runners-scored—Winkler 3-3, Jewell 2-1, Hoffman 2-2. HBP_Keuchel (Harrison), Kimbrel (Olson), Guerra (Goodwin). WP—Puk. Rogers ........................1 3 2 2 0 2 17 2.05
Major League Baseball HBP_Miley (Chirinos). PB_Chirinos (2). T—3:37. Tickets sold—15,404 PB_Zavala (7). McGee, S, 26-29 ..........1 0 0 0 0 1 15 2.66 team in Denver.
U— Ron Kulpa, Nic Lentz, Nick Mahrley, Bruce Dreckman. T—3:16. Tickets Inherited runners-scored—Castro 2-0, Loup 2-0, Alvarez 2-0. HBP_Gausman (Alonso).
sold—19,410 (40,615). U— Dan Iassogna, Jeremie Rehak, Scott Barry, John Libka. T—3:23. Tickets sold—23,511 (41,915).
Favorite Underdog
at DODGERS -297 Pittsburgh +243
Honus Wagner card sells
Atlanta -125 at Miami +110 ROCKIES 6 TWINS 5 for $6.6 million
at Cincinnati -154 Chicago +139
PADRES 5 INDIANS 4 A Honus Wagner baseball card
Milwaukee -145 at St. Louis +128 ASTROS 6 reportedly sold for $6.606 million,
at Colorado -130 San Diego +110
Philadelphia -120 at Arizona -100 C.J. Cron hit the first pitch he saw from Jorge Polanco doubled with two outs in making it the most expensive trad-
at San Francisco -147 New York +133 Salvador Perez drove in the go-ahead ing card ever.
Daniel Hudson for a walk-off solo the bottom of the 10th inning to score
AMERICAN LEAGUE runs with a two-out single in the eighth The card, known as a T206
homer. Connor Joe homered on his Max Kepler and give Minnesota a
Favorite Underdog inning, helping struggling Kansas City Honus Wagner, printed between
at Detroit -122 ANGELS +105 29th birthday, and Charlie Blackmon second straight walk-off win. The Twins
to a back-and-forth victory over AL 1909 and 1911, broke the $5.2 million
Boston -145 at New York +125 also went deep for Colorado. have won eight of 11.
Boston -130 at New York +110 West-leading Houston. paid for a 1952 Topps Mickey Man-
Cleveland AB R H BI Avg. Minnesota AB R H BI Avg.
at Tampa Bay -192 Baltimore +167 San Diego AB R H BI Avg. Colorado AB R H BI Avg. Straw cf 5 0 1 0 .309 Kepler rf 3 2 1 2 .211 tle card sold in January and a 2003-
Tatis Jr. rf 4 1 1 0 .299 Joe lf 4 2 2 1 .291 Houston AB R H BI Avg. Kansas AB R H BI Avg.
Seattle -154 at Texas +138
Frazier 2b 4 0 1 0 .268 Rodgers 2b 4 1 1 0 .284
Rosario ss 5 1 2 0 .278 Rooker lf 3 0 1 0 .202
Ramirez 3b 5 0 1 1 .253 Refsnyder lf 2 0 0 0 .308 Altuve 2b 5 1 3 0 .274 City 04 Upper Deck Exquisite Collec-
Houston -185 at Kansas City +162 Brantley lf 4 0 1 1 .332 Mrrifield 2b 5 1 3 1
Mchado 3b 4 0 2 1 .282 Story ss 4 1 1 2 .258 Reyes dh 4 1 0 0 .251 Plnco 2b-ss 6 1 2 1 .268
Correa ss 4 1 2 1 .270 Lopez ss 32 1 0
tion LeBron James autographed
at Minnesota -147 Cleveland +133 Crnnwrth ss 3 2 2 0 .278 Blackmon rf 4 1 1 2 .270 Zimmer rf 4 1 2 2 .251 Dnldson dh 5 0 3 1 .252
Oakland -120 at Chicago +105 Nola c 4 1 1 0 .290 Cron 1b 3 1 2 1 .263 Mercado lf 4 0 0 0 .217 Arraez 3b 5 0 2 0 .317 Alvarez dh 3 0 1 1 .289 Perez c 41 1 2 .277 jersey rookie card sold in April.
Hosmer 1b 4 0 0 0 .277 McMhn 3b 3 0 1 0 .265 Miller 1b 3 1 0 0 .150 Sano 1b 3 0 1 0 .215 Jones dh 1 1 1 0 .218 C.Sntna 1b 4 0 2 1 .224
INTERLEAGUE Myers lf 4 0 2 0 .258 Diaz c 3 0 1 0 .225 Gurriel 1b 4 0 0 0 .315 Bnintendi lf 4 1 1 0 .249
Favorite Underdog Grisham cf 4 1 1 3 .258 Daza cf 3 0 0 0 .283
Gimenez 2b 3 0 1 0 .182 Cave cf
Hedges c 4 0 1 1 .179 Jeffers c
4 1 1 0 .179
4 1 1 1 .215 Diaz 3b 4 1 2 2 .305 O’Hearn dh 3 0 2 2 .240 Etc.
Weathers p 1 0 0 0 .167 Senzatela p 2 0 0 0 .036 McCrmck rf 4 0 1 0 .254 M.Taylor cf 3 0 0 0 .244
Toronto -179 at Washington +159
Pham 1 0 0 0 .243 Hilliard 1 0 0 0 .206
Totals 37 4 8 4 Smmons ss 3 0 0 0 .215
Castro c 4 1 1 1 .197 Dozier rf 42 1 1 .205 The Tampa Bay Rays signed
Garver 1 0 1 0 .237
Caratini 1 0 0 0 .227 Totals 31 6 9 6 Gordon 2b 1 0 1 0 .258 Meyers cf 3 1 0 0 .238 Rivera 3b 40 1 0 .256 36-year-old reliever David Rob-
Kim 1 0 0 0 .206 Totals 40 5 14 5 Totals 36 6 12 6 Totals 34 7 12 7
Totals 35 5 10 4 Houston 100 021 011 —6 12 0
ertson to a major league contract
Cleveland 020 011 000 0 —4 8 1
San Diego 010 001 003 —5 10 0 Minnesota 101 101 000 1 —5 14 4 Kansas City 021 001 12x —7 12 0 and will have him report to triple-A
Colorado 104 000 001 —6 9 0 Walks—Cleveland 3: Reyes 1, Zimmer 1, Gimenez 1. Minnesota 6: Kepler 3, Sano 2, Cave Walks— Kansas City 3: Lopez 1, Perez 1, C.Santana 1. Durham. Robertson pitched for
LEADERS Walks—San Diego 1: Cronenworth 1. Colorado 1: Cron 1.
Strikeouts—San Diego 3: Hosmer 2, Grisham 1. Colorado 5: Story 1, Cron
Strikeouts—Cleveland 8: Straw 1, Ramirez 2, Reyes 1, Zimmer 1, Mercado 2, Miller 1.
Strikeouts—Houston 2: Correa 1, Castro 1. Kansas City 7: Perez 1,
C.Santana 1, M.Taylor 2, Dozier 1, Rivera 2. the silver medal-winning USA
Minnesota 8: Rooker 1, Polanco 1, Donaldson 2, Sano 1, Cave 3.
Through Sunday 1, McMahon 1, Senzatela 1, Hilliard 1. E—Gimenez (7), Polanco (13), Jax (2), Cave (2), Simmons (10). LOB—Cleveland 8,
LOB—Houston 4, Kansas City 9. 2B—Altuve (16), Jones (6), team in the Tokyo Olympics. ...
LOB—San Diego 4, Colorado 1. 2B—Cronenworth (27), Tatis Jr. (22), Story O’Hearn (3), C.Santana (12). HR—Diaz (7), off Hernandez; Correa
NATIONAL LEAGUE >>> (29). HR—Grisham (13), off Bard; Joe (7), off Weathers; Blackmon (8), off
Minnesota 15. 2B—Rosario (20), Hedges (3), Cave (6), Garver (12), Polanco (24).
(19), off Hernandez; Castro (4), off Barlow; Dozier (9), off Odorizzi. Cincinnati Reds outfielder Jesse
Player G AB R H Avg. HR—Zimmer (5), off Jax; Kepler (16), off Quantrill; Jeffers (11), off Garza. RBIs—Zimmer 2
T. Turner, Dodgers ............105 422 76 134 .318
Weathers; Cron (20), off Hudson. RBIs—Machado (79), Grisham 3 (50), Joe (22), Ramirez (73), Hedges (22), Kepler 2 (45), Donaldson (49), Jeffers (29), Polanco (64). RBIs—Alvarez (77), Diaz 2 (34), Brantley (40), Correa (63), Castro Winker was placed on the 10-day IL
(25), Story 2 (56), Blackmon 2 (54), Cron (64). SB—Zimmer (9). (11), O’Hearn 2 (28), Merrifield (57), Dozier (33), C.Santana (57),
Castellanos, CIN ...............97 371 66 117 .315 Runners left in scoring position—San Diego 0 (Nola); Colorado 0 Runners left in scoring position—Cleveland 4 (Hedges 2, Reyes, Miller, Zimmer); Perez 2 (77). SB—Merrifield (34), Lopez 3 (13). S—Lopez, M.Taylor. with an intercostal strain. ... Yan-
Reynolds, PIT ..................115 418 68 129 .309 Minnesota 6 (Sano, Polanco, Cave, Refsnyder, Jeffers 2). RISP_Cleveland 3 for 12; Minnesota 2
Winker, CIN ....................109 420 77 129 .307 (Daza). RISP_San Diego 2 for 8; Colorado 2 for 4. for 11. Runners left in scoring position—Houston 1 (Brantley, Diaz); kees manager Aaron Boone isn’t
Runners moved up—Nola, Myers. GIDP—Grisham, Nola, Myers, Kansas City 3 (Lopez, Dozier, M.Taylor). RISP_Houston 3 for 9;
Segura, PHI......................90 348 50 106 .305
McMahon, Daza.
Runners moved up—Arraez. GIDP—Reyes, Polanco, Refsnyder, Sano.
DP—Cleveland 3 (Ramirez, Miller; Rosario, Gimenez, Miller; Ramirez, Hedges, Ramirez); Kansas City 4 for 12. certain that Clint Frazier will be
Soto, WAS......................107 358 75 108 .302
Crawford, SF.....................97 336 58 100 .298 DP—San Diego 3 (Frazier, Cronenworth, Hosmer; Frazier, Cronenworth, Minnesota 2 (Arraez, Polanco, Sano; Polanco, Sano).
Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Runners moved up—Benintendi, M.Taylor. GIDP—Alvarez. able to play baseball again after the
Hosmer; Machado, Cronenworth, Hosmer); Colorado 3 (Story, Rodgers, Cron; DP—Kansas City 1 (Lopez, C.Santana).
Harper, PHI ......................97 337 68 100 .297
Rodgers, Story, Cron; Rodgers, Story, Cron). Quantrill ......................5 8 3 3 1 4 92 3.24 Houston IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA outfielder was pulled from a minor
Riley, ATL........................117 420 65 123 .293 Garza, BS, 0-1 ...........11⁄3 2 1 1 1 3 22 4.86
Parker.........................2⁄3 0 0 0 1 1 15 2.42
Odorizzi.....................51⁄3 8 4 4 2 2
Maton ........................2⁄3 0 0 0 0 1
89 4.74
10 4.26
league rehab assignment amid
Weathers .....................4 8 5 5 0 3 62 5.06
AMERICAN LEAGUE >>> Adams ........................1 0 0 0 0 1 13 2.81 Karinchak ....................1 1 0 0 0 0 19 3.83 Stanek ........................1 1 1 1 1 2 29 3.73 continuing issues with his vision. ...
Player G AB R H Avg. Wittgren, L, 2-6 ..........12⁄3 3 1 0 3 0 27 4.40 Garcia, L, 0-1...............1 3 2 2 0 2 15 4.50
Brantley, HOU ...................94 370 61 123 .332
Crismatt ......................2 0 0 0 1 1
Diaz............................1 0 0 0 0 0
26 3.14
4 2.61 Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA The Houston Astros have agreed
Gurriel, HOU ...................101 368 55 117 .318 Hudson, L, 0-1.............1⁄3 1 1 1 0 0 3 7.71 Jax .............................6 7 4 2 2 3 87 5.11 Hernandez ...................6 8 4 4 0 1 72 4.33 to a confidential settlement with
Mullins, BAL ...................114 438 67 139 .317 Colorado IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Gant ...........................1 0 0 0 0 2 17 4.15 Brentz.......................11⁄3 2 1 1 0 1 18 3.27
Guerrero, TOR .................116 427 90 134 .314 Senzatela ....................7 6 2 2 1 2 83 4.58 Minaya........................1 0 0 0 1 1 19 3.32 Barlow, W, 5-3 ...........12⁄3 2 1 1 0 0 14 2.68 the family of a 2-year-old girl struck
Hernandez, TOR ................98 380 58 119 .313 Estevez, H, 13 ..............1 1 0 0 0 0 10 4.57 Colome .......................1 1 0 0 0 0 10 3.94 Inherited runners-scored—Brentz 1-0, Barlow 1-1. by a foul ball during a 2019 Astros
Bogaerts Bos..................111 411 73 127 .309 Bard, W, 6-5 ................1 3 3 3 0 1 23 4.53 Thielbar, W, 5-0 ............1 0 0 0 0 2 19 3.74 HBP_Hernandez (Meyers), Stanek (O’Hearn).
Fletcher, Angels...............114 457 64 138 .302 WP—Senzatela.
Inherited runners-scored—Parker 1-0. IBB_off Wittgren (Sano), off Wittgren (Kepler).
U— Paul Clemons, Gerry Davis, Rob Drake, Will Little. T—3:06. game at Minute Maid Park, the
HBP_Quantrill 2 (Rooker,Jeffers), Jax (Miller). WP—Jax, Minaya.
Anderson, CHW...............100 427 73 128 .300 U— Adam Hamari, Marvin Hudson, Dave Rackley, Larry Vanover. T—2:32.
U— John Tumpane, Jim Wolf, Sam Holbrook, Mike Muchlinski. T—3:43. Tickets
Tickets sold—10,228 (37,903). family’s attorney said.
Martinez, BOS.................110 426 76 125 .293 Tickets sold—24,565 (50,445). sold—15,622 (38,544).
B8 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M


Morris aims to push right buttons on defense

showed 5:07 left in the first McVay said it “seems like it’s
New coordinator quarter made that difficult. good,” but the fifth-year pro
“You feel that as an of- will get more tests to make
learning on job and fense,” offensive coordinator sure. Justin Lawler stepped
hoping his messaging Kevin O’Connell said of the in for Floyd during the re-
Chargers’ long opening maining team periods to
is getting through. drive, “especially when you build off a stand-out pre-
got a chart full of, ‘Hey, we season performance that in-
By Thuc Nhi Nguyen gotta get this guy this many cluded five tackles and two
snaps and that guy this quarterback hits. It was his
many touches.’ ” first live game action since
Preseason games aren’t The Rams rushed for 73 2019, when he broke his foot
just for players hoping to yards in 24 carries, led by during training camp.
prove themselves or rookies quarterback Bryce Perkins’ Morris could sense that
trying to learn the ropes. 23 yards. Xavier Jones led Lawler was due for a break-
Coaches need them too. the running backs with 21 out performance as soon as
In his first preseason yards in seven carries. Run- the coach walked by during
game as the Rams defensive ning backs Raymond Calais warmups.
coordinator, Raheem and Jake Funk had 14 and 12 “I went to walk by Lawler
Morris was trying to relay yards rushing, respectively. and I said, ‘You know what,
play calls to rookie lineback- The effort left much to be de- I’m going to leave him
er Ernest Jones but his mes- sired for Sean McVay, who alone,’ ” Morris said. “I just
sages weren’t reaching the called the run game had a feeling. I walked into
field. Meanwhile, the Char- “sloppy.” the coaches’ locker room
gers were marching down “It takes all 11 in the run and I said, ‘Law Dog is going
the field. game,” he said. “There were to be the player of the
Morris was pressing the instances where individual game.’ ”
wrong button on his head- guys did a nice job, but there
set. He smiled as he re- Mark J. Terrill Associated Press might be a certain block or a Etc.
counted the stressful start RAMS first-year defensive coordinator Raheem Morris, acclimating to his new certain angle or the way Receiver Trishton Jack-
to his Rams tenure Monday. role, is also trying to establish his philosophy during these preseason games. we’re fitting a block based on son did not practice Monday
The Rams ironed out the where the back’s landmark because of a knee injury. …
kinks in their first preseason that you guys are looking preseason is really invalu- Rams got the ball, they were is wasn’t in unison.” Defensive lineman Eric
game Saturday and are us- like, in the future, he may be able.” hoping to establish the run Banks was held out because
ing the lessons learned from a green dot candidate,” Mor- The defense recovered on and start evaluating their Floyd hurt of soreness that flared up af-
their 13-6 loss to the Char- ris said of players desig- the first drive to hold the stable of young running Outside linebacker ter the walk-through and re-
gers to prepare them for up- nated to hear helmet mes- Chargers to a field goal after backs who could back up Leonard Floyd limped off ceiver Tutu Atwell was held
coming joint practices with sages from coaches. “So to they had reached the Rams’ Darrell Henderson Jr. the field with an ankle injury out as a precaution for back
the Raiders and their regu- give him those reps in the two-yard line. When the A game clock that and didn’t finish practice. pain.
lar-season opener against
the Bears on Sept. 12.
“These are the games
where you establish your
philosophy,” Morris said.
“Some people like to come
out there and tell you what
your philosophies are, it’s all
about what that tape is. So
Chargers see signs defense falling in place
let’s go out there, it doesn’t an offense trying to score in “I feel like I’m not think- then there were some hard practice because of a lower-
matter who the bodies are, it By Jeff Miller the closing seconds. It was ing as much,” White said of problems that both sides back issue that Staley de-
doesn’t matter who the peo- the sort of play that could his progress. “When you had to solve, too, that we’re scribed as not concerning.
ple are, you go out there and The play was a solid one, win a game for the Chargers kind of cut that off and don’t going to be able to learn a lot He said Slater should be
establish your philosophy in a cornerback in tight cov- in just a few more weeks. do as much thinking and from.” able to return for the joint
these types of games.” erage edging in front of a It also was the latest ex- just play football, I feel like The Chargers are down practices with the 49ers.
The Rams plan to rely wide receiver to secure a ample of a defense that con- I’m better off. The past few to their final traditional 8 Wide receiver Williams
primarily on young players clutch interception. tinues to show signs of years I was overthinking training camp practice, set (hip flexor) won’t practice
during preseason games What the play repre- promise. Staley is installing some things and it was mak- to begin at 2 p.m. Tuesday. this week and running back
and use joint practices like sented, however, was the a more aggressive, more ver- ing me play a little slower. The players don’t prac- Justin Jackson (groin) likely
the two scheduled this week reason Chargers coach satile system meant to ex- Now I just try to go out there, tice Wednesday before re- won’t, either.
against the Raiders to pre- Brandon Staley liked it so ploit individual skills. have a relaxed mind and just turning for joint sessions 8 Staley said he is unsure
pare starters. much. “It’s about making play football.” Thursday and Friday with whether cornerback Ryan
In the spotlight of an NFL Earlier in training camp, plays,” veteran edge rusher With a new coaching staff San Francisco. The Char- Smith (core muscle) will be
game for the first time, Jones Michael Davis was beaten by Kyler Fackrell said. “It’s not and new systems on both gers and 49ers will play a pre- ready for the start of the
showed his meddle by han- Mike Williams with a back- so much a strict structure sides of the ball, the Char- season game starting at 4:30 regular season.
dling the microphone snafu shoulder throw on the same with coverage lanes or any- gers have been experiencing p.m. Sunday at SoFi Sta- Smith is expected to be a
with “absolute poise,” Mor- route. thing like that …[Staley] an education, one that be- dium. gunner in kick coverage.
ris said, giving coaches a In practice Monday, wants guys to take their gan during the offseason Fackrell, entering his 8 With Cole Mazza out
glimpse at a promising ca- Davis read the situation cor- shots. That’s the way you program. sixth year, signed with the because of a shoulder injury,
reer for the third-round pick rectly and this time picked like to play.” On Monday, they were Chargers as a free agent af- the Chargers signed veteran
from South Carolina. off Justin Herbert’s pass in- The Chargers’ new ap- dressed in only shorts and ter spending time with long snapper Matt Overton.
“He was one of the guys tended for Jason Moore. proach was on display dur- helmets but still went Green Bay and the New York Ryan Langan also is in camp
The play was a sign of ing the first defensive series through what Staley de- Giants. He said he has been competing for the job.
progress — of a lesson in their preseason opener scribed as “a competitive impressed by the methods of 8 Defensive lineman
learned. Saturday. After permitting script — about as competi- Staley, a rookie head coach. Cortez Broughton, offensive
“We wanted to make sure the Rams to cross midfield, tive as we’ve had.” “What I love probably the tackle Trey Pipkins and

