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Inspection Report

Inspection Type: Major Inspection

BI No.:
Contract No.:

Basic Information
Inspection ID IN-10324352 Inspection Date 11/06/2021
Proponent Organization 30033036 / Haradh & Hawiyah Infra Vendor
& Support Div
Issuing Organization 30033036 / Haradh & Hawiyah Infra
& Support Div

Assessment Team
Role Name Department
Lead Assessor Wilbert De Leon Tria OE & Compliance Group

Findings Summary
Total Findings: 30
Open Solved Repetitive
Recommendation Summary
Total Recommendations: 43
Open Solved
Recommendation Breakdown
Risk Ranking Open Solved Total Closure

Executive Summary

Assessment Summary
Checklist: Major Inspection
Total Questions Compliant Non-Compliant Not Applicable
290 170 30 90

Assessment Details

PPE Usage (Behavioral)

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

1. Are all personnel on site wearing the required foot protection (PPE)? Is it maintained and used properly?
Standard Violated 1 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-3, Section 3.
Non-Compliance Personnel were observed working near jackhammers, soil compactors or concrete
breakers without safety shoes with metatarsal guards.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Personnel working with or near jackhammers, soil compactors and concrete breakers shall
wear proper safety shoes, with metatarsal gu ards
Status Risk Ranking Low

Tools and Equipment(Behavioual)

2. Are the provided tools in good, working condition, with no visible defects (no home-made tools allowed)?
Standard Violated 2 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-11, Section 1
Non-Compliance Tools or equipment utilized is not inspected or maintained on a periodic basis
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Tools or equipment provided to perform an activity shall be maintained and periodically
Status Risk Ranking Medium

3. Are Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) used for all portable electrical power tools?
Standard Violated 3 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-11, Section 1
Non-Compliance Portable electrical power tools not fitted with Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI's).
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) shall be used for all portable electrical power tools.
Status Risk Ranking Medium
Recommendation Extension power outlets must have GFCI
Status Risk Ranking Medium

Housekeeping #(Includes Behavioral)

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

4. Are trash bins provided with secure covers and emptied before overfilling?
Standard Violated 4 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 10.20, (C)
Non-Compliance Trash bins are not provided with secure covers and/or emptied before overfilling.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Trash containers shall be of durable construction and shall be located as needed
throughout the work area. Trash containers shall be covered, clearly marked and emptied
daily. Separate trash containers, with suitable disposable plastic liners, shall be pr
Status Risk Ranking Low

5. Are all designated aisles and walkways clear from any obstructions?
Standard Violated 5 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-12, Section 1
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, some aisles and/or walkways were not clear from
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Aisles and passageways shall be kept clear to provide for the free and safe movement of
material handling equipment and personnel. S uch areas shall be kept in good repair.
Status Risk Ranking Low

Confined Space Entry

6. Have the required gas tests been conducted, as stipulated on the CSE Permit?
Standard Violated 6 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-6, Section 6.
Non-Compliance No gas tests conducted prior to the start of the activity or on periodic basis, as described
on the Work Permit.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Atmospheric gas tests shall be performed and immediately recorded: # Prior to entry.#
After breaks or other interruptions in the w ork.# If there is any reason to believe that
conditions inside the confined space have changed.# At periodic intervals (e.g.
Status Risk Ranking Medium
Recommendation Provide the correct gas tester:MX4;with Oxygen, Hydro Sulfide, Carbon Monoxide and LEL
Status Risk Ranking Medium

Fall Protection/Personal Fall Arrest..

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

7. Does the contractor have a designated fall protection competent person (CP), approved by SAPMT, for the
inspection of fall arrest equipment (FAE)?
Standard Violated 7 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM II-5, Section 5
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor could not provide evidence that a competent
person(s) has been assigned or designated to inspect fall arrest equipment.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall appoint a competent person(s) to inspect fall arrest equipment.
Status Risk Ranking Medium

8. Are all full body harnesses equipped with suspension trauma straps ?
Standard Violated 8 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM II-5, Section 5
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, not all full body harnesses were equipped with suspension
trauma straps.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Rescue capabilities shall be immediately available for personnel involved in a fall.
Suspension trauma safety straps (foot stirrups) shall be provided with each full-body
harness to ensure that personnel involved in a fall can stand up in their harness to
Status Risk Ranking Medium

Heavy Equipment
9. Are all heavy vehicles fitted with the required Proximity Warning Alarm System (PWAS)?
Standard Violated 9 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM III-2, Section
Non-Compliance The inspection team identified heavy vehicles that were not fitted with the required PWAS,
or the installed system was defective.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Contractors shall submit to the SA proponent organization (SAPO) a plan of how they will
manage hazards associated with human/machin e interfaces during heavy equipment
operations. The plan shall consider but not be limited to:....F. Proximity detectors.
Status Risk Ranking Medium
Recommendation Some Heavy Equipment PWAS sensors are not functioning, must be fixed.
Status Risk Ranking Medium

