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A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim

Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap

Republic Polytechnic
A393 Membrane Technologies
Problem 01: Materials Matter!

1. There are many types of membranes that can be classified in various ways according to
different viewpoints (i.e., nature, structure, functionality, etc.). The first, most general and also
the clearest classification is by nature: Biological membranes and Synthetic membranes.

a. Explore the similarities between biological membranes and synthetic membranes.

Synthetic membranes are also known as artificial membranes.They are composed of pure
phospholipid and cholesterol which are permeable to gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide
and small uncharged polar molecules. These molecules can cross cellular membranes by
passive diffusion.

Biological membranes are selectively permeable membranes that separates cells from the
external environment or creates intracellular compartments.

They are similar in a way where molecules are able to move across both the membranes
through processes like diffusion. Moreover, they have separation purposes as well.

b. List down the structure and functions that distinguish the key differences between biological
membrane and synthetic membrane.

Biological Membrane Synthetic Membrane


Nucleus Ceramic membranes

Endoplasmic reticulum

Golgi apparatus


Consists of a double sheet which Usually made of polymeric

is called a bilyaer of lipid structures and can be classified
molecules. It is called the based on their surface chemistry,
phospholipid bilayer. The bulk structure, morphology and
structure consists of membrane production method. They can be
proteins and sugars as well. made from organic and inorganic
materials including solids like
metal or ceramic, homogeneous
films (polymers).

Copyright © 2021 Republic Polytechnic, SingaporePage 1

A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim
Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap


Membrane proteins help to Their best processes include

maintain the structural integrity, water purification, reverse
organization and flow of material osmosis, dehydrogenation of
through membranes. natural gas, dialysis and more.

2. Synthetic membranes can be made from organic or inorganic materials. Go to the link to read
more about the different types of membrane materials.

a. What are some examples of organic polymeric membranes?

Polyethersulfone, polyvinylidenediflouride, polyacrylonitrile.

b. What are some examples of inorganic polymeric membranes?

Ceramic membrane, zeolite membrane.

3. Commercial polymeric membranes are commonly made using phase inversion techniques.
There are many different types of phase inversion techniques, but we will only examine one
type here, known as immersion precipitation technique.
Refer to the articles and answer the following questions.

Immersion Immersion
Precipitation.tif precipitation method.docx

Video to look at: ,

Copyright © 2021 Republic Polytechnic, SingaporePage 2

A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim
Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap

a) What are the 3 main components needed for membrane preparation using immersion
Non-solvent (water), dope solution → solvent and polymer (solid state).

b) Work out the correct sequence of the steps involved in membrane preparation and fill in the
table below.

Steps Procedure
1 Preparation of dope
2 Setting casting sheet onto glass plate
3 Casting of dope solution on casting sheet
4 Spreading of dope on casting sheet
5 Coagulation bath
6 Onset of demixing
7 Near completion of demixing
8 Final flat-sheet membrane

4. Refer to the “Introduction to membrane technology” video in the problem statement.

For various membrane applications, what will be some factors of consideration when selecting
appropriate membranes? Factors of consideration refer to:

a) Membrane performances, e.g. selectivity, permeability and durability

b) Membrane stability, e.g. chemical, thermal and mechanical

Complete the table below for the above-stated factors of consideration. [*Note: If you are
unable to complete the table at this moment due to your limited understanding, please proceed
with the rest of the worksheet and come back to complete it.]

Copyright © 2021 Republic Polytechnic, SingaporePage 3

A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim
Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap

Factors Descriptions?

Selectivity ● Able to separate what needs to be separated

Permeability ● To allow the molecule to pass through with ease or with difficulty

Durability ● To ensure the membrane does not break and is able to withhold throughout the

Chemical stability ● The potential changes in composition due to chemical reactions.

Thermal stability ● The ability of the material to resist the actions of heat and maintain its properties

Mechanical stability ● the ability of a grease to resist changes in consistency

6. Given a list of common materials:

Mechanical properties Rubber band Glass PET plastic bottle Cotton cloth

Is it brittle? No Yes No No

Does it tear easily? No No No Yes

Does it stretch easily? Yes No No Yes

a. Describe their mechanical properties in the table.

Brittle: The ability of a material to break or shatter without significant deformation when under
Tear easily: Tear resistance refers to the force needed to rip a material and to make the crack
continue until it fails.
Stretch easily: Also known as elasticity (I think), it’s the ability of a body to resist a distorting
influence or stress and to return to its original size and shape when stress is remove d.

b. Which properties are desirable for a membrane material?

Non brittle, doesn't tear easily and stretches easily

7. The mechanical stability of a membrane, especially for a polymer type, can be further elaborate
on its tensile modulus (E) and toughness. These properties can be deduced from a stress-
strain diagram. A stress-strain diagram can be obtained experimentally by conducting tensile
tests on a sample of the material (see Fig. 1). Stress (σ) is derived from measuring the load
applied (P) on the sample surface (A). Strain (Ԑ) is derived from measuring the deformation of
the sample, i.e., elongation, compression, or distortion. The nature of the curve varies from
material to material (see Fig. 2).

