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Bio- genetics 

 Organized will include Mendel genetic,emphasis the role of DNA with respect to heritable
characteristics. Everything is based on DNA as we get toward end of semester we think
about  relationship of DNA producing inheritable traits 

 When we talk about with respect to genetic and experimental design we go back to experiment again
something we want to be careful about with experimental design is making sure we can draw
conclusion based on knowledge  they had at that particular time so we when we think about some of
these experiment in 1800s they have no idea what is able to pass along genetic information so we
want to not draw ur working knowledge but what was available to them at the time. Don't make



 Think about the relationship between chromosomes and heritable information. 

 The purpose behind loci(different location we find among chromosomes)  amongst material

 Paternal chromosomes (diploid organism) 

 How DNA ultimately relates to heritable characteristics (what we see or express)   

-> this comes into play with gene expression 

 Know: difference between maternal and paternal chromosomes this is applicable when we talk about
pea plant
When it
comes to our
example as it
relates to
genetics we are
going to talk
Mendel genetics specific Gregor Mendel

 His work/ model is pea plant so what we want to take from this is his ability to figure out basic pattern
of transmission so the relationship of parent to offspring and what type of information we can pass
down to subsequent generations

 We going to start using specific genetic terminology as well so keep in mind new info still based on
what you learn in mitosis with respect with meiosis we will revisit concept related to meiosis  as it
relates to genetic as to what we know about chrosmomes and it's ability to be segregated into their
respective daughter cells so keep in mind our working knowledge from meiosis specifically 
 When it comes his approach he was able to squash two working hypothesis of how we are able to
pass of heritable information and what we want to understand is how he was able to do that and his
experimental design so again he is working with garden peas and when we think about for right now
how they look with character what their traits are and how they are pass on from a parental information
to filial generation (which is offspring) So P generation to F1 

 He was able to figure out how we pass thing along by studying these type of plants so the key things
to think about his approach is that's it's is quantitative 
Remember there quantitative and qualitative experiment, so when we think about quantitive we think of
numerical number and values so even though we first talk about what he was first able to see (qualitative
properties) his ability to draw conclusion on how things are pass on is based on math so based on ratio,
probability and likelihood 

 Even though we start with how they look what we observe the key foundation is to create this law of
inheritance is quantitive assessment 

 When it comes to this approach he has to study specific features so he looks at things called
characters so characters would be broad terminology so flower color would constitute a character
 If there is variation among the character then we will refer to them as their traits so when we think of
flower color as our broad term then the traits of flower color specific to Pea plant can be white or

 Again character is broader term and then among character we can go within that and give
examples  with different types of attribute/ phenotype that can be observe character and trait  have 2
different definitions with character being the broader term and trait being more specific to what you are
able to physically see.


 Mendelian genetics is based on observations in PEA plants (model organism). The ability is based on
quantitive assessments using probabilities and ratios to draw conclusions. 


 Again this is a quantitative approach when we think about what we are able to accomplish so in
general when we can I avoid cooperating too much math.

 For the rest of the semester there is going to be basic level math like fraction, percentages, and ratios
things like that.

 Need the math to make connections to genetics

 New term is Model organism so we are thinking about is why was that our chosen model
organism and so when we think about what will be accomplish by this experimental design
 Pea plant was chosen for a particular reason. One benefit in using pea plant model organism is
that it has a short generation time. Meaning that we don’t have to wait a lot of time to get data
and also it is able to generate large # of offspring. This is important considering we are using a
quantitate approach having small sample result is not beneficial to quantitate analysis.
 Larger sample size more accurate so small amount of offspring this would not be a beneficial
model organism to use. Ex: human as model because we don’t create 100 offspring with
subsequent generation in contrast to pea plant we can do that
Q: Think why it’s beneficial as it relates to how we going to approach this experiment?
 Something that is also really important is that mating can be control so he can physically
manipulate these plants to allow for self polyermaztion or self-crossing creating specific type of
crosses or interactions
 SO even if we think about organism like mice and rate but its not easy to force them to mate
and create offspring but plant he can easily manipulate in order to generate data.
 Looking at these 3 benefits of model organism we want to understand Q: WHY?
Because theres experimental design where its better to use rats or mice but in this experiment
pea plants are idealistic model organism.