Heat Stress

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

10.Does the contractor have an emergency response team trained in heat stress related injuries and appropriate
equipment to treat?
Standard Violated 10 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-13, Section 1
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor could not provide evidence that the emergency
response team has been trained and equip ped to respond to heat stress related injuries.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation First aid and other emergency responders shall be properly trained and equipped to
respond to heat-related illnesses.
Status Risk Ranking Medium

11.Is there documented evidence of both employees and supervisors having Heat Stress Training?
Standard Violated 11 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-13, Section 1
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor could not provide evidence of documented heat
stress training provided to employees an d supervisors.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Heat stress awareness training shall be provided just before and during the hot summer
months to all applicable personnel (e.g., who work outdoors) and those who manage
personnel and have responsibilities for establishing heat stress mitigation measures.
Status Risk Ranking Medium

CSAR Administrative Compliance

12.Does the Contractor have a Proponent approved program that fully complies with requirements for Personal
Protective Equipment as per CSSP or officially stated elsewhere
Standard Violated 12 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 4, Par 4.1
Non-Compliance The contractor could not provide evidence of a written, Saudi Aramco approved program
for managing Personal Protective Equipment(PP E).
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall develop a written program for managing Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).
Status Risk Ranking Low
Recommendation Provide the required safety shoes for jack hammer activities.
Status Risk Ranking Low

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

13.Has the contractor fully implemented their SA approved program to manage good housekeeping at work and
storage sites?
Standard Violated 13 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 4, Par 4.1
Non-Compliance The contractor could not provide sufficient evidence of implementation of their Saudi
Aramco approved program to manage good houseke eping at work and storage sites.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall fully implement their Saudi Aramco approved program to manage
good housekeeping at work and storage sites.
Status Risk Ranking Low

14.Does the Contractor fully comply with Saudi Aramco requirements regarding to corrective actions being
implemented and verified within the specified period of time established by Saudi Aramco
Standard Violated 14 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 4, Par 4.1
Non-Compliance The contractor could not provide evidence of timely implementation and verification of
assigned corrective actions.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall develop and implement a program to ensure timely implementation
and verification of assigned corrective actions .
Status Risk Ranking Medium

15.Has the Contractor fully implemented their SA approved program for contractor emergency response planning?
Standard Violated 15 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 4, Par 4.1
Non-Compliance The contractor could not provide sufficient evidence to demonstrate that their Saudi
Aramco approved program to manage EmergencyRes ponse Planning and associate
emergency drills, has been fully implemented.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall fully implement their approved program to manage Emergency
Response Planning and associate emergency drills.
Status Risk Ranking High
Recommendation Provide ERT personnel.
Status Risk Ranking High

Health and Welfare

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

16.Are eating facilities provided, maintained and kept clean, as per Saudi Aramco Sanitary Code requirements?
Standard Violated 16 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 11, Par 11.
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, eating facilities were not sufficient, or were not cleaned and/or
maintained, per the Saudi Aramco Sa nitary Code requirements.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall operate and inspect, manage and maintain dining facilities, in
accordance with the requirements described in th e CSM, SAES-M-100, SAEHC-S-07, and
the contract. Contractor camps shall include a fully equipped kitchen(s) and dining roo
Status Risk Ranking Medium

17.Are drinking water containers clean and do personnel have individual cups or disposable cups?
Standard Violated 17 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 11, Par 11.
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, drinking water containers were not clean and/or personnel did
not have individual cups or disposable cups?
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Potable (fresh) drinking water shall be readily available. Contractor shall provide
conveniently located bottled drinking water disp ensers. Only water bottles with tops that
have been sealed by the supplier shall be used (i .e., bottles shall not be refi
Status Risk Ranking Low
Recommendation Provide test water analysis
Status Risk Ranking Low

Work Permits#

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

18.Are certified work permit receivers (WPR) available at work activity for each specific work permit? Do work permit
receivers remain on site until the work activities have been completed?
Standard Violated 18 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-4, Section 4.
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, certified work permit receivers (WPR) were not available at
work activity for each specific work perm it.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Receivers are to remain on the job site at all times. However, if a receiver must leave the
immediate work area, he shall give the p ermit to another SA-certified permit receiver. This
alternate receiver shall be agreed to in advance by the issuer and the
Status Risk Ranking Low
Recommendation Provide additional work permit receivers
Status Risk Ranking Low

Traffic Control
19.Are detours properly marked and lighted as needed?
Standard Violated 19 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM II-11, Section
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, detours were not properly marked and lighted as described in
the CSM?
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Traffic control barriers, lights, etc., shall conform to the Ministry of Communications#
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Hazard warning devices shall be installed prior
to the start of roadwork and shall be promptly removed when roadwork is com
Status Risk Ranking Low
Recommendation Provide warning lights as required.
Status Risk Ranking Low

