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Q. t. Which of the following bas more inertia : (a) a rubber ball and a stone of the same size ? (b) a
bicycle and a train (c) a five-rupees coin and a one-rupee coin?
Ans, (a) A stone of the same size as rubber ball has more mass. As mass is a measure of inertia, therefore,
stone has more inertia than a rubber ball. (b) A train has greater inertia than a bicycle, because train is
much heavier than a bicycle. (c) A five-rupees coin is heavier than a one-rupee coin. Therefore, inertia
of five-rupees coin is more than the inertia of one-rupee coin.
Q. 2. In the following example, try to Identify the number of times the velocity of the ball changes :
"A football player kicks a football to another player of bis team who kicks the football towards the
goal. The goalkeeper of the opposite team collects the football and kicks it towards a player of bis
own team".
Also Identify the agent supplying the force In each case.
Ans. The velocity of the ball changes as detailed below : ( i) When a football player kicks a football to another
player of bis team. The agent supplying the force is the kick applied by the player. (ii) When the second
player of the same team kicks the football towards the goal. The force is supplied by the kick of the
second player. (iii) When the goalkeeper of the opposite team collects the ball, force is supplied by the
goalkeeper. (iv) When the goalkeeper kicks it towards a player of bis own team, the force is supplied by
the kick of the goalk~pc;r. Thus velO!,ity of the ball changes four times.
_Q. 3. Explain why som~ ~f the leaves may
get detaclied from a tree If we vigorously shake its branch.
, Ans. When we shake vigorously a branch of a tree, some of the leaves may get detaehed on account of inertia
· of rest of the leaves. The branch comes in motion· and the leaves try ·t~ 'be in the position of rest.
Therefore, .t hey get detached. ··
Q. 4. Wby do you fall in the forward direction when ·a· moving bus brakes to a ·stop anci fall backwards
when It accelerates from rest ? '
Ans. When a moving bus brakes to a stop, our feet come to rest with'tbe,bus ..But upper part of our body continues
to move forward on account of inertia of motion. 1bat is why we tend to fall .in the forward direction.
However, when the bus accelerates from rest, lower part of .our body, moves with the bus. The upper part
of the body tries to maintain itself at rest on account of inertia of rest. Therefore, we tend to fl!ll backwards.
Q. S. If action is always equal to the reaction, explain bow a horse can pull a cart.
Ans. The cart is pulled by the horse, when the horse pushes the ground backwards with its feet. The ground
offers an equal reaction forward on the feet of the horse. This is responsible for forward motion of the
cart. The actual motion occurs when forward reaction exceeds the opposing force of friction between the
cart and the ground.
Q. 6. Explain, why is It difficult for a fireman to bold a hose, which ejects large amounts of water at a
high velocity ?
Ans. The ejection of large amounts of water at a high velocity from a hosepipe results in the development of
an equal force of reaction on the hosepipe in the backward direction. That is why it becomes difficult for
the fireman to hold the hose pipe.
Q. 7. From a rifle of mass 4 kg, a bullet of mass SO g is fired with an initial velocity of 35 mis. Calculate
the initial recoil velocity of the rifle.
Ans. Here, mass of bullet, m = 50 g = _1Q_
1000 kg = 20 kg ·' mass of rifle, ..m..
., = 4 kg
velocity of bullet, v 1 = 35 mis ; recoil velocity of rifle, v2 = ?
Applying the principle of conservation of linear momentum, we get
m1 V1 1 35 7
m1 Vi+ "'2 V2 = 0 or V2 = - ~ = - 20 x 4 = -16 m/s
Negative sign indicates that rifle moves in a direction opposite to the direction of bullet.
fii}epJS]i~€IE~€~ :}M ~
1111 " . al the same line in the same direction With
Two objects of miwes 100 g and 200 g_ are movmgco:~ and after the collision, the first obJect
Q, 8. ve1oc1't'1es of 2 mis and 1 mis, respectively. !hey. D termine the velocity of the second obJect.
• of 1-67 mis in the same direction. e
moves at a velocity
. 1 kg
- 100 kg = -10
Ans. Here, mass of one object, m1 = lOO g - 1000

200 1
. m2 = 200 g --kg=-kg
mass of second object, - 1000 5 .
. . Initial velocity of 2nd object, u2 = 1 mis
Initial velocity of 1st obb~ect, u1 = 21 :~s . Final velocity of 2nd object, V2 = ?
Final velocity of 1st o ~ect, V1 = · ,
According to principle of conservation of linear momentum, 1 1 1 2

or _!_ X 1·67 + - V2 = - X 2 +- X 1 = -
10 5 10 5 5
or 7 7
or V =- X 5 =- =1•17 m/s
2 30 6