Players that we worked really hard

on that back-shoulder
[throw],” Staley said. “That
the defense tightened and
pushed the drive backward.
On three successive
Twice Staley became as
animated on the field as he
has been all training camp
most about him is you can
tell by the way he talks, by
the way he coaches that he
edge rusher Chris Rumph II
also didn’t practice.
8 The Chargers released

scatter was a good example of him

[using] all the drill work that
[the coaches] are putting in
front of him each and every
plays, veteran lineman
Christian Covington had a
tackle for loss, linebacker
Drue Tranquill pressured
while trying to get players
aligned correctly. After-
ward, he said he was more
“energized” and excited
loves football,” Fackrell said.
“He’s never dragging when
he comes into the building.
He’s all about it all the time.”
punter Lachlan Edwards,
kicker Alex Kessman and
receiver Michael

to other day. That’s exciting.”

Davis’ interception Mon-
day was magnified in that it
Devlin Hodges into an in-
completion with a perfectly
timed blitz and Kyzir White
than anything.
“There were a lot of good
things that were happening
8 Rookie left tackle
Edwards was signed to
compete with Ty Long, who
has been the Chargers’ punt-

programs ended a desperate drive by had a tackle for loss. out there,” Staley said. “And Rashawn Slater did not er the past two seasons.

Star kicker draws

By Eric Sondheimer

When Manuel Douglas

resigned as football coach at
St. Bernard last spring just
before the team’s final game,
the phones started ringing
among those with connec-
inspiration as his
tions to St. Bernard players.
The writing was on the wall
that players would scatter.
The main beneficiaries of
dad fights cancer
the transfers appear to be should have to undergo —
Bishop Alemany, Leuzinger By Eric Sondheimer dealing with his father’s ups
and Inglewood, among oth- and downs with cancer. Mey-
ers. Ninth and final in a se- er played for West Hills
Here’s a look where many ries of stories profiling top Chaminade as a freshman
of St. Bernard’s top players high school players in the and sophomore, then moved
ended up. Most entered this Southland by position. to Costa Mesa with his fam-
week still seeking Southern Chase Meyer of Santa ily so his father, Peter, could
Section eligibility approval Ana Mater Dei is an Eagle be closer to medical care.
to play this week, according Scout. He can build a fire, fix His new coaches, class-
to the section’s website. a toilet, put up a tent, cook, mates and friends have
Adding to potential prob- even mount a 60-inch flat- helped him every step of the Eric Sondheimer Los Angeles Times
lems is that St. Bernard is screen TV and put the wires way, telling him they are al- CHASE MEYER says his family lineage made it natural for him to kick balls.
hoping to play a three-game in the right places. He has a ways available to talk, to
league season, which will 4.3 grade-point average and support, to lean on when
prevent transfers from gain- plans to study mechanical there’s a bad day.
ing immediate eligibility engineering in college. But the most important KICKERS/PUNTERS TO WATCH
based on the school drop- He has the “whole pack- person inspiring and moti-
ping its program. age,” as any college recruiter vating Meyer is his father. Player School Ht. Wt. Yr. Eric Sondheimer’s comment
would say. His specialty on “It’s been tough,” Meyer Kian Afrookhteh Dana Hills 5-6 170 Sr. Made six of eight field-goal tries in spring.
Bishop Alemany the football field is kicking. said. “He’s taught me even Chase Barry JSerra 6-5 215 Sr. Averaged 38.7 on punts in the spring.
WR Larry Turner, Sr.; His father, brother and sis- though it’s hard, even Ryan Ewing Mission Viejo 6-2 175 Sr. Had 45-yard field goal during spring season.
WR Jhacob Blenman, Jr.; ter all played soccer. “It was though you don’t want to get Aidan Flintoft Oaks Christian 6-1 188 Jr. Earned top punter ranking at summer camps.
DB Khristian Dunbar- in my blood to kick balls,” he up, you have to get up and
Sean Harry San Clemente 6-3 175 Sr. Made game-winning kick vs. Mission Viejo.
Hawkins, So.; OL Trey said. keep pushing and keep go-
Brooks, Sr. At 10, he joined a youth ing. He is the true definition Michael Luckhurst Bishop Diego 6-3 180 Sr. From 55 yards and in, he’s good.
Long Beach Poly football team. At first, he of perseverance. He shows Chase Meyer Mater Dei 5-11 185 Sr. Carries 4.3 GPA and makes clutch kicks.
QB Darius Curry, So.; LB played defensive end and me every day you can’t give Nicholas Pasquarella Alta Loma 6-1 185 Sr. Four for four on FGs with a long of 49.
Dylan Williams, So. linebacker, but no one up.” Brady Weinberg Apple Valley 5-8 140 Sr. Was 13 for 13 on PATs in spring.
Sierra Canyon wanted to be the kicker. He Neither his father nor his
Tate Zimmerman Irvine 6-1 200 Sr. Athlete who averaged 41.3 yards on punts.
RB Terrell Cooks, So.; LB tried out and made a 30-yard mother was able to attend
Cameron Brandt, Jr. field goal. “You know what, any of his five games last
Leuzinger this might be the position I spring, but they watched at have.” badges beyond the 21 re- “I’m a creature of habit,”
DB Daijon Calimon, So.; can play,” he told himself. home, either on television or He said his mother, quired to become an Eagle he said. “I do like to eat the
OL Haneef Muhammad, Jr.; A star was born. He has on a computer. The word Annamarie, also has served Scout. same thing every day.”
DE Blake Wells, Jr.; OL plunged full steam ahead by was dad was jumping out of as inspiration by the way she He came to Mater Dei not So it’s protein pancakes
Leonard Jefferson, Sr. learning fundamentals from bed after Chase made a big has taken care of his father. knowing what to expect but for breakfast and a chicken
Inglewood professionals and going on kick. And there’s encourag- “She’s literally an angel,” has embraced coach Bruce bowl for lunch. And if the
WR Terrell Bradshaw, the camp circuit. Last spring ing news after many sur- he said. “She’s always Rollinson’s focus on devel- team needs him, he’ll be
So.; DB Justin Johnson, Jr.; for the Monarchs, he sent 23 geries, radiation treatments showed me what it means to oping “pride, poise and ready for any pressure-filled
DL Kristopher Beavers, So. of his 36 kickoffs into the end and chemotherapy. Peter have strength.” courage.” Unlike many kick- kick.
Gardena Serra zone for touchbacks. He was continues to progress and is There are few things Mey- ers who like to be in their “At the end of the day, if I
QB Jason Mitchell, So.; 27 for 27 on conversion kicks hopeful of attending games er doesn’t do well. When he own little world, Meyer wel- become complacent or satis-
LB Cincere Rhaney, So. and four for five on field-goal this fall, possibly joining the was in middle school at comes being part of the fied with how I am, then I’m
St. John Bosco tries. He also delivered a team on a trip to Texas on Westlake Village Oaks Chris- team, joining teammates never going to be able to
WR Zacharyus Williams, touchdown-saving tackle on Aug. 27 for a game against tian, he built a campus when lifting weights, attend- grow to compete at next lev-
So. a kickoff against Bellflower Duncanville. prayer garden as part of his ing competitions and listen- el,” he said.
St. Pius X-St. Matthias St. John Bosco. “It’s pushed me ahead,” project to become an Eagle ing to all talks. He has his Wednesday: The Times’
RB Dejour Menefee, So.; He has flourished despite Meyer said. “It’s given me Scout. He also has two Eagle own little routine, though, top 25 preseason football
OL Esekielu Aevanu, So. facing a test no teenager strength that others don’t Palms, which are merit before games. rankings.
L AT I M E S . C O M S T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 B9

Young tackles get an edge? PRO CALENDAR



Freshmen Ford and 7 7 7 7 1
Monheim bookend DODGERS

USC’s offensive line

at at
in perhaps a glimpse at Detroit at Detroit at Detroit
Cleveland Cleveland
4 4 10 a.m.
of starting lineup. BSW BSW BSW
By Ryan Kartje LAS
The two redshirt fresh- 7
men had already estab- NFL Network
lished themselves as the
leading contenders in USC’s
left tackle competition, tak- SUNDAY VS. SAN FRANCISCO*, 4:30, CHANNEL 2
ing turns to see who might
fill the glaring hole on the CHARGERS
Trojans’ offensive line.
But on Monday, for the
first time in fall camp, both 7:30 7:30
Courtland Ford and Jonah SpecSN ESPN2
Monheim took their places GALAXY
on USC’s first-team offense.
Ford was on the left. Mon- at
heim was on the right. And Vancouver
senior Jalen McKenzie, after 7
spending the first eight Ch. 13
practices at right tackle, was Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Press
left on the sideline. CLAY HELTON wants his offensive-line depth determined after Saturday, but
USC has made a point of the Trojans coach also said the tackle competition will go on through September. 7:30 7:30
rotating tackles throughout NBA TV SpecSN
camp, all the while reiterat- “We gotta start making nice job too, had a really SPARKS
ing its plans to find the best tough decisions in the near good scrimmage, had a good
five linemen and figure out future because at some last week, is really ahead as a Top 25 Shade denotes home game. *Exhibition
their positions later. But the point as we get closer to Sep- freshman. So we’ve got some
deadline to define that line is tember, we gotta have some good candidates.”
fast approaching, and Mon- chemistry out there,” Mc- The Associated Press
day’s grouping offered a first Guire said last week. “It Injury updates college football top 25
glimpse into a line book- can’t be one of those things Among those who sat out rankings (first-place votes TODAY ON THE AIR
ended by freshmen, one that where they don’t know what on Monday … in parentheses): TIME EVENT ON THE AIR
could — and perhaps, they’re going to go into mock 8 Running back Keaon- Team Pts. BASEBALL
should — become a reality week or game week as far as tay Ingram (ankle) is ex- 1. Alabama (47) 1,548 10 a.m. Boston at New York Yankees, Game 1 TV: MLB
soon enough. which side they’re going to pected back later this week
2. Oklahoma (6) 1,462 4 p.m. Angels at Detroit TV: BSW R: 830
USC coach Clay Helton play. So as we get closer to after sitting out the last
3. Clemson (6) 1,447 4 p.m. Boston at New York Yankees, Game 2 TV: MLB
said he hoped to have an ini- that date, we really need to three practices. Fellow
tial two-deep up-front fig- settle in and start building transfer back Darwin Bar- 4. Ohio State (1) 1,393 7 p.m. Pittsburgh at Dodgers TV: SNLA
ured out after the team’s sec- some chemistry and conti- low (hamstring) is expected 5. Georgia (3) 1,364 R: 570, 1020
ond scrimmage Saturday. nuity amongst those guys at to return by next week. 6. Texas A&M 1,223 BASKETBALL
The interior already appears the positions they want to 8 Tight end Malcolm 7. Iowa State 1,160 5 p.m. WNBA, Dallas at Chicago TV: CBSSN
to be decided, with Andrew play.” Epps seemed set for a role in 8. Cincinnati 1,014 6 p.m. NBA Summer League, championship, TV: ESPN
Vorhees and Liam Jimmons Helton said USC should USC’s offense, but turf toe 9. Notre Dame 1,009 Sacramento vs. Boston
at guard and Brett Neilon at have “a semblance of who is will sidelined him for at least 10. North Carolina 999 7 p.m. WNBA, Washington at Las Vegas TV: CBSSN
center. The intrigue, in- going to be the two-deep for the next three to four weeks, 11. Oregon 968 7:30 p.m. WNBA, Atlanta at Sparks TV: NBA
stead, remains at tackle, the offensive line next week.” Helton said. SOFTBALL: LITTLE LEAGUE WORLD SERIES
12. Wisconsin 743
where McKenzie has started But he assured that the 8 Freshman defensive 1 p.m. First semifinal, Missouri vs. Oklahoma TV: ESPN2
13. Florida 728
each of the last two seasons tackles will still be compet- end Korey Foreman played 4 p.m. Second semifinal, Texas vs. Virginia TV: ESPN2
14. Miami 663
on the right side. ing through September re- through a strained groin SOCCER
Helton said last week gardless. during Saturday’s scrim- 15. USC 660
Noon. UEFA Champions League, Monaco vs. Shakhtar TV: TUDN
that McKenzie made major Fellow redshirt freshman mage, making his strong 16. Louisiana State 631
vs. Donetsk
strides in his fundamentals Casey Collier has not been performance all the more 17. Indiana 549
3 p.m. Copa Sudamericana, Bragantino vs. Rosario TV: beIN1, beINes
under offensive line coach among them for the past impressive. But Foreman 18. Iowa 513
Clay McGuire, narrowing his week as he returned home to sat out after trying to give it 19. Penn State 456
3 p.m. Mexico, Toluca vs. Mazatlan TV: TUDN
base and had been “ultra- Texas for “personal rea- a go. His injury isn’t ex- 20. Washington 449
competitive.” But his praise sons,” Helton said on Mon- pected to hold him out long. 5 p.m. Mexico, Tigres UANL vs. Queretaro TV: TUDN
21. Texas 350
for Monheim has been noth- day. But Collier is expected 8 Cornerback Isaac Tay- 5 p.m. CONCACAF League, Metropolitan vs. Santa Lucia TV: FS2
22. Coastal Carolina 232
ing short of effusive, while to return on Tuesday. lor-Stuart sat out with a 5:30 p.m. Copa Libertadores, Palmeiras vs. Sao Paulo FC TV: beIN1, beINes
23. Louisiana-Lafayette 208
Ford was the first to get a “He’ll jump right back knee bruise to the same knee 7 p.m. Mexico, Tijuana vs. Puebla TV: FS1, FOXD
24. Utah 176
crack at the left tackle spot in,” Helton said. “Obviously he’d injured last season but 7 p.m. CONCACAF League, FAS vs. Forge FC TV: FS2
in the spring. a young player that’s devel- is expected back soon. 25. Arizona State 125
7 p.m. Mexico, Necaxa vs. Pumas UNAM TV: TUDN
Soon enough, USC’s staff oping. We’ve been fortunate 8 USC did suffer two sea- Others receiving votes: Oklahoma 7:30 p.m. MLS, Colorado at Galaxy TV: SpecSN
will have to make a decision. to be able to work, as you’ve son-ending injuries over the State 107, Mississippi 106, TCU 40, R: 1330
That could come, at least seen out there, from Jalen to last week, as cornerback Liberty 36, Auburn 32, NC State 14,
Michigan 12, Northwestern 8,
unofficially, before USC’s Jonah to Andrew Vorhees Adonis Otey had surgery on Nevada 7, Boise State 7, Ball State 8 a.m. ATP/WTA Western and Southern Open, early TV: Tennis
opener against San Jose got some reps out there, a broken bone in his wrist 6, BYU 6, UCF 5, Houston 5, Boston rounds
State to ensure the offensive Courtland Ford, to have him and safety Briton Allen suf- College 5, West Virginia 3, UCLA 2,
10 a.m. ATP/WTA Western and Southern Open, early TV: BSW
line has time to conjure up back, I tell you what, Mason fered a torn ligament in his Army 2, UAB 2.
some chemistry. Murphy has done a really knee.

