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First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah, for the abundance of grace and the joy
of all of us can still gather in this place without any barriers at all and in good health. Not
forgetting the salawat and greetings we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad who has brought us
out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today.
How are you guys? I’m sure you’re all in good health. Before I start, have you guys know me
already? There is a saying that if you don’t know a person, how can you love that person?
Therefore, I would like to introduce myself first. My name is Adhelia Rafitri. Do you guys want
to be a creative student? students who develop their talents and be proud? The topic of my
speech today may be able to lift the spirits of all of you.
There is one quote that always reminds me to always dare to make decisions. His quote is
"Success does not belong to the talented, but belongs to the determined". Short but in my opinion
very meaningful. The world is getting older day by day. Of course, every day more and more
creative ideas are needed to realize things that have not been solved so far. Things to be proud of.
All humans must have talent, but not all are willing to develop it. We live in an era that mostly
uses technology. Surely things will get easier. Innovation can be found and realized, and
opportunities will always come.
As we all know, there is a Covid-19 Virus pandemic that attacks all countries in the world
starting in 2020. This has a big impact on all aspects of the world. This pandemic has caused
enormous losses to every country. Not only that, educational activities, trade activities, and even
nature are adversely affected. However, it turns out that this pandemic has brought benefits to
several parties, especially manufacturers of masks and other medical devices. However, the good
news is that this pandemic will end soon. The implementation of the New Normal Era will be
carried out soon. Educational activities, trade, entertainment, etc. will soon be carried out
normally on a regular basis. Of course, post-pandemic brings a transition of change to the new
normal era. Likewise, more and more people are becoming closer to technological developments
because during the pandemic most of the activities are carried out online. This certainly develops
people's thinking regarding technological developments and will certainly facilitate the
development of potential talents, especially for students.

Students are the millennial generation who should bring change both for the nation and
the country. Not only in one aspect, but in various aspects. Especially on the cultural aspects that
must be preserved by millennials so that the culture will not become extinct and can be preserved
in creative and innovative ways. In addition, development in the field of sports is also very
necessary in order to make millennials now grow up with healthy bodies and be creative in the
world of sports.
The importance of developing the potential talent that exists in students so that they can
express their talents, especially in Art and Sport. The main thing that must be formed is the
socialization of the potential talents that exist in each of them. After they know it, we provide a
place for them to train and develop it. Especially in this New Normal era, there are many new
things we can do. The formation of enthusiasm, motivation and self-confidence must be grown
immediately so that they dare to take a step forward.
An example of one of his fellow students who dared to develop their potential in the arts was Ain
Zuraini Alfioni, a student of the 2019 Fine Arts Education Study Program, who won the
International THE BEST ARTWORK 23rd ShinHan POSCARD ART CONTEST (postcard
international art contest) at the International Level, after beating more than of 500 participants
from 30 different countries.
Efforts that we can do to develop the potential of Art and sport in students: Strengthening
culture to students, Participation on webinars, Extracurricular, Various competitions, and Create
an Art and sport Society.
As example, the Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM) of the Faculty of Sports Science Padang
State University held an activity in the form of a Webinar with the theme "The Role of Sport in
the New Normal Period (COVID-19 Pandemic) Towards Vaccination". The webinar contains
material presentation about how to do sports in the New Normal era, the benefits obtained, and
the potential that can be developed in the New Normal era.
In this effort, of course, there are obstacles. Constraints that may occur are: Lack of interest
from students, Challenges in using media, and Conditions that are still in the stage of adaptation
to change.
Seeing the many opportunities that exist for the development of Art and Sports for students, it is
appropriate for us to be aware of it and make it happen. With advances in technology, of course,
it will be a medium that makes it easier for us to develop it. The fate of ancestral culture in the
future is determined by young people in the current era, by developing Art, students indirectly
also participate in preserving culture for the sake of the next generation. And by developing
Sports, indirectly the younger generation has now built a healthy and strong soul and of course
also creative in the current new normal era.
That’s all from me, thank you, Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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