Q. 1. An object experiences a net zero external unbalanced force. Is it possible for the object be ! \ /
travelling with a non-zero velocity ? If yes, state the conditions that must be placed on the magmtude
and direction of the velocity. If no, provide a reason.
Ans. Yes, when external unbalanced force on an object is zero, the object can be 'travelling with a non-zero
velocity. The necessary conditions are : (I) The object should already be moving with a uniform ~peed
along a straight line. (ii) There should be no change in magnitude of velocity and also no change m the
direction of motion. (iii) The resistance to motion due to air must be zero. (iv) The resistance to motion
due to friction between the object and the, ground.must be zero.
If any of the four conditions stated above is not met with, the answer will be 'No'. This is because
external unbalanced force is needed for initiating the motion and also for any subsequent change (decrease/
increase) in its veloci.t)'..
Q. 2. When a carpet is beaten ,with a stick, dust i:omes •out of it. Explain.
Ans. When a carpet is beaten with a stick, it comes in motion. The dust particles in the carpet tend to remain
at rest due to inertia of rest. That is why these particles fall down.
Q. 3. Why is it advised to tie any luggage kept on the roof of a bus with a rope ?
Ans. Any luggage kept on the roof of a bus should be tied with a rope. This is because when the bus starts
suddenly, the luggage pieces may fall down due to inertia of rest. Similarly, when the moving bus stops
suddenly, the luggage pieces may fall down due to inertia of motion. r
Q. 4. A batsman hits a cricket ball which then rolls on a level ground. After covering a short distance,
the ball comes to rest. The ball slows to a stop because (a) the batsman did not hit the ball hard
enough, (b) velocity is proportional to the force exerted on the ball, (c) there is a force on the ball
to rest. the motion, (d) there is no unbalanced force on the ball, so the ball would want to come
ns. (c) The cricket ball comes to rest after covering a short distance, because there is a force on the ball, opposing
the motion. This force is due to resistance of air and also due to friction between the ball and the ground.
• S. A truck starts from rest and rolls down a hill with a constant acceleration. It travels a distance of
400 m 1inmetric
(Hint. 20 s. tonne=
Find its 1000
kg.) Find the force acting on it if its mass is 7 metric tonnes
ns. Here, u = 0, s = 400 m, t = 20 s
m = 7 metric tonne= 7 x 1000 kg= 7000 kg; a=?, F =?
From s = ut + ½at 400 = o+ ½a (20)2 = 200a or a=:= 2m/s 2
F =ma =7000 x 2 = 14000 N
• 6. A stone of 1 kg is thrown with a velocity of 20 ms-I across the frozen surface of a lake and comes to
rest after travelling a distance of SO m. What is the force of friction between the stone and the ice ?
~ ~ ,. WS@]M0JFI0Jf? mi]
. Here, m - 1 kg, u = 20 mis . . V - O, S = 50 m, F=?

from v2 - u2 = 2 as, O -(20)2 = 2 a X 50 = 100 -400

Thus, F = ma = 1 (- 4) - a or a = 100 = -4 m/ s2
· · · di --4N
Negative sign m cates that force of fri ti . th .
7, A 8000 kg engine pulls a train of 5 c on is opposing e motion of the ball
· wagons each 0 f ·
exerts a force of 40000 N and the track ouers a fricti
kg,, along a horizontal track• If the engme•
(a) the net accelerating force . (b) th el . •Orce of 5000 N, then calculate .
' e ace eration of th train .
(c) the force of wagon 1 on wagon 2• e ; and
• Here, mass of engine, m1 = 8000 kg
mass of 5 wagons, mi = 5 x 2000 kg = 10000 kg
force exerted by the engine, F = 40000 N . . .
(a) Net accelerating force= F-f- • frictional force,
- 40000 - 5000 = 35000 N
f= 5000 N
(b) The acceleration of the train = a= net force = F- f
totW ma,, of engme and wagon, "i +
35000 -_ l-94 mf• ·
-_ 18000 ~J
. wagon 1) x acceleration
(c) Force of wagon 1 on wag·on 2 -- mass o f 4 wagons (behind "'2
. ,, = 4 x 2000 x 1-94 = 15520 N
, 8. if automobile
Anthe vehicle isvehicle has,.....:1
to be sto a mass.thof 1500 kg· Wb. ~Hnust be thd.orce between the vehicle and road
.. . PY"- wt . n~ative acceleration of 1·7 m/s2?
. Here, m = 1500,.kg, a=_ 1•7 ms:'-2;.'J, =? · ' '
=)-500r {-,l •7),N = 2550 N . . ,

Clearly, F -= ...