Senior QB still on

U.S. soccer star Lloyd to retire track for opener

and not masks. Starting at
staff and wire reports
the Raiders’ Sept. 13 game
against the Baltimore [UCLA, from B10] UCLA and impressed Kelly
Carli Lloyd, arguably the Ravens, fully vaccinated missed starts in his fresh- with the accuracy and veloc-
best big-game player in U.S. fans will not have to wear man and sophomore sea- ity on his passes as well as
soccer history, announced masks — a first-in-the-NFL sons because of injuries and mature decision-making.
her retirement from interna- policy. ... The Atlanta Fal- had to sit out two games last “Sometimes when guys
tional competition Monday cons became the first NFL year because of COVID-19 have really strong arms ... it
following a 17-year career in team to have all of its players contact tracing. He has yet doesn’t matter what the cov-
which she was twice named completely vaccinated to make it through a whole erage is, they think they can
FIFA world player of the against COVID-19. season without missing a get the ball in there,” Kelly
year. game. said. “I just think he’s really
Lloyd, 39, also won two The Cleveland Browns Although Thompson- smart and makes really good
Olympic gold medals — de- placed tight end Stephen Robinson’s eight missed decisions in there.”
livering the winning goal in Carlson on injured reserve practices account for almost Griffin, Garbers, redshirt
both finals — and two World after he suffered a season- half of UCLA’s total training freshman Parker McQuarrie
Cup titles. During this sum- ending knee injury in Sat- camp days, Kelly said he and freshman Kajiya Holl-
mer’s Tokyo Olympics, urday night’s exhibition didn’t anticipate it would awayne will stake their
Lloyd scored twice in the opener at Jacksonville. ... knock Thompson-Robinson claims to be UCLA’s
third-place game to give the The New York Giants off course for the season quarterback of the future,
U.S. a bronze medal. Kiichiro Sato Associated Press waived injured third-string opener against Hawaii on but for now, the spotlight be-
Lloyd will play the re- CARLI LLOYD celebrates after scoring against Aus- quarterback Clayton Thor- Aug. 28 at the Rose Bowl. longs solely to Thompson-
mainder of the NWSL sea- tralia during the bronze-medal game for the U.S. son and signed former Mich- The senior returned to Robinson. The senior has
son with NJ/NY Gotham FC igan State star Brian Lew- the field last Friday and fell yet to deliver on the lofty ex-
as well as in the anticipated T E N N I S R E S U LT S erke. ... New York Jets defen- seamlessly back into his pectations that followed him
four-game fall series for the sive lineman Quinnen starting role. He stood at the from high school, where he
national team before step- $3-MILLION WESTERN & SOUTHERN OPEN (11), Czech Republic, def. Madison Keys, U.S., 7-5, 6-4. Williams was activated from front of the quarterback line was dubbed a four-star
At Cincinnati Heather Watson, Britain, def. Aliaksandra Sasnovich,
ping aside completely. De- Surface: Hardcourt outdoor Belarus, 6-2, 3-6, 6-1. Paula Badosa, Spain, def. Petra the physically unable to per- during stretches and took quarterback prospect de-
tails for the fall series MEN’S SINGLES (round of 64) — Jannik Sinner (11), Martic, Croatia, 4-6, 6-4, 7-6 (9). Elise Mertens (15), form list after offseason snaps with the No. 1 offen- spite starting only one year
Italy, def. Federico Delbonis, Argentina, 6-2, 7-5. Fabio Belgium, def. Nadia Podoroska, Argentina, 6-3, 6-4. Yu-
matches have not been an- Fognini, Italy, def. Nikoloz Basilashvili, Georgia, 7-6 (3), lia Putintseva, Kazakhstan, def. Zhang Shuai, China, surgery on a broken foot . ... sive line. The tempo of prac- under center at prep power-
nounced by U.S. Soccer. 6-3. Dominik Koepfer, Germany, def. Jan-Lennard Struff, 6-2, 6-0. Shelby Rogers, U.S., def. Danielle Collins, U.S., Baltimore quarterback tice knocked him back house Las Vegas Bishop
Germany, 7-6 (2), 5-7, 6-3. Albert Ramos-Vinolas, 6-4, 2-1, ret.
She’ll go into those final four Spain, def. Taylor Fritz, U.S., 4-6, 6-4, 6-4. Felix Auger- $115,000-CHICAGO 125 Trace McSorley is expected briefly on the first day, but Gorman.
international games with 312 Aliassime (12), Canada, def. Marton Fucsovics, Hunga- At Chicago to miss a few weeks because he quickly caught up. He Thompson-Robinson
ry, 7-6 (0), 6-3. Lloyd Harris, South Africa, def. Yoshihito Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
caps, second all time behind Nishioka, Japan, 6-3, 6-4. Diego Schwartzman (10), Ar- WOMEN’S SINGLES (round of 32) — Claire Liu, U.S., of back problems. The had no other choice with committed to UCLA under
Kristine Lilly’s 354. gentina, def. Daniel Evans, Britain, 6-2, 4-6, 6-3. Alex def. Ysaline Bonaventure, Belgium, 6-3, 6-2. Anna Ravens announced they how the Bruins continued to the previous coaching staff
de Minaur (14), Australia, def. Filip Krajinovic, Serbia, Kalinskaya, Russia, def. Anhelina Kalinina (4), Ukraine,
— Kevin Baxter 0-6, 6-4, 6-4. Andy Murray, Britain, def. Richard Gas- 6-2, 6-4. Sara Errani, Italy, def. Harmony Tan, France, signed quarterback Kenji progress during his absence. but stuck with his commit-
quet, France, 6-4, 6-4. 6-4, 2-6, 6-3. Varvara Gracheva (8), Russia, def. Misaki Bahar. ... The Detroit Lions “It looked like they never ment when Kelly took over.
WOMEN’S SINGLES (round of 64) — Barbora Krej- Doi, Japan, 4-6, 6-4, 6-4.
Barcelona’s president cikova (9), Czech Republic, def. Daria Kasatkina, Rus- WOMEN’S DOUBLES (round of 16) — Dalma Galfi, were aware of the car acci- missed a beat,” Thompson- The quarterback and offen-
presented a grim picture of sia, 6-3, 6-2. Jil Teichmann, Switzerland, def. Sorana Hungary, and Kamilla Rakhimova, Russia, def. Abigail dent cornerback Alex Robinson said. “Young guys sive guru were supposed to
Cirstea, Romania, 6-2, 6-0. Jelena Ostapenko, Latvia, Forbes and Dalayna Hewitt, U.S., 6-1, 6-4.
the club’s financial situa- def. Tamara Zidansek, Slovenia, 7-5, 6-1. Petra Kvitova Brown was involved in be- really coming along. Espe- lead the Bruins back to
tion, saying its debt had ris- fore his release. Michigan cially at receiver. Got a lot of prominence.
en to 1.35 billion euros ($1.6 sixth national champi- of eight boys he mentored State police say the driver of guys stepping up so I was ex- In three years, they’ve
billion). Joan Laporta onship under Nick Saban, is and coached on the day that the car that caused the tremely proud of how they gone 10-21 in the Kelly era
blamed the previous admin- No. 1 in the AP top-25 pre- jury selection in his long-de- crash was driving the wrong handled themselves while I and are 0-6 in nonconference
istration of Josep Bartomeu season college football poll layed trial was supposed to way shortly after 2 a.m. on was away.” games.
for the club’s “dramatic” sit- for the fourth time in the last begin. Christopher Prew, Sunday. Without Thompson- The mediocre record has
uation that ultimately led to six seasons. Alabama re- 34, was sentenced to 13 to 15 Robinson, the focus shifted done nothing to put the Bru-
Lionel Messi’s departure. ... ceived 47 of 63 first-place years in prison after plead- Dick Schafrath, a star of- to a backup battle between ins on the national map as
Nine of the teams who were votes from the panel of ing guilty to one count of fensive tackle for the Cleve- redshirt sophomore Chase they received only two votes
part of the ill-fated launch of sportswriters and broad- child rape and 14 other land Browns who blocked Griffin and transfer Ethan in the preseason Associated
a breakaway Super League casters. Oklahoma is No. 2, charges, the Salem (Mass.) for Hall of Fame running Garbers. Press poll. One voter slotted
have been welcomed back followed by No. 3 Clemson. News reported. backs Jim Brown, Leroy Griffin, who threw for 451 them at No. 24.
into the decision-making or- Ohio State is No. 4. Georgia Kelly and Bobby Mitchell yards, six touchdowns and But in Westwood, expec-
ganization overseeing the rounds out the top five. Nevada Gov. Steve Siso- before going into politics af- two interceptions in four tations are much higher.
European club game. lak said large indoor venues ter retiring, has died at 84. games last year, became a Thompson-Robinson is
The Nashville Predators will be allowed to opt out of fan favorite for his calm, pos- ready to meet the bar.
signed goaltender Juuse the state’s mask require- Tennis star Naomi itive demeanor and steady “I don’t want to give away
ETC. Saros to a four-year, $20-mil- ments if they verify their Osaka tweeted her decision play when he had to start in any secrets or anything,
lion contract. ... The Minne- guests are vaccinated. on Saturday to donate her Thompson-Robinson’s what we’ve got going on
Alabama No. 1 sota Wild signed Kevin Fiala Hours after the announce- prize money from this week’s place. here, because we’ve got
to a $5.1-million, one-year ment, the Las Vegas Raiders U.S. Open tuneup tourna- Garbers is a local kid re- some special stuff coming,”
in preseason poll contract. ... A former private went public with a plan ment in Ohio for relief efforts turning home. The former Thompson-Robinson said.
hockey coach pleaded guilty made possible by the new di- in Haiti following a deadly Corona del Mar star trans- “Everyone will see what
Alabama, coming off its to rape and the sexual abuse rective to require vaccines — earthquake. ferred from Washington to we’ve got on the 28th.”

T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 1 7 , 2 0 2 1 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S

Woman testifies about
alleged sexual assault
by Dodgers’ Bauer.
Request for a third
continuance denied.
By Steve Henson

The woman seeking a re-

straining order against Dod-
gers pitcher Trevor Bauer
testified for nearly four
hours Monday in L.A. Supe-
rior Court, saying, “I felt like
my soul left my body” when,
according to her, Bauer
started punching her in the
face while having sex with
Bauer is accused of as-
saulting the woman during
their only two sexual en-
counters, on the nights of
April 21 and May 15 at his
Pasadena home. No crimi-
nal charges or civil suits have
been filed and Bauer is on
paid administrative leave
from Major League Base-
ball. His legal team has ar-
gued both encounters were
The woman obtained a
temporary restraining order
June 28 and is seeking to
have it extended the maxi-
mum five years allowed
under California law. The re-
quest by Bauer’s attorneys
for a third continuance was
denied Monday morning by
Judge Dianna Gould-Salt-
man, and the accuser was
the first witness called after
opening statements.
Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Press Her testimony will re-
MAX MUNCY reacts after hitting a solo home run in the eighth inning Monday to power the Dodgers to a 2-1win over Pittsburgh. B6 sume Tuesday, then Bauer’s
counsel will cross-examine
her before additional wit-
nesses are called.
While constantly adjust-
ing her blue protective

Angels’ rain makeup mask, the woman was alter-

nately poised and teary as
she recounted the two sexu-
al encounters while also try-

game offensive washout

ing to explain a rash of often
brazen, vulgar Instagram di-
rect messages and phone
texts she sent to Bauer, her
cousin and close friends.
to Newark was delayed for Ohtani swung through. Near the end of the day
Cole and four Yankees several hours Sunday. The Angels went on to she recounted the second
“I’m sure there will be play a crisp game, getting a time she had sex with Bauer.
relievers hold team to some fatigue,” manager Joe solid start from left-hander She testified that even
only three hits, Maddon said before Monday Jose Suarez, stout relief though he had stuck two fin-
night’s game against the from Steve Cishek and turn- gers down her throat,
wasting solid starting New York Yankees, “but ing a clutch double play in choked her to the point of
effort by Suarez. Yankee Stadium is the kind the sixth inning, but they unconsciousness and en-
of place that can draw some managed just three hits off gaged in anal sex without
N.Y. YANKEES 2 of that out of you if you’re not Cole and four Yankees re- her consent the first time
ANGELS 1 feeling 100%, and then you lievers in a 2-1 loss. they met, “I felt very safe
have to face a pitcher of Ger- Cole came off the with him,” the second time.
By Mike DiGiovanna rit Cole’s stature on top of COVID-19 injured list to give “His kisses were not ag-
that.” up one run, two hits and gressive at all,” she testified.
A lively crowd of 37,010 strike out nine in 52⁄3 innings “He was on top. That’s when
NEW YORK — The An- showed up in the Bronx for to improve to 11-6 with a 3.04 he asked me what’s off limits
gels didn’t arrive at their the makeup of a July 1 rain- ERA, and relievers Zach ... I felt like I had to act like I
Manhattan hotel until 5 a.m. out, and any cobwebs the Britton, Albert Abreu, Joely knew what I was doing. I said
EDT Monday, their 10-game, Angels had were knocked off Rodriguez and Chad Green no fingers down the throat. I
five-city trip getting off to a by Cole’s first pitch of the combined for 31⁄3, one-hit in- Adam Hunger Getty Images said I didn’t like anal sex.”
bit of a rough start when night, a snap-to-attention nings. JOSE SUAREZ watches Joey Gallo of Yankees round Bauer, she said, slapped
their flight from Long Beach 99-mph fastball that Shohei [See Angels, B7] the bases after his two-run, first-inning home run. [See Bauer, B6]

Thompson-Robinson mum on absence

USC lines up
Ford and Monheim
are bookend tackles
in potential preview incident, UCLA and coach
of the first-team
offensive line. B9
After missing eight Chip Kelly said only that
Thompson-Robinson was
practices, UCLA QB “unavailable.”
Pushing right returns to camp only After participating in the
buttons key explaining no-show as first three practices of train-
ing camp, Thompson-Rob-
Rams defensive
coordinator Raheem ‘really personal.’ inson said he was still work-
ing out during the absence
Morris establishing and attended meetings
his game philosophy By Thuc Nhi Nguyen through Zoom. He enjoyed
on the job. B8 watching his teammates
The 2021 season is ap- blow off training camp
Chargers get proaching, but the circum- steam in a karaoke session.
hang of it stances surrounding Dorian But after Monday’s practice
Thompson-Robinson’s mys- — his third since returning
Staley encouraged by
terious 10-day absence from — he said he’s glad to trade
how defensive UCLA training camp on-screen bonding activities
players are quickly sounded very 2020. for real-life celebrations.
picking up new Speaking Monday for the “It was amazing being
coverage schemes. B8 first time since he missed able to get to see the guys af-
eight practices, the UCLA ter so long,” Thompson-
Dad inspires quarterback declined to Robinson said. “Everybody
prep kicker specify what kept him out, was really excited to see me
saying simply it was “really and I was really excited to
Chase Meyer was
personal,” and he had to see everybody.”
born to kick and
“deal with some stuff.” Fol- The training camp inter-
finds all the life lowing a policy put in place ruption was the latest hur-
lessons he needs Luis Sinco Los Angeles Times last year to not risk tipping dle in Thompson-Rob-
from ailing father. B8 UCLA QUARTERBACK Dorian Thompson-Robinson was welcomed back to their hand in the event of a inson’s UCLA career. He
training camp by teammates and coaches after a 10-day undisclosed absence. COVID-19 health and safety [See UCLA, B9]
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 DD1


High school football season has arrived

school basketball coaching
By Eric Sondheimer job might be better than a
college assistant position?
The opening week of the There’s a small trend
fall high school football sea- under way of college assist-
son has arrived. There will ants returning to high school
be some postponements be- coaching. It started in 2015
cause of COVID-19 proto- when David Rebibo re-
cols, but it’s an exciting time. turned from being an assist-
Friday Night Lights are ant at USF to become head
back, along with fans in the coach at Harvard-Westlake
bleachers. and Colin Pfaf became head
coach at Windward after be-
Preview ing at Portland.
Randy Rosenbloom and Others have made the
I provide a sneak preview of switch, such as Reggie Mor-
top players, teams and is- ris Jr. at Fairfax and Mark
sues in this return to our Amaral, the new head coach
weekly show that will be at Oaks Christian, while De
available every Thursday La Salle just hired the No. 1
night at 5 p.m. assistant at St. Mary’s.
at Yes, the money is usually
highschool. better at the collegiate level,
The Times’ nine-part se- but there’s also negatives,
ries looking at top players such as constant travel,
continues Monday and dealing with recruiting and
Tuesday with defensive trying to raise a family while
backs and kickers. Here’s a needing to be available 24/7.
brief look at one of my favor- Landing a high school job
ite stories on Gardena Serra where an administration Dylan Stewart PrepCalTrack

