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Name: Desak Putu Mas Anggun Shintya Dewi

NIM: 1812021115
Class: 6F

I. Identity
Grade :8
Semester :1
Subject : English
Topic : Quantifiers
Time allotment : 1x15 Minute
Focus : Keterampilan Mengelola Kelas

II. Learning Objectives

1. Students are able to identify the countable and uncountable noun
2. Students are able to use the quantifiers in a sentence
3. Students are able to use the article A or An

III. Teaching Method

The method that will apply to learning is communicative teaching.

IV. Teaching Scenario

Opening (2 minutes)
 Greeting.
 Introduce Material.
2. Main Activities (10 minutes)
 Explain material using PPT.
 Give exercise.
 Discussion session.
3. Closing (3 Minute)
 Summarize today’s lesson.
 Let student ask question.
 Close the class.
Time Allotment
T: “Good morning students. How are you today?”
T: “I’m pretty well thank you, Have you had breakfast”
T: “ok, is there anyone absent today? Alright, so all of you are
present today yeah

Ok let’s start the lesson.

“Now, I want to ask you what the topic we had discussed in the
3 Min previous meeting?.”
- Students answer
“Alright good, in the last week we discuss about preposition. So
who can mention a word that states the preposition?”
 There are students who chatting while the teacher talking in
front of the class
“Yes Santhi can you mention what I ask before? Because you chat
with your friends in the back”
 Student answer
“Hmm right, you didn't listen to me so please pay attention to me
santhi, anyone who can mention it?”
“Yes Dewi?”
“Anyone else?”
“ok great students, I hope all of you learn the lesson at home and not
forget it ”

Introduction material
“Do you know what we are going to learn today?”
“So, look at me, what is it? And this one? (the teacher showing a
pen and two pen)
“And what is it? (The teacher showing sugar), alright sugar, and
then how we can mention this sugar? So, what do you think about
the difference of sugar is with these 2 pens?
 Students answer
“nice bintang, the two pens can count and this sugar can’t count, you
get one poin”
“So, the material that we will discuss today is about the quantifiers”

Main Activities
Explain material
(The teacher give explanation about the meaning of quantifiers
based on PPT)
So we have to know what type of noun that should followed by the
quantifiers. There are countable noun and uncountable noun”
“ So many, a few of, a lot of, a little, some, each, every, any should
followed by countable noun, while much, some, a little, little, any
should followed by uncountable noun”
 (class atmosphere starts to noisy)
“ class be silent please”
“ now, I will give you some example the difference between
10 Min countable noun and uncountable noun”
(The teacher give some pictures about countable noun and
uncountable noun) to attract students attention.
“The first one, what is it? Yes the apple, what do you think? The
apple can be count or not? Alright the apple can be count so there is
an apple and three apples.
“Next I want to choose one of you, what is it? Ok Andre what do
you think about this object?
“Great, this is water and uncountable object, so the water cannot be
mention by two water, three water, and etc because the water can’t
be count.”
“Next, how about this object? Anyone who wants to answer?”
 (there is a student play her mobile phone)
“Ok Yuni, what this object? And this is countable or uncountable?”
 Yuni in silent
“ Please focus on the lesson first and don’t play mobile phone in my
class if it’s not too urgent”
“the other please”
“Alright this is rice and the rice cannot be count, thank you Bintang”
 (class be noisy)
“Hello class, are you still focusing? Alright good. I hope all of you
focus on this material, after this I will give you exercise so please
pay attention”
“So, I will give explanation to you more about how to use a and an”
“ A commonly used for vowel and An commonly used for
 (there are students still have a conversation)
“Santhi and Bayu both of you move forward!”
“Ok next”
“For the example A car, c is consonant. An apple, a is vowel”
“ now, I have an exercise for you, I will give you about 4 minutes to
do your work”

“Now to deeper you understand about the quantifiers, please
complete the following sentences based on Quantifiers material”!
 (there is a student sleep in the class and there is Santhi again
who chatting about the other things not about the lesson)
“class please silent”
“Bayu, why you sleep in my class? Do your exercises now, the time
will run out, please wash your face now!”
“I will check all of your works and it will go to the value list as daily
tasks so, take it in your good way!”
“Santhi, once again I see you disturb your friends, I will ask you to
do your task in out of the class”
“ Ok the time it’s up, please switch your works with your partners”

Discussion Session
“Okay, who want to try answer the question no 1?
 Student raise their hands
“Alright one by one pleases, and still sit on your chair don’t
“Yes Anugrah, please tell your answer!”
“Alright Good Job”
“next, the questions no 2, how about the other?”
“Yes Ayu please”
“great, thankyou Ayu for your explanation”
“The last question please because the time will finish”
“alright Dewi please”
“Ok Good job every one, all of you really learn well today”

Summarize todays lesson
“So what do you think about the material quantifiers? Do you think
this material is difficult?”
“All of you already know how to differentiate the used of A and An,
countable and uncountable noun?
2 Min “Alright good”
“Thank you for all of your participation. I am happy because today
‘s class is very interactive because of you all. And on the other side,
please focus on my class, don’t disturb your friends or do anything
else because I also assess your attitude in class”
Let student ask question.
“For the last, before I end the meeting. Do you have any question
about today’s material?”
Close the class.
“Okay because there is no question, that all for today. I will end the
class and see you next week.”

V. Assessments:
1. Assess students’ participation, activeness during learning process and the

VI. References
 YouTube Video
 Penjelasan dan Soal Exercise Quantifiers dalam Bahasa Inggris - Jagoan Bahasa Inggris
 Wahyudi, Endri (2015). Endri Wahyudi_11310143.pdf (
 Material about quantifiers. B. Inggris MTsN 5 Ciamis (Cisontrol): Materi Bahasa
Inggris: Quantifier (

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