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Daneca Mae Llorca Manga


Final Examination for IT ELEC 4

Web Development Framework & Technologies


Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design pattern that divides an application into three basic logical
components: Model, View, and Controller. As a result, MVC was coined. The MVC pattern's architecture
components are meant to handle various aspects of an application in development. The MVC design
pattern separates the display and business logic layers. MVC is a common software design pattern for
app and online development, and it's one of the most widely used software design patterns. Here is a
diagram to better understand the pattern:


Brains of the application.

The controller connects the model and view. The controller converts inputs from the view to demands
to retrieve/update data in the model. It is in charge of reacting to user input and interacting with the
data model objects. The controller gets the data, validates it, and then performs the business activity
that changes the data model's state. It also receives input from view, uses logic to translate the input to
a demand for the model, the model grabs the data, and the controller passes data from the model back
to the view for the user to see in a nice display.


Graphical User Interface

All of the application's UI functionality is handled by the View component. The Customer
view, for example, will comprise all of the UI components that the final user interacts with, such as text
boxes, dropdowns, and so on.The view is a visual representation of the data- like a chart, diagram, table,
form. The view contains all functionality that directly interacts with the user - like clicking a button, or an
enter event.


Stores & manages data. All data-related functionality that the user engages with is represented by the
Model component. This can be the data being transmitted between the View and Controller
components or any other data related to business logic. A Customer object, for example, will retrieve
customer information from a database, change it, and either update or output the data back to the


The interfaces for making requests to your web app are described by routes, which are URL schema. You
define URLs in your app by combining an HTTP request method (also known as an HTTP verb) with a
path pattern. Each route has a route handler, which is responsible for doing any actions in the app as
well as providing the HTTP response. Routes are defined using an HTTP verb and a path pattern. Any
request to the server that matches a route definition is routed to the associated route handler. Route
handlers are middleware functions, which can send the HTTP response or pass on the request to the
next middleware in line. They may be defined in the app file or loaded via a Node module.


App development is sped up with the use of middleware. It is a software that extends the capabilities of
the operating system and provides applications with common services and capabilities. It acts as a
binding agent between programs, data, and users.

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