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Name: Nguyễn Thái Bảo Trân

MSSV: 2121011944
Class: CLC_21DTM05

Like many other people, I have a dream that I will have a small house in the
greatest city in the world or an ideal city. The city can become an ideal city
when it meets the needs of living space, environmental problems, climate,
infrastructure, security issues, and people. Firstly, about the living space,
environmental problems, climate. An ideal city has to widely and
comfortable living space, the climate is cool and not too hot in summer, and
the city must be a friendly environment or use environmentally amity
materials. Secondly, infrastructure and security issues also need to care. In
the city, they have to ensure the best and most advanced, and safe for
everyone. Besides, infrastructure can satisfy the requirements of people.
Lastly, people are the most important thing that I am interested in an ideal
city. I just think that kind, philanthropy, altruistic are needed to have
between people with people, and they must more creative and dynamic in
work. In short, I hope in future people can make the cities on over the world
become ideal cities where everyone can live happily together.

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