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

20.Are all barricades equipped with the required lighting to ensure visibility at night? Are the lights in good working
Standard Violated 20 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 10.8.
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, not all barricades were equipped with the required lighting to
ensure visibility at night, or thelights were not in good working condition.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Barricades shall be provided where required . Barricades shall be clearly marked with
flagging. Barricades shall have protective lighting, when necessary.
Status Risk Ranking Low

Fire Prevention
21.Is there documented evidence of fire extinguisher training and drills?
Standard Violated 21 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-7, Section 7.
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor could not provide sufficient evidence that all
applicable personnel had received fire extinguisher training and/or training drills were not
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation All applicable personnel shall be aware of the firefighting equipment available on-site and
shall be trained in its use.
Status Risk Ranking Low
Recommendation Provide continuous supply of Fire Extinguishers checklists
Status Risk Ranking Low


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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

22.Does the contractor have an SAPMT approved excavation competent person?

Standard Violated 22 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM II-1, Section 1
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor did not have an excavation competent person,
appointed in writing, and approved bySaudi Aramco Project Management.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation A documented inspection shall be performed by an excavation competent person before
workers are allowed to initially enter an excavation or after a change in site conditions (e.g.,
rain storm, groundwater infiltration, sidewall deterioration, adjacent gro
Status Risk Ranking Low
Recommendation Provide SAPMT approved excavation competent personnel
Status Risk Ranking Low

23.Where applicable, are barricades equipped with blinking warning lights?

Standard Violated 23 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM II-1, Section 1
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, not all barricades requiring blinking warning lights, were
equipped with lights.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation If people or vehicles could be in the vicinity of the excavation after dark, warning lights shall
be used to mark the limits of thework. If possible, the grade should slope away from the
Status Risk Ranking Low

Vehicle Safety

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

24.Does the contractor provide training related to authorized drivers list (PMT verification of training log required)?
Standard Violated 24 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-8, Section 8.
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor could not provide documented evidence of
training provided, related to the authorized drivers list.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall provide authorized drivers with training, per the requirements
described in G.I. 6.030, and shall provide awareness training to all employees to ensure
only authorized drivers operate motor vehicles.
Status Risk Ranking Low
Recommendation Provide Qyadati Training to all drivers
Status Risk Ranking Low

25.Does the contractor have a risk assessment (i.e. J.S.A.) on refueling approved by SAPMT available to drivers and
Standard Violated 25 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 11.1, (J)
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor did not have a risk assessment on refueling
operations, approved by Saudi Aramco, available to drivers and helpers.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall conduct a risk assessment on refueling operations, which will be made
available to drivers and helpers. Applicable personnel shall be trained on the safety
requirements identified in the risk assessment.
Status Risk Ranking Low

26.Are all buses and passenger vehicles equipped with seat belts? Are they in proper working condition?
Standard Violated 26 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 4.15, (E &
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, not all busses were equipped with seatbelts, or the seat belts
were not in proper working condition.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation All buses shall have seat belts provided for all occupants.
Status Risk Ranking
Recommendation Provide seatbelt proper condition status relative to the buses inspection cahecklist
Status Risk Ranking


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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

27.Is the required Lock out/Tag out (LOTO) procedure available on site and being used?
Standard Violated 27 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 5.3, (S)
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor did not have the required Lock out/Tag out
(LOTO) procedure available on site, or the procedure was not being used.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall develop and/or implement a Lock out/Tag out procedure, for use at
Status Risk Ranking Medium

28.Have all employees received documented training on the LOTO procedure?

Standard Violated 28 CSM Volume 1, CSAR, Section 8.1, (E)
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor could not provide sufficient evidence to
demonstrate that all employees had received documented LOTO training.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall establish a documented LOTO training program including awareness
training to all personnel.
Status Risk Ranking Medium

Chemical Handling
29.Are exhaust vents and temperature control equipment functioning properly?
Standard Violated 29 CSM Volume 2, WSSM, CSM I-10, Section 1
Non-Compliance The inspection team found exhaust vents and temperature control equipment in chemical
storage/handling areas that was not functionin g properly.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation Exhaust ventilation, fans, blowers and proper handling procedures shall be used to keep
personnel from breathing hazardous vapors an d/or dust. Respiratory protection shall be
provided and used when necessary.
Status Risk Ranking Medium
Recommendation Provide AC and exhaust fan to the chemical storage room.
Status Risk Ranking Medium

Waste Management

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Inspection Report
Inspection Type: Major Inspection
BI No.:
Contract No.:

30.Are waste manifest records available, detailing the waste that has been removed from site?
Standard Violated 30 SAEHC-S-03, Section 4, Par 4.2
Non-Compliance At the time of the inspection, the contractor could not provide waste manifest records,
detailing the waste that has been removed fr om site.
Status Draft Repetitive
Recommendation The contractor shall retain waste manifest records at site, for inspection by EPD.
Status Risk Ranking Medium

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