Q: important to know why short generation is beneficial?

Why control of mating is beneficial?

Why is creating more offspring beneficial?

 Understand why is it important when we think about this type of approach.

Further note: Why is it a good thing for this experiment

 Before we think about his contributes to genetics we have to think about how inheritance was
thought of during his time frame so at the time there was 2 leading hypothesis to how we able
to inherit particular traits or characteristics
 One hypothesis was the idea of blending inheritance which means what we absorb maternally
o(from mom) or fraternally (father) will blend together to create an offspring meaning that if
we take for example a white mouse and a black mouse and allow them to cross for fertilization
event to occur that the offspring will be the blend of that so take black and white and produce
gray. So blending hypothesis is accounting for equal mixing between maternal and apternal
information in order to simply create a literal hybrid of those 2 parents from that parental
 Blending taking 2 things and blend them together and get a 50% contribution from each parent
to create that offspring. ( that’s one working hypothesis at the time)

 Your second hypothesis is based on acquire characteristics and this is the idea of use or disuse
so a common example that is used is giraffes and so the idea is that if we are thinking about
giraffes trying to reach their nutrients and their neck isn’t long enough they will stretch their
bodies in order to reach those higher heights of those trees and the idea of acquire
characteristics would be that behavior that the giraffe is exhibiting in order to stretch their neck
higher heights in those trees well then get passed down to the next generations
 What that parent did during their lifetime plays a DIRECT attribute to that next generation
 Think of this as human development another way to think about acquired characteristics would
be if your parents would work a lot during their lifetime then you as a offspring would
automatically come out as physically fit. That the idea of acquire characteristics
 So when we use an example like that it doesn’t seem as likely. This is not to say that giraffe are
not doing this without a purple they do this as there is a benefit behind this but key thing here is
we have to think about EVOLUTION. The idea of acquired characteristics is that it is happening
during that lifetime so a change that happens during that lifetime of the organism that can
directly contributes to the next generations.
 Meaning if they didn’t use their tails for anything beneficial then in the next generation those
tails would not exist. Again this is the idea of AQUIRED CHARACTERISTICS VS.BLENDING
HYPOTHESIS and this are 2 things that were consider to be working hypothesis at the time that
he was starting this experiment.
 Let think about these pea plans now he’s studying transmission so being able to pass on
information to the next generation
 Idea of a character and its traits so character he was able to study was the shape of the seeds,
the color of those seeds, the Pods that are generated with respect to their shape and color, and
when we look at this table theres 2TRAITS we can deal with which is round vs. wrinkle, yellow
vs. green. We don’t have exhausted traits
 This is beneficial because we can track one or the other with respect to traits
 When it comes to these 7 CHARACTERS, you want to know what they are and what their traits
are meant to be!

 Know all of these 7 traits and position where it is located so n terminus vs c terminus or tall vs.
 These are character and within those character we can have varying traits and beneficial
attribute using peaplant is that there are only 2 traits to track so again it’s either going to be one
trait that visible or another that we are trying to observe or study.
 What we are looking at are physical attributes, physical characteristics , things that we can see
and so what we are looking at when we think of these 2 slides are phenotypes (new
 Again Mendel have 7 character that he can track transmission for

Summary: (know 7 traits)

 Mendel has 7 characters that he can track for transmission within Garden peas. Each character only
has TWO traits 

 These traits are phenotypes ( Which are physical characteristics) 

Note: each character has 2 traits only

Again there are 2 distinct phenotype… that he can track and study transmission for

Q: know difference between trait and character and know trait as relates to characters

 Lets relate it back to Meiosis which is homologous chrosmomes, what we see here is a
pair of homologous chrosmomes that don’t have sister chromatids attached but there
are 2 chrosmomes in this pic.
 Presence of LOCI and location in which we can find genes and now we are going to start
filling in the blank regarding genes and what they allow for with respect to transmissions
 What you should take is the fact along a single chrosmome you can have a lot of
different gene LOCIDE( gen locide is the plural of locus (singular))
 If we compare these homologous chrosmomes, which means they are both
chrosmomes 1, (1 inherited from father and one from mother) something we should be
aware of with respect of own generation and family.
 Even if they are homologous chrosmomes they are not providing identical information
because your mother and father are not identical twins its not possible as where
information can goes.
 When take look at chrosmomes and genetic locide there can be area of similarities. First
2 genetic locide the info they carry at that location is the same and we know it’s the
same like the colors are the same (qualitatively) the wifth of band is the same. A term
we use to describe gene locide is Homozygous
 homologous chrosmomes our homolog now we use word Homozygous (we are talking
about genes there). If we are Homozygous at that particular locide then the
information found in both locations is the same.
 We can have at different locide varying information at that location if we look at last
spot we have two different colors and different with alleles.
 How we describe them if they are not identical is HETEROZYGOUS