cornerback Rodrick Pleas- cares greatly about devel- GARDENA SERRA football star Rodrick Pleasant is also a standout sprinter in the 100 and 200 meters.
ant. oping the student-athletes
Adoree’ Jackson. Robert gives coaches the feeling of Beach and La Salle vs. Har-
Woods. Marquis Lee. job security and the ability to vard-Westlake.
George Farmer. Jordan control players and parents Southern Section favor-
Lasley. The list of outstand- without feeling someone is ite Marymount lost out on a
ing Gardena Serra football going to question their mo- chance to win a Division 1 ti-
players who used track to tives. tle last season, but the Sail-
show off their speed and ath- ors are the team to beat this
leticism is eye-popping. season with the return of
Class of 2023
Get ready to add Rodrick Stanford-bound Elia Rubin
Pleasant to the list. During a making an impact and Duke-bound Kerry
four-day stretch last spring The baseball season is Keefe.
after running the 100 meters pretty much over, but a Village Christian de-
in 10.57 seconds, Pleasant group of players from the feated Mira Costa in the fi-
said he received 14 schol- Class of 2023 helped the nals of the Ann Kang Invita-
arship offers from college VCBA 16U team win the Five tional.
football recruiters. When he Tool West World Series. Chaparral won the cham-
set Division 4 records in the Among the key players pionship of the Citrus Valley
100 and 200 by running 10.46 were pitchers Cristian tournament after going 5-0.
and 21.02 in June as a sopho- Brewster (Chaminade),
more, his reputation was Derek Turner (Newbury Notes . . .
sealed as an athlete to Park) and Trevor Hansen Steve Harris is the new
watch. By the final weekend (Royal), catcher Brady basketball coach at Hunt-
of June, he ran the 100 in 10.32 Francisco (Thousand ington Beach Ocean View. . . . Eric Sondheimer Los Angeles Times
and the 200 in 20.59. It Oaks), infielder Tanner Bel- Zachary Harden, a jun- DAVID REBIBO celebrates a league basketball title with Harvard-Westlake.
capped a meteoric rise to towski (Buena) and out- ior at Santa Ana Foothill,
prominence. fielder Brandon Contreras was invited to the USA Centennial has committed Zero week schedule Marina at Arcadia, 7 p.m.
Pleasant was already a (Camarillo). Lacrosse national team to Loyola Marymount for Mayfair at Chaffey, 7 p.m.
The 2021 football season Moorpark at Royal, 7 p.m.
first-team all-Mission training combine this week women’s basketball. . . . begins this week. Here’s the Murrieta Mesa at Temescal Canyon, 7 p.m.
League selection for Serra Identical twins in Maryland as one of the top Ribet has dropped its Newbury Park vs. Burbank at Burbank Burroughs, 7
opening week schedule of
during its six-game spring Years ago, when he was lacrosse players in the coun- boys’ basketball program as games that may change de- p.m.
football season playing cor- head coach at Lake Balboa try. . . . the school deals with pending on COVID-19 proto-
Newport Harbor at Yorba Linda, 7 p.m.
nerback. He’s 5 feet 11, 175 Birmingham, Ed Croson Former Loyola High de- enrollment and financial is- Nogales at Baldwin Park, 7 p.m.
cols. Norco at Vista Murrieta, 7 p.m.
pounds and has a burst of coached identical twins Ma- fensive back Ceyair Wright sues. Top players are trans-
Norte Vista at Hesperia, 7 p.m.
speed that you just can’t lik and Marquis Jackson. of USC is the first college ferring to other schools. . . . Thursday Northview at La Puente, 7 p.m.
teach. He said he could figure out athlete signed by Overtime Mater Dei defensive back CITY Nuview Bridge at La Sierra, 7 p.m.
the two side by side in 2007. to an NIL athlete deal. Cam Sidney has committed NONLEAGUE Oak Hills at Antelope Valley, 7 p.m.
Croson is now coaching Wright stars in Overtime’s to Cal. . . . Carson at Los Angeles Roosevelt, 7 p.m. Orange Lutheran at Gardena Serra, 7 p.m.
COVID-19 SOUTHERN SECTION Orange Vista at Beaumont, 7 p.m.
another pair of identical “Dual Threat” series that Sierra Canyon defensive
disrupting openers twins at Chaminade, defen- will focus on Wright’s life back Kamari Ramsey has
Buena Park vs. Cerritos at Gahr, 7 p.m.
Pacific at West Valley, 7 p.m.
Palm Springs at Yucaipa, 7 p.m.
It’s not panic time for sive end/linebackers Victor over the last few months of committed to Stanford. . . . Chino at Western, 7 p.m. Paramount at Mira Costa, 7 p.m.
high school football, but the and John Crawshaw. high school as he prepared In a sign of hope, Loyola Corona at Ramona, 7 p.m. Pasadena at Sherman Oaks Notre Dame, 7 p.m.
number of teams pulling out He’s having trouble sepa- for the release of “Space football coach Drew Casani La Palma Kennedy at Long Beach Jordan, 7 p.m. Patriot at Rialto, 7 p.m.
Linfield Christian vs. Loara at Glover Stadium, 6:30 Peninsula at Dominguez, 7 p.m.
of season openers because of rating the two. Both are Jam: A New Legacy” and his said his program has 94
p.m. Pioneer at Bellflower, 7 p.m.
COVID-19 protocols contin- straight-A students with transition to college. . . . freshmen who came out for Ontario Christian vs. Crean Lutheran at Portola, 7 Placentia Valencia vs. Fountain Valley at
ues to grow. SATs above 1500 and 6 feet 2, Tom Lewis is the new football. p.m. Westminster, 7 p.m.
Santa Ana Mater Dei, 235 pounds. And, unless basketball coach at Cerritos Santa Fe vs. Summit at Miller, 7 p.m. Quartz Hill at Oxnard, 7 p.m.
Servite and Loyola were all they are wearing their differ- Valley Christian. . . . INTERSECTIONAL Rancho Cucamonga at Eastvale Roosevelt, 7 p.m.
Keeping tabs: San Pedro vs. St. Anthony at St. Pius X-St. Matthias, Rancho Mirage at Hemet, 7 p.m.
looking for replacement ent numbers, he has no idea Junior Kehden Het-
games after Corona Centen- which one is Victor and tinger of Sierra Canyon has Miller Moss 7 p.m. Ridgecrest Burroughs vs. Paraclete at Antelope
Friday Valley College, 7 p.m.
nial, Bishop Amat and Muir which one is John. committed to play baseball Seventeen long months CITY Riverside North at Grand Terrace, 7 p.m.
had to cancel because they “Somebody asked who is at Oregon. . . . had passed since former NONLEAGUE San Bernardino at Desert Mirage, 7 p.m.
would not have enough re- who?” Croson said. “God Santa Margarita girls’ Mission Hills Bishop Arleta at Granada Hills, 7 p.m. San Gabriel at Mountain View, 7 p.m.
quired practices completed knows.” water polo goalie Isabella Alemany quarterback Bell at Franklin, 7 p.m. San Juan Hills vs. Santa Margarita at Saddleback
Bernstein at Taft, 7 p.m. College, 7 p.m.
in time to play games. Loyola During the spring sea- Rosensitto has committed Miller Moss last stepped
Chatsworth at Grant, 7 p.m. San Marino at Norwalk, 7 p.m.
picked up Inglewood. Long son, No. 37 Victor was in on to UCLA. . . . into a huddle, but when he Chavez at San Fernando, 7 p.m. Santa Ana at Millikan, 7 p.m.
Beach Poly is under 29 tackles. No. 38 John was in Pitcher/outfielder Mike arrived at USC during the Cleveland at Palisades, 7 p.m. Santa Ana Valley at Ocean View, 7 p.m.
COVID-19 protocols and on — wait for it — 29 tackles. Pirrello of Los Alamitos has spring as one of two touted Contreras at Los Angeles Jordan, 7 p.m. Santa Rosa Academy at Bermuda Dunes Desert
postponed its opener vs. You can’t make this stuff up. committed to UC Irvine. . . . freshmen vying to emerge as Crenshaw at Westchester, 7 p.m. Christian, 7 p.m.
Leuzinger. St. Bonaventure Running back Sheldon the heir apparent to Dorsey at Fairfax, 7 p.m. Saugus at Santa Barbara, 7 p.m.
Gardena at Sun Valley Poly, 7 p.m. Segerstrom at North Torrance, 7 p.m.
had to pull out of its opener. Canley Jr. from Lompoc has quarterback Kedon Slovis,
Girls’ volleyball Huntington Park at Rivera, 4:30 p.m. Silverado at Palm Desert, 7 p.m.
The City Section is in committed to San Diego Moss expected to pick up Legacy at Maywood CES, 7 p.m. Simi Valley at Ventura, 7 p.m.
worse shape. Belmont returns State. He has scored 22 right where he left off in high Manual Arts at Mendez, 7 p.m. South El Monte vs. Alhambra at Moor Field
pulled out of its game with High school girls’ volley- touchdowns in 15 games for school. Marquez at Eagle Rock, 7 p.m. (Alhambra), 7 p.m.
Marshall. Marquez, Bell, ball is back in the Southern Lompoc. . . . “I don’t think it was a re- Narbonne at Reseda, 7 p.m. Thousand Oaks at Westlake, 7 p.m.
Roybal at Panorama, 7 p.m. Trinity Classical Academy at Campbell Hall, 6 p.m.
L.A. Wilson, Dorsey and Section after a year’s ab- Forward Kijani Wright, alistic expectation,” the South East at Jefferson, 7 p.m. Tustin at Capistrano Valley, 7 p.m.
Chavez had to pause prac- sence because of COVID-19 who played his first three freshman realizes now. Washington at Los Angeles Hamilton, 3 p.m. Upland at La Habra, 7 p.m.
tices. Schools are also trying restrictions. Athletes were seasons for Windward but Moss has never lacked SOUTHERN SECTION Valley View at Temecula Valley, 7 p.m.
to build up depleted rosters pretty much left with club has since transferred to Sier- confidence, but the long lay- NONLEAGUE Verbum Dei at Hawthorne, 7 p.m.
to make it through a 10-game competitions, though the ra Canyon in basketball, an- off from football left him feel- Agoura at Channel Islands, 7 p.m. Village Christian at La Salle, 7 p.m.
Aliso Niguel at Huntington Beach, 7 p.m. Warren at Long Beach Wilson, 7 p.m.
schedule. City Section did move its nounced he has committed ing overwhelmed. Suddenly,
Alta Loma at Colton, 7 p.m. West Covina at Monrovia, 7 p.m.
It appears it’s going to be season to spring, enabling to USC. . . . everything was faster and Anaheim Canyon vs. Sunny Hills at Buena Park, 7 Whittier at San Dimas, 7 p.m.
touch and go to see which championships to take Softball infielder Rylee more competitive. The tran- p.m. Woodbridge at Portola, 7 p.m.
teams can play, forcing place. Pinedo of Camarillo has sition proved to be a steeper Apple Valley at Mission Viejo, 7 p.m. Workman at Garey, 7 p.m.
schools and coaches to bring The Lakewood/Molten committed to UCLA. . . . learning curve than he ex- Aquinas at Etiwanda, 7 p.m. Xavier Prep at St. Pius X-St. Matthias, 7 p.m.
back the strategy of last Classic started the schedule Kevin Kiernan, the inter- pected. While Jaxson Dart, Arrowhead Christian vs. Capistrano Valley Christian INTERSECTIONAL
at Capistrano Valley, 7 p.m. Alemany at Highland (Utah) Lone Peak, 7 p.m.
spring, when they had to on Saturday at Lakewood im athletic director at Mater the Trojans’ other four-star Arroyo Valley at Sierra Vista, 7 p.m. Anza Hamilton vs. Escondido Charter at Escondido
rapidly find replacement High. Among the teams en- Dei, has been named ath- freshman quarterback, Barstow at Rubidoux, 7 p.m. Orange Glen, 7 p.m.
games when one school can’t tered in the Division 1 com- letic director on a full-time turned heads with his big Bell Gardens vs. Troy at Fullerton HS, 7 p.m. Bakersfield at Los Alamitos, 7 p.m.
play and hope their adminis- petition are Redondo Union, basis and will continue as arm and big-play potential, Big Bear at Victor Valley, 7 p.m. Birmingham at Calabasas, 7 p.m.
tration agrees to last-min- Harvard-Westlake, Los the school’s highly success- Moss spent most of the Bloomington at San Gorgonio, 7 p.m. Bishop Diego at Santa Maria Righetti, 7 p.m.
Bonita vs. La Serna at California, 7 p.m. Bishop Montgomery at Santee, 7 p.m.
ute replacements. Alamitos and Long Beach ful girls’ basketball coach. . . . spring just finding his foot- Bosco Tech vs. Santa Ana Calvary Chapel at Brentwood at San Luis Obispo Mission Prep, 6 p.m.
Poly. Ryan Bradshaw has re- ing. Segerstrom, 7 p.m. California City at Fillmore, 7 p.m.
Breakout stars The semifinals on Sat- signed as boys’ basketball Buena at Oak Park, 7 p.m. Canoga Park at Canyon Country Canyon, 7 p.m.
For weeks, lists have been urday at 1 p.m. will match coach at Simi Valley. . . . Cajon at Carter, 7 p.m. Carlsbad at Great Oak, 7 p.m.
From the archives: California at Schurr, 7 p.m.
coming out identifying top Redondo vs. Huntington Layla Curry of Corona Edison at Venice, 7 p.m.
Southland high school foot- Jim Bonds Camarillo vs. Hart at College of Canyons, 7 p.m. Edwards AFB Desert at St. Monica, 7 p.m.
Cerritos Valley Christian at St. Paul, 7 p.m. El Camino Real at Cathedral, 7 p.m.
ball players for the new sea- For those of us who got to Chaminade at Oaks Christian, 7 p.m. Long Beach Cabrillo at Hawkins, 7 p.m.
son. Let me offer another list know and appreciate Jim Chino Hills at Ayala, 7 p.m. Los Angeles Marshall at Mary Star, 3 p.m.
— projected breakout stars Bonds, we still miss him but Citrus Hill at Colony, 7 p.m. Miami (Fla.) Central at St. John Bosco, 7 p.m.
for 2021. honor him every day by Coachella Valley at Canyon Springs, 7 p.m. Montebello at Garfield, 7 p.m.
Jason Jones, laughing and trying to do Compton Centennial at Perris, 7 p.m. Morro Bay at San Marcos, 7 p.m.
Corona Santiago at Heritage, 7 p.m. North Hollywood at Santa Paula, 7 p.m.
Chatsworth Sierra Canyon, our best. Corona del Mar at Downey, 7 p.m. Oceanside at San Clemente, 7 p.m.
running back, senior. “That Bonds, the football coach Costa Mesa at Laguna Beach, 7 p.m. Paso Robles at Lompoc, 7 p.m.
running back is special,” at La Cañada St. Francis for Desert Hot Springs at Indian Springs, 7 p.m. Rosamond at Littlerock, 7 p.m.
West Hills Chaminade coach 20 years, died on Oct. 28, Diamond Bar vs. El Dorado at Placentia Valencia, 6 Rosemead at Granada Hills Kennedy, 7 p.m.
Ed Croson said of Jones af- 2020, of cancer. p.m. San Marcos Mission Hills at Chaparral, 7 p.m.
Eastside at Riverside Prep, 7 p.m. Santa Maria St. Joseph at Charter Oak, 7 p.m.
ter seeing him in a scrim- I had been writing about
El Monte vs. Azusa at Citrus College, 7 p.m. Santa Ynez at Nipomo, 7 p.m.
mage this week. Fast and him since he was a Hart El Rancho at Don Lugo, 7 p.m. South Pasadena at Lincoln, 7 p.m.
strong, Jones will be running High quarterback in the El Toro vs. La Mirada at Excelsior HS, 7 p.m. Tesoro at Carlsbad La Costa Canyon, 7 p.m.
behind an exceptional offen- 1980s, then at UCLA and Elsinore at Vista del Lago, 7 p.m. Vista at Paloma Valley, 7 p.m.
sive line. through his many years of Firebaugh at Lynwood, 7 p.m. 8 MAN
Ty Dieffenbach, Agoura, coaching, from Bishop Fontana vs. Granite Hills at Apple Valley, 7 p.m. CITY
Foothill vs. Cypress at Western, 7 p.m. NONLEAGUE
quarterback, junior. A 6- Alemany to St. Francis. Fullerton vs. Garden Grove Pacifica at Bolsa Sherman Oaks CES at Sotomayor, 7 p.m.
foot-5 receiver moved to I’m thinking of him be- Grande, 7 p.m. INTERSECTIONAL
quarterback, he passed for cause next month, I contin- Glendale at Gabrielino, 7 p.m. Lancaster Baptist at Lone Pine, 7 p.m.
867 yards in six games last ue my annual visit to the Glendora vs. West Ranch at Valencia, 7 p.m. Saturday
spring while learning the po- Glendale Quarterback Club, Heritage Christian at Harvard-Westlake, 7 p.m. CITY
Hillcrest vs. Riverside Poly at King, 7 p.m. NONLEAGUE
sition on the job. His coach, where he’d make everyone Indio at Shadow Hills, 7 p.m. South Gate at Los Angeles Wilson, 1 p.m.
former quarterback Dustin chuckle during lunch with Inglewood at Loyola, 7 p.m. SOUTHERN SECTION
Croick, expects a big jump one of his quips. JSerra vs. Sierra Canyon at Birmingham, 7 p.m. NONLEAGUE
this fall. One of his mentors, Dean Jurupa Valley at Ontario, 7 p.m. Bassett at Cantwell-Sacred Heart, 5 p.m.
Herrington, is now the head Keppel at Hoover, 5 p.m. Pasadena Poly vs. Savanna at Western, 10:30 a.m.
Laguna Hills vs. Katella at Glover Stadium, 7 p.m. Redlands East Valley at San Jacinto, 7 p.m.
coach at St. Francis. I’m sure
Coaches returning Lakeside vs. Arlington at Ramona, 7 p.m. Rowland at Cathedral City, 7 p.m.
Jim would be very pleased. Lancaster at Serrano, 7 p.m. Western Christian at Temecula Prep, 6 p.m.
to high school James Carbone Glendale News-Press And, as Dean said what Jim Lompoc Cabrillo at Nordhoff, 7 p.m. INTERSECTIONAL
Who would have predic- JIM BONDS , the football coach at La Cañada St. would have told him, “Don’t Los Altos at Hacienda Heights Wilson, 7 p.m. El Cajon Christian vs. Rancho Christian at El Cajon
ted that landing a top high Francis for 20 years, died on Oct. 28, 2020, of cancer. mess it up.” Magnolia vs. Godinez at Santa Ana Valley, 7 p.m. Granite Hills, 7 p.m.


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gets to
too late
U.S. media were in
Afghanistan for the
invasion and, after
long neglect, the fall.

The sudden end of

America’s longest war was
marked this weekend, and
into Monday, by indelible
footage of Afghans crowding
the Kabul airport, clinging
to the outside of a U.S. mili-
tary aircraft in a frantic at-
tempt to flee Taliban rule af-
ter the rapid collapse of their
country’s government. Des-
perate men held the plane’s
fuselage as it taxied down
the runway, rolling off onto
the pavement as it picked up
speed. Moments after take-
off, two objects dropped
through the sky, presumed
to be bodies.
As I write this, the fall of
Afghanistan, and the con-
clusion of a 20-year engage-
ment in the region that be-
gan shortly after the attacks
of Sept. 11, 2001, is being cap-
tured in dramatic detail
across numerous platforms
by multiple news organiza-
tions, many of which have
appeared stunned by the
turn of events. Who could
have predicted this, they’re
War correspondents, for-
eign bureaus and Afghan
stringers, for starters. You
know: actual journalists.
The shrinking of Ameri-
can newsrooms since their
heyday in the 20th century
and the country’s fatigue af-
ter two decades of war have
created a media ecosystem
whose bread and butter is
Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times domestic crisis and political
LAUREL IRENE , who delivered a star-making turn in “Bliss,” was astounding in the Long Beach Opera production. rancor, presented by opin-
ionated anchors and argued
OPERA REVIEW by divisive personalities.
By contrast, covering

Singer steals the show

U.S. conflicts in Af-
ghanistan, Iraq and other lo-
cales around the globe has
been a sporadic effort at
best. The media parachute
in when our troops invade
countries overseas or leave
them in defeat, while re-
Laurel Irene soars in Long Beach Opera’s ‘Voices From the Killing Jar’ maining largely absent for
[See Afghanistan, E6]

BY MARK SWED MUSIC CRITIC structure by James Darrah, who has been known as the “Pierrot” ensemble of flute,
named the company’s new artistic director clarinet, violin, cello and piano and employ-
ong Beach Opera is on the move, and chief creative officer. Saved, too, was an ing electronics.