Negative sign indfoates th~ force -is op~s~g the, ~~tion of-the .vehicle. -
• 9. What is :iie mom~ntum of an object of-~ m; with· a velocity ·v ?
(a) (mv) (b) mv2 ·, - ·(c).•1J2·mv2 . '· _(d) niv , . . . , , .
• (d) Momentum= mass x velocity= m ><'iJ·= mv ·' - c' ' ·· '' '· ,_.,_, ' .• ,· ·.
10. Using a horiwntal force of 200 N, we intend to move a wooden cabinet across a Door at a constant
velocity. What is the frictional force that will ·be 'exerted -on 'tile cabinet '? ; · ·
ns. Force applied, P = 200 N, force of friction,' ·. 'F' ~ ?- • - .', ,
As the wooden cabinet is to move across the floor with a constant veiocity, no force (f) is spent in
accelerating the cabinet, i.e., f = P - F = 0 or F = P = 200 N
ll. Two objects, each of mass ·t ·5 kg, are moving in the same straight line but in opposite directions.
The velocity of each object is 2·5 ms-1 before the colllsion during which they stick together. What
will be the v.elocity of the: combined object after colllsion
1 ? 1 D
ns. Here, m = ·m i= 1•5 kg , u1 = 2•5 ms- , Uz = - 2•5 ms-
Negative sign for opposite direction of motion.
If v is velocity of the combined object after collision, then applying the principle of conservation of 1J
momentum, we get (m + mi) V = m1 "1 + "'2 "2
or (1·51 + 1•5) v = 1•5 (2•5) + 1•5 (- 2·5) = 0 or v = O.
12. According to the third Jaw of motiog., when we pl,ISh on ail object, the object pushes back on us
with an equal and opposite torce. If the object Is a massive truck parked along the roadside, it will
probably not move. A student Justifies this by answering that the two opposite and equal forces
, cancel each other. Comment on ,this -Iogic and explain why the truck does not move.
• When ,we push a massive trUCk parked along the roadside, it does not move. The justification given by the
student that the two opposite ,and equal forces ~eel each_ other is ~Y wro':18· This is because forces of
action and reaction ne.ver act one body. 'Ibere IS no question of their cancellation. The truck does not move
because the push applied is far less than the force ef friction betWeen the truck and the road. .
13. A hockey ball of inaSS 200,gtravelllng at tO mis Is struck by a hockey stick so as to return It along
Its original path with a velocity of 5 m/s. Calculate the change in momentum of the hockey ball by

the -force applied by the liockey stick.

200 1
m = 200 g = tOOOicg = 5kg
I.mi t

initial velocity u = 10 ms-I . . d because the ball returns along the Original
' 5 -I negative sign ts use Path
final velocity, v = - ms ' tum initial momentum ·
change of momentum = final momen -

=.!.(-5)-.!.(10) =-3kgm/s
=mv-mu 5 5
. ntall with 8 velocity of 150 ms- strikes a stationary WOoden
. 14. A bullet of mass 10 g travelling ho~
block and comes to rest in O-OJ s. c
the distance of penetration of the bullet into the block.
rted by the wooden block on the bullet.
Also, calculate the magnitude of the force exe
10 10-2 kg
m = 10 g = 1000 kg=
initial velocity, u = 150 mis, final velocity, v = 0, time taken, t = 0-03 s
distance of penetration, s = ?, force applied, F = ?

Acceleration, a = - - = 0-150 =- 5 xl03mls2
t 0-03

-150x 150
From 2
v - u2 = 2 as, O- (150)2 = 2 (- 5 x tD3) s or s =- - - -
As, F =ma =10-2 (- 5 x 1D3) =- 50 N
Magnitude of force F = 50 N
• 1,5. An object or mass 1 kg travelling in a straight line with a velocity of 10 mis collides with, and sticks
to, a stationary wooden block of mass Skg. Then, they -both move off together in the same straight
line. Calculate the total momentum just before the impact and just after the impact. Also, calculate
the velocity of the combined object. • . . _ . .
Ans. Here, m1 = 1 kg, u1 = 10 mis ,. . "'2 = 5 kg, u =0
Before impact, total momentum = m1 u + :u; ·· 2