Ex: no brown eyes or blue eyes, one parent can carry info for both, one copy for brown and
another copy for blue and divide provided to you (haploid) provide one of those copies and
it depends on what the other parent is providing for ex: eye color. Eye color not just one
copy and another, multiple gene like height, skin color not based on one copy based
multiple things but eye example is a common examples used.

Not based on one allele(one of two or more alternative forms of a gene that arise by
mutation and are found at the same place on a chromosome)

Summary: (novel Voc)

 Homozygous- both of allele at a particular loci are the same 

 Heterozygous- the allele at particular loci are different from one another 

Q; if your told you are Homozygous at this location then you know whatever that trait that is
found in that is meant to be the same trait that is present in that organism and if you are told its
HETEROZYGOUS then you know they are both different

 With respect to case sensitivity like dominant or recessive If you are told if something is
Homozygous you don’t know if it dominant or recessive meaning uppercase vs.
lowercase , just know both letter are same case values!!!!!!!!!
 If told you got a HETEROZYGOUS then there are 2 flavors available then you do know one
of them is upper case and the other is lower case.
 So if told something Homozygous cant assume whether it is an upper or lower case
(dominant or recessive but for heterozygous you do know one is going to be dominant
(upper case) and the other is recessive (lower case)

 Think about how he is able to cross these plants remember he is forcing this fertilization events
 Plant biology! When it comes to plant there is a sporophyte generation and gametophyte
generation (Both the spores and the resulting gametophyte are haploid, meaning they
only have one set of chromosomes. The mature gametophyte produces male or female
gametes (or both) by mitosis. The fusion of male and female gametes produces a diploid
zygote which develops into a new sporophyte)
 The sporophyte generation have flower that you see and withing that we are able to
create gamets so things are female or male with respect to sex is all in the same flower.
 Step 1, removing the Stamens from a purple flower, the Stamen will be the male
reproduction component of that flower, he will transfer that sperm in a pollen that is
found in stamen to the carpel of a different flower and the carpel is a female
reproduction component of the flower, what you notice regardless of what flowers we are
looking at it possesses this stamens and carpel
 That will allow for self-fertilization if he chooses to do that( in this EX: he is crossing two
different types of plants but because plant represent both male and female organ he can
self-fertilize, he can fertilize the same exact flower if necessary and he will do that in
future experimental deign

Note: what he is crossing? This is a fertilization event!

 This represents his parental generation which is indicated with the letter P. Then he allow
enough time for their to be pollination in which we create a POD, these pod contains seeds
(table character and trait table like pod color and shape when we open them up that where we
find seed). He takes this seed and plants them in order to see what will grow in the next
 The product will constitute his F1 generation


Exp design:

 Remove stamen(contains male gametes) from a purple flower 

 Use Sperm from that purple flower to pollinate the white flower (via carpel which is the female
 Allow enough time (short generation so not that long)  to create a POD bearing seeds from this
fertilization event
 Plants those seeds 
 This is fertilization and it must be haploid 

When we think of fertilization event we will have cross, this is fertilization! They must be haploid when
Have fertilization.


Q: why meiosis is a reduction division and how its beneficial same with here (relate other CH)

 Think of pea plants we are tracking 2 different traits and what we think about what is
happening here with respect to gametes that is going to be working thru fertilization event.
Gametes have haploid ploidy( 1 set=n). Original flower was diploid. T

Q: think about contribution to parents and distribution of set of gametes.