L although it is too soon to say to

what or where or when. The pan-
demic squashed what might have
been the most imaginative sea-
son, as devised by interim artistic advisor
Yuval Sharon, of any American opera com-
pany this year.
enticingly frenzied double-bill of monodra-
mas mounted at the Ford over the weekend.
Neither Schoenberg’s 20th century clas-
sic “ Pierrot Lunaire” nor Kate Soper’s strik-
ing 2012 “Voices From the Killing Jar” is an
opera, not that it matters. Each is a 40-min-
ute riveting dramatic tour-de-force for a fe-
She further pays homage to Pierrot’s sa-
laciously surreal madness with eight songs
for mad women, or more accurately women
driven to distraction by abusive men. Noth-
ing can be more traditionally operatic than
Each work had a different director and
A combustible
family drama
Surreal Chilean film
“Ema” illustrates the
bond between mother
and child with an
Saved was a production of Philip Glass’ male singer/reciter/performance artist. concept. Neither Darrah nor Sharon nor explosive intensity. E3
“Les Enfants Terribles” uneasily trans- Soper, moreover, pays homage to “Pierrot” the company’s indispensable new music di- Comics ................... E4-5
ferred in May to a Long Beach parking a century after, modifying what has become rector, Christopher [See Singer, E2]
What’s on TV .......... E6


His lasting mix The magic of

of R&B, hip-hop painted bodies
Producer Carl “Chucky”
Chucky Thompson’s Thompson, who died Aug. 9 by skin asphyxiation.
1990s hits for Bad Boy from COVID-19 complica- Matthew Rolston’s Painted bodies don’t
tions at age 53, was a pillar of have the same nefarious re-
Records still resonate the Hitmen — which in- Pageant of the sult at the Pageant of the
with fans old and new. cluded Deric “D-Dot” An- Masters portraits are Masters. Maybe that’s be-
gelettie, Nashiem Myrick, cause makeup rather than
Stevie J and Mario Winans — wonders all their own. polyurethane acrylic does
By Julian Kimble and his fingerprints are all the annual job at the famous
over some of the greatest hip- Laguna Beach summer fes-
Despite mogul and mar- hop/R&B records of the ’90s tival of tableaux vivant. For
keting wizard Sean “Diddy” and 2000s. Quietly, Thomp- the 2016 edition, however, a
Combs’ bold assertion, he son’s resume and musical When supervillain Auric gilded lady was again the
and his Bad Boy Records in- acumen reflect so much of Goldfinger ordered glamor- victim of barbarians — this
house production team, the what remains singular about ous card-shark Jill Master- time from the epic Ludovico
Hitmen, didn’t invent the those genres during that era son to be painted head to toe Ariosto poem “Orlando Fu-
remix. — particularly their fusion. in his favorite gilded hue rioso,” fan-favorite during
They did, however, during The Washington, D.C., na- then deposited in James the Italian Renaissance
the label’s indomitable peak tive’s ability to spot the ties Bond’s rumpled bed in 1964’s The lovely Angelica —
in the mid- to late 1990s, between R&B and its brash superlative 007 movie, mur- stripped naked, chained to a
popularize and glamorize the offspring, hip-hop, then cre- der and intimidation were rock for the dining delight of
remix, as hip-hop and R&B ate something novel in the Fahey/Klein Gallery the aim. The paint was a giant sea monster and dar-
began to supplant rock as the overlap was the bedrock of MATTHEW ROLSTON’S photos of 2016 Pageant of claimed, fictionally, to have ingly rescued by Roger, a val-
sound of popular music. [See Thompson, E3] the Masters models are at the Laguna Art Museum. caused the beauty’s death [See ‘Art People,’ E6]
E2 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R

Britney Spears’
father isn’t
quitting just yet
It looked like Jamie
Spears would step
aside as conservator,
but read the fine print.
By Christie D’Zurilla

Jamie Spears, Britney

Spears’ father and conserva-
tor of her estate, made head-
lines last week with a court fil-
ing that said he would agree Associated Press

to step down as conservator JAMIE SPEARS has

as part of an “orderly transi- been conservator of Brit-
tion.” ney Spears for years.
But lost in the hubbub was
a key fact: The petition, filed even filed until August 2020,
last Thursday, actually asks and it has yet to be finalized.
the judge to deny the pop And those accountings
singer’s July 26 petition to get are likely to be telling, as Brit-
her father out of her business. ney Spears’ conservatorship
Last week’s document is run differently than most
was “not itself a petition for where a parent is the conser-
acceptance of his own resig- vator.
nation,” said attorney “In the vast majority of
Matthew Kanin, who is of parental conservatorships,
counsel with the national law the parents don’t get paid to
firm Greenspoon Marder and be conservators,” said Harry
a certified specialist in estate, Nelson, a healthcare attor-
trust and probate law. “It’s ac- ney and founder and manag-
tually an objection to being ing partner of L.A. law firm
removed from the conserva- Nelson Hardiman.
torship.” Nelson, who specializes in
Jamie Spears’ filing ar- the rights of conservatees,
gues that he needs to stay said that, in his opinion, “The
around at least until approval level of payment in this case
of the so-called Twelfth Ac- has been extreme.”
count — financials from the Jamie Spears has been
year 2019 — is complete, along getting $16,000 a month since
with a final accounting of the 2009, plus monthly office
estate up to whatever date he costs and a percentage of the
would step down. gross revenues from Britney
However, according to Spears’ tours and multiyear
Kanin, that argument is a Las Vegas residency, the July
load of bunk. Jamie Spears 26 filing said. And if the sing-
easily could wrap up those er’s father uses attorneys —
loose ends. Kanin said, with- which he does quite often —
out keeping his conservator their time is paid for out of his
title — or the money that daughter’s money. Those
comes with it. bills have, in the past, run Photographs by Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times
“The court can make an into the millions. SOLOIST KEIRA Duffy, middle, had a lot to deal with onstage, including dancers, but she still impressed.
order removing or suspend- “Although it is common
ing or accepting resignation for managers, agents, and

Soprano lifts up ‘Voices’

of the conservator of an es- other industry professionals
tate, and still order that per- to receive a percentage of an
son to finalize their account- artist’s earnings, Mr. Spears
ing before they are finally dis- is none of those. He is a con-
charged,” the lawyer said. “So servator and, as a conserva-
they could remain under the tor, his role is to be burdened
jurisdiction of the court and by, rather than benefit from, [Singer, from E1]
subject to court orders, sub- the conservatorship,” the fil- Rountree, were on hand. A
ject to contempt of court if ing said. “Mr. Spears is not a new season has been an-
they don’t comply with or- professional business or fi- nounced for next year that
ders, even after their respon- nancial manager.” will take the company in di-
sibilities have been termi- Worth noting is that Brit- rections that are new (re-
nated.” ney appears to have pulled imagining Handel’s
The new petition, filed by back on the desire she ex- “Giustino”) and old (re-
attorney Vivian Thoreen of pressed in court June 23 for mounting, in a new produc-
Holland & Knight, also de- an immediate end to the en- tion, Anthony Davis’ grip-
fended Jamie’s performance tire conservatorship, which ping, Pulitzer Prize-winning
as conservator, explained has been in place since early “Central Park Five”).
that there was no reason to 2008. There will be video, for
remove him under conserva- “In the abstract, it seems sure, because Darrah has
torship law and stated that like she’s [now] taking a mea- been pandemic-producing
Britney was asking for some- sured approach of saying, so much of it for Los Angeles
thing that wasn’t in her best ‘Well, what I really want is for Chamber Orchestra, Bos-
interests. the conservatorship to go ton Lyric Opera, Opera Phil-
All in all, it was a nearly away,’” Kanin said. “‘But if I adelphia and Music Acade-
complete rejection of what can’t get that, or if I can’t get my of the West. There was
Britney said she wants, which that yet, then at least I want none at the Ford, although
is freedom from her father at to be rid of my father and there was dance for
age 39. The July 26 filing from have someone who I chose to “Pierrot.”
Team Britney asked that the be the conservator.’ ” But put all of that aside
singer’s father be removed As a member of the panel for a moment. I’ve buried
and replaced by an interim fi- of people who become court- the lead. A star should have “PIERROT LUNAIRE” was staged as a dance drama by Danielle Agami for her
duciary, Jason Rubin of Certi- appointed counsel, Kanin been born two years ago dance company Ate9, which performed, including pushing a piano on a platform.
fied Strategies Inc. (That re- has litigated cases like this when Rountree mounted
quest was followed by anoth- one — albeit not as complex Ragnar Kjartansson’s mate woman’s revenge in op- throughout the entire sec- who has no business emerg-
er one asking that the remov- or high-profile — on behalf of “Bliss” for the Los Angeles era. The Countess on that tion. ing from deep within our
al hearing be expedited, conservatees. Philharmonic. A three-min- occasion was a local singer, It is to Soper’s and espe- subconscious. That’s al-
which the court denied early “Generally speaking,” he ute snippet of redemption at familiar for showing up in cially Irene’s credit that the ready a dimension or two
last week.) said, “the courts are fairly de- the end of Mozart’s “The performances here and chopper did so little musical too many for most of us.
One point of concern: The ferential if the person chosen Marriage of Figaro” is re- there, part of the ensemble damage. By this point, Irene Agami added characterful
accounting matters de- is qualified.” peated nonstop for 12 merci- in new music or maybe a had run the emotional and movement — interesting to
scribed in the court docu- Jamie Spears’ objection is less hours. Through it all, church offering. She was one the vocal gamut with her look at, but too much to look
ment can take years to re- likely to be considered, along forgiveness is given by the of many in “Sweet Land” and screams and her creamy at along with the titles
solve, as they are not a high with several other petitions, Countess Almaviva to her other notable projects. lyric lines. With exacting vir- translating the German
priority for the court, Kanin on Sept. 29, the date of the faithless husband in a seem- Given a star turn like no tuosity, she tore up the sce- text.
said. The initial Twelfth Ac- next scheduled conservator- ingly impossible number of other in “Bliss,” though, nery but not her vocal cords, That soprano Kiera
count of 2019 finances wasn’t ship hearing. ways, making this the ulti- Laurel Irene simply as- assumed new characters Duffy contended with it all,
tounded. Given a star turn with instant ease, vomited and that the musicians
as the soloist in “Voices vines and hung herself. She (lined in a row, except for the
From the Killing Jar,” she as- had the audience in a thrall distant piano, on a platform
tounded once more Sunday that no flying musical war that dancers pushed
OF SUBTITLES night, if in radically different machine could stop. Soper’s around) didn’t simply lose
ways. The evidence is in. A disembodied texts and ever- it, was impressive. Perhaps
Info Line 310.478 .3836 major singer — one who changing music also proved Duffy was overamplified to
seems as if she can do any- intriguing enough to keep compensate for being so
11523 Santa Monica Blvd. West L.A. 17200 Ventura Blvd. Encino 673 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena 5240 Lankershim Blvd. No. Hollywood thing — is practically hiding distraction at bay. often overshadowed on-
THE MEANING OF HITLER THE EAST in our midst. The production had its stage, but that made her
1:30 7:20 CODA C 4:00 PM “Killing Jar” is a striking few fussy touches — a chan- sound abrasive, and she is
1:00 3:15 5:30 7:45
NOT GOING QUIETLY 1:50 4:40 7:30 work. The mad scenes come delier stood for something or not an abrasive singer.
1:10 3:20 5:30 7:40 1:40 4:10 7:35 from a wide range of litera- other, there was a scenic Jenny Wong’s conducting
RESPECT C RESPECT C ture, be it Greek tragedy or sand pile — but mainly it put was broad and rhythmic.
NEVER GONNA SNOW 1:00 4:00 7:00
AGAIN ANNETTE E 1:00 4:00 7:00 1:00 4:25 7:00 Haruki Murakami’s “The Irene front and center, and There was no place for nu-
4:00 PM 1:10 PM ANNETTE E Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.” that was exactly what was ance to fit into the concept.
THE MACALUSO SISTERS AILEY C 1:00 7:15 Emma Bovary shows up, as needed. That is not to say that the
SWAN SONG 1:20 4:30 7:40
1:20 7:20 4:30 PM NINE DAYS E do Lady Macduff from “Mac- “Pierrot,” staged as a performance failed. As a
NINE DAYS E 1:30 4:30 7:25 beth” and Daisy from “The dance drama by choreo- kind of dance evocation of
1332 Second Street Santa Monica THE SUICIDE SQUAD E Great Gatsby.” Pain and grapher Danielle Agami for “Pierrot Lunaire,” it con-
7:30 PM
1:20 7:10 1:10 4:10 7:10 angst are a common emo- her company Ate9, was oth- tained power to hold the
APE STAR B THE GREEN KNIGHT E tional language among erwise. There are few com- stage. And that may have
1:20 3:20 5:20 7:30 THE MACALUSO SISTERS 1:20 4:20 7:20 them, although each is wild posers whose music is more been Long Beach Opera’s
1:00 4:15
1:10 3:20 5:40 7:50 STILLWATER E in her own way. resistant to dance than idea with both pieces. The
RUGOFF 207 N. Maryland Ave Glendale 4:30 PM The instrumental en- Schoenberg, despite the program notes, which you
1:00 3:15 5:30 7:45 CRIME STORY E NINE DAYS E PIG E semble creates an eerie at- dance forms he often applies had to find on your phone,
ANNETTE E 1:20 PM 1:20 7:20 1:30 7:45 mosphere, often with creepy in his scores. In concert, a lis- gave almost no pertinent in-
1:20 7:00 DRAMARAMA
CLAREMONT harmonies and harmonics tener can feel overwhelmed formation about either
450 W. 2nd Street Claremont and strange percussive ef- by the extreme intricacies of piece. Context went the way
4:10 PM 4:20 PM FREE GUY C fects from everyone, not just Schoenberg’s instrumental of nuance.
1:10 PM
WHIRLYBIRD RESPECT C 1:10 4:15 7:20 percussion. They also play score and the dramatic pe- But Irene is not to be for-
THE GREEN KNIGHT E tunes. Electronics distort culiarities of the spoken- gotten in her killing of
4:30 PM 1:00 4:10 7:10 RESPECT C
AILEY C 1:00 4:20 7:20 1:00 4:00 7:00 and when in full immersion sung vocal solo, with the rec- “Killing Jar.” The only
ABOUT ANTHONY 1:30 7:30 NINE DAYS E mode take over the Ford, a itation pitch-based and “Pierrot” equivalent may be
BOURDAIN E ANNETTE E STILLWATER E 1:00 7:20 great site for multi-channel rhythmically precise. the new recording narrated
1:10 7:10 4:00 7:00 4:10 PM THE SUICIDE SQUAD E mayhem. In the last part, Albert Giraud’s Surre- by and conducted by violin-
IN THE SAME BREATH 1:10 4:10 7:10 centered on Daisy, the envi- alist text adds another di- ist Patricia Kopatchinskaja,
1:30 4:30 7:30 THE SUICIDE SQUAD E JUNGLE CRUISE C ronment turned hostile mension as we try to come to who creates a one-woman
ABOUT ANTHONY 1:30 4:30 7:30 when a helicopter hovered terms with the amoral, overwhelming experience.
MISHA AND THE 4:20 7:20
WOLVES C THE GREEN KNIGHT E BOURDAIN E STILLWATER E above the Ford and moon-drunk Pierrot, the Listen to it loud and your
1:00 3:20 5:30 7:45 4:10 PM 1:10 7:30 4:00 PM chopped-chopped-chopped clown-maker of nightmares brain will dance.
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 E3

Lessons from
the heart of
‘Kissing Booth’
By Ruth Etiesit
Samuel ‘The Kissing
In the trilogy-capping
Booth 3’
Netflix rom-com “The Kis-
sing Booth 3,” heroine Elle Where: Netflix
Evans (Joey King) has a les- When: Anytime
son to learn: prioritize your- Rated: TV-14 (may be
self in the journey to love. unsuitable for children
But one character under the age of 14)
grasped that message early
and quietly: Rachel, played
by Meganne Young. ar plum fairy in a Christmas
The 31-year-old South Af- performance. Fast forward to
Music Box Films rican actress reprises the role 2018 and Young received an
A FAMILY crisis roils an already troubled couple (Mariana Di Girolamo and Gael García Bernal) in “Ema.” of Rachel, a thoughtful, cre- email from her agent: More
ative student at Los Angeles “Kissing Booth” films were to
Country Day High School come (the first was an unex-
MOVIE REVIEW and love interest to Elle’s best pected Netflix hit), but the
friend Lee Flynn (Joel Court- future of her character was

Fiery exploration of family

ney) in the threequel, which still unknown.
started streaming last week. When she went home to
While Elle remains the fo- Cape Town for Christmas,
cus of “The Kissing Booth 3” she was met with a holiday
— embarking on a summer surprise.
mission to finish a childhood “I sat down with [director
and who is to blame in this box. She’s unpredictable, and bucket list with Lee, while de- Vince Marcello and producer
Parenthood, a shaky ugly situation roil the tension the film doesn’t allow us ac- ciding whether or not to join Michele Weisler] and they
between the couple. This ‘Ema’ cess to her thought process or boyfriend Noah (Jacob told me face to face what was
marriage are just two opening salvo of interperson- even emotional state, so it Elordi) at Harvard in the fall going to happen with Rachel
explosive elements in al conflict is set against one of In Spanish with English feels like we’re constantly one — Rachel’s maturity, intu- through both movies. I just
Gastón’s modern dance subtitles step behind her. But she’s so itiveness and decisive pur- was so excited,” Young said.
Pablo Larraín’s ‘Ema.’ pieces, in which bodies rhyth- calm and collected as she suit of self slowly take center “Something I was really tak-
Rated: R, for strong sexual
mically pulsate to the beat of content, nudity and lights her life on fire that it stage. en with when I first read the
By Katie Walsh composer Nicolas Jaar’s Ca- seems to have an unknown in- While Rachel is an aspir- script was seeing how she’s
ribbean-inflected score, Running time: 1 hour, 47 ternal logic behind it, a logic ing interior designer — and quite an even-keeled charac-
Pablo Larraín’s “Ema” backlit by glowing red and minutes that only reveals itself at the the visual arts are not ter. She doesn’t want to over-
opens with a vividly surreal blue orbs. end as all the pieces snap into Young’s strong suit — she step, but she also wants to as-
Playing: Landmark Nuart,
image: a stoplight burns Ema and Gastón blame place, the narrative layers sees parallels between herself sert herself and be true to
West L.A.
against a pre-dawn sky. It’s each other and everyone but slowly peeled away in a shock- and her character, notably herself and her feelings.”
the first of many quotidian themselves for the situation ing, but not surprising, de- the strength of her reserved After Rachel and Lee
items, including statues, tire with Polo, and their relation- nouement. nature. locked lips in the first “Kis-
swings and cars, that will be ship turns sour, resentful and “Ema” isn’t so much a “I went to film school ... sing Booth,” Young saw her
set ablaze around the city of nasty as they hurl verbal tor- For your safety character study as an exer- and people would always character’s importance
Valparaiso, Chile, as the plat- ment at each other: She’s a cise in keeping up with an ab- think I was in makeup or grow. In “The Kissing Booth
inum-haired, flamethrower- bad mom; he’s sterile. The Times is committed to struse yet undeniably fasci- wardrobe because I was 3,” Rhode Island School of
equipped Ema (Mariana Di The resentment perme- reviewing theatrical nating figure. Di Girolamo is really quiet,” Young said re- Design-bound Rachel reeval-
Girolamo) retreats from ates their creative collabora- film releases during the riveting, possessed of an in- cently by phone. “I was like, uates her future with Lee af-
these scenes, expressionless tion. Ema’s passion is street COVID-19 pandemic. tense physicality and a sly ‘Oh, am I supposed to be ter Elle and Noah’s relation-
and enigmatic. dance, not modern — Because moviegoing smile that conceals more loud? Is that confidence? Is ship hits the rocks.
The film’s narrative, a reggaeton to be specific — carries risks during this than it reveals, drawing in her that what you need to be an “I hate saying that love is
darkly sensual fable of moth- which she indulges in with time, we remind readers prey. Larraín crafts a mes- actor?’ It rattled me for the not enough,” said Young, ref-
erhood and the modern fam- her uber hip and slightly to follow health and safety merizing cinematic rhythm first few years, but as I’ve got- erencing a line from the mov-
ily, is also imbued with a menacing girl gang of friends guidelines as outlined by that alternates between mon- ten older and the more that ie. “Because I am such a ro-
sense of the surreal. It opens from the dance company. the CDC and local health tage and slow camera move- I’ve worked on sets, I’ve be- mantic. But ... as you get old-
with an extended montage Clad in mix-and-match officials. ments; the film’s push-pull come quite empowered in my er and you start investigating
introducing the puzzling streetwear, they gyrate their tempo mimics that of Ema’s quietness. I love that for more serious relationships,
quandary with which the film hips almost hypnotically on her girlfriends menacing him own intimate machinations. Rachel, and I think that’s you have to take in other fac-
is concerned. Ema, a dancer, basketball courts, in Valpa- with their flirtatious ad- When the smoke has something that’s really simi- tors. At the end of the day,
and her husband Gastón raiso’s funiculars and on vances. She seduces every- cleared, it seems that what lar between us.” you have to take care of your-
(Gael García Bernal), a chor- rooftops at night. one she comes into contact Larraín uses “Ema” to ex- As a child, Young sought self. If you aren’t happy and
eographer 12 years her senior, As the fissures in her mar- with, including her divorce press is an undeniable and to be the center of attention. there’s too much strain on
have recently been relieved of riage deepen, Ema acts out lawyer and girlfriends, seem- primordial truth, despite the Her love for performing your relationship, for what-
their adopted son, Polo, after and shatters it completely, ingly as manipulation but strange, circuitous and surre- spurred her to seek out the ever reason, you need to
an arson incident that re- fueled by sex and fire. She also as a way of seeking aban- al way he gets there: The stage, but moving from coun- make sure that you feel safe
sulted in the horrific disfig- sets a car ablaze with her na- don, her insatiable libido bond between a mother and try to country shaped her enough to navigate it then
urement of Ema’s sister. palm flamethrower without driven by her dance and her her child is the strongest understanding of the human make decisions based on
The questions of where breaking a sweat and then se- pyromania. force in the universe. Inter- condition. Born in Johan- that.”
Polo is now, whether Ema duces the firefighter, Aníbal Our protagonist is at fere and you might get nesburg but a “Cape Town As Young navigates her
and Gastón “gave him back” (Santiago Cabrera), she and times an inexplicable puzzle burned. girl” at heart, Young is a self- career, she says a dream of
described “expat baby” who hers is to play a character
has lived in Nigeria, Switzer- that seems brash, tough and
land and elsewhere, thanks “ugly” at first glance and

