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NUMBER : 187077
CLASS : 2018B

Free Morpheme Bound Morpheme

No Words Lexical Functional Derivational Inflectional
Morpheme Morpheme Morpheme Morpheme
1. Lasting Last - lng
2. Kindness Kind - Ness -
3. Happily Happy - Ly -
4. Earlier Early - - Er
5. Bitterness Bitter - Ness -
6. Started Start - - Ed
7. Studying Study - - Ing
8. Observing Observe - - Ing
9. The - The - -
10. Them - Them - -
11. Unhappy Happy - Un -
12. In - In - -
13. Renowned Renown - - Ed
14. Experts Expert - - S
15. Helping Help - - Ing
16. With - With - -
17. Connected Connect - - Ed
18. That - That - -
19. Calls Call - - S
20. Requesting Request - - Ing
21. Momentarily Momentary - Ly -
22. Reading Read - - Ing
23. Purposefully Purposeful - Ly -
24. But - But - -
25. Naturally Natural - Ly -
26. If - If - -
27. Comes Come - - S
28. Makes Make - - S
29. Slowly Slow - Ly -
30. Creates Create - - S
31. Kinder Kind - Er -
32. Masters Master - - S
33. Lateness Late - Ness -
34. When - When - -
35. Poorly Poor - Ly -
36. Texts Text - - S
37. Responding Respond - - Ing
38. Guides Guide - - S
39. Higher High - Er -
40. Sharing Share - - Ing


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