 Monohybrid cross: (we are tracking one) Tracking one character here though a fertilization

Purple x white P generation

What do we get? F1

 No # all right now is look qualitative track what happens as we go from one generation to next,
what we know for sure is our first cross was purple and white and this constitute p generation
and what we look at next is our F1 what do we get? The conclusion reach is based on values
 We are visualizing it theres no math here, we are tracking this experiment through several
generation P generation (parental generation)
 New terminology is parent in that p generation are TRUE BREEDING : when we say this, this is
the only type of flower that can be created
Ex: if you only have a purple true breeding then the only flower it is creating is purple flower and
if it is white true breeding, the only thing it is capable of doing are white flowers
NOTE: starting parental experiment, he had to do tons of experiment before this in order to
ensure this purple flowers and white flowers are TRUE BREEDING
 He knows for certainty the only options that can be created by each flower respectively is
nothing but purple and nothing but white. (Q: that’s def. of true breeding, make connection
with its phenotype and genotype) so thinking about genes that allows for it to be a true
breeding plant
 When we observe our first F1 generation all plants are purple, this disprove blending
hypothesis because what we see quanliativity is same color and intensity amount of purple as
it is from p generation.
 This initial hyp9othesis he is going to disprove it thru experimental design
 By the time we look at F1 we know blending hypothesis is not valid.(not being upheld)
 Again purple and F1 same type of purple as in the p generation there is no blending of purple
and white flower
 So the characteristic is we are tracking color flower are traits that are purple and white so
question arise what happens to that white flower, did it disappear?

Q: what can we say at this point?

A: we don’t know so we cant make any assumption this go back to what I said cant say know if
recessive or dominant from this experiment as far as that F1 generation is concern there is nothing
but purple flowers.

Imagine this is quantative so amount of flower observe isn’t 1, 2, 3 too small so dealing in 100s no
possibility for white flower to be produce
 What he will do next is to go through F2 generation and to do that he is going to allow for self-
pollinate (remember plants have male or female part) so he will use one of these plants to create
offspring for F2 generation so when he take one of these purple flowers and does the self-fertilization .
He creates F2 with this particular ratio and distribution of flowers so what he able to see is 75%
3 out of 4 to lower common denominator have purple flower while 25% has white flower.
 So now we can conclude white flower trait wasn’t lost but something happen within F1
generation which allow it not to be visible during that time frame.
 Now when we think of this phenotypically lets go back to chromosomes, if we think of this from
a chromosomes perspective and look at one particular location (loci)at a particular loci we know
we are tracking 2 traits and this would be example of homologous pairs of chromosomes that
has what type of zygotous at this location?
 It’s a heterozygous because two diff. color. Allele for purple and information allow it to be white.
 What we see here is allele, which is alternative version of genes so our options refer to as alleles

Q: How does this relates to physical characteristic or traits?

 When you look at allele and genes we are talking about DNA (we talked about it from a
macromolecule perspective) we know nitrogenous base with DNA and RNA
 We take that DNA and that DNA gets changed to different forms and create information to
produce a particular enzymes or protein
 so DNA-> produce ENZYME (protein)
 As that Loci for purple this enzyme are capable for synthesizing a purple pigment so the
presence of this enzymes allows this flower to be purple
 If we look at same location we see DNA there’s a difference here and in this EX we have 1
nucleotide difference, this one difference is enough to change the info. Seen at the end as far as
product formation or enzymes formation is concerned so from that one change we are no
longer able to synthesize that enzyme that produce the purple pigment so the absent of purple
pigment allow plant to have white phenotype for this pea plants
 If we look at something heterozygous at that location what we are saying one copy is able to
synthesize this enzyme and other copy will not
 But what we see is one copy produce that enzyme is sufficient for the purple pigment to be
produce so we have something heterozygous so one copy that is efficient to take over that
entire phenotype we observe at the very end
 So purple allele allows for purple synthesizing pigment to be created
 White allele allows for absent of an enzyme
 Absence of purple in this scenario results ion white phenotype.