He married R&B with hip-hop

to her father’s work. “bring compassion into
“That experience made that.” Her hope is to chal-
me quite adaptable and in- lenge herself, tell “engaging
terested in other people’s and relatable” stories, and
perspectives and stories. I compel audiences to see dif-
[Thompson, from E1] Things That You Do” and wanted to explore all these ferent perspectives.
the Bad Boy records that Biggie’s “I Got a Story to Tell” different avenues, all these “I would love to do an ac-
helped push the label, and and “Dead Wrong.” He’s different roads, and the best tion movie, to be seen so dif-
Black music in general, up credited with playing every way I could come up with to ferently to what I appear as.
the mountain at a pivotal instrument on Blige’s “My do that was acting. If I had That’s kind of the goal. It’s so
time for both. He produced Life.” All of the instruments not been an actor, I probably easy to feel like you can look
three songs, including the heard on Biggie’s “Me & My would have studied psychol- at me on paper, you can make
chart-topping “Big Poppa” Bitch” were played by ogy because I’m always inter- an assumption based on all
and the original “One More Thompson, as was the guitar ested in why people make the these things that you know
Chance,” on the Notorious heard on the title track of choices they make. I think about me. Sometimes I feel
B.I.G.’s 1994 debut, “Ready to “Ready to Die.” The crescen- that is so key to acting,” said that I’ve been limited in peo-
Die” — the album that pro- dos and decrescendos of Nas’ Young. ple’s eyes. ... I think such an
pelled Bad Boy to a new plat- ”One Mic” exhibit a true mu- Young said that she be- important part of being hu-
eau. sician’s grasp of how volume lieves perspective does man is that growth, that evo-
Thompson helped guide and intensity work in concert change when navigating dif- lution. I think you should
Mary J. Blige through the to create atmosphere. Even ferent countries, cultures change your mind,” Young
grief that inspired 1994’s “My when using samples, and practices. Those lived said.
Life,” producing almost the Thompson approached the experiences made her atten- In “The Kissing Booth 3,”
entirety of arguably the best music as if the instruments tive to societal gaps, the im- both Elle and Rachel are pre-
R&B album of the decade. were right there in his hands. portance of nuance and per- sented with choices. The
Not only did “My Life” utilize “I put myself in the posi- ception beyond the black- question is who they’re mak-
’70s soul samples from Barry Kris Connor Getty Images tion of the musicians that are white binary. ing decisions for: themselves
White, Curtis Mayfield, Al CHUCKY THOMPSON, seen in 2010, produced hits actually on the samples,” he “Sometimes I worry that or to please the people
Green and Roy Ayers to cre- by the Notorious B.I.G. and Mary J. Blige in the ’90s. told Vibe in a 1998 profile of we want to boil everything around them. Young hopes
ate the backdrop for Blige’s the Hitmen. “I try to envision down and make it simple, in- that audiences take a note
pain, it became the manifesto of Organized Noize are best Bad Boy-affiliated hip-hop me being in a room with them stead of finding that com- from Rachel and understand
for Black women staring that known for their work with group the Lox, provides clas- and just catch their vibe.” plexity, trying to understand it’s not a mistake to look after
pain in the face and pushing OutKast and Goodie Mob, sic R&B and hip-hop acts the Thompson understood it, embrace it and work yourself.
forward, even at their lowest but they also produced TLC’s opportunity to revisit their vibes because he understood within it. When you simplify “[Rachel] really looks at
moments. “Waterfalls” and En Vogue’s star-studded catalogs with people and music. His work things, that’s when you start what’s happening around her
“My Life” features back- “Don’t Let Go (Love).” Jer- fans old and new. was already going to live on, pushing out other groups, es- and she checks in with herself
ground vocals from a then- maine Dupri was the maestro The intoxicating pull of but it’s found new life in re- pecially minorities,” Young and she makes choices,”
unheralded Faith Evans, for his So So Def artists such nostalgia notwithstanding, cent years. Kentucky singer said. “I love complexity. I live Young said. “They’re not easy
whom Thompson met while as Xscape, but he also worked it’s the bedrock musicality of Bryson Tiller’s “Set It Off ” for that. That is why I work in choices, but she makes
working on a teenage Usher’s with Mase and Jay-Z. The Thompson’s body of work and “Stay Blessed,” from his this industry ... but I also choices that she feels are best
“Think of You,” from his self- Neptunes (N.O.R.E., Kelis, that makes it essential listen- 2017 album “True to Self,” understand for a lot of peo- and will protect her. Finding
titled debut album, earlier Jay-Z, and Clipse) and Tim- ing still. The Notorious sample Thompson’s work ple, it’s intimidating. I don’t that trust in yourself — I hope
that year. Impressed by baland (Aaliyah, Missy Elli- B.I.G.’s “Big Poppa” matched with Evans and Blige. Pro- think we can shy away from it people take that away [from
Thompson, Evans enlisted ott), mad scientists from Vir- Biggie’s natural charisma ducer 40 and Drake have ne- if we really want to fix things.” the film], and knowing that
him to produce the bulk of ginia, took apart and put with a satin-smooth sample ver been shy about flexing Her first-ever perform- what is meant for you will
her debut, 1995’s “Faith.” back together the very sound of the Isley Brothers’ “Be- their ’90s and ’00s R&B bona ance in front of an audience come back to you. If that
From the snap of the drums, of Black music; soon pop tween the Sheets.” Total’s fides, and the former made was as a student at the doesn’t come back, that
the intricate vocal layerings stars of all stripes were clam- “Can’t You See,” which fea- “Mary’s Joint,” from “My Grange School in Lagos, Ni- means that there’s some-
and the flourish of Thomp- oring to work with them. tures an opening verse from Life,” the skeleton for the lat- geria, where she played a sug- thing else meant for you.”
son’s “Quiet Storm” sensibil- The ongoing fascination Biggie, is driven by a James ter’s “Weston Road Flows” on
ities, “You Used to Love Me” with hip-hop and R&B of the Brown sample, the founda- 2016’s “Views.”
and “Soon as I Get Home” ’90s and ’00s has created a tion for so much of hip-hop’s Beyond the direct refer-
showcase ’90s R&B at its swell of content and com- earlier generations. It also ences to his production,
smoothest. merce around it. The late has crisp hip-hop drums, as Thompson’s approach is still
Thompson was more Aaliyah is a point of obsession does Thompson’s R&B in practice. On Tyler, the
than good taste and a deep (even among fans too young remix of the group’s “No One Creator’s “WUSYANAME,”
record collection though. As to have experienced her mu- Else” — which bears faint from his latest album, “Call
he did with Blige, Thompson sic in real time), and the re- traces of the famous Boogie Me If You Get Lost,” he uses a
treasured Evans’ rough cent news that all of her mu- Down Productions sample on sample from ’90s R&B group
edges. Whereas most pro- sic will finally be available on which the original was built. H-Town and recruits con-
ducers would have smoothed streaming platforms in the Thompson was also an ac- temporaries YoungBoy Ne-
over Evans’ rawness, he har- coming months has sparked complished multi-instru- ver Broke Again and Ty Dolla
nessed it and set it to music interest 20 years after her mentalist, finding his groove Sign to create something
that appealed to moms death. The 2022 Lovers & as a teenager by playing the that’s entirely his own style.
raised on Aretha and kids Friends festival, with its mas- congas in go-go music deity Whenever you encounter
who knew every Biggie verse. sive star-laden lineup, had to Chuck Brown’s band, the hip-hop and R&B blended
The ’90s was a golden age add a second show to keep up Soul Searchers. That taught into something practically
for producers like Thomp- with demand. And the popu- him to find the pockets in inseparable, you’re hearing Marcos Cruz Netf lix
son, proficient in both hip- lar Verzuz series of live- beats on the Bad Boy remix of the echoes of Chucky MEGANNE YOUNG plays the thoughtful Rachel in
hop and R&B. The members streams, recently starring Gina Thompson’s “The Thompson. “The Kissing Booth 3,” also starring Joel Courtney.
E4 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R


Down one. and I would not criticize a
By Frank Stewart Cy, declarer in the replay, pass. Still, if you don’t act
led a club to his 10 at Trick now, you may never get to
Cy the Cynic says that if Two. West won and led a show strength.
you have something to post- spade. Cy ruffed in dummy,
pone, the best time is right came to his king of clubs and South dealer
now. Cy is a notorious pro- drew trumps with the A-J. Both sides vulnerable
crastinator, but his habit of He ruffed a club, ruffed a
waiting to draw trumps spade and threw two dia- ♠A
often serves him well. monds on the good clubs. ♥ J 10 6 5
In a team match, both Making five. ♦753
Souths played at four hearts Don’t draw trumps un- ♣J9642
(East-West would be down less you see no problems. WEST EAST
♠ K Q 10 8 6 ♠J943
only one at four spades), and Even if you see none, look ♥72 ♥43
West led the king of spades. again. ♦ A 10 8 ♦QJ42
At one table, declarer took You hold: ♠ A ♥ J 10 6 5 ♣A83 ♣Q75
the ace and drew trumps. He ♦ 7 5 3 ♣ J 9 6 4 2. Your part- SOUTH
next led a club from dummy ner opens one diamond, and ♠752
to his 10, and West took the the next player overcalls one ♥AKQ98
ace and forced dummy to spade. What do you say? ♦K96
ruff a spade. Answer: A “negative dou- ♣ K 10
South then took his king ble” here would promise SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
of clubs, ruffed his last spade enough strength to respond, 1♥ 1♠ 2♥ 2♠
in dummy and ruffed a club. with length in hearts and ei- 3♥ 3♠ 4 ♥(!) All Pass
Dummy had good clubs ther club length or diamond Opening lead — ♠ K
but no more entries, so support. The hand is a dead-
KENKEN South lost three diamonds. minimum for that action, Tribune Content Agency
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
repeated within a cage as long as it is not in the same row or column.

Clean sweep badly needed

Dear Amy: My big old Dear Dweller: I think you mained in a loveless rela-
house is pretty much a mess. should choose to treat your- tionship in order for them to
We bought it ”as is” with the self as well as you treat your have a two-parent home. I
plan to completely renovate, tenants. made this decision because
but never did. You deserve to live in a neither of my parents were
My husband died dec- safe and comfortable home, present when I was growing
ades ago, the kids moved on, and if you put this off much up.
and now I’m a widow living longer, you might be so over- Now that my youngest is
alone in this huge three- whelmed and emotionally moving into adulthood,
story house that never got paralyzed that you wouldn’t should I express my unhap-
fixed up. My hubby and kids be able to even start. piness to these mini-adults?
left a lot of stuff behind, and I This sort of project is Their dad will play the
8/17/21 don’t feel like fighting about made much easier by work- victim, as he does daily.
it. ing with one or more part- When should I tell them
The whole place needs ners. You could hire a profes- I’m ready to move on? How
painting inside, there is junk sional to help you to sort should I deal with their re-
HOROSCOPE everywhere (good junk: col- through your possessions sentment toward me?
lector’s stuff, not trash), and and choose which to donate, Ready to Split
haved differently because date you. shelves and shelves of books. sell and keep.
By Holiday Mathis you were in the room. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. I am also a landlord and I Selling some of your Dear Ready: You should
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 18): You’ll be struck by the have multiple apartments to things could finance neces- do your research and make
Aries (March 21-April 19): You know that who you sur- impermanence of your situ- tend to, repair and upgrade. sary repairs and painting. It some solid plans before dis-
Share a little more of your- round yourself with says ation. At one time this lack of My dearest friends and also would liberate you from cussing this with your chil-
self. You may entertain peo- something about you. You’re predictability would have family understand about my your burden. dren.
ple without meaning to. A careful with your time com- bothered you; now you see limited capacity to entertain If you don’t want to hire Doing so before you are
sense of humor makes it ac- mitments, as well as the way the liberation in it. in my home, especially those someone, one or two friends prepared to leave invites
ceptable — attractive, even. you mix people around you. Pisces (Feb. 19-March people who live in messes could help you to get started. them into your decision-
Taurus (April 20-May Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): 20): The facts will be appar- too. But for those with whom Church groups sometimes making process. You should
20): It is natural to be re- To some, the word ”nirvana” ent, the answers readily I am trying to cultivate a organize teams to help peo- respect their views and re-
pelled by certain social dis- describes a blissful state. available. But problems are friendship or those who have ple in your situation; your lo- sponses but not let them
plays. It shows confidence More literally: the extinction solved by people whose a really beautiful home and cal Office on Aging also control you.
and maturity to offer com- of all concepts. Today’s hap- needs are more complex. have never been to my could point you toward vol- Children resent their
passion for such gaffes. piness comes from letting go Today’s birthday (Aug. house, I cringe at the unteers. parents for all sorts of rea-
Gemini (May 21-June 21): of an unhappy notion. 17): People get the sense you thought of reciprocating I highly recommend that sons, some justified, some
If you make too much sense, Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): are the same on the outside their hospitality. you watch the show “Clean not. If you create a stable
people stop paying atten- Realize the full scope of what as on the inside. This is a My circle of friends is Sweep” (clips and tips avail- next chapter for yourself,
tion. Don’t rush to resolve you can give and contribute comfort and also raises you growing smaller due to able on YouTube). These your contentment will help
questions. Get comfortable judiciously. It would be easy in their esteem. You’ll start death, moving and/or find- stories featuring homes you to cope with their reac-
as an open-ended mystery. to offer an opinion when at the bottom and soon be ing myself kind of silently such as yours are helpful, tions.
Cancer (June 22-July 22): what’s needed is warmth. trusted with more money “written off.” useful and inspiring.
For your eyes to come to this Sagittarius (Nov. 22- and status. A wish you pur- Your advice? Send questions to Amy
page, the whole cosmos had Dec. 21): The prizes you sue in 2022 will connect you Old Messy Dear Amy: My children are Dickinson by email to ask
to come together. Breathe in chase say a lot about you. with a supportive crew. House Dweller now young adults. I’ve re-
the miracle of your being. The current pursuit comes Virgo and Scorpio adore you.
Punctuate this moment with tests of endurance, flex- Lucky numbers: 4, 25, 32, 1, 17.
with meaningful action. ibility and character. FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. Mathis writes her column
You don’t have to know your 19): You’ll make room for the for Creators Syndicate Inc.
impact to know that you contributions of others, and The horoscope should be
have influence. They be- they’ll move to accommo- read for entertainment.

Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Ed Sessa © 2021 Tribune Content Agency

1 Where time is served
5 Hindu divinity whose
name is a homophone
for a herding dog
9 Spanish kiss
13 River of Pisa
14 More under the weather
15 “If you ask me,” to a
16 Vase-making dynasty
17 “I won’t do this
19 BBC nickname, with ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
20 Scones go-with
21 Mind-boggler
22 Lions’ calls
24 “What a long week!”
25 Copenhagen’s __
27 Chef lead-in
28 ’50s dance party
31 Grossed
32 Christmastime
33 What to buy to solve
34 Elevator guy
35 Sleigh driver
37 ’60s civil rights gp.
3 Conscience 39 Weigh station?
38 UCLA’s __-12 Conference
4 Captain’s records 41 Galley implement
39 Fodder holder
5 Works by Swiss cubist 45 Gives a hoot
40 Cheap booze
Paul 46 Beats but good
42 Opposite of NNW
6 Thomas __ Edison 47 Three-handed
43 Kept in the loop, in
7 Martial artist Bruce __ game
8 Come and go, e.g., 48 “Psst! Over __!”
44 Fluctuates
grammatically 49 Grandson of Eve
45 Dallas NBA team
9 Major condition 50 Move like a bee BLISS By Harry Bliss
46 Aired again SPEED BUMP By Dave Coverly
10 Kindle download 52 Finished
47 Actress MacRae who 53 City near Tahoe
played Alice Kramden 11 Carpentry wedge
12 Chaplin of “Game of 55 “Inside Politics”
on “The Jackie Gleason airer
Show” Thrones”
14 Essential worth ANSWER TO
50 Pro
18 Cordial flavoring PREVIOUS PUZZLE
51 Role in “Son of
Frankenstein” 23 “The Greatest”
54 Dog breeders’ group 24 Promote big-time
56 Go off the board 25 Sporty sunroofs
57 ESPN MLB analyst 26 Teensy amounts
58 Military divisions 27 Church assembly
59 Range component 28 Greenery in suspended
60 Hardy’s “___ of the baskets ... or,
D’Urbervilles” phonetically, what 3-, 8-
61 Tolkien creatures or 14-Down is?
62 Greek sandwich 29 Perfectly timed
30 Agreements
DOWN 36 Brewpub orders
1 Door frame segment 37 Unowned, free-ranging
2 R&B vocalist India.__ pooch 8/17/21
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 E5


DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau Doonesbury is on vacation. This is a reprint. DILBERT By Scott Adams

LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman

CANDORVILLE By Darrin Bell CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers

HALF FULL By Maria Scrivan

JUMP START By Robb Armstrong


9 CHICKWEED LANE By Brooke McEldowney

LIO By Mark Tatulli BLONDIE By Dean Young & John Marshall

ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman GET FUZZY By Darby Conley

TUNDRA By Chad Carpenter BIZARRO By Wayno and Piraro

PRICKLY CITY By Scott Stantis DRABBLE By Kevin Fagan

FRAZZ By Jef Mallett MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell

NON SEQUITUR By Wiley PEANUTS By Charles M. Schulz

E6 T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R

TV Highlights
The prime-time TV grid is
on hiatus in print. You can
find more TV coverage at:
America’s Got Talent 8 p.m.
Stargirl Courtney (Brec
Bassinger) is wary when an
unexpected visitor shows
up. 8 p.m. The CW
LEGO Masters Contest-
ants build puppets then
work together to put on a
puppet show. 8 p.m. Fox
Superman & Lois Lois
(Elizabeth Tulloch) con-
fronts Leslie Larr (guest
star Stacey Farber) while
Clark’s (Tyler Hoechlin)
worst nightmare comes to
life in the season finale. 9
p.m. The CW
Fantasy Island Daphne and
Zev (guest stars Odette and
Dave Annable) come to the
island in search of the ulti-
mate adventure together. 9
p.m. Fox
Invisible Monsters: Serial
Killers in America (season
finale) 9 p.m. A&E
Tyler Perry’s The Oval
Richard, Dale and Sharon
Laguna Art Museum (Javon Johnson, Derek
CELEBRITY PHOTOGRAPHER Matthew Rolston used his studio techniques on Laguna locals portraying characters from artworks. Alexander Dixon and Tee-
sha Renée) end up in a
horrific situation in this new

A fabulously weird exhibition

episode. 9 p.m. BET
The Real Housewives of
New York City (N) 9 p.m.
My Big Fat Fabulous Life
[‘Art People,’ from E1] white front teeth on a sober, graphs — one the painted (season premiere) 9 p.m.
iant knight — was also a unsmiling face are of course plaster bust that pageant TLC
popular subject in 19th cen- unpainted, the lone suggest- ‘Matthew designers use to guide the College Bowl USC versus
tury France. During a floun- ions of a living, breathing nightly ritual of preparing UCLA. (N) 10 p.m. NBC
dering epoch of post-revolu- human being trapped in-
Rolston: the cast member for the Hart to Heart Taraji P.
tionary destabilization, the side. Art People’ show, the other the per- Henson. 10 p.m. E!
French were mad for organ- The portrait could not be former ready to go.
izing guidelines drawn from more formal. What’s oddly I knew Wilder, who ran Motherland: Fort Salem
Where: Laguna Art Suspicion and distrust in
history and myth. compelling is that the pho- Museum, 307 Cliff Drive, one of Los Angeles’ most im-
The Pageant chose An- tograph undercuts any ex- portant art galleries for 14 Alden begin to mount as
Laguna Beach Abigail and Tally (Ashley
gelica’s florid representa- pectation of personal expo- formative years in the city’s
When: Through Sept. 19; Nicole Williams, Jessica
tion from an 1840s bronze by sure, which is what we nor- closed Wednesdays contemporary cultural life.
sculptor Antoine-Louis mally expect a portrait to ac- Looking at the technically Sutton) pressure those in
Admission: $5-$7; kids 17 authority to make changes.
Barye. She escapes across complish. Rolston posed the refined, high-resolution
and younger are free 10 p.m. Freeform
the sea in Roger’s protective model, one arm hidden be- photographs of both man-
arms, riding on the back of a hind her, with her right arm Info: (949) 494-8971, nequin and model, I was sur- Man versus History “Ham-
galloping winged-horse held slightly bent and her hand lagunaartmuseum prised at how little either ilton versus Burr.” (N) 10
aloft by a coiling dolphin. turned to an open palm — a one resembled him. Like the p.m. History
Celebrity photographer gesture of candidness that Hittorff Neptune and Leon- Welcome to Plathville
Matthew Rolston, known for quietly resounds against her than the 13 characters in ardo’s Jesus, being in the ar- (season premiere) 10:05 p.m.
lush portraits of actors and actual concealment. Leonardo da Vinci’s “The tistic ballpark is close TLC
musicians, took a different Here I am. Who am I? Last Supper,” annually the enough for the pageant.
approach in “Art People,” This is a person, identity pageant’s grand finale. After all, close scrutiny of Miracle Workers The wag-
his exhibition of 2016 Pag- unknown, portraying an ob- Christ and his disciples, a painting or a sculpture is on train makes a stop at
eant photographs currently ject for a tableau presented robed and bewigged, are not the aim of a tableau vi- Independence Rock where
at the Laguna Art Museum. in a theater. The show is the Fahey/Klein here a rather creepy and for- vant. I’ve long thought of the they decide to celebrate the
Cinematic melodrama and thing. The individual wom- AN 1840S work comes bidding bunch, the makeup Pageant of the Masters as Fourth of July. Ezekiel and
sculptural romanticism are an you’re looking it remains to life via a model plus so pronounced that it’s being somewhat akin to a Prudence (Daniel Radcliffe,
nowhere to be seen in his a cryptic cipher, encased in- photographer Rolston. sometimes hard to tell the sporting event, where exten- Geraldine Viswanathan) try
picture of Barye’s maiden. side layers of artistic and costumed sitter’s gender. sive training, precision their best to enjoy the holi-
Instead, “Art People” cultural distancing. Who she the crowned and bearded Their beards are like workouts and repetitive day, but Benny (Steve
turns the same demanding is really doesn’t matter. figure of Neptune, Roman scrubbing brushes, their practice lead to the starting- Buscemi) tries to reclaim
techniques of studio work When you look at An- god of the sea. stiff, paint-daubed tunics gun moment when the cur- his status as the top outlaw.
applied to publicity shots of toine-Louis Barye’s bronze Plucked from the base of like housepainters’ drop tain opens and, in a reversal 10:30 p.m. and 11 TBS
Nicki Minaj and Zac Efron sculpture in an art museum, a ponderous fountain in cloths. Absent context, of many sporting norms, the SPORTS
and for the pages of Rolling rarely does the mind turn to Paris’ Place de la Concorde, hand gestures perform a su- “art athletes” must remain
Stone and Vogue to anony- the question of who the he’s a cast-iron spectacle percilious pantomime. perfectly still for the dura- Baseball The Angels visit
mous Laguna locals who model was working in the with an odd cap of gilded The inspiring and the tion of the exposure. the Detroit Tigers, 4 p.m.
portray characters from artist’s studio posing for An- foam. A windswept blue prosaic collide, the sacred If that sounds like the BSW; the Pittsburgh Pirates
paintings and sculptures. gelica in the wax or plaster beard is clamped against his indistinguishable from the way photographs were visit the Dodgers, 7 p.m.
The results are agreeably form that would later be cast face, his muscled, purplish profane. Leonardo’s actual made during the camera’s SportsNetLA
weird. in enduring metal. Her life torso streaked with brush fresco recedes into the con- 19th century infancy — well, NBA Summer League
Rolston’s gilded An- was lived, and that was that. marks. The model is buff but ceptual distance. Rolston’s it’s not coincidental that the Basketball Championship
gelica faces forward, body The sculpture, which is not a nowhere near as bulky as photographs assume a life of tableau vivant was birthed (Live) 6 p.m. ESPN
turned to three-quarter portrait, lives on. the actual laborious statue their own. and flourished around the
view and cropped just above “Art People” is a strange designed by German-born One coincidentally re- same time. It isn’t exactly a MLS Soccer The Colorado
the knee. Every inch of ex- inversion of celebrity pho- French architect Jacques vealing example is the 1966 democratizing impulse for Rapids visit the LA Galaxy,
posed skin is shiny gold, ex- tography, in which we casu- Ignace Hittorff. He’s hardly portrait of the late Los Ange- art, but taking pictures and 7:30 p.m. SportsNet
cept for the rims of her eye- ally assume we are seeing a household name today, les art dealer Nicholas making them were entering TALK SHOWS
lids. So is her draped tunic behind the public mask of a but Rolston’s photographic Wilder, painted shoulder- a new historical phase. Rol-
and the hard, coifed cap that famous performer. Rolston’s fountain god elicits double- deep in his home’s oval ston’s peculiar pageant pic- CBS This Morning Jennifer
substitutes for soft hair, like exquisitely crafted pageant takes. swimming pool by David tures begin to bring the Hudson; director Liesl
an ice-cream cone dipped in pictures are all mask. Some Others seem disconcert- Hockney. Rolston presents world-altering saga into un- Tommy (“Respect”). (N) 7
chocolate. The blue eyes and are spectacular — especially ingly tatty — none more him in two adjacent photo- expected focus. a.m. KCBS
Today Octavia Spencer;
Christina Tosi and Ashley
Holt; Jenn Falik. (N) 7 a.m.

sending, except about its KNBC
“I am the president of the Good Morning America
U.S. and the buck stops with Jason Momoa; Billie Jean
King; Chandler Baker. (N) 7

me,” Biden said in a speech
Monday, addressing the criti- a.m. KABC
cism that he’d made a griev- Live With Kelly and Ryan
ous error by pulling troops Chris Rock (“Spiral”); Oliv-

out, and that the events un- ia Holt (“Cruel Summer”).
folding in Kabul were proof of (N) 9 a.m. KABC
that miscalculation. “I do not Amanpour and Company
regret my decision to end the (N) 11 p.m. KCET; 1 a.m.
war in Afghanistan. KLCS
[Afghanistan, from E1] “Our mission in Af-
the slog in between. When a ghanistan was never sup- The Tonight Show Michael
major story broke out in com- posed to have been nation- Shannon; Paris Hilton;
bat zones, it was common- building ... there was never a Courtney Barnett performs.
place in these interim years good time to withdraw U.S. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC
for outlets to use Al Jazeera forces,” he added. “The The Late Show Amanda
or Al Arabiya reporting and events we are seeing now are Peet; Roger Bennett. (N)
camera footage from places sadly proof that no amount of 11:35 p.m. KCBS
where they weren’t — like military force would ever de- Jimmy Kimmel Live! Julie
Kandahar Province, Fallujah liver a stable, united, secure Bowen guest hosts; Minnie
and other hot spots where Afghanistan, that’s known in Driver. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
our troops risked and lost Associated Press history as the graveyard of
their lives. Beyond the grim PEOPLE run with a U.S. Air Force C-17 transport plane on the runway at the empires. I will not mislead Late Night With Seth Mey-
spectacle of “shock and awe” international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. The Taliban reclaimed the capital. the American people by ers Jennifer Hudson; Lior
and the killing of Osama bin claiming that just a little Raz; Jeff Bowders with the
Laden, if you watched the news, much of American TV upon to address the humani- 1975. “There’s going to be no more time in Afghanistan will 8G Band. (N) 12:37 a.m.
nightly news — or even 24- seemed ill-prepared to take tarian crisis, namely the as- circumstance where you see make all the difference.” KNBC
hour cable news — in the last on such a grave and complex sertion that the U.S. was not people being lifted off the roof But the stark reality of a Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m.
two decades, you might be series of events. CNN scram- swift enough to extract of an embassy of the United no-win war, and a no-win po- KABC
forgiven for believing Ameri- bled to dig up experts on for- Afghan interpreters and oth- States [in] Afghanistan. It is litical situation, didn’t make
ca’s last major war took place eign policy and conflict such ers who had aided U.S. not at all comparable.” Circu- the news out of Afghanistan
in Vietnam. That’s how inter- as Fareed Zakaria, who troops out of the country. Fox lating across the news Sun- any less heart-wrenching. Al
mittent the attention has looked like he was on vaca- News featured comments day and Monday: Images of Jazeera broadcast the
been. tion in a cabin in upstate New from Norman Roule, former an evacuation effort from the “handover ceremony” at the
Watching this weekend as York. Viewers learned that Middle East expert for the rooftop of the American Em- presidential palace, which
Afghanistan fell under Tali- MSNBC does in fact have an CIA, but spent a good deal of bassy in Kabul that looked passed from what was left of
ban rule, again, was horrify- Iran bureau chief, Ali Arouzi, the day ripping the president eerily similar to those shot in the Afghan government to
ing — particularly the though you might not have via contributors such as Ben Vietnam 40-odd years ago. the Taliban. Reports came
footage of victorious fighters known it as recently as last Domenech of the Federalist. In Vietnam, at least, TV into MSNBC that the Tali-
pouring into Kabul unchal- week. They patiently ex- And they had a lot to work was instrumental in bringing ban was already going door
lenged, and the humanitari- plained that this disaster has with. U.S. viewers information to door, seeking Afghans who
an crisis unfolding around been building for more than a In July, when President about the war and, many helped the U.S., journalists
the airport, which may well decade, over four different Biden announced a timeline have argued, turning them and those dedicated to hu-
indicate even greater terror presidencies — something for the drawdown in Af- against it. TV coverage of Af- man rights causes.
and dread throughout the one might have expected to ghanistan ending on Aug. 31, ghanistan has been so sparse It was the tragic end to a
rest of the country. But for all glean from, say, watching the he ensured reporters it would since the war’s earliest days messy war and occupation — Bettina Strauss The CW
the valiant efforts of those on news. look nothing like the scram- it’s been hard to know what most of which was never “SUPERMAN & Lois’ ”
the ground there relaying the Other experts were called ble during the fall of Saigon in message the networks were broadcast. Elizabeth Tulloch.
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R T U E S DAY , AU G U S T 17 , 2 0 21 EE1
Tuesday, August 17, Prime-time: Broadcast
Tuesday TV Highlights 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
CBS Entertainment NCIS (TV14) Å FBI (TV14) Å FBI: Most Wanted (TV14) Å News Å Stephen Col-
Tonight bert (11:35)
NBC Access Holly- America’s Got Talent (TVPG) Twelve performers take the College Bowl (TVPG) Quar- News Å Jimmy Fallon
wood (TVPG) stage live from the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood as judging terfinal: USC versus UCLA. (TV14) (N) Å
(N) Å is turned over to the American viewing audience. (N) Å (N) Å
CW 2 & 1/2 Men DC’s Stargirl (TVPG) Still on Superman & Lois (TVPG) News Å Sports Final News Å Friends (TV14)
(TV14) Å the lookout for evil in Blue (Season finale) Superman’s (N) (10:45) (11:35) Å
Valley, Courtney grows sus- worst nightmare comes to Å
picious after an unexpected life, and Lois confronts Leslie
visitor shows up at the Larr; Lana, Kyle and Sarah
Dugan house; Barbara and agree to stay to help General
Pat become concerned after Lane. (N) Å
a visit from a mysterious an-
tiques collector. (N) Å
ABC Wheel of For- Home Econom- Home Econom- Home Econom- Home Econom- Home Econom- Home Econom- News Å Jimmy Kimmel
tune (TVG) Å ics (TVPG) Å ics (TVPG) Å ics (TVPG) Å ics (TVPG) Å ics (TVPG) Å ics (TVPG) Å (N) (11:35) Å
KCAL Family Feud News Å News Å News Å Sports Central black-ish Å black-ish Å
FOX Extra (TVPG) LEGO Masters (TVPG) Puppet Fantasy Island His & Hers; News Å Extra (TVPG) TMZ (TVPG)
Bettina Strauss The CW (N) Å Masters. (N) Å Heartbreak Hotel. (N) Å Å Å
ELIZABETH TULLOCH and Tyler Hoechlin in the MyNet Big Bang Å Big Bang Å Schitt’s Creek King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å The Simpsons Chicago P.D.
season finale of “Superman & Lois” on the CW. KCET All Creatures The Island Diaries (TVPG) Å Professor T (TV14) Å Line of Separation (TV14) Amanpour and Company Å
(6:30) Å Anna mourns Friedrich. Å
SERIES UNIVISION La Rosa de Diseñando tu amor (TVPG) Si nos dejan (TV14) (N) La hija del embajador (N) Noticias Noticiero Uni-
Guadalupe (N) vision
America’s Got Talent Twelve performers take the stage
at the Dolby Theatre. Simon Cowell, Sofia Vergara, Heidi KOCE Uncovering America (TVG) Henry Louis Gates This Land Is Your Land (TVG) The Smothers Great Performances (TVG) Mick Fleetwood &
Jr. is profiled. (7) Å Brothers and Judy Collins. Å Friends. Å
Klum Howie Mandel and host Terry Crews. 8 p.m. NBC
KDOC News (N) Dateline Å Dateline (TV14) Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld Å Seinfeld Å
Stargirl Courtney (Brec Bassinger) is wary when an un- KLCS NOVA (TVPG) Rick Steves Europe Awaits (TVG) Å Marriner Eccles: Father of the World News Å News Å
expected visitor shows up and a mysterious antique collector (7) Å Modern Federal Reserve Å
(guest star Jonathan Cake) raises red flags for Pat and Bar- Tuesday, August 17, Prime-time: Premium Cable Channels
bara (Luke Wilson, Amy Smart). Meg DeLacy, Yvette Mon- 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
real, Cameron Gellman, Anjelika Washington, Trae Romano Cinemax Shanghai The Way Back ››› (2020) Ben Affleck, Al Madrigal. Stuck Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy ››› (2011) Gary Oldman, Kathy
and Hunter Sansone also star. 8 p.m. The CW Surprise › in a meaningless job and struggling with alcoholism, a Burke. Called back from retirement, veteran British spy
(1986) Sean former high school athlete gets a shot at redemption when George Smiley must ferret out a mole in MI6, who has
LEGO Masters Contestants build puppets then work to- Penn, Madon- he becomes the basketball coach for his alma mater, a pro- been feeding vital information to the Soviets. (R) (9:50) Å
gether to put on a puppet show. 8 p.m. Fox na. (6:22) Å gram that has since fallen on hard times. (R) Å
Superman & Lois Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch) confronts Encore The Good Dinosaur ››› (2015) Voice of Little Women ››› (2019) Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson. In the years after Men in Black
Jeffrey Wright. Animated. With help from a the Civil War, Jo March and her two sisters return home when shy sister ››› (1997)
Leslie Larr (guest star Stacey Farber) while Clark’s (Tyler friendly Neanderthal boy, a young dinosaur Beth develops a devastating illness that forever changes all of their lives. Tommy Lee
Hoechlin) worst nightmare comes to life in the season finale. embarks on an epic adventure to reunite (PG) Å Jones. (PG-
Lana, Kyle and Sarah (Emmanuelle Chriqui, Erik Valdez, with his beloved family. (PG) (7:23) Å 13) (11:18) Å
Inde Navarrette) agree to stay in Smallville to help General EPIX What to Expect As Good as It Gets ››› (1997) Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt. A New York The Guilt Trip ›› (2012) Barbra Streisand.
Lane (Dylan Walsh). Jordan Elsass, Alex Garfin, Wolé Parks When You’re City waitress, a gay painter and a dog help a misanthropic author reach a Pressured into taking his overbearing moth-
Expecting self-awakening. (PG-13) Å er along for the ride, a man embarks on the
and Adam Rayner also star. 9 p.m. The CW (6:10) Å road trip of a lifetime. (PG-13) (10:20) Å
Fantasy Island Daphne and Zev (guest stars Odette and HBO The White Judas and the Black Messiah ››› (2021) Daniel Kaluuya, Hard Knocks: The Dallas Cow- 100-Foot Wave (TV14) As the
Dave Annable) come to the island in search of the ultimate Lotus (TVMA) LaKeith Stanfield. Offered a plea deal by the FBI, William boys (TVMA) An insider look world’s top surfers arrive in
(6:40) Å O’Neal infiltrates the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther at life in the Dallas Cowboys’ Nazare, Garrett grows con-
adventure together. Roselyn Sanchez and Kiara Barnes. Party to gather intelligence on Chairman Fred Hampton. NFL training camp. (N) Å cerned over proposed safety
John Gabriel Rodriguez and Michelle Cortés also guest star. (R) (7:50) Å measures. Å
9 p.m. Fox Showtime Pitch Black The Chronicles of Riddick ›› (2004) Vin Diesel, Colm Feore. The L Word: Generation Q UFO (TV14) In 2004, a team
›› (2000) On the run from mercenaries, a fugitive lands on a planet Bette takes huge strides at of elite Navy pilots and radar
Invisible Monsters: Serial Killers in America (season fi- Radha Mitch- endangered by an invading ruler and his bloodthirsty army. her new job as Shane vies to operators has many military
nale) 9 p.m. A&E ell, Vin Die- (PG-13) Å get Tess on board with a new encounters with unidentified
sel. (6) Å idea for the bar. Å aerial phenomena. Å
Tyler Perry’s The Oval Richard, Dale and Sharon (Javon
Starz Cinderella ››› (2015) Cate Blanchett, Lily James. A cruel The Craft: Legacy ›› (2020) Cailee Spaeny, Heels (TVMA) Jack Spade,
Johnson, Derek Alexander Dixon and Teesha Renée) end up stepmother reduces her dead husband’s only child to the Gideon Adlon. An eclectic foursome of as- the owner of the Duffy Wres-
in a horrific situation in this new episode. 9 p.m. BET role of scullery maid, but a kindly beggar woman and some piring teenage witches get more than they tling League, controls every-
helpful mice bring about a change in the young woman’s bargained for as they lean into their new- thing inside of his wrestling
College Bowl The quarterfinal rounds conclude with fortunes. (PG) Å found powers. (PG-13) (9:22) Å ring. Å
USC versus UCLA. (N) 10 p.m. NBC TMC A Walk on the Monster’s Ball ››› (2001) Halle Berry, Billy Bob Thornton. Moonlight ››› (2016) Mahershala Ali, Alex Hibbert. A look
Moon ›› A racist prison guard has an affair with a Black woman at three defining chapters in the life of Chiron, a young
Hart to Heart Taraji P. Henson discusses her early years (1999) Diane after her husband, who was sentenced to capital punish- Black man growing up in Miami. His epic journey to man-
in Hollywood as a single mother and the tough choices she Lane. (R) ment, dies. (R) Å hood is guided by the kindness, support and love of the
had to make. 10 p.m. E! (6) Å community that helps raise him. (R) Å