or p 1 = 1 x 10 + 5 x O= 10 kg mis
Just after impact, total momentum remains the same, i.e.,
P2 = P1 = 10 kg mis
If v is velocity of the combined object, J
then from p 2 = (m 1 + mi) v, V=_!!J,__ = _!Q_ = 1-67 mis
. "'i +m2 (1+5)
• 16. An ?b~~t of mass 100 kg is accelerated uniformly from a velocity or mis to mis in 6 s. Calculate
the IDltial and final momentum of the object. Also find the ma "tud f th 8 f: ted on the
object. ' gm eo e orce exer
Ans. Here, m = 100 kg,
u =5 mis, v =8 mis, t = 6 s
Initial momentum of object,
final momentum of object,
P1 = mu = 100 x 5 = 500 kg mis
P2 = mv 100 x 8 800 kg mis = j
F orce exerted , F ----::c-:------==
= change in _____,_p _800 _ 500
momentum _ p
time taken . t -~=SON
. 17. Akhtar, Kiran and Rahul were riding in a moto h . aD
expressway when an insect hit the windshield an:ar t at was moving with a high velocity
started pondering over the situation Kiran got stuck on the windscreen Akhtar and . -
. suggested th t th . . h ge ill
momentum as compared to the change in mom tum a
velocity or the insect was much more than that 0 t::.
e IDSect suffered a greater c
or the motorcar (because the change ill
was moving with a llll'ger velocity, it exerted a large motorcar). Akhtar said that since the

died. Rahul while putting an entirely new exp1ana:-ofore~ on the insect. And as a result, the . t
experienced the same force and a cha--e in th • n S&id that both the motorcar and the jpSeC
• Toe suggestion .
made by Kiran --..g
that insect sufferedeu- momentum• c onunent on these suggestiotJS• (be
change in momentum of the motor car is Wrong Th a greater change in momentum as compared to ed
. e suggestion made by Akhtar that motor car exert

.~ES ~ (D 0,r.10.
, i,rger force on the insect because f 1 · ·
forward by Rahul is correct. On cou'f . arge ~elocity of motor car 1• al
,ction and reaction are always equal :,';' of msect with motor car, :..i,'°e wro~g. The explanation put
""'1y the signs of changes in momenta areopposite.
• Further ' changes m
. therr. xpenence
mome ta the alsamethforce as
vw op .
djteciiOOS. though magnitude of change in postte, I.e., change in ~menla of lhe ll are ,W e same- .
18. II•" Dlllch momenlwn wlll a dumb-bell : ; : of each is the same. two occur ,n oppos,te

of SO cm ? its downward aa:eleratloo to be 10~ ~ e r to the Door If It falls rrom beigbt
. Here, m - 10 kg, s = 80 cm= 0·8 m, a= 10 ms_2 •
u = o, tJ = ?, p =?

From v2 - u2 = 2 as, v2 - 0 = 2 x 10 x 0·8 = 16 l

= =
MomentuID transferred. p mu 10 x 4 40 kg mis = or V =.Jl6 =4 m/ s

.~1. The following is the distance-time table of an ob"~ectin motion
. :·

0 1 2 3 4 s 6 7
'fime (s)
216 343
Distance (m) 0 1 8 27 64 125

- • ,' a ·t ' " • • ·

(a) What conclusion,can,yoll draw abo~t the acc~I~~tion :!-Is it constant? increasing-? decreasing?
~ro? . . . . . ' '. ' ;

(b) What do you infer about the forces·acting on the ~bject ? ' ' · · · · ' ·
· • A careful observation of the distance~tinie table shows that' ·.. '
s oc
: j
t3.J ,. -
J J, I I (

It is known that
(i) for motion with uniform velocity,
1 2
(ii) for motion with uniform acceleration, s = ut + 2 at , i.e., s oc t2.
• In _lhe present case, s t'. Therefor<>, we OoncJude' in this case, that acceJemtion must be increasing
uniformly with time.
{b) As F = ma, therefore, Fa. Hence, the force must also be·increasing uniformly with time.'
: t Two persons ......,ge to push a motorcar of mass 1200 kg at • mtlfonn velocity al- a level rood.
The S11D1e motorcar can be pus]led by th,.. persons to produce an accelerati'"1 of U,l m/s2. With
what force does each person push the motorcar ? (A§ume that all persons push the motorcar with
the same muscular effort.)
· Here, mass of motorcar, m = 1200 kg
Let each person exert a pu~h F on the motorcar.
Total push of two persons ·= F + F = 2 F
As this push gives a uniform velocity to the motor<:ar along a level road. it must be a
measure of lhe force
of friction (f) between the ,motorcaF'and ,the.toad, i.e.,/= F. , ..
'We can prov~ this using the ,nelltod of dift'-QOtion, which we sl1a11 study in Cl,., XI.
As soc t3, . I.

v = ds oc 3t 2

Further, a = -dv
dt oc 6t '•·; e., a oc t.

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