Q: What we are seeing here is relationship between genes and respective physical traits so close
relationship with genotype and phenotype and how we think of it with plant it comes back to things
that are dominant and recessive

 A dominant allele will determine the organism appearance and recessive has no noticeable
effect on organism appearance, which means if both are present that Upper case will take over
physical attributes
 With that information we go back and think of Pea plant cross

 P1: True Breeding ( we know it's homozygous but don't know what the upper or lower just know
same #s) (True breeding is only make purple or white)
 Purple (Dominant) PP x white (Recessive) pp
 Purple is homozygous dominant
 White is homozygous recessive
 We know the genotype when told its homozygous dominant and homozygous recessive
 This is a fertilization event that we go through inorder to create F1, p geenration in order to get
to F1 we set up our squares.
(use same letter we use one character that possesses two traits so p use for purple and white)
What we distribute in here is gametes
 This are diploid organism but what we create in cross is our haploid cell in each of those position and
quadrant. ( together diploid and separate them we talk about gametes Ex; PP to Pp)

P Pp
P Gametes
Pp Pp

 All same with respect to genotype (Pp) and phenotype (purple)

 The genotype in F1 is heterozygous at that LOCI
 -> F1 to F2
P Pp
P Pp Pp

 F2 have to be Pp x Pp 
 -> % for homozygous dominant = 25%
 -> "    " recessive = 25%
 -> Heterozygous= 50%
 Purple phenotype=75%
 White phenotype= 25%

Q: if ask what are the gametes of the true breeding plant you must write one letter

Q: What is a gametes of true breeding purple plant we would have two letter next to each other
(one letter and must be upper case)
 Know the difference with traits we are tracking purple and white and character
 Purple is dominant and white is recessive

Table: The way its organize is everything in first column is dominant and everything in second column is

Q: tall is dominant? 7 character relate

 Other side is gametes and group them together this is applicable to di hybrid cross the same
thing applies. Separate gametes and put them together (HELP) Group them together don’t have
value so side by side.
 Upper case letter first
 What we see in F1 now is every single of offspring has same genotype and phenotype, what is
phenotype here it is purple and know purple because there’s a dominant alleles don’t matter
how many just present of one is enough. They are same genotype cz group together same

Genotype= letters

Phenotype= purple

Phenotype different from genotype

Q: How will you describe the genotype with this square at particular loci?

A: Its heterozygous at that location because ( one upper and one lower case)

 If something is heterozygous does that tell you information on whats going on in the other side
of chrosmoemes?
A: No

Just at that location!

That was our F1 when we see it when it organize as a genotype we see our lower case (recessive isn’t
gone) its just taken over from the presence of dominant (upper case one) purple allele

 When we have fertilization event going from F1 to F2 what we are crossing if its self-

A: same genotype from F1

F2 cross was based on genotype from F1 so F2 had to be ur heterozygous self-fertilization event.

Q: (Can use probability to do this instead of punned square)

Again organizing gametes what is zygousously of 1st quadrant?

A: Homozygous dominant


Heterozygous (not dominant)






What % this punnet with homozygous dominant? 25% (what % homo. not white or purple so know what
type of genotype)

 "Homozygous recessive = 25%

 -> Heterozygous= 50%
 Purple phenotype=75%
 White phenotype= 25%

Homozygous it is 50% what percent is true breeding is 50% as well???

 Know what conclusion you are supposed to draw

Q: why we self-pollinated form F1 to F2?

A: analyzing that generation if we cross pollutant we track physical trait but self, we know same
genotype. Make sure exact same genotype