Motherland: Fort Salem Suspicion and distrust in Alden Tuesday, August 17, Prime-time: Cable News Channels
begin to mount as Abigail and Tally (Ashley Nicole Williams, 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
Jessica Sutton) pressure those in authority to make changes. Bloomberg Markets: Asia Technology (TVG) Å Paid Program Paid Program Daybreak: Europe (TVG) Å Markets: European Open Å
Taylor Hickson, Amalia Holm and Demetria McKinney also CNBC The Profit (7) Shark Tank (TVPG) Å The News With Shepard Smith The Profit (TVPG) Å Dateline (TVPG) Å
star. 10 p.m. Freeform CNN Don Lemon (7) Don Lemon Tonight (N) Å Anderson Cooper (TVPG) Å Cuomo Prime Time Å Don Lemon Tonight Å
Man versus History In the new episode “Hamilton versus CSPAN Politics and Public Policy Today (6:38) Å Politics and Public Policy Today Å
Burr,” storyteller Bil Lepp revisits famous feuds: Hamilton CSPAN2 Author Discus- Stephen Browne, The First Inau- Robert Watson, George Wash- Author Discussion on George Stephen Browne, The First Inau-
sion (7:22) guration (8:12) ington’s Final Battle Washington (9:56) guration (10:46)
and Burr; the Hatfields and McCoys; and the gunfight at the
Fox B Evening Edit Kudlow Å Kennedy Å Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
O.K. Corral. 10 p.m. History
Fox News Ingraham (7) Gutfeld! (N) Å News Å Tucker Carlson Å Hannity Å
Welcome to Plathville (season premiere) 10:05 p.m. TLC MSNBC Last Word (7) The 11th Hour (N) Å The Rachel Maddow Show Last Word Å The 11th Hour Å
Miracle Workers The wagon train makes a stop at Inde- NEWSNTN Banfield (7) The Donlon Report Å NewsNation Prime Å NewsNation Prime Å Person of Interest Å
pendence Rock where they decide to celebrate the Fourth of SN-1 News News News News News News
July. Ezekiel and Prudence (Daniel Radcliffe, Geraldine Tuesday, August 17, Prime-time: Cable
Viswanathan) try their best to enjoy the holiday, but Benny
7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
(Steve Buscemi) tries to reclaim his status as the top outlaw
A&E Invisible Monsters: Serial Killers in America Invisible Monsters: Serial Killers in America (TV14) (Season finale) (N) Å Court Cam Å
in the Wild West. Karan Soni also stars in this new episode of
AMC The Rock ››› (1996) Sean Connery, Nico- Enemy of the State ››› (1998) Will Smith, Gene Hackman. A former NSA operative aids
the quirky comedy. 10:30 p.m. and 11 TBS las Cage. (R) (6) Å the innocent victim of a politically motivated assassination cover-up. (R) Å

Animal P North Woods North Woods Law: Wildside In Pawtuckaway State Park, an North Woods Law (TV14) North Woods Law (TVPG)
Law (7) investigation unfolds to find a missing swimmer. (N)
Baseball The Boston Red Sox visit the New York Yan- BBC A Star Trek: TNG Grown Ups › (2010) Adam Sandler, Kevin James. (PG-13) Å Grown Ups 2 › (2013) Adam Sandler, Kevin
kees, 10 a.m. MLB; the Angels visit the Detroit Tigers, 4 p.m. (7) Å James. (PG-13) (10:15) Å
BSW; the Pittsburgh Pirates visit the Dodgers, 7 p.m. Sport- BET Ride Along ›› (2014) Ice Cube, Kevin Hart. Tyler Perry’s The Oval (TV14) Celebrity Family Feud (TVPG) Celebrity Family Feud (TVPG)
(PG-13) (6:30) Å (N) Å Å Å
Bravo Housewives: The Real Housewives of New The Real Housewives of New York City (TV14) The Real Housewives of New Growing Up
NBA Summer League Basketball Championship (Live) NYC (7) Å York City (TV14) (N) Å (N) Å York City (TV14) Å Chrisley Å
6 p.m. ESPN CMT Last Standing Mom (TVPG) Mom (TVPG) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Mom (TV14) Reba (TVPG) Reba (TVPG)
MLS Soccer The Colorado Rapids visit the LA Galaxy, Comedy The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å The Office Å
7:30 p.m. SportsNet Discovery Deadliest Deadliest Catch (TV14) Quid Pro Crab. (N) Å Deadliest Catch: Roughest and Toughest (TV14) Deadly Times.
Catch (N) (7) (N) Å
TALK SHOWS Disney Big City GreensBig City Greens Big City Greens Sydney to the Sydney to the Big City Greens Big City Greens Miraculous Miraculous
(TVY7) (TVY7) (TVY7) Max Å Max Å (TVY7) (TVY7) (TVY7) Å (TVY7) Å
CBS This Morning Jennifer Hudson; director Liesl
Tommy (“Respect”). (N) 7 a.m. KCBS E! Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Hart to Heart (N) Å We Got Love Nightly Pop
Best Å Best Å Best Å Best Å Best Å Teyana & Iman (TV14) (N) Å
Today Octavia Spencer; Christina Tosi and Ashley Holt; Food Chopped Chopped (TVG) Pickle Panic. Chopped (TVG) Playing With Money Hungry (TVG) Host Kal Chopped (TVG) Noodle or
Jenn Falik. (N) 7 a.m. KNBC (TVG) (7) Å Å Fire: Hog Heaven. (N) Å Penn. (N) Å pasta dishes. Å
Freeform Mrs. Doubtfire ››› (1993) Robin Williams, Sally Field. Estranged from his Motherland: Fort Salem (TV14) The 700 Club Detroit Tigers
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 a.m. KTLA wife, an out-of-work actor masquerades as a nanny to be with his children. Distrust in Alder grows as pitcher Matthew Boyd talks
(PG) (7) Å Tally and Abigail push for about the 36 girls in Ugan-
Good Morning America Jason Momoa; Billie Jean King; changes; Raelle gains a da he’s helping after their
Chandler Baker. (N) 7 a.m. KABC deeper understanding of the escape from the sex slave
Mycelium. (N) Å industry. (N) Å
Good Day L.A. (N) 7 a.m. KTTV
FX Deepwater The Martian ››› (2015) Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain. (PG-13) Å The Martian ››› (2015)
Live With Kelly and Ryan Chris Rock (“Spiral”); Olivia Horizon (5:30) Matt Damon. (PG-13) Å
Holt (“Cruel Summer”). (N) 9 a.m. KABC FXX The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers
Hallmark Valentine Ever Paris, Wine & Romance (2019) Jen Lilley, Dan Jeannotte. Å Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls
The View Amy Klobuchar; Michaela Jaé “Mj” Rodriguez. After (6) (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å
10 a.m. KABC HGTV Home Town Good Bones (TVG) Cottage to Good Bones (TVG) Warehouse House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters
Amanpour and Company (N) 11 p.m. KCET; 1 a.m. KLCS (TVG) (7) Å Artistic Oasis. (N) Å to Storefront. (N) Å (TVG) Å International (TVG) Å International
History Secrets (7) History’s Greatest Mysteries (TVPG) Å Man vs. History (TVPG) Å Man vs. History (11:05) Å
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Michael IFC 2 Guns (5:30) S.W.A.T. ›› (2003) Samuel L. Jackson, Colin Farrell. (PG-13) Å 2 Guns ›› (2013) Denzel Washington. Å
Shannon; Paris Hilton; Courtney Barnett performs. (N) 11:34
Lifetime Rizzoli … (7) Rizzoli & Isles (TV14) Å Rizzoli & Isles (TV14) Å Rizzoli & Isles (TV14) Å Rizzoli & Isles (TV14) Å
p.m. KNBC
MTV Catfish (7) Catfish (TV14) (N) Å True Life Crime (TV14) (N) Å Catfish (TVPG) Å Ridiculousness Ridiculousness
The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Amanda Peet; Nat Geo Life Below Zero Life Below Zero (TVPG) The Hailstone family embarks on a seal hunt before guests arrive Life Below Zero (TVPG) Å
Roger Bennett. (N) 11:35 p.m. KCBS (7) Å at the Kavik River Camp; Andy and Kate struggle to build a greenhouse. Å

Jimmy Kimmel Live! Julie Bowen guest hosts; Minnie Nickelodeon Patrick Star Å SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å Friends Å
Driver; Jacob Elordi; Ashe. (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC OWN David Makes David Makes Man (TVMA) David Makes Man (TVMA) David Makes Man (TVMA) No David Makes Man (TVMA)
Man (7) Chaos is Come Again. Homecoming. (N) Atheists in Rabbit Holes. Chaos is Come Again.
Late Night With Seth Meyers Jennifer Hudson; Lior Raz; Paramount The Da Vinci Code ›› (2006) Tom Hanks, Audrey Tautou. (PG-13) (7) Å Now You See Me ›› (2013) Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo.
Jeff Bowders with the 8G Band. (N) 12:37 a.m. KNBC (PG-13) Å
Sundance NCIS (7) Å NCIS (TV14) Å NCIS (TV14) Å NCIS (TV14) Å NCIS (TVPG) Å
Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m. KABC
Syfy Gone in Sixty Seconds › (2000) Nicolas The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift ›› (2006) Lucas Black, Zachery Ty Death Wish
MOVIES Cage, Angelina Jolie. (PG-13) (6:30) Å Bryan. (PG-13) Å (11:15) Å
TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Miracle Work- Miracle Work- Seinfeld
Drumline (2002) 8 a.m. HBO (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å ers (TVMA) ers (TVMA) (TVPG) Å
The wagon The wagon
Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) 8:17 a.m. Encore train stopstrain stops
The Party (2017) 8:35 a.m. Epix at Indepen-at Indepen-
dence Rock.dence Rock.
Boiler Room (2000) 9 a.m. Showtime (N) Å Å
TCM In a Lonely Place ››› (1950) (7) Å Crossfire ››› (1947) Robert Young. Å The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) (10:45) Å
Life of Pi (2012) 10 a.m. HBO
TLC Welcome to Welcome to Plathville (TVPG) My Big Fat Fabulous Life Welcome to Plathville Max Welcome to Plathville The
Black Mass (2015) 10 a.m. History Plathville The Plath family is fractured (TVPG) (Season premiere) recruits Micah and Lydia to Plath family is fractured into
(TVPG) (7) into three different house- Whitney looks forward to help out with a secret sur- three different households;
Men in Black (1997) 10:11 a.m. and 11:18 p.m. Encore holds; Moriah and Micah life after quarantine; Buddy prise for Moriah; Ethan and Moriah and Micah move
move slowly toward reconcil- abandons her for his new Olivia’s relationship is on the slowly toward reconciliation
Blood Father (2016) 11 a.m. Syfy iation with their parents. (N) girlfriend. (N) rocks. (N) (10:05) with their parents. (11:08)

Mad Hot Ballroom (2005) 11 a.m. TMC TNT The Legend of Pacific Rim ››› (2013) Charlie Hunnam, Diego Klattenhoff. A washed-up ex-pilot and an Geostorm › (2017) Gerard
Tarzan (5:30) untested trainee must drive an old, obsolete robot in a last-ditch effort to repel a lethal Butler, Jim Sturgess. (PG-
This Is the End (2013) 11:15 a.m. Starz Å force of monstrous invaders. (PG-13) Å 13) Å
Toon Apple & Onion Bob’s Burgers Bob’s Burgers American Dad American Dad American Dad Rick and Morty Family Guy Animated. Å
Crawl (2019) 11:25 a.m. Epix Travel Paranormal Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera (TVPG) (N) Å Paranormal Caught on Camera
Goodfellas (1990) 12:33 p.m. History (TV14) (7) Å (TVPG) Å (TVPG) Å
TruTV Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Jokers (TV14) Backyard Bar Backyard Bar
A Few Good Men (1992) 1 p.m. AMC
TV Land Andy Griffith Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å Raymond Å King of Queens King of Queens
Little Women (2019) 1:48 and 9 p.m. Encore USA Armageddon WWE NXT (TVPG) WWE Superstars compete to prove American Ninja Warrior (TVPG) (10:08) Å
(5) Å they’ve got what it takes. (N) Å
Despicable Me (2010) 3 p.m. Freeform
VH1 Wild ‘n Out Å Wild ‘n Out Å Wild ‘n Out Å Wild ‘n Out Å Wild ‘n Out Å Wild ‘n Out Å Wild ‘n Out Å Wild ‘n Out Å Wild ‘n Out Å
Sicario (2015) 3 p.m. FX Tuesday, August 17, Prime-time: Cable Sports Channels
The Natural (1984) 4:30 p.m. FS1; 10 p.m. Ovation 7:30 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 10:00 pm 10:30 pm 11:00 pm 11:30 pm
BSSC ATP/WTA Tennis Western & Southern Open, First & Second Round. (N) (6) Clippers Clippers Fight Sports: Boxing
Despicable Me 2 (2013) 5 p.m. Freeform BSW MLB Baseball Angels at Detroit Tigers. From Comerica Park in Detroit. Postgame Angels Weekly Poker
Deepwater Horizon (2016) 5:30 p.m. FX ESPN NBA Summer SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å SportsCenter (N) Å
League (6)
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) 7 p.m. Freeform ESPN2 Fantasy (6) UFC Unleashed (TV14) Å NFL Live Å Around Horn Interruption UFC 237
The Good Dinosaur (2015) 7:23 p.m. Encore FS1 Mexico Primera Division Soccer (7) Skip and Shannon: Undisputed Å TMZ Sports PBC Collection
Cinderella (2015) 7:33 p.m. Starz MLB MLB Tonight (N) Å Quick Pitch (N) Å Quick Pitch Å
NBC Sports Monster Jam Caffeine & … Caffeine & … Carcass (TVG) Carcass (TVG) Monster Jam Å Mecum Top 10 Off the Grid
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) 7:50 p.m. HBO SNLA MLB Baseball Pittsburgh Pirates at Dodgers. (Live) (7) Dodgers Postgame (N) MLB Baseball

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