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-Name: Cao Quốc Bình

-Class: PC17322
-LV4: Group 7
-Topic: 1,2,9

Topic 1 : Talk about some common health problems and common treatments
for them.
Depending on the geographical area, each place will often encounter unique health

problems. But most of us will encounter two common health problems are cold and


=> Cold is a well-known health problem that all of us have experienced.

-Symtoms : is an increase of body temperature, our body will reach 37 to 38

degreesand some additional symptoms such as headache, coughing, snezzing and


- Meansures : you should try to using antipyretics, pankiller or cough medicine.

+Take the medicine regularly after eating

+ Eat soft liquid foods, and should not take a bath while sick.

=>Stomachache , If you eat food that is not suitable for your body, it will pain in

your abdomen

-Symtoms: Depending on each location you have pain, there will be different reasons

Pain above or below the abdomen, ribs, and around the navel , If it gets worse, it will

cause indigestion and vomiting.

-Meansure: Let's try antacid it may be help you better.

=>In short, there are two common health problems and common treatments for them.

=>Health is everything, without health we will lose everything. Let's take the time to

take care of your health.

Topic 2 : Talk about some changes in your life and their impact on you.

=> In my experience, there are 2 changes that directly affect me. The first change
was when my grandfather passed away and went I from high school student to college


=> My grandparents passed away

- When I was 8 years old my father picked me up and told me that my grandfather had

passed away.

-By the time I got home, I had seen relative worn white clothes with weeper on their

head -> That’s was a gloomy seen.

- It was a big shock because my grandfather was the person who closest to me at that


-I realized when I still have a lot of time to take care of and pay attention to my


=>From high school student to college student.

- I was overwhelmed by the lecture hall and the atmosphere of the university.

- As people say it's like a miniature society and it's a bit complicated.

- There are two things that influenced me the most

+ The way I study : actively record information and most importantly- self-study
+ Study enviroment: The university learning environment is dynamic and open. We

have more opportunities to easily reveal our strengths.

=> The study environment at university will train us a lot of skills that are beneficial

for future work and life such as presentations, teamwork so on.

=> But sometimes there will be negative effects, turn it into a positive and draw

lessons for yourself later.

Topic 9 :Talk about the pros and cons of a controversial issue

 In recent years we can see Covid-19 affect all of people around the world in
generally, Viet Nam in particular.
In Viet Nam, Covid-19 has raised many controversial issues and specialy
that is pros and cons of should or shouldn’t keep social distancing

 During the time of social distancing, there were many mixed opinions .

 Two groups

+Group 1 : people tell they had stayed at home enough and they hadn’t had enough

food for living and they need to work.

+ Group 2 : But someone put safety first , maybe they have a full life so they don’t

need to care to much

 There are two advantages of remove social distance.

-People can get their job and earn money to living and the country's economy will

recover soon
- Long-term social distancing has reduced environmental pollution. The natural

environment has had time to recover, the air is fresher, the ice at the poles is less


=> There are two disavantages

-Everyone's return to normal life means that it will make Covid - 19 spread faster and

it is a disaster

+ Covid – 19 can kill a million people per days and it’s many variations ( biến thể )

-> too dangerous

- Make many things worse and worse such as services, healthcare, transportation, ...

 In my opinion covid - 19 is really dangerous and social distancing is essential. But

sometimes there will limitations no one wants. Please protect yourself first and

share to help others, that will help us overcome the covid-19 pandemic.

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