 Self-fertilization for F2 is purposeful so then that scientist with certainty that genotype is exactly
the same. we cant make that assumption if take F1 plant and cross with another this goes back
to the idea of really insuring we are able to draw fact instead of assumption based on our
 Based on this and other experimental designs, he was able to generate a model, he was able to
show as we illustrated that genes don’t blend together because we saw no blending happening (
distinct white and purple)and this attribute is specific for this model organism so we talk about
complete dominate ( one uppercase letter, two uppercase letter no matter what the end of the
day that phenotype will be the same in both scenarios since all you need is one)??
 The genes that were passing on maintain their integrity which is something we talked about
before with DNA that means from generation to generation they don’t change and blend and
don’t create that hybrid we saw with the white and black mouse.
 They don’t acquire characteristics so there’s no idea of use or disuse so the response like giraffe
stretches its neck will pass on to the next generation (the length of the neck) is that is not what
we see or adhere to this Mendel model
 Specifically when we talk about garden peas there are 2 versions or alleles of each gene. Even
though we talked about character or traits when we think about it from a gene perspective we
are using term alleles so we use alleles to represent varying traits and this is true for other
organisms for us as well, we have 2 version of alleles but when it come sot certain phenotype
there is multiple gene that can play a role with respect to contribution
 Each gametes contains one allele which you know from meiosis ( All this is saying a gamete will
be haploid in nature)
 The pairs of alleles those diploid this 2 copy will get pull apart to create gametes
 Position 3 is simply explain of meiosis something you know to be true just relating it to Mendel
genetics and when it comes to our working knowledge of meiosis comes after this model (This
support meiosis) gametes separate
 Equal contribution with respect to the genotype of the offspring so create punnet square each
letter from each parent will play role what that genotype of offspring will be. Notice it doesn’t
say it contributes equally to phenotype but it contribute equally to genotype (There is no equal
phenotype cz one parent has purple other white we are seeing purple no equal contribution
with what we physically see) We also know this with respect to sex that male of female
contribution and male determine offspring sex xy and xx, female when it comes to female only
diploid is xx so contribute an x if create female or male but male has x and y so they determine
whether offspring gender. This is an example where we see No equal contribution to phenotype
but equally contribute to genotype each source provide a respective gene or piece of
 Some allelles are dominated to other, which means if we found both allele type at same genes
at that loci that individual will have dominant phenotype.
 If we Walk through what we said in the notes:
 We cross 2 true breeding flowers homozygous with respect to genetic makeup, their gametes
before with respect to one single letter because a gamete are haploid
 We go from diploid to flower F generation to haploid for F 2 generation
 F1 we create nothing but hybrid (heterozygous with respect to genetic makeup) if look at the
gametes can provide one upper case P and one lower case p
 When we go thru the process of self-fertilization taking sperm from one of those plant and
combine it one of the egg in the plant we see that ratio of 3:1
 3 being purple with respect to phenotype and 1 is white phenotype but notice how on the notes
we can express it in a bunch of different ways!! SO we can talk about it from a genotype
perspective as well
 When we talked about the 3:1 ratio we talk about phenotype cz ratio will vary when we talk
about genetic makeup
 We see that in here where we have a 3:1 ratio for phenotype and if we think about it with
respect to genotype so this is the way we express it on the note before with homozygous
dominant and recessive. This illustration doesn’t make that distinction but it does separate them
to their own different areas that our ratio becomes 1:2:1 so our gene ratio is different to
phenotype. (% not identical) like in notes before when we talk about these 2.

Summary: Ex

Carrier- spinal muscular atrophy (heterozygous) 

A2 x Aa or AA


Ex why genetic info important

Ex: I am a carrier from something called spinal muscular atrophy (heterozygous) which means one of my
copy with respect to my alleles has information related to this disorder, So I am a carrier which means only one
of my copy is bad so to describe me as a carrier would mean from a genotype at that location what would be
the characteristics?

A: At that loci my carrier, zygousity is heterozygous. ( a for attribute) ?

 Now if I am going to create a F1 generation what is the likelihood that I am going to pass on my
trait to F1 having that actual trait (disorder)

A: We don’t know whose that fertilization event will be with for you to draw this conclusion
about this we do know as far as the separation of my copies I have 50% Upper case A or
lower case a, these are my gametes option but we don’t know the likelihood that I am create
someone with the actual trait itself. I don’t have -spinal muscular atrophy, but Im a carrier for
it which means I can pass it one which means one of my parent gave me that copy but as far
as the F1 having that attribute :

Q: what genotype MUST they have in order to express this trait?

A: Homozygous recessive to know what that F1 actual genotype and phenotype will be we need to
know who is the other genetic makeup for that other organism is

 When it comes to spinal muscular atrophy as far as viability and life people don’t reach adulthood
which is very unlikely for the genotype of this fertilization event will be homozygous recessive it
normally during fetal development or after birth that baby will die so the idea of crossing over with 2
lower case allele is pretty much non existent

Q: But I have 2 other option for this cross what are my 2 option for the other individual?

A: Heterozygous or homozygous dominant

Q: Which of those options would create possibility of me having a child with spinal muscular atrophy?

A: Heterozygous
 As soon as one this upper case Allele get distributed into what will ultimately form a zygote that
are no longer that is going to have the trait but:

Q: it is possible for them to have a carrier? yes

Q: is it possible for it to be carried no matter what genotype I have fertilization event with? Yes
because of me I pass this lower case a on and we know what that will be.

How this relate to things we move forwards.

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