Copyright © 2021 Republic Polytechnic, SingaporePage 4

A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim
Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap

Figure 1: Stress-strain diagram

Figure 2: Stress-strain curves for different materials

a. What is tensile modulus (E)?

It is a mechanical property which measures the stiffness of the material.

b. How to find tensile modulus (E) of a material from Fig. 2?

It is the gradient of the curve. (Stress / strain)

Red line gradient steeper has it has a greater tensile modulus = more stiff = more stress

c. How to find the toughness of a material from Fig. 2?

It is the area under the curve.

d. Why are we interested in finding out the tensile modulus (E) and toughness of a polymer?

Tensile modulus helps to predict the behavior of the material under pressure while the
toughness shows the amount of stress the material can handle before cracking.

e. Which material described above (brittle or ductile) has higher tensile modulus (E)?

Copyright © 2021 Republic Polytechnic, SingaporePage 5

A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim
Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap

f. Which material described above (brittle or ductile) has higher toughness?


8. Another important property in all polymers is their crystallinity. Read the following article to
learn more about crystalline and amorphous polymers.

Fig. 3 below shows the macromolecular structure of a polymer with both amorphous and
crystalline regions.

(Semi-crystalline region shown on the pic)

Figure 3: Macromolecular structure of a polymer

How would you describe the arrangement of molecules in the amorphous and crystalline

Molecules in amorphous region have their atoms held together in a loose structure and not
orderly/randomly. Also, they have no long range order.

Molecules in crystalline region have their atoms form orderly stacks of folded chains known
as lamellae. Also, lamellae bring long-range order to polymers so that’s why it is more orderly.

9. In polymers, two particular temperatures of interest are the glass transition temperature (Tg)
and the melting temperature (Tm). Watch the link to learn more about Tg of a polymer.

a. What is the state of a polymer at a temperature above Tg?


b. What is the state of a polymer at a temperature below Tg?


Copyright © 2021 Republic Polytechnic, SingaporePage 6

A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim
Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap

c. What is the difference between Tg and melting temperature (Tm) of a polymer?

Melting temperature (Tm) is where polymers change from solid to liquid state.

Glass transition temperature is where polymers turn rubbery BUT still in semi-solid state

d. Is Tm higher or lower than Tg?

Tm is higher than Tg

10. Fig. 4 shows the variation in the tensile modulus (E) (stiffness) of a completely amorphous
polymer as a function of temperature. The glass transition temperature, Tg is shown in the
graph below.

Figure 4: Variation in tensile modulus (E) as a function of temperature for a completely amorphous

a. Which side of the graph is the glassy state and rubbery state? Left or right?
The left side of the graph is the glassy state (more stiff) while the right side of the graph is
the rubbery state (less stiff).

b. What happens to the tensile modulus (i.e. log E) as temperature increases? What happens
to the mechanical stability of the polymer?

The tensile modulus decreases slightly as the temperature increases to the glass transition
temperature, at the glass transition region the tensile modulus decreases greatly as
temperature increases.

c. i) Describe the polymeric chain movements in each of the state (glassy vs. rubbery) in
terms of:
● Freedom of rotation

Glass is more rigid so less freedom of rotation while rubbery is more flexible so high freedom of

Copyright © 2021 Republic Polytechnic, SingaporePage 7

A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim
Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap

● Chain mobility (Able to slide each other)

Glass has a lower chain mobility due to rigidness. Rubbery has a higher chain mobility due to high

ii) What is required to bring about a change in state?

Heating (High temperature)

d. How are the polymer properties (i.e. chemical and thermal resistances) affected by Tg and
Tm values?

Higher Tg and Tm values will lead to higher chemical and thermal resistance

e. How do the PP and PE membranes fare for the various membrane qualities you have
identified earlier in Q4?

11. It was mentioned earlier that ceramic membrane is an inorganic material.

a. What are inorganic materials?

They are materials that chemical compounds contains no carbon

b. How do inorganic membranes perform under harsh environment (e.g. low pH, high
temperature, etc.) as compared to organic membranes?

Inorganic membranes perform better under harsh environments precisely because of the lack in
carbon, being able to withstand high temperatures compared to organic membranes.

c. What are ceramic membranes? What are their general material properties?

Ceramic membranes is a type of artificial membrane made from inorganic materials, They are
resistant to mechanical, chemical, and thermal stress and have high porosity and a hydrophilic
surface. Brittle in nature and not ductile. Higher melting temperature and NO glass transition
temperature (Cannot turn rubbery).

d. How do ceramic membranes fare for the various membrane qualities you have identified in Q4 for the
specified water purification process? You may also refer to this article for additional help:

12. For each of the membrane application listed below, find out more about the process, the types of membrane
material commonly used, and the relevant properties of the material to make it suitable for the application.

Applications Types of membrane material used Relevant properties of membrane material

Copyright © 2021 Republic Polytechnic, SingaporePage 8

A393 Membrane Technologies Activity Owner: Ishir Lim
Module Chair: Magdalene Tan Updated By: Magdalene Tan
Approved By: Laura Yap

Food & Eg. Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene

beverage (PE), ceramic etc???

Water &

Medical &

Gas separation

Lithium battery

# End of Worksheet #

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