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UPSC I NCERT Notes I Optional Notes I Toppers Notes I UPSC Books

1. Who was the First Women Prime Minister of India?
A: Smt. Indira Gandhi

2. Who was the First Women Chief Minister In India?

A: Sucheta Kriplani

3. Which Is the Largest State In India?

A: Rajasthan

4. Which Is the Smallest State In India?

A: Goa

5. In India, Who is called as First Citizen of India?

A: President of India

6. In India, Who is called as Second Citizen of India?

A: Vice-President of India

7. In India, Who is called as Third Citizen of India?

A: Prime Minister of India

8. What is the total number of characters in the Hindi Alphabet?

A: 52

9. Who Composed Indian National song?

A: Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

10. How Many spokes in the National flag of India?

A: 24 Spokes

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11. What is the National Song Of India?
A: Vandemataram

12. Who is the First Female Chief Justice of India?

A: Fathima Beevi

13. How Many Indian Have the Hindi Languages?

A: 10

14 Which Language is Mostly Used In Maharashtra?

A: Marathi

15. Devanagari Script is in Which Language?

A: Hindi

16. Name the Longest River on the earth?

A: The Nile

17. What is the name of Fastest animal on the Land?

A: Cheetah

18. What is the main source of energy for the earth?

A: Sun

19. Which Continent has not a single Volcano?

A: Austrila

20. What is the Smallest Ocean in the World?

A: Arctic

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21. Which is the Highest Mountain in the India?
A: Kangchenjunga

22. Which is the largest Lake in the India?

A: Wular Lake 259 km Square

23. Who built the Red Fort Which is Located In New Delhi?
A: Shah Jahan

24. Navy Day, In India Celebrate on which Day?

A: 4th December

25. When We celebrate the Indian Post Day?

A: 9th October

26. Who Composed Indian National Anthem?

A: Rabindranath Tagore

27. Who was the First Female IPS Officer In India?

A: Kiran Bedi

28. Where is the Wular Lake (Largest Lake) Is situated in India?

A: Jammu and Kashmir

29. Who is the first Indian Field of Marshal?

A: Jamshedji Manekshaw

30. What is the Height of 3 wooden stumps in cricket?

A: 28 Inches

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31. Which Types of Lenses are used in Camera’s?
A: Convex Lens

32. What is Canada’s National Sport?

A: Ice Hockey

33. Jaspal Rana is related to Which Sport?

A: Shooting

34. What is Indian Highest award in sports?

A: Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award

35. Define LAN:

A: Local Area Network

36. Expand EVM?

A: Electronic Voting Machine

37. Full Form of DTP:

A: Desk Top Publishing

38.Full Form of MODEM:

A: Modulator Demodulator

39. Expand RDX?

A: Research Development Explosive

40. Full Form of WWW:

A: World Wide Web

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41. Hindi Divas celebrated on?
A: September 14th

42. Bihu is the one of the most popular dance from which of the Indian
A: Assam

43. Yahoo, Google, and MSN is?

A: Internet sites

44. Inaccuracy in computer data is called ?

A: Bug

45. IBM Is the complete full form of?

A: International Business Machine

46. CAD Means?

A: Computer Aided design

47. What is the longest river in India?

A: Ganga River

48. What is the use of CD Characters in a computer Dictonary?

A: Compact Disk

49. One Kilobyte (1KB) Is equivalent to ?

A: 1024 bytes

50. What is a Length of a word in computer?

A: bit

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51. What is the purpose of assembler?
A: Coverts assembly language into machine language

52. Who was the first women lok sabha Speaker of India?
A: Meera Kumari

53. Where is the Pushkar lake situated in India?

A: Rajasthan

54. How Much time will earth take to complete its rotation around sun?
A: 365.25 Days

55. Complete full form of BDT?

A: Binary Digits Task

56. ROM Means?

A: Read Only Memory

57. Full Form Of HTML?

A: Hyper Text Markup Language

58. What is the magnitude of the earth quake measuring machine?

A: Richter Scale & Seismogram

59. When and Where did the First underground train in India Started?
A: In Calcutta, on October 21, 1984

60. National Youth Day is celebrated on?

A: January 12

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61. On Which Day, the National ARMY Day is celebrated?
A: January 15

62. National Sports Day is celebrated on?

A: August 29

63. The First Indian Player to take a Hatrick in Test Cricket?

A: Harbhajan Singh

64. In Which year did India won the world cup for the first time in cricket?
A: In 1983

65. Which Cricketer is known as Rawalpindi Express?

A: Shoaib Akhtar

66. Which Player makes the first double century In ODI Cricket?
A: Sachin Tendulkar

67. Who is the First Indian Batsmen to score a triple century in Test Cricket?
A: Virendra Sehwag

68. Which Country is Known as Birthright of cricket?

A: England

69. Rocket Works on the Which Principle?

A: Protection of momentum

70. Remedy is used for the prevention of defects:

A: Convex Lense

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71. Non-metals are the helper of electricity because:
A: They are not free eleectrons

72. What energy is found in a dry cell?

A: Chemical Energy

73. Who is the investor of gravitational rules?

A: Newton

74. Who discovered the television?

A: John Logie Baird

75. Rubber ballon filled with hydrogen brakes up in the air, because:
A: Air Pressure Decreases

76. What energy is there in the key clock?

A: Potential Enegry

77. What force does it take to remove cream from milk?

A: Auto Central Force

78. How Much of the earth’s gravitational is closer to the gravity of the
A: 1/6

79. Rain Drop is spherical because:

A: Due to surface tension

80. Who has compiled the rule of motion of the planets?

A: Capler

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81. Earth and other planets revolve around the sun, who proved it.
A: Copernicus

82. What is the Frequency of Sound waves in the audio compound?

A: 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz

83. The Filament of the light bulb is made up of which element?

A: Tungsten

84. Electric motor works on which principle?

A: Faraday’s law

85. The Light with the lowest wavelength is light.

A: Purple

86. Rain Bow is caused by?

A: Reflection and refraction

87. The color of sky appears to be blue due to:

A: Due to scattering

88. Which is the Lowest Point of India?

A: Kuttanad

89. India is situated in which continent ?

A: Asia

90. India is situated in which region of Asia Continent?

A: South Asia

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91. In which city was 102nd Indian Science Congress held in 2015?
A: New Delhi

92. In which city was 18th SAARC summit held in 2014?

A: Islamabad

93. In which country was 6th BRICS Summit held in 2014?

A: India

94. In which city was UN Climate Change Summit held in 2014?

A: Paris

95. The member countries of IBSA Dialogue Forum are__

A: India, Brazil and South Africa

96. The member countries of BRICS are:

A: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa

97. Sentinelese tribe is found in which State/ territories?

A: Andaman and Nicobar Islands

98. How many times a person can attempt for re-election as the President
of India?
A: Any number of times

99. The stranger gas is also known as

A: Xenon

100. Who wrote the book ‘Problems of the East’?

A: Lord Curzon

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