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Chapter-6: Torsion Problem of Prismatic Bars

6.1 Introduction:
• Exact solution of torsion problem for circular shaft is obtained assuming
cross-section of bar remain plane and rotate without any distortion along
axis of bar during twist. Shear stresses obtained from these assumptions
are perpendicular to a radial line & vary linearly with radius.
• This theory of circular shaft is not applicable to bars of non-circular cross-
sections. Non-circular sections of bar do not remain plane during torsion,
and shear stresses on surface of bar are not maximum at furthest points
from axis of bar.
• Exact solution of torsion problem for non-circular bars caused by couple
applied at ends was given by Saint-Venant using semi-inverse method. In
this method, solution start with assumptions of deformations of twisted
bars satisfying Eqns. of equilibrium and BC’s. Then from the uniqueness of
solution of elasticity Eqns., it follows that assumptions made at the start
are correct and the solution obtained is exact.

Chapter-6: Torsion Problem of Prismatic Bars --Cont’d
6.2 Saint-Venant’s Approach to Torsion of Prismatic Bars:
• Consider torsion of prismatic bar of any cross-section twisted by couples T
applied at ends as shown below. Saint-Venant assumes that deformation
of twisted shaft consists of: (a) Rotation of cross-sections of shaft as in the
case of circular shaft, and (b) Warping of cross-sections which is the same
for all cross-sections.

• Let a section at distance z is rotated by couples to angle  about bar axis.

This rotation is directly proportional to z, and is given by =.z where  is
angle of twist per unit length. Let radial distance to point P be OP=r.
Chapter-6: Torsion Problem of Prismatic Bars --Cont’d
• Then, coordinates of point P are x=r.cos & y=r.sin; and point P undergo
displacement of r.=r..z due to rotation of section assuming  small.
Therefore, components of this displacement are given by:

• Also, point P undergo displacement in z-direction; and it is called warping.

It is assumed that z displacement is a function of (x, y) & independent of z.
• Thus, displacements corresponding to rotation of section substituting
x=r.cos & y=r.sin are:
where .z is angle of rotation of section at distance z, and
 is angle of twist of bar per unit length.
• and, the warping of cross-section is defined by function  as
where (x, y) is called warping function.
• Strains from strain-displacement r/ns with displacements in (a) & (b) are

Chapter-6: Torsion Problem of Prismatic Bars --Cont’d
• The corresponding stress components from stress-strain r/ns are

• Now warping function  of section must be determined in such a way that
stress equilibrium will be verified. Substituting stresses into equilibrium
Eqns. & neglecting body forces, the function  must satisfy the equation:
Hence, warping function  is harmonic (i.e. it satisfies Laplace equation).
• Consider stress BC’s on lateral surface of bar free from external forces and
has normal er to z-axis, we have Sx=Sy=Sz=0 & n=0. The first 2 Eqns. of
stress BC’s are identically satisfied & the 3rd Eqns. of stress BC’s gives
this means resultant shear stress at boundary is tangent to boundary (see
figure below). This condition must be satisfied if lateral surface free from
external forces.

Chapter-6: Torsion Problem of Prismatic Bars --Cont’d
• Consider infinitesimal element abc at boundary & assuming s increasing in
the direction from c to a, we have

and stress BC’s Eq.(e) substituting stress components from Eqs.(d)

Thus, torsion problem is reduced to the problem of finding a function 
satisfying equilibrium Eqns. in Eq.(1) & BC’s given in Eq.(2).
• In this method, by selecting warping function which satisfies the governing
Eqn. and then it is required to search for BC’s. The Eqn. obtained for BC’s
has to be the same as the actual boundary of section of bar otherwise the
assumed warping function is wrong.
• On two end faces of bar, the stresses given in Eq.(d) must be equivalent to
applied torque. In addition, resultant forces in x- and y-directions should
vanish. Thus, resultant force in x-direction is
The right-hand side integrand can be written by adding d2 as

Chapter-6: Torsion Problem of Prismatic Bars --Cont’d
since d2=0, according to Eq.(1). Further,

Hence, Eq.(3) becomes

Using Gauss’ theorem, the above surface integral can be converted into
line integral. Thus,

is equal to zero according to BC’s in Eq.(2). Similarly, we can show

• Consider moment due to shear stresses (refer figure below) and Eq.(d)

Writing J for the integral

we have,
where C=G.J is torsional rigidity of shaft. 6
Chapter-6: Torsion Problem of Prismatic Bars --Cont’d
6.3 Prandtl’s Approach to Torsion of Prismatic Bars:
• In this method, the principal unknowns are stress components rather than
displacement components as in previous approach.
• Let the non-vanishing stress components be xz & yz (xx=yy =zz =xy=0).
Thus, equations of equilibrium reduce to

The 1st 2-conditions are satisfied since xz & yz are independent of z as
given in Eqs.(d). To satisfy the 3rd condition, we can express xz & yz as
where (x, y) is Prandtl’s stress function.
-From Eqs.(4) and (d), we have

Eliminate  by differentiating 1st Eqn. w.r.t. y, 2nd w.r.t. x and subtracting

from the 1st, we find that stress function must satisfy differential Eqn.

Chapter-6: Torsion Problem of Prismatic Bars --Cont’d
-Introducing Eq.(4), boundary condition given in Eq.(e) becomes
This shows that  must be constant/zero at boundary of bar section. Thus,
the determination of stress distribution over a twisted bar section consists
of finding function  which satisfies Eq.(5) and =0 at boundary.
-Consider stress BC’s at ends of twisted bar. The normals to end sections
are parallel to z-axis. Hence l=m=0, n=1 and stress BC’s become
Substituting Eqs.(4) in Eqs.(f) and observing =0 at boundary, we find

thus, the resultant of forces distributed over ends of bar is zero; and these
forces represent a couple the magnitude of which is

Integrating this equation by parts and observing =0 at boundary, we find

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