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Cambridge Biology for the IB Diploma

Answers for support worksheet – Chapter 2

1 a cell, mitochondrion, virus, cell membrane, molecule (2)

b approximately 18 µm = 0.018 mm (3)

c 100 µm (1)

d A small organism has a large surface area to volume ratio, so the distance gases have to
diffuse to reach the centre of the organism is small. (2)

e i A stem cell can be induced to divide and become almost any type of cell in the
body. (1)

ii treatment of leukemia (or other suitable example) (1)

2 a (4)

Structure Prokaryote Eukaryote

DNA ‘naked’ – not associated with associated with histone proteins
nucleus not present present
mitochondria not present present
ribosomes 70s 80s

b i true (1)

ii false (1)

iii true (1)

3 a ‘Hydrophilic’ means water loving; ‘hydrophobic’ means water hating. Hydrophilic (or
polar) molecules have a tendency to interact with or be dissolved by water. Hydrophobic
(or non-polar) molecules do not interact with water and are insoluble in it. (2)

b i Structures within the membrane can move and occupy other positions. (1)

ii The membrane is composed of small units (phospholipids) which fit together like
the pieces of a mosaic. (1)

c (3)

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Cambridge Biology for the IB Diploma

d any polar substance such as a carbohydrate or an ion (1)

e any one suggestion from: enzyme; hormone recognition site; binding site for antigen–
antibody reaction (1)

4 a Diffusion is the passive movement of molecules from an area where they are in high
concentration to an area where they are in lower concentration. Osmosis is the movement
of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from an area of high
concentration of water molecules to an area of lower concentration of water molecules. (1)

b i Like facilitated diffusion, active transport results in only selected molecules

moving into a cell. (1)

ii Active transport uses ATP (energy) whereas facilitated diffusion does not.
In facilitated diffusion, substances always move from an area of high
concentration to an area of lower concentration. Active transport can move
substances in the opposite direction, from an area of low concentration to an area
of higher concentration. (1)

c The hormone is enclosed in a vesicle on the Golgi apparatus. The vesicle moves towards
the cell membrane. Here, the fluidity of the membrane allows the vesicle to fuse with it
and vesicle contents are emptied outside the cell. (3)

5 a (4)

Process Stage of the cell cycle

DNA condenses to form chromosomes G2
cell growth G1
attachment of centromeres to spindle mitosis
replication of DNA S phase

b prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase (2)

c 40 (1)

d (4)

Event Stage of mitosis

chromosomes centromeres attach to the spindle prophase
spindle apparatus disappears telophase
nuclear membrane disintegrates prophase
sister chromatids are split and move apart anaphase

e growth, repair of tissues, embryonic development, asexual reproduction (2)

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